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Toothsome LvL 50 Scrapper PvP Vid


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So thanks to the Xmas holidays the servers weren't so bad that i was able to fraps, made a few clips and just had fun with it, tried to get as much lvl 50 fights as possible, but its still early on my server, and not to many 50s, so don't be hating..



i do love going for lvl 29s and under tho, just to spank them so hard they don't come back until they lvl some more, tired of seeing low lvls in my battle groups, especially lvl 10s :)



don't hate on the music, i tried to have fun with it, listen to it if u can.. goes well with the clips, but if u can't there is a mute button, and you can listen to your own stuff, silly little comments like ur music sucks is just well, silly.


anyways hope you enjoy it, and have a glimps on what high lvl scrappers can do, also you will see alot of the stuff we have to go through as a scrapper, as in skills not going off when spamming them, or people lag hoping in front of you, or my personal favorite, it telling me im not behind the target when i am..


Edited by Toothsome
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If they know how it works, those people lower than 29 can still kick your butt, you know :p


However, if you prioritize those people over other people around 40-50 so you're only ever fighting people without all their tools, we can't really see a level 50's full potential.

Edited by PinnyFox
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If they know how it works, those people lower than 29 can still kick your butt, you know :p


However, if you prioritize those people over other people around 40-50 so you're only ever fighting people without all their tools, we can't really see a level 50's full potential.


lol, i don't fraps killing low lvls, im saying when im playing a match, ill take out the lower lvl indivudals before working my way to the high lvls, to lower there numbers, in my vid, youll see alot of lvl 50s, even a 2v1 with lvl 50s, with a bounty hunter and i think a sith assasin, vs me...


i try to make my vids as entertaining as possible.


would be boring as hell if i just showed vis about hunting low lvls, doesn't mean i don't do it tho :), if its red its dead..

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Hey Toothsome,


Quick question for you.


What do you think about this build:




Main difference here and most scrapper builds is dropping "Round Two" and pickup "Brawler's Grit". Put points into "Exploratory Surgery" so that upper hand can be pre-loaded and you can triger pugnacity out of combat at any time. That's why Round Two is not really needed.


The idea is to get two upper hands on before the fight giving you a Sucker Punch, Whip, Sucker Punch, Sucker Punch combo.

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I gotta say that was a much bettter video than your beta one. Interesting to see what the gameplay looks like at 50 with all the talents and abilities available.


I have a 26 Scrapper Scoundrel and a 25 Commando, I just cant decide which one to make my main - your video hasnt helped lol, I really liked it.


You had some good gameplay in this vid, good use of Los to self heal in particular.


I gotta ask, how is a Scoundrel in Huttball? I hate that one on my Scoundrel - love it on the Commando.

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Hey Toothsome,


Quick question for you.


What do you think about this build:




Main difference here and most scrapper builds is dropping "Round Two" and pickup "Brawler's Grit". Put points into "Exploratory Surgery" so that upper hand can be pre-loaded and you can triger pugnacity out of combat at any time. That's why Round Two is not really needed.


The idea is to get two upper hands on before the fight giving you a Sucker Punch, Whip, Sucker Punch, Sucker Punch combo.



not 2 insult you but thats a bad build for pvp, u loose 2 much dps, and missing out on important things, like lower cooldown on dirty kick.


this is my build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#7010zZGhMRdkrffzZRr.1 and you need that proc of flying fist, it gives u another upperhand cant live without it, u will loose alot of burst.

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not 2 insult you but thats a bad build for pvp, u loose 2 much dps, and missing out on important things, like lower cooldown on dirty kick.


this is my build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#7010zZGhMRdkrffzZRr.1 and you need that proc of flying fist, it gives u another upperhand cant live without it, u will loose alot of burst.


Hey thanks for sharing your build and no offense taken, it's not my build, just a question. I am not even 50 yet :). Probably by the weekend.


Regarding your comments: What dps are you losing? Infact, I think there is more dps in that build I linked above from the additional 8% cunning and 4% more crit change on ranged/tech from no holds barred. If you can point it out, it will help.


Do you really need dirty kick on a shorter cool down? The knock down on shoot first tops up the resolve bar so you are not going to use dirty kick every fight, more situational thing. You did not use it much in your video which sort of confirmed my theory.


The upper hand proc is unpredictable, therefore you can't be sure you have your upper hand up when you need it, where as exploratory surgery is predictable and you can preload a couple of upper hand for the fight. And you do heal fairly often and you don't have to blow an upper hand from combat upper hand proc on pugnacity.


You also don't use Vital Shot every fight so the "Turn the Tables" is not a good investment, besides, the 3% dmg increase is less than what you will get from 8% cunning which you are not taking. I revised the build to remove points from Turn the Tables and put into Survivor's Scar instead.


