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Early access - a slap in the face by ea


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So EA, I'm a subscriber, I pay my subscription every two months, but because I missed a day and was prefferred status for 24 hours, when I constantly subscribe every month, I'm getting no early access?




My point is, I've been a sub since august, but because I paid month-by-month I don't get the same benefits?

It's horse sh**


I pay month to month, didn't let my credit card expire nor miss a payment (by a day), and I didn't have an issue. Why are you not dealing with Customer Service rather than ranting on a forum like a child?

Edited by Ekot
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I'm shocked by how crazy a few words in a forums makes some people!!!!!! SHOCKED!!!!!! OMG!!! Someone said something I don't totally agree with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY NEED TO CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!


It has nothing to do with whether I agree with the OP or not...it's their reaction to it.


I'm trying to be real here...and have people sit back and remember that this is just a video game. Look at the things that have been stated. Look how angry and stressed out the person became because of this.


A video game should not be the cause of that for anyone. Video games are supposed to be fun. When they stop being fun, and start being stressful, I do think that people need to "calm down" and maybe step back a bit.


If you honestly think I'm being "crazy" for stating all this...then I have no problem being that kind of crazy.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Also, user ID 14.426.472. Since when exactly are you a sub, if I may ask? First post of yours here on this board in September. Just wondering.


Just for reference, my user id is 15 millionsomething, been subbed since March.


No lapse in my sub, though, so I'm enjoying early access. :D

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Thank You!


God forbid someone has a different view of things than you cause the world would be such a better place if everyone was of one mind


I don't see the point of subscribing any more to be honest, I can buy extra slots, I can buy expansions.

Why should I subscribe if my rewards are not even being delievered.


The amount of cash I sink into cartel coins it would actually work out cheaper anyway.

EA have gone and displeased a loyal subscriber, and now I won't be paying for it anymore.


Ok, but you CAN'T buy the expansion. You HAVE to be a subscriber to get it. And they release a chapter a month, so you can choose to stay subbed and get chapters as they release or you can sub when you feel like it to get caught up. But you can't purchase them separately.

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Guess I'll just play something else until the expansion is no longer sub only.

Or just stop playing all together.


"You subscribed every month, but you didn't qualify for the early access rewards despite us sending you a message in game saying 'Welcome to Knights of the Fallen Empire."


We're still not gonna let you start the quests.

I prefer pre-ordering an expansion rather than this subscription reward crap.

Edited by AstralAce
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I did mean "Less than 24 Hours" because the subscription ran out while I was asleep.


I'm starting to think we may have to call BS on this. The T&C says the following. "To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards, the account must be in a Subscriber status as of 11:59PM PDT//6:59AM GMT on the date listed by the reward."


So if you were subscribed at any point on Aug 10th your account would be credited with that reward. The only way you could miss out is if your subscription lapsed before11:59pm PDT on Aug 9th and was not renewed until after 12:01am PDT Aug 11th.


So you could not miss out on one of the reward days if your subscription lapsed for less than 24 hours.

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I'm posting purely to let everyone in the UK and by extension, those in certain EU countries, are well within their rights to use a chargeback in this instance, especially those who have not had goods delivered (like the entire expansion, or the level 60 tokens).


It may indeed be within EA's terms and conditions that there may be delays in delivery of goods, but this does NOT interfere with your right to your money back. The time limit for UK customers is; any purchases made within 120 days wherein the trader fails to provide the paid for goods, the customer can issue a chargeback to their banks or credit card companies.

This isn't just about 'Not getting what we want' or 'childish tantrums' this is about a contract made between a trader and a customer.


The most EA can do is ban your account, which they might as well have done in my instance, because I wont be playing, and I'll be quitting entirely if I don't receive the goods I paid for. This has happened to FAR too many people and is frankly just negligence on their end.


The poor CSRs must be completely swamped/crushed under the weight of people submitting tickets.

I'll wait and see what happens, but at this rate, I don't think I'll be leaving my money in EAs pocket for goods not delivered.


P.s Any failed chargebacks can be taken to the Financial Ombudsman in the UK for reconsideration.

Don't forget guys, you're paying for the customer service as well as the product. Don't let bad businesses profit.

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I'm posting purely to let everyone in the UK and by extension, those in certain EU countries, are well within their rights to use a chargeback in this instance, especially those who have not had goods delivered (like the entire expansion, or the level 60 tokens).


It may indeed be within EA's terms and conditions that there may be delays in delivery of goods, but this does NOT interfere with your right to your money back. The time limit for UK customers is; any purchases made within 120 days wherein the trader fails to provide the paid for goods, the customer can issue a chargeback to their banks or credit card companies.

This isn't just about 'Not getting what we want' or 'childish tantrums' this is about a contract made between a trader and a customer.


The most EA can do is ban your account, which they might as well have done in my instance, because I wont be playing, and I'll be quitting entirely if I don't receive the goods I paid for. This has happened to FAR too many people and is frankly just negligence on their end.


The poor CSRs must be completely swamped/crushed under the weight of people submitting tickets.

I'll wait and see what happens, but at this rate, I don't think I'll be leaving my money in EAs pocket for goods not delivered.


P.s Any failed chargebacks can be taken to the Financial Ombudsman in the UK for reconsideration.

Don't forget guys, you're paying for the customer service as well as the product. Don't let bad businesses profit.


