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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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One question I've had about Legacy Surnames...do you ever get to add to it? When I made my legacy, I wanted it to be "Harbinger of Death." It wouldn't let me do this, so I just did "Harbinger," assuming that I must be able to add to it later. Is this not a possibility? It is truly just a "last name?" I'm certainly not satisfied with "________ Harbinger" for any character I have...it makes no sense. I thought I was creating a title for myself. Also, is it able to be switched to the front of your name? I think at the very least, "Harbinger ___________" would be a little better.


I dunno. I'm one of the many who just isn't happy with my selection, but am even more unhappy with how little I was told about what I was deciding.

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In all honesty, I think it would simply require a couple changes to the current system in order for it to work. I stand by my statements earlier, and believe that the surnames and legacy names should be separate. I also believe that the surname can be changed, whereas the legacy name should not.


A text-based game I play and enjoy has it so you cannot change your name once your character is created except for a grace period - 40 hours of in-game play time or you reach a certain level. Even then, you have exactly one chance to change it, giving you the opportunity to fix any little problems or simply change it to fit how you want your character to really be.


A similar system here on the Legacy Name would work wonders. Once you enter your name, you have a one-time chance to change it within a set period of time, say 48 hours. That would keep people from being stuck with names that they didn't think were racist but turned out to be, as well as those who made their legacy name in the middle of the night while about to pass out from drinking too much alcohol.


On the other hand, from what I've seen, the biggest problem is the buggy UI: The legacy name window pops up for seemingly no reason. I mean, I press ESC to clear my target and the Legacy Name window pops up. Why, may I ask, did it do that? If that makes it appear, what other random situations can cause it to appear? Perhaps while attempting to say something to someone, it pops up and you press enter, thinking you're saying something to someone.


The point is, when you press enter, no confirmation appears. Those are the two most prevalent problems. All they'd need to do is add two-fold confirmation to it: Once you enter it, you are prompted to confirm, and said window would include what your name choice would look like after formatting and other game-made tweaks. When you confirm that, another pops up with information about the Legacy Name choice: It carries to all characters, doesn't go away when you delete your characters, and cannot be changed once created. After that, it finalizes it and gives you a pop-up saying that you have 48 hours to change it if you don't like it. After that, it sticks.


Even then, though, it doesn't fix the extreme annoyance factor of the window popping up randomly... and I mean randomly. They should really limit the times it pops up to instead o-LEGACY POPUP-f randomly, it would only appear during three predetermined situations: When you login on any character, when you unlock it, and when you choose for it to appear by opening your Talent window, going to the Legacy section, and clicking on "Create Legacy Name" or whatever it says.


Those three simple changes - the grace period, changing the times it pops up, and two-fold confirmation - would make it so much easier for players to enter the legacy name they want. It would reduce the stress, allow for players to make the little tweaks they want when creating it, and just make the game much more fun to play.

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In all honesty, I think it would simply require a couple changes to the current system in order for it to work. I stand by my statements earlier, and believe that the surnames and legacy names should be separate. I also believe that the surname can be changed, whereas the legacy name should not.


I wouldn't mind being locked into my legacy name if my surname could be changed, and if I could have different ones on different characters.

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After making a mistake on my legacy name creation and learning that I cannot reset it, I ended up turned off and played less.


I even decided to start from scratch on another server, but that is far from optimal since I developed friendships on my original server that I would like to keep.


Just saying.

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I actually wanted all my characters on both sides to be related from the start and even had an RP behind it. Meuridiar is supposed to be a minor noble house on Alderaan. Like Alderaan itself there is a rift in the Meuridiar family line as to whether they support the Empire, or the Republic. Most of the house including its current head remained loyal to the Republic, but some split off and joined The Empire.


Given all my characters are human or cyborg this all makes sense.


Beyond the fact that my RP went from original to prettymuch the same RP everyone else will be using now though, it raises other problems:


1. What if people on seperate accounts what to RP families. IE: Husband/wife, parent/child, siblings. In many of these cases they will have the same last name. But does the legacy system allow for that? What if someone wants to RP as a part of one of the branches of the Meuridiar family? I would welcome them to do that except that I can't.


2. This strengthens my idea of never playing non-human characters. Before I had no desire but was open to the option if a species caught my attention. I'm not going to have sith pureblood with the Meuridiar name though. It limits my plausible RP options.


3. The legacy system is not explained upon character creation. The character I first reached legacies on is named. Meuridiar so that with his title he is "Captain Meuridiar" so reaching legacy and realizing how it worked was quite a shock. Captain Meuridiar who's full name is supposed to be Tharak Meuridiar is now Meuridiar Meuridiar ingame. Given we don't even have FIRST NAME changes yet... that kind of sucks. If I could have done seperate legacies I could have given him some honorary title as a lastname like Captain Meuridiar The Daring. Of course that only works if you can make 2 word legacy names. Which you should be able to do.

