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(KOTFE) Do you really have to do PvP to recruit a PvE companion?


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Ya, you can't use them in instanced PvP. Just like you can't summon a companion in an Ops group so they aren't PvE, right?


PvE can be so many things, it's difficult to claim any reward is "PvE" specific, but could be attributed to a particular area of PvE. You could say companions are for crafting, but I don't see a requirement to craft to obtain them. Companions are used in any open world PvP scenario just as they are used in any open world PvE scenario and I see no issue with making a companion that can be used for PvP to require PvP to obtain provided they don't prevent you from doing other content.


That's kinda straw man ish, honestly.


Companions can be used for every aspect of PvE except one. And except for Operations, PvE is designed to be played with a companion. Open world PvP on a PvP server is actually PvPvE, because there's still environmental aspects to it, it's not solely PvP. The only solely PvP activities in this game are GSF and warzones, neither of which use companions (Yes, I know you have a crew in GSF, but a) that's not exactly the same thing as dragging a companion around in the world and there are GSF-exclusive crew members anyway)


Spin it all you like, but companions (in the 4X/Pierce model of pets that follow you around and do stuff with you) are a PvE construct, specifically intended to be used in PvE gameplay. Yes, they don't get unsummoned when, during your PvE gameplay, you get attacked by a PvP player on an open-world PvP server, but if you think that means companions are specifically designed for open-world PvP, I'd call shenanigans. I think you're being intentionally obtuse and disingenuous with that argument.


Pierce/4X are a PvE mechanic. And we shouldn't be forced to engage in Warzones to acquire them. I'm just glad that their appropriate classes don't have to do that, otherwise it would really be stupid.

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That's kinda straw man ish, honestly.


Companions can be used for every aspect of PvE except one. And except for Operations, PvE is designed to be played with a companion. Open world PvP on a PvP server is actually PvPvE, because there's still environmental aspects to it, it's not solely PvP. The only solely PvP activities in this game are GSF and warzones, neither of which use companions (Yes, I know you have a crew in GSF, but a) that's not exactly the same thing as dragging a companion around in the world and there are GSF-exclusive crew members anyway)


Spin it all you like, but companions (in the 4X/Pierce model of pets that follow you around and do stuff with you) are a PvE construct, specifically intended to be used in PvE gameplay. Yes, they don't get unsummoned when, during your PvE gameplay, you get attacked by a PvP player on an open-world PvP server, but if you think that means companions are specifically designed for open-world PvP, I'd call shenanigans. I think you're being intentionally obtuse and disingenuous with that argument.


Pierce/4X are a PvE mechanic. And we shouldn't be forced to engage in Warzones to acquire them. I'm just glad that their appropriate classes don't have to do that, otherwise it would really be stupid.


So your argument is that you believe the intent of companions was purely PvE and them being used in open world PvP is then irrelevant? Or that somehow anything involving AI is no longer PvP? Companions are used for many activities in the game, PvE (which is a fairly generic term for a lot of activities) is only one of them. Your opinions on the uses of companions aren't really relevant to the topic. Companions being used in open world PvP is a fact. If you feel that should be classified as PvPvE, feel free to lobby for the quest to be changed to 100 player kills in the open world to better reflect companion use. I bet the PvE crowd will love running around flagged hoping to win a fight.

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Wait what? You had to pvp for L.pierce? Or does that not apply for SW because all i had to do was tell him i'm taking him back with me, and ge was haply to come along lol.


Really tho, I don't think it was alright to do this. I personaly wasn't to kin on forming ops and fighting world bosses for a comp, since it was actually hard to find ppl at times (or find the right ppl at least. Pretty much every char is dps now, and it took forver just to find real healers and tanks that wanted to join the fight).


Anway, agree that stuff like this shouldn't be forced. If you're doing the lvl65 comp. quests, it means you're doing kotfe, and if you're doing that, you were expecting story. Pve.

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Wait what? You had to pvp for L.pierce? Or does that not apply for SW because all i had to do was tell him i'm taking him back with me, and ge was haply to come along lol.


