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Level Sync needs an Off Button! : ).


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I have yet to die on a sub-level planet since level sync was released. And honestly, in almost all cases, It's a face roll on sub-level planets, even against champions.


Maybe your are upset that you can't level lower level world bosses? If so.....boo hoo... IMO.


Maybe you should shift tactics and complain about how over powered your companions are and how it is impossible to die.


It is possible to die, even with a healing comp. You do have to put some work into it though; it generally takes at LEAST two pulls, and some tactical "genius." Or getting knocked off the wrong ledge...

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Turn it off, I love level Sync. Drop 100k on your companion buying Rank 1 gifts from the vendor on the Fleet, spend 40 minutes using all 500 tokens getting them from rank 1-20 and then turn them on as attack and watch how easy the game is. Don't even notice. Just don't get crazy doing that in Heroics that put you equal leveled and it's not hard.
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It is possible to die, even with a healing comp. You do have to put some work into it though; it generally takes at LEAST two pulls, and some tactical "genius." Or getting knocked off the wrong ledge...


It was quite possible (even probable in some cases) during the brief period of companion "over nerfing" a while back. But once they readjusted, you pretty much have to be away from the keyboard, passed out, or face-pulled 50 mobs while on your mount and then stop and try to take them to die now days.


OR, you could use a companion with level 1 influence probably too I guess. :)


Much more likely to drive off a cliff, stumble and fall off a cliff, or do a header down an elevator. Which was always fatal, even before level sync. :p I guess you could get knocked off a cliff or elevator too.. but again.. always fatal because damage is a % of your health... not to exceed 100%. Level sync would enable a low level mob to potentially do a knock-back I guess.. so that would be level-sync enabled to a level 65.

Edited by Andryah
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OR, you could use a companion with level 1 influence probably too I guess. :)

With a dps toon, using a low-influence companion in dps mode, combat has recovered some semblance of "participation required"


At least for me.



Edited by Khevar
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It's not going to be removed. It's too integrated to how the heroic system is designed for earning crates for the alliance.


While player feedback is important to any MMO, it cannot be only changed or directed strictly based on player feedback.


A company has to also make changes that they choose to stick with, regardless of how players feel and follow through on those choices.


Level Sync is not completely a game breaking change compared to something like arc jorgan not functioning that requires a fix. While not everyone likes level sync it's a choice they've made and I don't see them going from it.

Edited by Nightblazer
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It was quite possible (even probable in some cases) during the brief period of companion "over nerfing" a while back. But once they readjusted, you pretty much have to be away from the keyboard, passed out, or face-pulled 50 mobs while on your mount and then stop and try to take them to die now days.


OR, you could use a companion with level 1 influence probably too I guess. :)


Much more likely to drive off a cliff, stumble and fall off a cliff, or do a header down an elevator. Which was always fatal, even before level sync. :p I guess you could get knocked off a cliff or elevator too.. but again.. always fatal because damage is a % of your health... not to exceed 100%. Level sync would enable a low level mob to potentially do a knock-back I guess.. so that would be level-sync enabled to a level 65.


Guess you're a lot more l33t than me - if I run through 2-3 mobs and then get myself cornered, that can turn ugly (especially if there's CCs in play). Aurora Cannon's big mobs with lots o' healing and AoE can get messy. Like I said, you have to work at it, but you can get yourself into trouble; and you have to be on a higher-level planet and, usually, in a "tough" zone, a heroic area or the the Dread-seeded areas; or some of the old Daily zones (not all). I don't think you can die on Coruscant with a healing companion, even if you do AFK in a heroic; but other places, yeah, you can. Without a healer, just failing to stop to heal every so often will eventually grind you down. That's more or less what I mean by working at it - you have to do non-optimal things (trigger multiple mobs, don't use defensives/heals/etc).

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its need whattt the never should of put it in the game.. game was fine with out this.. and there ruining it for alot of people what is the piont of have levels if your just going to take them away and force a high level to be low most of the time.. if thats the case take the levels out of the game then as there is no need for them
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its need whattt the never should of put it in the game.. game was fine with out this.. and there ruining it for alot of people what is the piont of have levels if your just going to take them away and force a high level to be low most of the time.. if thats the case take the levels out of the game then as there is no need for them

Most of the time? Where the heck are you hanging around at 65? Starter planets?


I see some people are still pissed that they can't go back to starter planets and one-shot everything. Now they have to two-shot things. Oh the humanity!

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its need whattt the never should of put it in the game.. game was fine with out this.. and there ruining it for alot of people what is the piont of have levels if your just going to take them away and force a high level to be low most of the time.. if thats the case take the levels out of the game then as there is no need for them


If this is your argument you don't understand the point of the system and shouldn't post about it. It's not 'taking' away levels, it's lowering your level so you can enjoy the old content you may have missed and or want to revisit without making it too easy for you to not enjoy. It's really not a bad system as it doesn't even do it's job. The content is still stupid easy to blow through at any level.

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its need whattt the never should of put it in the game.. game was fine with out this.. and there ruining it for alot of people what is the piont of have levels if your just going to take them away and force a high level to be low most of the time.. if thats the case take the levels out of the game then as there is no need for them


For the challenge and so that you can go back and do old content on old planets for level appropriate rewards.


