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Annihilation | Watchman 4.0 Guide


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Hey, guys! Can someone explain what i must to do when i finish opener?

How i can go to core rotation if finish ability in our opener isn't annihilate?




The opener consisted of 20 GCDs during which time you will be reducing the CD of Annihilate to 9s. Thus, the end of the opener occurs just before the first use of a 9s CD Annihilate. The core rotation involves a series of 9s or 6 GCD cycles.

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Its complex to be sure, but eventually like all rotation you know where you are going. Just do some dummy practice.


I look forward to working more with the spec, altough following priority list makes you fall into this rotation, dont start trying to note it down imo.


Ex. Even if you use force rend one GCD later once, change are it will conflict with annihilate soon enough, and you'll naturally redelay it after. Trying to force back into hard cycle imo will lose more dps than what was already slightly lost.


One thing that is important is remembering Annihilate *1GCD (never ravage)* Rupture, to avoid constantly trying to find your dot and stepping into bad in real ops.


Overall, not ready to take down massive content, but an hour and a half of dummy parsing got rid of most 2,0 quirks I still had on my sent, and raised the dps I did by 400 (from 4900 to 5400 about).


One thing that will harm your dps a bit since you'll delay your best ability two GCD once, but might make it easier is joining Deadly Saber/Overload Saber with your Rend/Melt like we used to with charge/Deadly saber. That way you get your 12s abilities settled, and your 9s/18s cycle settled.


Its not optimal and you risk developing bad habits tough. But if you'll shelve the spec otherwise, go nuts I'd say.

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The guide and model have been updated for 4.0.3. The only change was a ~6.67% decrease in Force Rend | Force Melt.


That baffles me. Its compounded loss on autocrit isn't too noticeable is it? I won't be able to log in for awhile, I was just curious about these *nerfs*

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That baffles me. Its compounded loss on autocrit isn't too noticeable is it? I won't be able to log in for awhile, I was just curious about these *nerfs*


I could envision a bigger impact in PvP due to frequent DoT spread. My model only shows a ~1% decrease as a result of this. I haven't tested it out in game enough though, but it's a pretty straightforward change.

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barely noticeable.


Kinda wonder why they even bothered, but I guess, dot spread as said. Which puzzle me, WM/anni never was exactly an overperforming AoE spec.


What scares me tough, is that now the spec is solidly ahead of the other in term of sustained single target, and I'm very afraid of a possible nerfbat with the new chapter release patch in January.


And if BW proved one thing last night, is that they are still using Drunken Monkey Style nerfbats with MM's current state.

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Hey Ooofalong first off I'd like to say thank you for constantly updating the community for as long as you have with all your work on the marauder/sentinel class in general. It's helped me for quite some time. Ok now I have a question about the opener. I have been using Bant's model for statting my mara and am at the 220 goals of 859 alacrity and 1160 crit,. When I start the opener I have like a 1 second or less gap between GCD 9-12 of the opener. what I'm doing is (starting at gcd:9 in opener) Deadly saber, vicious slash, rupture, and then I have like 1 sec left on my rend cd for which I find myself inactive just waiting for it however it isn't long but I know time is everything for dps, is this intended so other abilities line up later or should I squeeze a vicious slash in if I have the rage before the rend on gcd 12 of the opener
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Hey Ooofalong first off I'd like to say thank you for constantly updating the community for as long as you have with all your work on the marauder/sentinel class in general. It's helped me for quite some time.


Thanks for the kind words.


Ok now I have a question about the opener. I have been using Bant's model for statting my mara and am at the 220 goals of 859 alacrity and 1160 crit,. When I start the opener I have like a 1 second or less gap between GCD 9-12 of the opener. what I'm doing is (starting at gcd:9 in opener) Deadly saber, vicious slash, rupture, and then I have like 1 sec left on my rend cd for which I find myself inactive just waiting for it however it isn't long but I know time is everything for dps, is this intended so other abilities line up later or should I squeeze a vicious slash in if I have the rage before the rend on gcd 12 of the opener


I think that's happening is that you are forgetting about the filler ability in GCD #9. Since Deadly Saber is off the GCD it really doesn't count as an ability there. Starting at the 9th GCD you will most likely be able to use these abilities (ignoring Deadly Saber):


  • 9. Vicious Slash
  • 10. Vicious Slash
  • 11. Rupture
  • 12. Force Rend
  • 13. Annihilate

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I think that's happening is that you are forgetting about the filler ability in GCD #9. Since Deadly Saber is off the GCD it really doesn't count as an ability there. Starting at the 9th GCD you will most likely be able to use these abilities (ignoring Deadly Saber):

•9. Vicious Slash

•10. Vicious Slash

•11. Rupture

•12. Force Rend

•13. Annihilate


Ah thanks that makes perfect sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys i need some help with my dps and i think its my uptime on deadly saber bleeding, that drag me down a bit , i'm using it on cd , trying even to use force scream while i have 2 stacks on dummy , best i can get is like 82%.

