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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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I can see how some people are unhappy with their initial name choice,

But if you actually READ what the game tells you, you'd know perfectly well what the Legacy name system is all about (not sure, but I seem to remember actually getting a "are you sure" box before finalizing)!


Took me about a week to choose a really good name. So today I'm known as Ackbar :mon_trap: !



I actually took a lot of time to ponder my name, and had not entered it yet due to the fact I wanted to pick the right one. Since their pop up screen makes its own decision on when it'll pop up, it opened itself up when I was in the "who" screen. My UI froze up, and the next thing I know I have a random name entered as my legacy name.


There was no "are you sure" box, no warning -- I didn't even see the legacy name window, since it happened with I was resetting the UI !


But too bad, I can change servers and start all over if I don't like it.

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Dont get me wrong. I love the game. I love pretty much every Bioware game I picked up. They did an amazing job with game design/story telling controls etc. I just think they really are messing up bad when it comes to the way they are helping people. A thread as long as this one has been, one of the developers should have replied by now with a solution or what they are working on or something. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion and I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here.



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In every other game I have played there has always been an issue with the last name of characters in that the game systems. As they have always wanted to make only the first letter capitalized and if you have a name with more than one capital letter you have to submit a ticket to get someone from CS to fix it for you. This is the first game where I have been told that they will not do that for me. After talking to someone yesterday in CS it was determined not that they WILL NOT do it but that they are NOT ALLOWED to do it. Whoever has set that policy needs to fix it so the CSR’s can help us.
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They should at least add a verification window that will show you what it will look like after the game changes any capitalization or formatting.


Its crazy that the game asks you for confirmation each time you log onto a pvp server, even if you log on everyday, but for something as permanent as your legacy name, you dont even get a confirmation.

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Charge a fee of in-game credits or allow a one time free rename OR...



When you get a NEW toon through chapter 1 allow the option to CHANGE the surname for that server by THAT toon, therefore changing it for ALL toons on the server including the FIRST toon you got it on. What does this mean? We ALL know our first toon is the one we LEARN the game on, then when we reroll we kinda do everything a little, or sometimes alot, better then the first go around. Including but not limited to, nameing them. So, it's a reasonable and simple fix. Anytime you level an Alt through chapter 1, you get the option to change the legacy name/surname for all toons on the server. Bam! A reasonable and probably simple solution.




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I'm really hoping for a Legacy name change in the near future. Chose what I chose so that it'd stop popping up and allow me to get back to playing, but afterwards I started really thinking it over and was disappoitned in my choice. Having no way to change it is frustrating.
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Charge a fee of in-game credits or allow a one time free rename OR...



When you get a NEW toon through chapter 1 allow the option to CHANGE the surname for that server by THAT toon, therefore changing it for ALL toons on the server including the FIRST toon you got it on. What does this mean? We ALL know our first toon is the one we LEARN the game on, then when we reroll we kinda do everything a little, or sometimes alot, better then the first go around. Including but not limited to, nameing them. So, it's a reasonable and simple fix. Anytime you level an Alt through chapter 1, you get the option to change the legacy name/surname for all toons on the server. Bam! A reasonable and probably simple solution.





Yeah, definitely. This could work. Plus it encourages people to roll alts -- something they should be doing anyway, just to experience the story. FYI -- Sniper? ~Awesome~

Edited by AJediKnight
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To the OP.....be more careful when you choose a name. Simple. The game is about choices. Make the wrong one..then tough. Life sucks sometimes.


That is so stupid.. This is a video game and should be fun (work and everything else in life can suck).. I want to change my surname and I should be able to. The legacy system is complete garbage.

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I mean no disrespect with your opinion, but do you really think its a fair idea to have people who play the game make a simple typo now be stuck with the name? Its not like a level 1 character who you mess up, u just reroll, no time or effort has been put into playing the character. I mean, seriously, opening a ticket saying I made a mistake and having them tell you, "sorry, but your stuck with it not only on that character but all your characters" do you really think thats a smart way to handle a major business? Or, as the person above me stated, make that Legacy name for one character, and later on realize that you like a different character better, but now your stuck with the Legacy name you created for your first character..Star Wars Lore itself dictates different species have different surnames...


Dont get me wrong. I love the game. I love pretty much every Bioware game I picked up. They did an amazing job with game design/story telling controls etc. I just think they really are messing up bad when it comes to the way they are helping people. A thread as long as this one has been, one of the developers should have replied by now with a solution or what they are working on or something. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion and I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here.


This >

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you had your big chance and YOU YOURSELF screwed up..and now you want a do over? NO.


Hate to tell you, but 55 pages of numerous posters would disagree with you. Big chance? Where exactly did it tell you it applied to all your characters? What if your on a RP server and try to keep it in SW lore as much as possible, but halfway threw decide you no longer want to be a human but gave your character a human last name? What if you had just a simple typo that you didnt realize till after? What if your sons share an account and play with their friends on the same server? Are you to tell the one that didnt get to chose a legacy name that hes out of luck? The list can go on and on about how this is flawed. I would understand if this was a console game that once you buy it, you own it and deal with it. Nope. This is a subscription game, where CSR's are on standbye at all time, because thats what they are paid to do. And I'm not saying its their fault since from what I'm hearing, they are powerless to change Legacy names, but in any sub game, if you realize you make an error, you should be allowed to fix it, especially one that affects all your characters on that server. Thats not just good customer service, thats good business.


Your logic is of "you yourself screwed up, now you want to do it over? NO" is like saying you go to a retail store, realize you bought the wrong thing, but cant return it. Really, your logic is that simple. And any retail store would tell you, that would be bad business, and that store would probably not last long. Not saying the game is not going to last long, but if they refuse to help you fix a mistake that was made, what else would come down the road that they would refuse to help fix? Whats disheartning the most, this thread is now on page 55, and is clearly a very hot topic that have numerous people outraged, and no one from Bioware has yet to respond to it, even to say "We are looking into it". As a customer, yes....I find that very nerve wrecking about the longivity and the way customer service is dealt with

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And just to finish my last post, I'm not saying people should leave the game for this, because I do think its hands down the best mmo out there, but I really think they just need to work on how they handle their subs. Bioware has made many amazing games over the years, and this one is no different, I just think they are handling it like they have handled all their other games. Finish it and throw it out there and move on to their next project. Games like Dragon Age, Mass Effect etc, you make any decisions you dont like, you can just "not save the game" and problems solved. MMO's you dont get that option, and it just doesnt feel like to me that that is realized with the company yet. I do think they realize this Legacy system is flawed and they will fix it, I'm just hoping its a lot sooner then later
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You have your Star Wars novel that takes place in specific canonical time. You have an event the entire series evolves around, you have sith, jedi etc. all part of this event, this era, this legacy.

Other than time period, nothing you said there applies to this game.

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