I gives us stuff to do other than running a circle around fleet being bored

Edited by kirorx
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At first I didn't like Level Sync but now I have come to appreciate it a lot.


I recently started a new Jedi Knight playthrough and level sync is actually saving the experience for me.


I played that class before but these days we get an insane amount of XP for completing quests. I am already level 55 and just arrived on Balmorra with that character.


Just think how that would go down without level sync. Level 55 and questing on Balmorra. No level sync = boring.


There is not a lot of challenge left anyway in the game. I like being powerful but an off-toggle for level sync would be an instant "i-win-button". No need to learn your class, rotation and how to deal with tougher enemies.


I know that even with level sync there is hardly a challenge left. So leave level sync alone. We know how BW operates. They nuke things into oblivion and considering how easy it already is with level sync I don't want it to become even easier.


Just my two cents on the subject.




Between the level sync and the faster exp, I find myself rerolling classes and spending alot more time leveling and playing the story content. I planned to really focus on my 2 mains for the KOTFE but now I have sommany alts I hardly know what to do lol.


These things really put alot back in the game. My only gripe is that the boss fights are easier because the bosses are downed to planet appropriate levels, so you kinda smash through them.

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I see some people are still pissed that they can't go back to starter planets and one-shot everything. Now they have to two-shot things. Oh the humanity!

I dunno about that. My commandogirl can one-shot everything on Ord Mantell except the champion savrip, and that only takes two shots. 'Course, she used to be able to one-shot everything with her basic attack, but life sucks sometimes. (And there are much, much worse ways for life to suck than that.)

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At first I didn't like Level Sync but now I have come to appreciate it a lot.


I recently started a new Jedi Knight playthrough and level sync is actually saving the experience for me.


I played that class before but these days we get an insane amount of XP for completing quests. I am already level 55 and just arrived on Balmorra with that character.


Just think how that would go down without level sync. Level 55 and questing on Balmorra. No level sync = boring.


There is not a lot of challenge left anyway in the game. I like being powerful but an off-toggle for level sync would be an instant "i-win-button". No need to learn your class, rotation and how to deal with tougher enemies.


I know that even with level sync there is hardly a challenge left. So leave level sync alone. We know how BW operates. They nuke things into oblivion and considering how easy it already is with level sync I don't want it to become even easier.


Just my two cents on the subject.


Technically without level sync you would not be level 55 on Balmorra as without it many quests would simply become gray to you and only grant you 7xp.


Now on to level sync itself I was one of those that was always worried when I heard about level sync as I always overlevelled by about 5 for certain bosses etc to make up for my average play style. But now I far out level content because I continue to gain xp because there are no longer any gray missions and hit max level usually before the end of chapter 1 of my class story, for me thats great because I no longer really have to think about gearing or levelling while questing I can simply focus on my story and other missions.


Content at max level on lower planets is still pretty much a breeze and you can't even get a rotation going because you don't get enough hits for some abilities to even proc.

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If this is your argument you don't understand the point of the system and shouldn't post about it. It's not 'taking' away levels, it's lowering your level so you can enjoy the old content you may have missed and or want to revisit without making it too easy for you to not enjoy. It's really not a bad system as it doesn't even do it's job. The content is still stupid easy to blow through at any level.


Oh he understands it alright. What he's saying is that basically he LIKES how he can one-shot steamroll any PvE content in lower level playzones. He WANTS it that way.


Usually, the only people who like that kind of stuff are (in my experience):


1. Goldbrokers -- those who run bot programs or hire people in a sweatshop like environment, to run low level zones with high level characters to steamroll every field or repeatable mission/quest content to gain huge amount of in-game credits and then sell it for a real price in illegal transactions.


2. PvP Derpers -- pretty much self explanatory.


3. PvE Scabs -- those who use dual accounts to bot their own character to team up and blow past PvE content super fast, or those who love feeling superior through "helping" their friends or guildies by bringing a lv65 character to a lv15 Heroic Mission or stuff like that.


Whatever it is, the reason he wants level sync to be turned off, is most probably EXACTLY the reason why it should not be.

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Oh he understands it alright. What he's saying is that basically he LIKES how he can one-shot steamroll any PvE content in lower level playzones. He WANTS it that way.


Usually, the only people who like that kind of stuff are (in my experience):


1. Goldbrokers -- those who run bot programs or hire people in a sweatshop like environment, to run low level zones with high level characters to steamroll every field or repeatable mission/quest content to gain huge amount of in-game credits and then sell it for a real price in illegal transactions.


2. PvP Derpers -- pretty much self explanatory.


3. PvE Scabs -- those who use dual accounts to bot their own character to team up and blow past PvE content super fast, or those who love feeling superior through "helping" their friends or guildies by bringing a lv65 character to a lv15 Heroic Mission or stuff like that.


Whatever it is, the reason he wants level sync to be turned off, is most probably EXACTLY the reason why it should not be.


Agreed. So can this thread be put to rest now? Its at 75 pages and its mostly all text that doesn't say anything.:rolleyes:

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No point. You can solo all heroics with a comp.


i wish people would stop saying this....its more fun to do it with a group and you get more money from bonuses if you're in a group. mmos are supposed to be somewhat social but now since you can solo everything even bt its antisocial ll

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