When i compare it to other ppl with 7k dps i'm missing like 4-5%.

I'm trying also to hit it 1st before vicious slash delaying it a bit, coz i noticed that if i use it in same time it don't apply stack on 1st hit,unless i see its going to be off cd during skill execute then i use it asap.Doing same with annihilate also.Same with rupture , unless is going off cd during animation.I'm using it with DST and vicious throw also when possible. I still have some bits of 220 gear and usually i parse around 6.8 , was 6.9 right before 4.0

I'm also experimenting a bit with use of adrenal and bloodthirst +berserk, whatever order i use i end up around same result tho.

Gonna link pic of my char window for stats just in case, and link to parse(best result after that slight nerf, was a bit hectic parse tho).Thnx in advance for help , and sorry for my english.



Link to parse


Edited by Darthkachna
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Hi guys i need some help with my dps and i think its my uptime on deadly saber bleeding, that drag me down a bit , i'm using it on cd , trying even to use force scream while i have 2 stacks on dummy , best i can get is like 82%.

When i compare it to other ppl with 7k dps i'm missing like 4-5%.

I'm trying also to hit it 1st before vicious slash delaying it a bit, coz i noticed that if i use it in same time it don't apply stack on 1st hit,unless i see its going to be off cd during skill execute then i use it asap.Doing same with annihilate also.Same with rupture , unless is going off cd during animation.I'm using it with DST and vicious throw also when possible. I still have some bits of 220 gear and usually i parse around 6.8 , was 6.9 right before 4.0

I'm also experimenting a bit with use of adrenal and bloodthirst +berserk, whatever order i use i end up around same result tho.

Gonna link pic of my char window for stats just in case, and link to parse(best result after that slight nerf, was a bit hectic parse tho).Thnx in advance for help , and sorry for my english.



Link to parse



Shouldn't be using Force Scream at all in your standard rotation, NEVER delay deadly saber. Getting the stacks on the mob is never a problem, as long as your hitting the mob the 3 stack buff lasts long enough for that. Every time you delay it, you end up delaying the next one after that, then the next one and next etc. I have mine key bound and spam that key when i see the CD hit 2sec and lower.

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I'm not delaying DS, just tried to delay application of 3rd stack on dummy by using force scream as filler instead of vicious slash from time to time, to see if it helps with numbers of dot hits during parse .Not sure if its good idea tho plus i'm not fan off adding force scream to rotation coz it can punish your resources sometimes:)

And i meant when i see DS is about to be off cd i'm delaying vicious slash tiny bit to make sure DS been pressed before i press vicious slash otherwise i noticed it wont apply dot if used together sometimes. Same goes for using it during rupture animation. I belive that using DS before animation would end was applying dot, doesn't seems to be case anymore not sure when they changed it, or is it just me heh.So to make sure i'm again pressing DS 1st and rupture 2nd but just a litlle bit later to make sure it will aplly dot from DS.

Whatever i do i end up with same result , using it like i described above or i just go for max APM and trying to go seamless i end up with same dps.

It might look like i don't have much keybindings on that screen i posted with stats also, but i'm using g600 for that.


I'm talking dummy parses only,in ops i don't worry to much about force scream i never use it, only core rotation, plus i always thought force rend is prolonging DS dot long enough.

Just trying to find out if its my reactions or not enough alacrity or there is something i'm missing while parsing.

I can see when i compare my parses to other ppl who got more dps ,that they have more hits on DS dot then i do in shorter parse basicly , with almost same avg time between use of DS (around 11,130 s) about same APM as well 49.

Basicly if i use core rotation no fancy force scream etc. somehow i end up with 5% less dmg on DS dot and less uptime/hits on it , and i use it asap.

220 TTK parse for exapmle, my cd on DS is like 11s that makes it 20 activations and thats what i got.Just curious what alacrity rating ppl are using ? , atm in current gear i'm around 1198 crit and 835 alacrity , i will try get more alacrity and will see if it helps. Will try to spam it like you said also instead pressing once right before it goes off, coz definitely using force scream does not help me here.

Again sorry for my English, i don't know if it make sense to you but i tried to describe my problem as best as i could .