Really tho, I don't think it was alright to do this. I personaly wasn't to kin on forming ops and fighting world bosses for a comp, since it was actually hard to find ppl at times (or find the right ppl at least. Pretty much every char is dps now, and it took forver just to find real healers and tanks that wanted to join the fight).


Anway, agree that stuff like this shouldn't be forced. If you're doing the lvl65 comp. quests, it means you're doing kotfe, and if you're doing that, you were expecting story. Pve.


Yeah. SWs don't have to PvP for Pierce, and Troopers don't have to PvP for 4X. All other classes do.

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Fix the queue so that it will calculate Expertise the moment the persons enter the queue (with bolster of course), if their gear (as a result of bolster) is >= 1900, they are in the "Fine" group, otherwise, the "Not Fine". The "Not Fine" will have to wait in the queue until they have at least 5 "Not Fine" people to be grouped up, otherwise they can stay in the queue forever. "Fine" people will always get the privilege of going first. When there is a pop, the "Fine"s will be in one team and the "Not Fine"s will be in the other, so that we can have a team of 4 snipers channel ambush and let fire at the liquidious fleshbags for hilarity. For this, I also propose cross-faction queue, so that "Not Fine"s of both faction can speed up the process, everyone's happy: "Not Fine"s will get slaughtered fast so that they can get their 20 WZs quota done fast, and the "Fine"s will get their weeklies/dailies done fast.



And that's just my wishful thinking...:D


Seriously, some people can get their mind blown knowing that there are people like me who enjoy both aspects of the game. :rak_03:


Imagine they create an entirely new companion with no relations whatsoever to the story/PvE content so far and put it as a PvP reward...guess what? The self-entitled children will queue up being dead-weight to the team regardless, cuz...need I remind you all of *cough* thecolorcrystalsseasonthreeparticipationreward *cough*? But hey, color crystals are PvE content...right...right?


People just need to grow up a little and realize that ruining other's experience benefits no one. A lot in life has something to do about refraining, and giving up something for the sake of other's enjoyment is called maturity. If you want that companion? Queue up and play by the book. If you like that companion but loathe PvP? Well, either give it up, or just bear with it through the 20 WZs, but don't be a nuisance to others by afking. It shows a severe lack of sportsmanship, and an indication of a mind of a five-year-old.

Edited by ValkyrieEin
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Queue up and play by the book. If you like that companion but loathe PvP? Well, either give it up, or just bear with it through the 20 WZs, but don't be a nuisance to others by afking. It shows a severe lack of sportsmanship, and an indication of a mind of a five-year-old.


I tried. I really tried. I did not just go AFK, I ran with the team and tried to help out to the best of my ability. But I gave up after 3 attempts. Because all got I was being called a "PvE r***rd" (In. Every. Single. Match.) and that gets annoying rather quickly.


Apparently you simply have to wake up one morning, having suddenly become a PvP pro overnight - because if you are simply an ordinary human, who actually has to figure out stuff first before becoming somewhat competent (let alone good) at it, you are apparently mentally handicapped and therefore not allowed to join the big boys in their private little club. Sorry, no learning curves allowed.


Slogging though that kind of abuse from a subculture of hateful PvP elitists for 20 matches? That takes a level of masochism I am just not willing (and able) to invest.

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I tried. I really tried. I did not just go AFK, I ran with the team and tried to help out to the best of my ability. But I gave up after 3 attempts. Because all got I was being called a "PvE r***rd" (In. Every. Single. Match.) and that gets annoying rather quickly.


Apparently you simply have to wake up one morning, having suddenly become a PvP pro overnight - because if you are simply an ordinary human, who actually has to figure out stuff first before becoming somewhat competent (let alone good) at it, you are apparently mentally handicapped and therefore not allowed to join the big boys in their private little club. Sorry, no learning curves allowed.


Slogging though that kind of abuse from a subculture of hateful PvP elitists for 20 matches? That takes a level of masochism I am just not willing (and able) to invest.


Seriously? What server are you on?


I've seen some rude PvPers, but not nearly as often or to the degree that most people make out on these forums.


And I PvP A LOT. On Harbinger.


Maybe because I have General Chat off? Don't think so, as most b*tch*ing is done on ops chat.


