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Early access - a slap in the face by ea


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I got an email from Bioware warning me it was my last chance to get the Nico companion, on July 23rd. So the only reason someone wouldn't of known about it, is because they no longer check the email that they signed up with.


Bioware sent everyone an email, there isn't much more they could do to make people aware of what is being offered.

Mmm, no, I received no such mail, and I'm still using the same address.


You really shouldn't talk in absolutes when you have nothing to back it up. It just makes you look like an ***.

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I got an email from Bioware warning me it was my last chance to get the Nico companion, on July 23rd. So the only reason someone wouldn't of known about it, is because they no longer check the email that they signed up with.


Bioware sent everyone an email, there isn't much more they could do to make people aware of what is being offered.


You're still here yet you didn't have any response to my post that made the wording of the promotion more clear?


Here's you: "I'd welcome any suggestions on how it could've been worded differently to make it more clear."


Here's me: "Start by putting the early access perk in chronological order on the far left of the timeline. Then after Aug 10th change the present tense verb choose to the past tense verb chose to denote it is no longer a possible choice. Then change the wording of the early access perk to read, "Those that chose to become a subscriber on or before Aug 10 and maintain that subscription through Oct 19 will be granted early access to the game on Oct 20.""


Here's someone else: "^ this is much more clear."


Here's you: :::crickets:::

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So EA, I'm a subscriber, I pay my subscription every two months, but because I missed a day and was prefferred status for 24 hours, when I constantly subscribe every month, I'm getting no early access?


Instead, despite being a monthly subscriber, I'm now getting the same waiting time for KOTFE as free to play players?


Tell me EA, why the hell I should bother buying a subscription anymore if you're gonna pull this on us.


I really feel like EA is just taking one big dump on there loyal subscribers, and only rewarding those who purchase recurring subscriptions. I subscribed every month just the same as everyone else, but because I have to pay a certain way I feel like EA is not only slapping me in face but scruitnizing against me because of my financial situation that pretty much obligates me to pay in this manner.


I'm tired of EA pulling these stunts, and they really need to get their act together.

ALL SUBSCRIBERS should have gotten early access even if they qualified for the bonuses or not.

It's complete rubbish, its bad enough my level 400 crew skill has been rendered practically useless now with the new design changes but I have wait another 7 days to play KOTFE despite shelling out a monthly subscription as well as 10,000 cartel coins independently purchased every month.


Thanks a lot EA. I give you money and you give me the middle finger.

And all you fanboys that will post below and say


"OH but subscribers are still getting double XP and this has been posted on the forums for months."


That doesn't make any of this fair or sensible. All subscribers should have early access in my view.

Regardless of how they pay.


It's a freaking disgrace. I'm not paying 60-120£ a month on this game to be treated like a freeloader.

I feel like I have a right to be annoyed, even if some of you don't.


You know what, I let my subscription lapse for a day and didn't get the Rise of the Hutt Cartel Early Access which pissed off my raid team. I never made the mistake again. Live and learn I suppose. But a slap in the face? Hardly.

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Completely disagree with this.


Sorry that you missed early access mate, really. But this is completely on you. Bioware and the Devs made the requirements for being granted early access absolutely and abundantly clear. There have been numerous blog posts and statements made about the subject. If you were preferred for one day and missed a reward deadline...even if it was an accident...that is all on your end. Bioware has no control over how you handle your subscription. I went as far as checking my subscription on all of the reward deadline dates, just to make sure I was in the clear and would get early access.


And honestly, you have to wait 4 more days from now until you get KOTFE. And you only miss getting one of the rewards (I'm guessing). So what's the big deal here?

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whats more important is bioware milked everyone for revan expansion then gave it away for free.


I don't think it's valid we go this route. After all, we paid for Makeb. That was free when SOR dropped. We paid for SOR, which is now free with KOTFE dropping. We paid for instant unadulterated access. We received that. Case closed in my book.

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Mmm, no, I received no such mail, and I'm still using the same address.


Bet you did, but you either deleted it, or it was in your spam folder. Unless you're actually going to claim that Bioware took the time to find my email in their system and email me directly, because I'm special somehow.


It was a mass marketing email to all former subscribers. That means you got it.

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I came back to the game 5 weeks ago , ive been subed ever since , i missed the first two rewards , i have to wait a week more to get my level cap raised from 55 so i can level .


Im not mad , im not angry , i am however able to read so none of this was a surprise for me , and i expected to not be in early access , and am enjoying the game.

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So EA, I'm a subscriber, I pay my subscription every two months, but because I missed a day and was prefferred status for 24 hours, when I constantly subscribe every month, I'm getting no early access?


Instead, despite being a monthly subscriber, I'm now getting the same waiting time for KOTFE as free to play players?