When you shoot someone with tendon shot, whether they are slowed to 50% or stopped for 2 seconds is not big difference. 50% is all you need and this is also something that is situational. 2 point investment dosen't seem like a good return.


I am also curious why points into alacrity? I am guessing the only thing that you will use with cast time is your big heal and exploratory surgery reduces a lot more cast time than 4% alacrity. Also no holds bar seems like a better skill for dmg.


anyway, your thoughts are appreciated.


At the end of the day it is probably just based on play style.



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Hey thanks for sharing your build and no offense taken, it's not my build, just a question. I am not even 50 yet :). Probably by the weekend.


Regarding your comments: What dps are you losing? Infact, I think there is more dps in that build I linked above from the additional 8% cunning and 4% more crit change on ranged/tech from no holds barred. If you can point it out, it will help.


Do you really need dirty kick on a shorter cool down? The knock down on shoot first tops up the resolve bar so you are not going to use dirty kick every fight, more situational thing. You did not use it much in your video which sort of confirmed my theory.


The upper hand proc is unpredictable, therefore you can't be sure you have your upper hand up when you need it, where as exploratory surgery is predictable and you can preload a couple of upper hand for the fight. And you do heal fairly often and you don't have to blow an upper hand from combat upper hand proc on pugnacity.


You also don't use Vital Shot every fight so the "Turn the Tables" is not a good investment, besides, the 3% dmg increase is less than what you will get from 8% cunning which you are not taking. I revised the build to remove points from Turn the Tables and put into Survivor's Scar instead.


When you shoot someone with tendon shot, whether they are slowed to 50% or stopped for 2 seconds is not big difference. 50% is all you need and this is also something that is situational. 2 point investment dosen't seem like a good return.


I am also curious why points into alacrity? I am guessing the only thing that you will use with cast time is your big heal and exploratory surgery reduces a lot more cast time than 4% alacrity. Also no holds bar seems like a better skill for dmg.


anyway, your thoughts are appreciated.


At the end of the day it is probably just based on play style.





upperhand isn`t unpredictable , its 100%, and u can use suckerpunch again because of it, also i use dirtykick alot either for running away losing for heals or in 2v1s to stop healers and stuff..

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Toothsome, this is probably the best PvP video I've seen yet--I'm truly inspired. You should consider writing a guide for it (you know, just for technicalities sake). It would help out a lot of people; including me.


Keep up the good work; hope to see more from you!

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Toothsome, this is probably the best PvP video I've seen yet--I'm truly inspired. You should consider writing a guide for it (you know, just for technicalities sake). It would help out a lot of people; including me.


Keep up the good work; hope to see more from you!


ill prob make a video with commendatory next time, but right now im way 2 stoned on shrooms to even type properly, so yah, im notmaking much sense.

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sup bro, amd eww u went gunslinger, so unexpected.. totally not ur style.


yea i wanted to play a ranged class in my guild. i didnt want to copy everyone and play sage, i hated trooper in general, so i went gunslinger. i was thinking of playing a scoundrel/shadow, maybe my next toon :p. Gl to u and FMC

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upperhand isn`t unpredictable , its 100%, and u can use suckerpunch again because of it, also i use dirtykick alot either for running away losing for heals or in 2v1s to stop healers and stuff..


Yes sucker punch is 100% but the proc for lying fist (which grants upper hand 100% of the time) is 50% chance to proc. So at the end of the day, it's 50% chance of getting UP from a sucker punch skill.


And you are right, dritykick is useful in those situations which isn't very important to have reduced cooldown. It's nice.


Anyway, these are just nit picking. Looking forwards to more videos or live stream.


keep it coming.



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Yes sucker punch is 100% but the proc for lying fist (which grants upper hand 100% of the time) is 50% chance to proc. So at the end of the day, it's 50% chance of getting UP from a sucker punch skill.


And you are right, dritykick is useful in those situations which isn't very important to have reduced cooldown. It's nice.


Anyway, these are just nit picking. Looking forwards to more videos or live stream.


keep it coming.





yah i see were ur coming from, but i swear its more then 50% lol, it almost always procs.

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Toothsome, this is probably the best PvP video I've seen yet--I'm truly inspired. You should consider writing a guide for it (you know, just for technicalities sake). It would help out a lot of people; including me.


Keep up the good work; hope to see more from you!


A video of a guy running around pressing back blast and shoot first is something that inspires you?


Don't ever try to play sentinel :)

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stealthers will always be a harder class 2 play, because we have more options, to make big things happen.


You gotta be kidding... Scrapper is basically the WoW classic daggerrogue -> stealth, stun, press two button, 50% HP advantage, faceroll to victory. Hard to choose between killing someone from stealth with ease or running into a 5 man grp getting killed.

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