I just don't know what people must be doing to provoke these responses. Most of the PvPers are conditioned to accept the crappy matches or they leave the group. I always stick around unless I don't feel like playing the map. We take our lumps. That's part of PvP. All I do different is save my heals and stims instead of wasting them on a sure loss.


So... what's the real story?

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Seriously? What server are you on?

Red Eclipse


So... what's the real story?

"Real story"? I am not sure what you're trying to suggest. All I did was daring to join a WZ match for the first time in my life, and since I had never done this before, I tried to just follow the pack, figure out who everyone was ganging up upon and add whatever DPS I could do to the lot, because well, it was my first time so I can't be expected to be fully clued in on what I was supposed to do. And my reward was being cussed out for it? Doesn't really make me want to try again.

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On the bright side, it looks like Rakghoul event is going to be a monthly occurrence.


Oh joy, so we can look forward to people walking around infecting each-other on fleet every month now? :rolleyes:


Also, most of these comps seem to be optional. If it's more trouble to you than it's worth, don't do the mission!


Honestly, though. I don't know why pvp is this big scary boogeyman for some people. Yeah, it's a bit intimidating to try something new, and nobody likes getting humble-stomped, but sometimes ya gotta just jump in feet first. You'll get utterly crushed your first few times, but so what? Shake it off, get back in there, maybe even learn a thing or two watching people play.


You do one a day, like 5-10min of your time, and you'll have your new comp in a couple weeks!


EDIT: I will say this, do a little research into how bolster works. One terrible thing about this game is that it does not explain bolster at all. Basically, have a piece of 190 rated gear in each slot, including relics, and no expertise crystals (yet!) then you should be okay, if a little bit underpowered next to people with pvp gear.

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Red Eclipse.


I think you've been unlucky.

I've done the 15 matches (5 win) on the same server in three-four days (finished yesterday) with my Sylpheed and nobody has called me names, playing exactly like you have done. Truth to be told, nobody really talked at all in the chat, only some PvPers (I think) who watch the formation, ask who planned it and leave when nobody answer ( they probably understand it's a 4X run).

I won't repeat the experience with another toon since I don't really like being swarmed by a pack of velociraptor (lots of premade team and you sure need tuned reflexes to do anything, even with a durable tank, but completism called) nor the PvP in itself, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be after reading the forum. Smooth sailing I'd say.

Not exactly (nor always) fun, but smooth.

Sure, I may have been lucky myself and gotten all 4X run and at least 5 3VS3 (and I really hope no future PvP only companion requires 10 win to get).


I'd suggest you try again and see how it goes, if it happen again, we'll, as of now you're not losing much anyway if I may say so. Don't even know where the heck 4X is on the alliance base, haven't found him after the quest (which I think may be also bugged, in the description of the quest you can read that the PvP weekly grant you a lot of influence, but I haven't seen any difference, you still have to get the counter to twenty match one way or another).

The only problem is the chain quest, but the problem has already been adressed by other ppl so we'll see what they will do about it.

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I don't PvP for any reason. But then again, I'm used to not getting any rewards that may come from PvP, and I'm fine with that too. I'm not even remotely a completionist, and if I were, having to do PvP to recruit either M1-4X or Pierce would be the least of my PvP woes to achieve completion.


But what I do wish is the ability to tell M1-4X "You're doing a bang-up job there, good luck with it" and abandon the alert and the companion, forever. Or not just M1-4X... whoever the companion is. Maybe I want to RP which comps makes sense for me to have. Maybe my light-side sage just opposes having Scourge as a comp, when he gets reinserted into the game.


And it's not just having that blinking icon because of the alert either. With the recent rakghoul event, I wondered why I didn't have the chance to recruit Lokin. As I understand it, the reason is that I haven't finished my Qyzen quest yet (I could, because I'm a sage and thus could have had him immediately). But I just wanted to get all that free rep by defeating the WBs. Went from 10-17 ranks just for turning in 5 of them. But until I do, I won't get the opportunity to get Lokin.


And that's my only beef. Who won't I get the chance to recruit, or do whatever alert, because I have that M1-4X alert either untaken or unfinished?

