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Thanks for making the companions just right.


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The title states it perfectly. With the changes that were made to the companions were just what was needed.


To all of the people complaining that their companions are overpowered, they are not. Make a new character on a new server all alone and see how powerful they are, they are not. What has happened is you use your legacy, datacrons and all of the items and materials to boost your efficiency off the chart. You should have an easier time when you have a number of leveled characters and a legacy bank stuffed full.


If you want a challenge, it is up to you on how hard you want to make it. You can enter into instanced content that will not use your companion. You can lower your gear levels (and still keep the same look, thanks outfit designer!), run any content without a companion or turn them on passive. Again leveling and beginner instances and areas =! (does not equal) end game.


I was not sure about the level sync but with the improvements so far everything had been good.


Thanks BioWare I am having a great time.

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The title states it perfectly. With the changes that were made to the companions were just what was needed.


To all of the people complaining that their companions are overpowered, they are not. Make a new character on a new server all alone and see how powerful they are, they are not. What has happened is you use your legacy, datacrons and all of the items and materials to boost your efficiency off the chart. You should have an easier time when you have a number of leveled characters and a legacy bank stuffed full.


If you want a challenge, it is up to you on how hard you want to make it. You can enter into instanced content that will not use your companion. You can lower your gear levels (and still keep the same look, thanks outfit designer!), run any content without a companion or turn them on passive. Again leveling and beginner instances and areas =! (does not equal) end game.


I was not sure about the level sync but with the improvements so far everything had been good.


Thanks BioWare I am having a great time.


Very well said. I applaud your post.


These people complaining lack one thing: metrics. They can moan and decry Bioware all day, but they don't have a clue how the overall game is being viewed.

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The title states it perfectly. With the changes that were made to the companions were just what was needed.


To all of the people complaining that their companions are overpowered, they are not. Make a new character on a new server all alone and see how powerful they are, they are not. What has happened is you use your legacy, datacrons and all of the items and materials to boost your efficiency off the chart. You should have an easier time when you have a number of leveled characters and a legacy bank stuffed full.


If you want a challenge, it is up to you on how hard you want to make it. You can enter into instanced content that will not use your companion. You can lower your gear levels (and still keep the same look, thanks outfit designer!), run any content without a companion or turn them on passive. Again leveling and beginner instances and areas =! (does not equal) end game.


I was not sure about the level sync but with the improvements so far everything had been good.


Thanks BioWare I am having a great time.



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So the solution to an expansion that completely overhauled the companion system and put a lot more focus on making companions an important part of the game and the story ... should be played without a companion if you want to actually feel powerful? That's your solution for companions suddenly have double your character's health and damage? Don't use them? That's stupid.


Hey, guns in Halo now instantly kill all enemies on screen in one pull of the trigger. Too easy for you? Just play this FPS without ever using a gun!

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So the solution to an expansion that completely overhauled the companion system and put a lot more focus on making companions an important part of the game and the story ... should be played without a companion if you want to actually feel powerful? That's your solution for companions suddenly have double your character's health and damage? Don't use them? That's stupid.


Hey, guns in Halo now instantly kill all enemies on screen in one pull of the trigger. Too easy for you? Just play this FPS without ever using a gun!


I don't think that they said play without them. He said if you have a problem with your companions being op, then go and create a toon on another server to see how mediocre they are when you don't have all of the presence datacrons to buff them on top of their influence level.


To sum up his post in a few words: Your companions are overpowered because you played the game for a long time and were rewarded with powerful companions so stop complaining.

Edited by JoeeyyMagzz
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i wouldn't say it a complaint but i have found that my knight tank doesn't hold agro as well as they used to, im having to use taunts for pve now which outside of group content i never needed to.


ive gotten the hang of it now but for a while it was confusing me and i did wonder if i had gotten weaker.

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I don't think that they said play without them. He said if you have a problem with your companions being op, then go and create a toon on another server to see how mediocre they are when you don't have all of the presence datacrons to buff them on top of their influence level.


To sum up his post in a few words: Your companions are overpowered because you played the game for a long time and were rewarded with powerful companions so stop complaining.


This I agree

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I don't think that they said play without them. He said if you have a problem with your companions being op, then go and create a toon on another server to see how mediocre they are when you don't have all of the presence datacrons to buff them on top of their influence level.


To sum up his post in a few words: Your companions are overpowered because you played the game for a long time and were rewarded with powerful companions so stop complaining.


The breakdown of the Alliance system specifically states that companions should no longer be crazy OP in the early game due to your massive legacy presence buff. So if that's the reason for their current, ridiculous power level, then it's a bug that should be fixed.

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I don't think that they said play without them. He said if you have a problem with your companions being op, then go and create a toon on another server to see how mediocre they are when you don't have all of the presence datacrons to buff them on top of their influence level.


To sum up his post in a few words: Your companions are overpowered because you played the game for a long time and were rewarded with powerful companions so stop complaining.


People can also set their companion to just auto-attack. I'm only at legacy level 37 I believe, have only maxed 1 or 2 characters to 55 on another server and have very few datacrons unlocked. Last night I finally got around to playing my hunter and didn't find mako very overpowered. Like you said: it's a reward for people who have played for a long time and put effort into the game.

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My current Presence bonus is 187. I've got 100 from hitting 50 with a human, and 80 from maxing affection with eight different characters (not sure where the other 7 comes from). If you played the game through once with a human and gifted your companions affection to max, you'd have 150, and your companions would still be super OP now. That's crazy.
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Excuse me. May I have your attention? I have no datacrons. I haven't collected them. I have unlocked maybe half of the companions. What buffs? What op-gear? I'm geared with normal, level-appropriate mods. I don't even have the presence-bonus from playing as a human, I don't have a single human character. I have no idea what you are talking about. My companions kill the mobs right before my eyes. Are you people really so bad at this already-super-easy-game that you are genuinely happy that you got a Jesus-companion playing the game for you? Really? OK, so could I have the option then to make my companions as they were before, because I was perfectly happy with them, as I was when I started with my first character at March/2015? I have never complained about ANYTHING in this game. A child can see that companions are plain broken. Who wants to play a game that plays itself, really? Are you really playing this game just to watch videos? I play this game for story AND for game-play, and game-play was easy to begin with. Now I don't even have to play. I can watch videos (they are good but still) and my companion killing.


TLTR: I find Korean grinders to be more enjoyable than what we have now.

Edited by tahol
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I disagree completely with this post. Bonuses given to players should never be so strong that you can afk and have your companion do everything for you. I'm glad that those with 0 boosts have a good experience, but the current level of companion power is ridiculously high. Not to mention, you CAN'T lower the stats of your companion since they no longer have gear. And since my companion can win fights for me, removing my gear makes no difference.
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I don't think that they said play without them. He said if you have a problem with your companions being op, then go and create a toon on another server to see how mediocre they are when you don't have all of the presence datacrons to buff them on top of their influence level.


To sum up his post in a few words: Your companions are overpowered because you played the game for a long time and were rewarded with powerful companions so stop complaining.


Oh, wait, no you're just wrong. I'm in the game now looking at T7's stat breakdown, and he's getting over half his health and damage from my Presence stat ... but two thirds of my Presence stat comes from T7's influence level. He gives me +450 Presence when I summon him. So it doesn't have anything to do with how much I've played the game in the past.

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