Tell me EA, why the hell I should bother buying a subscription anymore if you're gonna pull this on us.


I really feel like EA is just taking one big dump on there loyal subscribers, and only rewarding those who purchase recurring subscriptions. I subscribed every month just the same as everyone else, but because I have to pay a certain way I feel like EA is not only slapping me in face but scruitnizing against me because of my financial situation that pretty much obligates me to pay in this manner.


I'm tired of EA pulling these stunts, and they really need to get their act together.

ALL SUBSCRIBERS should have gotten early access even if they qualified for the bonuses or not.

It's complete rubbish, its bad enough my level 400 crew skill has been rendered practically useless now with the new design changes but I have wait another 7 days to play KOTFE despite shelling out a monthly subscription as well as 10,000 cartel coins independently purchased every month.


Thanks a lot EA. I give you money and you give me the middle finger.

And all you fanboys that will post below and say


"OH but subscribers are still getting double XP and this has been posted on the forums for months."


That doesn't make any of this fair or sensible. All subscribers should have early access in my view.

Regardless of how they pay.


It's a freaking disgrace. I'm not paying 60-120£ a month on this game to be treated like a freeloader.

I feel like I have a right to be annoyed, even if some of you don't.


I wouldn't be too angry.... Its so buggy and laggy you really are not missing anything. Servers are down half the time anyway. Bioware needs to learn how to program and run decent servers before worrying about subscription methods.

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You're cute. You were completely unable to refute a single one of my factually supported points, but you called me dumb and a crybaby so you are declaring yourself the winner. I bet the sky is a pretty color in your world.


So...aside from yours and his/hers squabble. I'm jumping back in. Your assertion that the promotion needed to be clearer, and our assertion that it is/ was clear as day and making it any "clearer" isn't or wasn't necessary. A great many people understood the promotion. If it really was an issues with the vast majority of players, then well, the amount of players in Kotfe right now would be dramatically lower. Could it be possible you are in the minority? I think it's absolutely possible. Is it possible that you're making a mountain out of a mole hill? I think it's possible when looking at it through the lens of how many people have early access compared to those who do not.


You quoted a media response, and isn't that equally like a coach falling on the sword for his players who screwed up? In essence Bioware acted as our coach, and fell on the sword for the select few so they can feel a little more insulated about their mistake?


It's certainly possible. It's certainly possible you gave yourself paralysis by analysis in a sense, and those like you suffered a similar fate. Ideal? No. Totally Bioware's fault as the tone of your posts suggest? Let's be real here. That answer is a No as well.

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So...aside from yours and his/hers squabble. I'm jumping back in. Your assertion that the promotion needed to be clearer, and our assertion that it is/ was clear as day and making it any "clearer" isn't or wasn't necessary. A great many people understood the promotion. If it really was an issues with the vast majority of players, then well, the amount of players in Kotfe right now would be dramatically lower. Could it be possible you are in the minority? I think it's absolutely possible. Is it possible that you're making a mountain out of a mole hill? I think it's possible when looking at it through the lens of how many people have early access compared to those who do not.


You quoted a media response, and isn't that equally like a coach falling on the sword for his players who screwed up? In essence Bioware acted as our coach, and fell on the sword for the select few so they can feel a little more insulated about their mistake?


It's certainly possible. It's certainly possible you gave yourself paralysis by analysis in a sense, and those like you suffered a similar fate. Ideal? No. Totally Bioware's fault as the tone of your posts suggest? Let's be real here. That answer is a No as well.


I didn't quote a media response, that must have been someone else. Nor did I ever give any sort of estimation as to the number of players that found the promotion confusing. Any such number would be impossible to discern. I have only every tried to do one thing, demonstrate how it is entirely logical for someone to reach the conclusion that subscribing in the time frame of Aug 10 to Oct 19 would garner early access.


I have supported this contention so many times that I even provided a link to the list of my factually supported points in my signature.

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it is when you could pay for it up until the day of KoTFE willingly taking money for nothing.


This is fair correct? If previous expansions AREN'T free until the newest expansion drops, charging for the at the time current expansion is legit? I think it's legit. I mean, as a consumer I wouldn't buy it because I would have known that it was free in Kotfe after hearing Bioware say so multiple times throughout the marketing cycle for Kotfe. This is another one of those situations where hindsight is always 20/20 regarding any decision we make in life as a whole. It's like you buying a 2015 model car, only to have a 2016 model come out like the following week for the same price with a couple more amenities. Do you kick yourself for that? Probably. Or when you buy a really awesome 55 inch TV with all the fixens. Then an even better one comes out for like the same price making your model half price. I bet at that moment you feel like you should ahve waited. Hindsight is always always always a pain in the rear. Can't give it the main stage.