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I don't PvP for any reason. But then again, I'm used to not getting any rewards that may come from PvP, and I'm fine with that too. I'm not even remotely a completionist, and if I were, having to do PvP to recruit either M1-4X or Pierce would be the least of my PvP woes to achieve completion.


But what I do wish is the ability to tell M1-4X "You're doing a bang-up job there, good luck with it" and abandon the alert and the companion, forever. Or not just M1-4X... whoever the companion is. Maybe I want to RP which comps makes sense for me to have. Maybe my light-side sage just opposes having Scourge as a comp, when he gets reinserted into the game.


And it's not just having that blinking icon because of the alert either. With the recent rakghoul event, I wondered why I didn't have the chance to recruit Lokin. As I understand it, the reason is that I haven't finished my Qyzen quest yet (I could, because I'm a sage and thus could have had him immediately). But I just wanted to get all that free rep by defeating the WBs. Went from 10-17 ranks just for turning in 5 of them. But until I do, I won't get the opportunity to get Lokin.


And that's my only beef. Who won't I get the chance to recruit, or do whatever alert, because I have that M1-4X alert either untaken or unfinished?


That's actually a very fair and reasonable solution to the problem. I despise PvP in SWTOR as well and haven't participate since lauch, until I had to to get M1-4X / Pierce. It wasn't a big deal for me since it was over pretty quickly and I can have no problem doing it if need be. However for people that absolutely don't want to PvP under any circumstances, your solution would be cool.

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I'm not doing PvP, ever - I just don't want to hurt other people; doesn't work for me; I don't like it. I got legendary status, legacy level 50, 20k achievements, but no PvP. Never. Not going to.


If you don't do pvp , you won't get that companion. Deal with it.



If the game wants you to do something in order to get something then do it. If you don't wanna put in the effort to do that something then you have to accept the fact that you won't get that thing and you have to learn to live with it.


Today i found out i had to do world bosses in order to get Quizen Fess. I was frustrated but just moved on, put it off for later. It just puts more spice into the game.


Jesus *********** Christ... these babies...

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People, relax.


I enjoy both pvp and pve. I know that makes me the odd man out, but please hear me out with what I am going to say here:


To my PVP brethren, you need to understand this fact about hard core PVE'ers. They are completionists. The reason they put up with killing the same band of wandering mobs to get to the same boss who has the same game mechanic every week is because they want to get it right. They want the rewards. They want ALL of the rewards. They want every maxed item, every mount, every rare drop in the game. It is why they subscribe. So, having a companion, something they want dearly because it is simply there, behind PVP lines is an afront to them.


The reason is, many PVE people have a common picture that PVP is a group of 12-22 year old kids running around griefing people for the pleasure of griefing them. Since they have that image, they have the reaction we have been seeing.


PVPers actually play because they enjoy having to think on their feet. PVP only has a few zones to randomly que for, so there isnt any exploration to it. In PVP, the challenge is to balance what you know and can do against what others do. 75% of PVP is PUGed... so not only do you have to adjust to your opponents, you have to adjust to your team, often with silent clues (who is going to be the guy who holds the pylon, for example). You don't kill people in PVP, you make them respawn. You don't take gear loss, so it is cost free.


So my PVE relatives... instead of just sitting in a corner on a warzone 20 times... try it out! Hey, it may suck. It probably wont be your cup of tea. But hell, you might even have a little fun. You know you are eventually going to do the quest, you may as well actually DO the quest.



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If you don't do pvp , you won't get that companion. Deal with it.



If the game wants you to do something in order to get something then do it. If you don't wanna put in the effort to do that something then you have to accept the fact that you won't get that thing and you have to learn to live with it.


Today i found out i had to do world bosses in order to get Quizen Fess. I was frustrated but just moved on, put it off for later. It just puts more spice into the game.


For me, like I said a couple posts above, it's not that I can't get M1-4X/Pierce. It's the fact that if I don't complete it (and I won't), I might not get an alert that requires it. Guess what, if you decide you don't want Qyzen (which is fair) for either not wanting to do the quest or because you just didn't want him, you can't get Lokin either because Qyzen's alert BLOCKS Lokin's alert. I haven't finished Qyzen yet myself, and therefore missed this recent chance to get Lokin during the Rakghoul event (not really a big deal either).