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I asked Stephen Reid this: it does nothing. And, not only that, but I asked what would happen if you deleted every character on the server. Know what happens then? Nothing! You can't even petition for a surname change -- the GMs are unable to do that!


I mean, really, it's mind-boggling. Name changes are just a part of life in MMOs. People get dissatisfied; they make mistakes; they have a change of heart -- how could you possibly launch a system whre NOT EVEN THE GMS CAN CHANGE SURNAMES, BIOWARE??


GM definitely has the controls at his disposal to change even a legacy name, SR is a community manager, he doesn't know jack about it probably, the problem is that at this point the legacy system isn't fully developed yet, when that happens and all it's features are implemented i am sure a GM will be able to change Legacy name and that it will become an option at some point, won't happen in the next few months most likely.


You will be able to change your legacy name eventually, i am pretty sure about that.


On the side note, it's not really anyone else's fault that you for some reason have chosen some ridiculous name to be your legacy name.

The fault is yours and yours alone.

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Sorry buttercup....You picked the name fully knowing what the ramifications were. And now you want to change it? Sorry but you picked it and now you gotta take your medicine. Yes the legacy system is just plain dumb. But there are more important things to be done. Like actually fix all the broken content.


But than again, this is what Wow has done to the MMO coummunity. "Hey if you don't like it, just throw us some cash"...Sorry but BW shouldn't reward stupidity since you admitted you did it and IT WASN'T A MISTAKE.

Edited by Dovahkien
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I would like to add my request onto the stack around allowing us to change our Legacy Name's the information around the whole process, how they display and actually trying to make an informed decision is totally lacking. This like many of the other major decisions within the game just don't have enough information to make an informed decision until well after you have selected your name.
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I asked Stephen Reid this: it does nothing. And, not only that, but I asked what would happen if you deleted every character on the server. Know what happens then? Nothing! You can't even petition for a surname change -- the GMs are unable to do that!


I mean, really, it's mind-boggling. Name changes are just a part of life in MMOs. People get dissatisfied; they make mistakes; they have a change of heart -- how could you possibly launch a system whre NOT EVEN THE GMS CAN CHANGE SURNAMES, BIOWARE??


Well I would like the option to change the legacy name too. The game wouldnt let me continue unless I entered a name at the time and Im not very happy with mine. Surely, this is a very simple bit of coding.

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Greetings gladeo,



I am Protocol Droid W4-Z0 of Human Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us with your request to change your legacy name.


At this time, we are unable to change a character’s legacy name. However, we are actively working towards being able to offer this service to our players in the future.


Please keep an eye on our website at http://www.swtor.com, for any future announcements on this matter.

We do appreciate that as your legacy name is shared across all characters on a server, having a typographical error in the name, or having chosen a name that you now regret can be a source of frustration.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your patience while we work towards a resolution.


If you have any more questions about this, or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Galactic Support is our Specialty….





Protocol Droid **-** (aka *****)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!

Edited by gladeo
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Sorry buttercup....You picked the name fully knowing what the ramifications were.

I don't think that is the case. For example, if I hadn't read these forums then I wouldn't know that the legacy name applies to both factions. I can imagine people choosing names that sound really nice for one faction but terrible for the other.

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Ok well i want to say a lot of people put thought in to the surname. Mine was going to be de Grey but when i accepted it came out Degrey. I feel they haven't thought all the quirks in the naming rule or policy. There should be a preview to what it will look like and having different factions means different style of play hence different names .If the can change a name due to the naming policy because it offends other players then this should be a easy fix. Really Bio-ware Really
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yeah this kinda wrecked the immersion of the game, not to mention i was BOMBARDED with screen spam to create the legacy as soon as i unlocked it. ultimately i created a non serious legacy name just to make it stop.


Hopefully this will be addressed in march.

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I can't believe there is seriously anyone against the idea of name changes...


Sometimes the positions people take on these forums astound me. It is like there are a dedicated core of players out there to ruin the game for anyone who does not play the game EXACTLY the way they do.


By the way we know they can do name changes because they force you to if your name is inappropriate. I think they just have too much to do at this stage in the game to worry about it though.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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The thing with Legacy names, people should THINK about them before creating them. You have the option to close the window that pops up to choose your Legacy name. If you need more time to think about it so be it, close the window and keep playing while you think about it.


It seriously isn't Biowares' fault that so many people can't think before doing :<.

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I agree with the OP. The Legacy system is nice and all for the players that want their alts under the same family name, but what about us that -don't- want it? Like OP, I also chose Legacy name based on what fit my Jedi Knight at the time. Unfortunately this family name doesn't fit to my Sith at all, or for none of my alts on Empire side. I've always been the type seeing my characters with separate backgrounds and families, and BW forcing -all- of my alts under same name, or with no name at all, is ridiculous. It is immersion breaking for people, who find surnames important, and want their characters to have separate families, and don't imagine them having any connections to other alts.


So please BW. let us choose a surname for our characters in the type of LoTRO, and keep Legacy as something separate from surnames. That, or let people choose two Legacy names, one for Republic alts and one for Empire ones.

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