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So...aside from yours and his/hers squabble. I'm jumping back in. Your assertion that the promotion needed to be clearer, and our assertion that it is/ was clear as day and making it any "clearer" isn't or wasn't necessary. A great many people understood the promotion. If it really was an issues with the vast majority of players, then well, the amount of players in Kotfe right now would be dramatically lower. Could it be possible you are in the minority? I think it's absolutely possible. Is it possible that you're making a mountain out of a mole hill? I think it's possible when looking at it through the lens of how many people have early access compared to those who do not.


You quoted a media response, and isn't that equally like a coach falling on the sword for his players who screwed up? In essence Bioware acted as our coach, and fell on the sword for the select few so they can feel a little more insulated about their mistake?


It's certainly possible. It's certainly possible you gave yourself paralysis by analysis in a sense, and those like you suffered a similar fate. Ideal? No. Totally Bioware's fault as the tone of your posts suggest? Let's be real here. That answer is a No as well.


No your wrong a great many people "say" they understood it, from my questions in game and other places people were just simply subscribed by choice through all of that. And when asking there friends why they couldnt play with them gave a wow *** comment. Because you were simply subbed as you always were dont come here and discredit other people who paid for the game as well. Dont claim that your reoccurring sub as your ultimate wisdom of reading comprehension all these whiteknights by the definition of what they knight for were probably already subbed this may be the only game they play. Others however play different games and came back a little to late subbed and bought revan only to be fooled into a false sense of honesty.


you should be argueing in the case of these fellow gamers because MMO is not a single player game.

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I thought Thunderstriken was putting me on ignore... Yet I keep seeing him respond to my posts.


Fact is that some people aren't worth talking to, and trying to explain things to them is like trying to knock down a brick wall with your head. The only thing you accomplish is a headache.


Myself I put him on ignore some time ago... and am no longer really responding to anything he says.

Edited by VanorDM
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I didn't quote a media response, that must have been someone else. Nor did I ever give any sort of estimation as to the number of players that found the promotion confusing. Any such number would be impossible to discern. I have only every tried to do one thing, demonstrate how it is entirely logical for someone to reach the conclusion that subscribing in the time frame of Aug 10 to Oct 19 would garner early access.


I have supported this contention so many times that I even provided a link to the list of my factually supported points in my signature.


Ah, someone did I think. I can't remember who put that out there either. We've been at it for too many pages to go find out.


I understand your position. What I think you don't either want to understand, or want to recognize, is that your position could be incorrect and that the opposite view points can hold just as much water as your own. Which, if we use the amount of subs currently enjoying the early access as a base starting point, could be true to a degree.

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So...aside from yours and his/hers squabble. I'm jumping back in. Your assertion that the promotion needed to be clearer, and our assertion that it is/ was clear as day and making it any "clearer" isn't or wasn't necessary. A great many people understood the promotion. If it really was an issues with the vast majority of players, then well, the amount of players in Kotfe right now would be dramatically lower. Could it be possible you are in the minority? I think it's absolutely possible. Is it possible that you're making a mountain out of a mole hill? I think it's possible when looking at it through the lens of how many people have early access compared to those who do not.


You quoted a media response, and isn't that equally like a coach falling on the sword for his players who screwed up? In essence Bioware acted as our coach, and fell on the sword for the select few so they can feel a little more insulated about their mistake?


It's certainly possible. It's certainly possible you gave yourself paralysis by analysis in a sense, and those like you suffered a similar fate. Ideal? No. Totally Bioware's fault as the tone of your posts suggest? Let's be real here. That answer is a No as well.

i really doesn't matter which group is a majority or minority; just whther or not the number of players that misunderstood things is of any significance which proves the wording could have been better.


and given this thread, the dozens of others and fleet chat on multiple servers, i'd say enough people have misunderstood which is evidence the wording could have been clearer.


why this topic is still going on is beyond me. this VanorDM guy has been making the same "no it's clear" post in multiple threads now for two days.

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This is fair correct?


Of course it's fair... What's bioware supposed to do? Stop selling it? Now they should've put some sort of disclaimer on it saying "This expansion will be free to subscribers in X days." Because if a sub buys it on the 26th, I could understand a bit of consternation finding out they were getting it for free tomorrow. But how many people are going to do that? Was anyone who signed up for the KotFE not know that SoR was being made free when KotFE came out? I mean I know it's been talked about a ton here.


Also the F2P and Premium people still have to buy it if they want to play though it. So it's not like they can simply stop selling it.

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which proves the wording could have been better.


It could always be better. But just because it could be better doesn't mean it was bad, or that there was fraud involved.


this VanorDM guy has been making the same "no it's clear" post in multiple threads now for two days.


Unlike you making the 'it could be better posts' in the same threads for the last two days?