That to me is the crux of the problem.

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So my PVE relatives... instead of just sitting in a corner on a warzone 20 times... try it out! Hey, it may suck. It probably wont be your cup of tea. But hell, you might even have a little fun. You know you are eventually going to do the quest, you may as well actually DO the quest.


I appreciiate the reasoned response.


But the reason I don't PvP is because I disdain competitive play. I don't like the feeling of losing, and I *also* don't like the feeling of making someone else lose. I don't care if 90% of PvPers don't care losing (though I'm not sure that's the case). So, I stick to things that I find fun.


I'm also not a completionist. In fact, I can't see a completionist avoiding PvP if they want to get all those achievements, along with the titles they grant.


However, I will reiterate that the problem is that I can't just say "Fine, drop the alert forever, and go on". And I don't know, will not doing the M1-4X alert not allow me to do a non-PvP one later? Like I've noted a few times now, you can't get the alert to get Lokin if you don't finish Qyzen.

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I would have to say that is a bit of an odd response. Isn't the game competitive? Let's say you are just doing a PUG to kill the crazy chocobo in Toborro's Courtyard (that's what I always call him, anyhow). I say a PUG because you don't have to be a hard core PVE'er to do that. You are competing against that giant droid, aren't you? Not only that, when you lose (AKA wipe) it gets expensive!


Look at PvP in this instance the same way... except the loot isn't as good since there is no cost involved. The other team is simply another game mechanic.


Again... try it out. It only hurts if you start to like it and feel the need to PVP gear grind! LOL

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I would have to say that is a bit of an odd response. Isn't the game competitive? Let's say you are just doing a PUG to kill the crazy chocobo in Toborro's Courtyard (that's what I always call him, anyhow). I say a PUG because you don't have to be a hard core PVE'er to do that. You are competing against that giant droid, aren't you? Not only that, when you lose (AKA wipe) it gets expensive!


Look at PvP in this instance the same way... except the loot isn't as good since there is no cost involved. The other team is simply another game mechanic.


Again... try it out. It only hurts if you start to like it and feel the need to PVP gear grind! LOL


There's a difference between PvP and PvE that your comparison is missing.

When PUGing Toborro's Courtyard (Never did, never will, I don't raid and I barely do FPs), you are losing because you failed to learn a pattern, follow a set serie of actions, you are losing against a computer.

In PvP, even knowing how to play and doing your best doesn't guarantee you a fair chance of winning. Your defeat doesn't depend on a computer but on someone being better (Or, in my case, just walking over my face in group while stunlocking me). It's not the same kind of failure.

If I were to try and find a comparison, it'd be like the difference between failing to climb a wall and getting sh*t beaten out of you in a martial art fight. It's a failure in both cases but not it's not the same context and the same reasons.

Hope I was clear.

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I would have to say that is a bit of an odd response. Isn't the [PvE side of the] game competitive?



Again... try it out. It only hurts if you start to like it and feel the need to PVP gear grind! LOL

Many people do not want to "try it out." Why is that do hard to grasp?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Okay, I've been reading forum posts and Dulfy guides, and it's said that to recruit a certain companion, I'd have to do warzone matches? Play PvP? Otherwise I won't be able to recruit them? Seriously?


I'm not doing PvP, ever - I just don't want to hurt other people; doesn't work for me; I don't like it. I got legendary status, legacy level 50, 20k achievements, but no PvP. Never. Not going to.


But I do want another companion, another friend. It just doesn't make sense in my head. Why would they introduce such a strange requirement instead of a normal solo PvE quest?


For the record, I don't like recruiting Dr Lokin through Rakghoul event only, either. I've got eight(or rather eighteen) high-level characters who will need him as a companion: I can't wait for months for each of them - again, that just doesn't make sense.


I hope they'll change it in the later patches. As it stands, it just seems a really bad idea.


Great post this.. I was like your kidding when I went to see MX. I done my PVP with dark age of Camelot and loved it only game I ever have like it in and with all my toons I have never done it again. So this being forced on me like the Rakghoul event is just poor. Should just keep it like the others even make it collect 10 instead of 5 if you want to change it up for these two companions.