Anyway thnx for reply, all help is welcome.

Edited by Darthkachna
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Hi guys i need some help with my dps and i think its my uptime on deadly saber bleeding, that drag me down a bit , i'm using it on cd , trying even to use force scream while i have 2 stacks on dummy , best i can get is like 82%.

When i compare it to other ppl with 7k dps i'm missing like 4-5%.

I'm trying also to hit it 1st before vicious slash delaying it a bit, coz i noticed that if i use it in same time it don't apply stack on 1st hit,unless i see its going to be off cd during skill execute then i use it asap.Doing same with annihilate also.Same with rupture , unless is going off cd during animation.I'm using it with DST and vicious throw also when possible. I still have some bits of 220 gear and usually i parse around 6.8 , was 6.9 right before 4.0

I'm also experimenting a bit with use of adrenal and bloodthirst +berserk, whatever order i use i end up around same result tho.

Gonna link pic of my char window for stats just in case, and link to parse(best result after that slight nerf, was a bit hectic parse tho).Thnx in advance for help , and sorry for my english.



Link to parse



Must be nice having 3007 weapon damage...I only have 2830 :-(


I think the DS delay/reduction you are seeing is the result of alacrity. Mine has a maximum uptime of 84.5% at 6.9% Alacrity. Uptime increases with alacrity, I think!

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Will try to go trough my rotation again i might have not follow it properly, i was before but might changed something heh, as i'm more priority guy once i'm done with opener, so something might be in conflict.


To be honest up time is irrelevant as long as you consume all 3 stacks of the buff before it comes off CD. Their up time could be longer because their stacks are applied 1xx2xx3 while yours could be 1x2x3. With theirs being spaced out the up time is longer but regardless you both used 3 stacks and had 3 stacks do damage.

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Thnx for that , i think you might be right, i was thinking that maybe when they are spaced and they crit it might result in more dmg overall , but i got more luck now without trying fancy things hehe.Back to normal rotation atm, and trying to change built to more alacrity, will see where it will get me.Fact i have like still 2 implants 1 earpiece 1 relic and i think 3 armor pieces of 220 might hold me back a bit, just not sure if it can justify around 200 dps lower result that i would love to see :)
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello everyone, as of late I'm trying to use described rotation, but I have no idea how do you guys get so much dps on watchman :rak_02: I barely reach 5k dps, can you guys give me some advices on what I'm doing wrong?

My gear is mostly 220, you can see my stats on teh screenshot


Also there's my recent parse on a dummy


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Hello everyone, as of late I'm trying to use described rotation, but I have no idea how do you guys get so much dps on watchman :rak_02: I barely reach 5k dps, can you guys give me some advices on what I'm doing wrong?

My gear is mostly 220, you can see my stats on teh screenshot


Also there's my recent parse on a dummy





Change your stats.

These are optimal for anni: 1192 Critical (4xE, 6xA, 2xC) | 891 Alacrity (4xE, 3xA) | 701 Accuracy (2xE, 5xA)


Edit: thats 224 tier gear.

Edited by Arkillon
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Hello everyone, as of late I'm trying to use described rotation, but I have no idea how do you guys get so much dps on watchman :rak_02: I barely reach 5k dps, can you guys give me some advices on what I'm doing wrong?...


It's important to note that you aren't comparing apples to apples here. The standard for DPS measurement is against the 1.5m health dummy with all of the debuffs applied. There is also an execute portion. It does not appear that you are doing these things. Next, you are not using Adrenals nor Inspiration/Bloodthirst, which hinder your DPS. And, since you are parsing for a non-specific period of time you don't see an execute phase.


Moving beyond these things (and without going into your exact rotation), you simply are not clicking the button fast enough. The top parsers achieving ~48+ APM while yours is ~39. Essentially, you are missing out on ~20% of your actions. Said another way, even with an identical rotation it takes you ~14s longer to completed the same actions. Thus, your DPS is hurt by ~20%.


There are opportunities to perfect your rotation, but honestly the single biggest area for improvement is clicking buttons faster. Are your abilities keybound or do you click the icons on the screen? If it's the latter, you are hurting yourself.

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Change your stats.

These are optimal for anni: 1192 Critical (4xE, 6xA, 2xC) | 891 Alacrity (4xE, 3xA) | 701 Accuracy (2xE, 5xA)


Edit: thats 224 tier gear.


Sorry, forgot to write that I play sent watchman, but considering that last time I swtiched some crit to alacrity (had 1.5k crit I think) it boosted my dps for like 500 points, guess I should take your advice and switch some more :) Thanks

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