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No your wrong a great many people "say" they understood it, from my questions in game and other places people were just simply subscribed by choice through all of that. And when asking there friends why they couldnt play with them gave a wow *** comment. Because you were simply subbed as you always were dont come here and discredit other people who paid for the game as well. Dont claim that your reoccurring sub as your ultimate wisdom of reading comprehension all these whiteknights by the definition of what they knight for were probably already subbed this may be the only game they play. Others however play different games and came back a little to late subbed and bought revan only to be fooled into a false sense of honesty.


you should be argueing in the case of these fellow gamers because MMO is not a single player game.


oo I somehow struck a nerve with you! Actually, I will claim credit for my decision to make sure my subscription was going to be active over that time. Why would I go ahead and do that? Because, at the time we heard about Kotfe, my raid team was super annoyed with the lack of end game that would be present. Some decided that they were going to just let their sub run out. I however, decided to make sure my subscription wouldn't lapse at all so I could get everything.


Your argument is your opinion, and I will go ahead and respect it even if it's an incorrect assumption.


Your last sentence has nothing to do with this argument by the way.

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oo I somehow struck a nerve with you!


A bit of advice if you don't mind... Anyone who uses the term 'whiteknight' as a way to disregard every other argument being made, is not someone you can likely have a rational discussion with. I mean if the first thing they do is use a add hominem attack, you know they really don't have a very strong argument.

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Ah, someone did I think. I can't remember who put that out there either. We've been at it for too many pages to go find out.


I understand your position. What I think you don't either want to understand, or want to recognize, is that your position could be incorrect and that the opposite view points can hold just as much water as your own. Which, if we use the amount of subs currently enjoying the early access as a base starting point, could be true to a degree.


Well that's the thing isn't it? You think some one might have refuted one or more of my points some pages back. Yet I certainly didn't see it. Nor is it was is continually being brought up either. "Ur dum", is all I see being wielded as a response. One dude made the mistake of actually trying to call me out with a challenge to make it more clear, once I did he suddenly put me on ignore for trolling him with exactly what he asked for.


Start by putting the early access perk in chronological order on the far left of the timeline. Then after Aug 10th change the present tense verb choose to the past tense verb chose to denote it is no longer a possible choice. Then change the wording of the early access perk to read, "Those that chose to become a subscriber on or before Aug 10 and maintain that subscription through Oct 19 will be granted early access to the game on Oct 20."


The facts remain...


People were confused.


Their wording does present an impossible action as possible.


Their wording is open to interpretation.


It was indeed possible, in fact quite a trivial matter, to word the promotion in a way that could not be reasonably misconstrued.


"Those that chose to become a subscriber on or before Aug 10 and maintain that subscription through Oct 19 will be granted early access to the game on Oct 20."

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So I guy walks into a bar...


Bartender says, "What'll ya have?"


Guy replies, "Sign out front says Free Beer!*"


Bartender nods.


Guy says, "Gimme a beer."


Bartender pours the man a beer, sets it down in front of him and says, "That'll be five bucks."


The guy questioningly responds, "But the sign says Free Beer!*"


Bartender replies, "You gotta read the fine print."



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oo I somehow struck a nerve with you! Actually, I will claim credit for my decision to make sure my subscription was going to be active over that time. Why would I go ahead and do that? Because, at the time we heard about Kotfe, my raid team was super annoyed with the lack of end game that would be present. Some decided that they were going to just let their sub run out. I however, decided to make sure my subscription wouldn't lapse at all so I could get everything.


Your argument is your opinion, and I will go ahead and respect it even if it's an incorrect assumption.


Your last sentence has nothing to do with this argument by the way.


i just used your comment to set up mine in no way did you strike a nerve or was mine a personal attack on anyone im just confused all these people being so un supportive of there gaming friends. Surely know someone affected by this. No matter in due time the hype for the expansion will be over and server pop will be even lower im sure :(

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So I guy walks into a bar...


Bartender says, "What'll ya have?"


Guy replies, "Sign out front says Free Beer!*"


Bartender nods.


Guy says, "Gimme a beer."


Bartender pours the man a beer, sets it down in front of him and says, "That'll be five bucks."


The guy questioningly responds, "But the sign says Free Beer!*"


Bartender replies, "You gotta read the fine print."




except in this case the print is very clear. You must qualify for all rewards. You continue to say someone needs to disprove you. that is flat out trolling. If you had an issue, you should contact customer service. if not, your trolling. But hey whatever makes you happy.

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except in this case the print is very clear. You must qualify for all rewards. You continue to say someone needs to disprove you. that is flat out trolling. If you had an issue, you should contact customer service. if not, your trolling. But hey whatever makes you happy.


hes not trolling he explained a very popular tactic with SHADY companies use to gain financially which has been ruled Illegal and courts do not uphold fine print that no one reads. Just because its there doesnt make it legal or right.

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