DO NOT CHARGE BACK ANYTHING. Unless you plan to stop playing. BW will perma ban your account. If you are eligible for a refund, contact customer service to take care of the issue so you can continue playing your account without the content.

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and I'll be quitting entirely if I don't receive the goods I paid for.


Exactly what goods did you not receive that you paid for? If you met the requirements for Early Access and didn't get it, you can contact CS. If you didn't, then you got what you paid for, and will get access to KotFE when it's released on the 27th.

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I'm posting purely to let everyone in the UK and by extension, those in certain EU countries, are well within their rights to use a chargeback in this instance, especially those who have not had goods delivered (like the entire expansion, or the level 60 tokens).


It may indeed be within EA's terms and conditions that there may be delays in delivery of goods, but this does NOT interfere with your right to your money back. The time limit for UK customers is; any purchases made within 120 days wherein the trader fails to provide the paid for goods, the customer can issue a chargeback to their banks or credit card companies.

This isn't just about 'Not getting what we want' or 'childish tantrums' this is about a contract made between a trader and a customer.


The most EA can do is ban your account, which they might as well have done in my instance, because I wont be playing, and I'll be quitting entirely if I don't receive the goods I paid for. This has happened to FAR too many people and is frankly just negligence on their end.


The poor CSRs must be completely swamped/crushed under the weight of people submitting tickets.

I'll wait and see what happens, but at this rate, I don't think I'll be leaving my money in EAs pocket for goods not delivered.


P.s Any failed chargebacks can be taken to the Financial Ombudsman in the UK for reconsideration.

Don't forget guys, you're paying for the customer service as well as the product. Don't let bad businesses profit.


Doesn't apply. Your subscription is guaranteed access to normal gameplay, the bonuses for being subscribed are just that, bonuses. If you weren't subscribed during the specified times to qualify for the bonuses, then you can't claim them, since you did not fulfill your end of the contract. Now, if you subscribed but were not allowed to play during the month of your subscription, then you might have a claim, depending on the reason you were unable to play.

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So we're expected to spend more money phoning the customer services in order to get our original money back?

Some people simply don't have the time nor energy to be dealing a company like this.


The principle is simple; provide the goods which you sell, or be prepared to have people attempt to retrieve their money, and lawfully so!

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The principle is simple; provide the goods which you sell, or be prepared to have people attempt to retrieve their money, and lawfully so!


BS! What you're trying to do is commit credit card fraud. You were given exactly what you paid for. The fact that you think you should be eligible for more is not the fault of anyone other than yourself.


So unless you can point out something you're eligible for but don't have, you really don't have a leg to stand on legally.


it was sold as a definite offer that applied to all that were subscribed in the specified time frame


If you were subscribed in the specified time you will get early access. The specified time being from Aug 10th to Oct 19th. If you were subscribed for that period and don't have early access then contact CS.

Edited by VanorDM
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So EA, I'm a subscriber, I pay my subscription every two months, but because I missed a day and was prefferred status for 24 hours, when I constantly subscribe every month, I'm getting no early access?


I don't get it how it is slap in your face ? They mentioned you need to be sub for all duration of the time ? So you un-subbed for 24 hours whose problem is this then ?

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So we're expected to spend more money phoning the customer services in order to get our original money back?

Some people simply don't have the time nor energy to be dealing a company like this.


The principle is simple; provide the goods which you sell, or be prepared to have people attempt to retrieve their money, and lawfully so!


Feel free to send them an e-mail rather than calling. But advising players to chargeback is doing them a disservice as every example of this has led to a permanent ban from the game.

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This is one of the most juvenile OPs I've ever seen. And that is saying something here.


Lets break down the logic here:

A sub is required to play the expansion at all. This means that subs are the only part of this equation that matter. F2P does not enter into the equation at all. Now, if every sub had early access... well that's called a release date.


Now, if early access was such a big deal to you as you imply, you would have done your homework and actually read the requirements. The fact you didn't even know that F2P don't get access to the expansion tells me you didn't read anything at all.


What the heck are they teaching kids in school these days... when I was in school if you missed a due date (whether by ignorance or otherwise) you got a 0. And there are no such things as doctor's notes on the Internet.


Simply put, just because you feel entitled to something doesn't mean you are

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So we're expected to spend more money phoning the customer services in order to get our original money back?

Some people simply don't have the time nor energy to be dealing a company like this.


The principle is simple; provide the goods which you sell, or be prepared to have people attempt to retrieve their money, and lawfully so!


You have to spend money to call customer service? That's a new one. They don't charge you for the call. It's not like they will pick up and say "excuse me, I know you have called in about a problem, but in order for us to even entertain you, you will need to pay us an addition 5 dollars."


Customer service is there to help you. Call them, and if they can do anything for you they will. They aren't out to get you.

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I really have nothing to argue about, this is simply a process people can choose to undertake if they feel they have been wronged and do not wish to do business with EA again. Simple as that.

It is a consumers right to know about these processes and what is involved.

Chargebacks are almost always used due to a failure of delivery or technical errors. Online merchants are especially held accountable for these situations.

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I don't get it how it is slap in your face ? They mentioned you need to be sub for all duration of the time ? So you un-subbed for 24 hours whose problem is this then ?


Actually they only needed to be a sub on all of the four dates they mention in their T&C. That means the likelihood of OPs rant even being true is very slim.

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