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To my PVP brethren, you need to understand this fact about hard core PVE'ers. .... They want the rewards. They want ALL of the rewards. They want every maxed item, every mount, every rare drop in the game.


I almost started to take you seriously until I read that. This perception of PVE players is as bad as what you think PVE thinks of PVP.


many PVE people have a common picture that PVP is a group of 12-22 year old kids running around griefing people for the pleasure of griefing them.


See? Both those views are the problem. I am not saying that there are not PVE and PVP people that fit those definitions like a glove, but that is not the entire base of either side.


I will freely admit I am one of those PVE that think 90% of PVP are what you described that I quoted, but that is because of my experience with PVP. I did PVP with 3 of my characters prior to 50 (commando, gunslinger, sage). All of them have valor of 51,36, and 38 respectively. When I got to 50, PVP stopped being fun, so I stopped.


For the Companion, my commando didn't have to do the PVP but he had 51 valor so it wouldn't of mattered. My gunslinger I ended up doing 14 fights over 3 hour period. It wasn't too bad as there were some wins. My sage was a nightmare, 14 losses in a row, followed by one win, and two more losses. By then I had valor 40 and stopped. It took 5+ hours on my sage to just do that quest. HK doesn't even take that long.


Also during my (non healer)sage nightmare, I encountered the same 4 premade group 10 out of the 16 losses ( I started to keep track of names) . One of the individuals on that premade team proceeded to hunt me down every time i got to where the battle was and decimate me in about 5 hits (I saw him stop attacking another player to come to me). So, my view of that griefer that is looking for easy kills to rack up his count to boost his ego seems rather justified.


This quest to get a known companion by doing PVP is wrong, imo. If they want to introduce a new companion just for PVPers I have no problem with that. Make them as cool as they want (can be a Hutt for all I care). The argument that Forex/Pierce is just a companion that doesn't have an effect on the story is not entirely known or accurate at this time. Two examples that I can give off hand is:


1) the cantina scene on odessen is different if you have HK-51 and/or Treek.


2) at the end of Star Fortress, my friend had Treek out as his companion, and the end scene was different than it was for other companions.


Now this might only be those two companions, but we don't know if any future dialogue might occur differently in the story depending on which companions you do or do not have. So they actually might be part of the story, which is what PVE players want to see.

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Okay, I've been reading forum posts and Dulfy guides, and it's said that to recruit a certain companion, I'd have to do warzone matches? Play PvP? Otherwise I won't be able to recruit them? Seriously?


I'm not doing PvP, ever - I just don't want to hurt other people; doesn't work for me; I don't like it. I got legendary status, legacy level 50, 20k achievements, but no PvP. Never. Not going to.


But I do want another companion, another friend. It just doesn't make sense in my head. Why would they introduce such a strange requirement instead of a normal solo PvE quest?


For the record, I don't like recruiting Dr Lokin through Rakghoul event only, either. I've got eight(or rather eighteen) high-level characters who will need him as a companion: I can't wait for months for each of them - again, that just doesn't make sense.


I hope they'll change it in the later patches. As it stands, it just seems a really bad idea.




I have never PVP'd in SWTOR and I really really don't want to.


This quest is also unfair to PVP'rs in that they have to deal with someone like me on their team. It's not that I wouldn't be trying. I've never desired to make PVP part of my SWTOR experience, but now it's necessary in order to open the rest of the alert line.


It's not my cup of tea at all. I am an unwilling participant, but I will try. I apologize to you guys here, in public, in advance if I suck at it! Sorry! :)

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  • 2 months later...
Wow, I just read through this thread to see if I could figure how it was possible to skip past Lorkin/the pvp droid..I just found out after reading all og this I am so screwed in this game.. Throughout my history of MMO's I have found I have a dislike for: Guilds (10-15% put forth effort that the rest get to use), PVP because I really truly suck at it (I have tried on several MMO;s; playing in groups (because people want you to have mics/ears on, and I am playing to enjoy the game, if I want to talk to my friends I will go to their house...So I am a anti-social, non-PvP'er, who doesn;t join guilds... How will I ever succeed? (I hope the sarcasm wasn't missed by to many?) Happy gaming, and I will look else where for better information then the forums here...
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