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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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One thing I hate as well as not being able to change it is the fact that the few legacy names I wanted was already taken by others.... :mad:


there are plenty of smiths, jones etc etc that arnt related


you should be able to have whatever name you like despite someone else having the same name.

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On my main character I chose a first name that was decided by Bioware to break the ToS. So I'm now stuck with a Legacy Name that doesn't work anymore, and therefor wont ever use it.


It would be nice if we could have a one-time chance to choose a different Legacy Name when 1.2 comes. Those who wish to keep their current Legacy name can choose to do so as well.


It was pretty vague as to how much the Legacy sytem would impact the game. I think it's only fair that those of us who made a mistake get one last chance to make sure it's something we want to stick with for the rest of our adventure.

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Yes! i wish i could change my legacy name i hate mine and i was so confused when i got the option in the beginning because if u pressed more info? they had nothing to say since it was so early in the game so they didnt have anything to explain.

I really hope Bioware makes an option to change legacy name possibly with these legacy points?

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I actually have yet to give my lv 33 smuggler a legacy name, purely out of fear of screwing it up.


Why, oh why can't we just give our chars individual surnames? If we actually want them to be related we'll just give them the same surname.

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Why is this issue ignored? Practically 1.2 is all about Legacy and we have around 80+ pages of upset people wanting a change. Not a single employee has said anything...


I am one of the many that has accidentally made their Legacy the same as their name... I've seen many others that have done the same as well. Can we get any speculation on this service maybe provided in the future?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adding my support to everything the original poster said. As a roleplayer this is an important factor to me as well. We need more options and the fact that even GMs can't reset/change etc...a surname or that it is written into the server code for all time even if you delete all your characters on a server etc... is absolute insanity.


Surnames should be variable per-character and both they and Legacy names should not be unique - we already have account-wide invisible identifiers; every MMORPG does...well, from what I've seen so far in SWTOR I don't feel so confident in this statement...


In any event, we need the option to have differing chosen surnames per-character, and that Legacy names should be changeable and non-unique.


You know, another thing that really bothers me about all this? Players are expected to form their own "family tree" of characters they play on their own Legacy, but yet they can't actually make any kind of partnership with another player character to do so! The OP and I can't agree to "link" our Legacies/family/get married etc...in game and then opt for other alts we have to be descendents or adoptive relatives etc. Much the same way that Romancing player characters is a pure RP experience with no way for it to be present in the gameworld - we can't even share the same surname as noted above- but yet romances with NPCs have many benefits and are an important part of the game experience! I don't mind that there is single player story content and other stuff, but the level of exclusion between SOCIAL interactions (as opposed to gameplay interactions - requiring 8 or 16 or 40 or 75 players to stand next to each other to kill a boss is NOT social) undertaken between players by comparison is really staggering.


It is like the game recognizes "single player" experiences and validates them while interactions between actual player characters in a MMO are actively discouraged! When people say that "SWTOR is basically a lot of people playing KOTOR3 by themselves in close proximity to other players", there is some truth to it.

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I just have to know, OP. You whole heartedly admit you knew surnames were linked to legacy before you chose your legacy name. Why in the world would you choose a legacy name that would not also suit any Imperial alt you may have made in the future?


This game is about choices, however I would support your idea for a paid name change.

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I don't use the surname, I use the title. But yes, I do agree that you should be able to change it.



I'm going to be making any new characters Sith Pureblood, I already have the name "The Síth Legacy" :)


So I'm not likely to be changing mine, but I do like the idea of having the surname seperate. Rather than having the same name for both.


In my opinion the Legacy name should be for all your characters, but the surname should be unique to each character, or different for rep/imp if you wish it so. Having them both linked is just bad development. Any idiot could have seen that people won't like being forced to use the same surname or legacy name for every character on that server, rep or imp.


In terms of lore, it can be used to your advantage. But then again, it could ruin any chance of making a certain class or race that you wanted to make just because the legacy didn't fit with it.


We have the option to compeltely customize our UI, why can't we customize our character names?

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So, the Legacy system got its patch...


1.2 is live, and I am still stuck with the surname I chose for my first character back in January... now, this is getting increasingly frustrating.



And I NEED to be able to choose different surnames for those alts I don't want to be related!


I believe there are enough players asking for theses options, just give us a date to wait for!

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It's probably my own fault, but I didn't realize at first that Legacy surnames were for both factions. I thought I could have one for my Republic characters and one for my Empire characters. Then, the day I actually unlocked Legacy surnames, my husband told me that it's for ALL characters. Suddenly, I had this box yelling at me to pick a name, my husband was waiting for me to decide, and forty-five minutes later, I came up with Esembi (S M B for the first initial of each of my pets' names). I liked it for about ten seconds, then wished I had just picked something simple like Skyhawk because Esembi looks really ugly. Needless to say, I'm hiding it on all my characters.


So yeah, I'm very much hoping that they someday let us change them, even if I have to pay.

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i think the surname should not be tied to every character. i believe that we should be able to change it, like in other mmo's, by paying in game or out of game, to do so.


The reason why it's tied to all chars is because of the Legacy system.


Chance is most likely a feature to change it will come but it's not high on their priority list and my guess is they will do so by a microtransaction. (It's EA we're talking about)

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At this point, I question Biowares commitment to its Subs. This thread alone is 87 pages of angry subscribers, and its just one of many threads on this same topic. They have yet to respond to any of them.


So far we got a dialogue box in patch 1.1.3.. Feb. 14th..


Sadly however, is it does nothing for the people that created their legacy before that.. It would have been nice if Bioware was a little more forth comming with information when it comes to player choices that are supposed to be permenant..

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Chance is most likely a feature to change it will come but it's not high on their priority list and my guess is they will do so by a microtransaction. (It's EA we're talking about)


That's your assumption as you've posted numerous times on threads about this issue :)


In December when I chose my legacy name, the only information I received was in the in-game mail, which explained the name would affect all characters on the server. Bear in mind this information was available AFTER I chose so anyone who made the wrong choice due to not knowing it would affect all characters do have a right to ask for a reset or change due to lack of information. Not game breaking mind you but annoying enough to break immersion for some players.


Legacy is a great addition to the game. Implementing a name change will make those who chose, spelt or typed wrongly very happy, more immersed and intent on subscribing for a long time ;)

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A one time change would be nice. We all know its just a field in a database.


This would help those who didn't understand what Legacy was when they chose a name. To their defense not everyone comes to the forums.

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