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Will there be anything left for FTP and Preferred?


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To be honest it's hard to take you seriously now with your bad grammar and constant attempts at insults... 4/10 OP just because I actually did try to bother arguing with someone of vastly inferior intellect.


I am sorry. Inferior eh? You openly admit that FTP and Preferred players are getting shafted. Yet you think your so much better just because you pay a subscription fee and they don't / cant. You think that every game in the world is pay to play and all free to play people should just vanish from the face of the planet. You don't grasp the simple fact every person who logs in. Every person who plays the game has a right to a certain level of satisfaction. There are restrictions in place for Free to play and preferred. They cant do half the **** we subs can and taking even more away from what little they already have is just flat out wrong. Agreeing to the mistreatment of players based on income status is both ignorant and in-morel. But hey. I guess your they type of person who likes talking down on a person who is already chained and beaten. Just because you pay for something does not give you the right to look down on others who use the same product for free. You should be more responsible and look after the others and making sure they are treated fairly because its the subscribers AND preferred players who keep the game open.

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I don't think f2p should get more, but on this I do agree with the OP. I will never be for them getting more but would not take anything away from them. 4.0 has taken stuff out of the game that not only f2p did but a lot of players did as well. There is still plenty to do but yes some of it has gone.
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not free? Its a damn free to play MMO with micro transaction and Donation benefits. Do not try and *********** call it a pay to play and say the Free to play and preferred status are just some damn free trial mode. They are not. They should have all rights to the "core" game and its features. They cant use artifact gear or even legendary with out having to pay for it. So what the hell is wrong about giving them just the basic gear vendors so they don't get even more butt ****ed with bog downs. its not like we are saying hey lets make preferred and Free to play exactly the same as subscribers. No. I am saying hey. Do not take even more away from them they already have too little as is.


You keep trying to say this, but you are WRONG. This is a standard AAA MMO, with a F2P Option and cash shop. "The Game" is what Subscribers get, subscribers do not get anything extra than they always got, except maybe 500 CC stipend. "The Reduced Game" is what F2P/Pref players get.


Listen, everyone here can see what you are doing. Yes, you are a subscriber *now*, but obviously you are about to not be a subscriber and you don't want your game hampered. We get it, so stop pretending that you are some champion of F2P/Pref players because you are currently a "sub".

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I am sorry. Inferior eh? You openly admit that FTP and Preferred players are getting shafted. Yet you think your so much better just because you pay a subscription fee and they don't / cant. You think that every game in the world is pay to play and all free to play people should just vanish from the face of the planet. You don't grasp the simple fact every person who logs in. Every person who plays the game has a right to a certain level of satisfaction. There are restrictions in place for Free to play and preferred. They cant do half the **** we subs can and taking even more away from what little they already have is just flat out wrong. Agreeing to the mistreatment of players based on income status is both ignorant and in-morel. But hey. I guess your they type of person who likes talking down on a person who is already chained and beaten. Just because you pay for something does not give you the right to look down on others who use the same product for free. You should be more responsible and look after the others and making sure they are treated fairly because its the subscribers AND preferred players who keep the game open.


And here you are dead wrong as well. Neither YOU, nor I nor ANYONE else has a right to a certain level of satisfaction in this game. You have the option to experience the game in the manner that the studio presents it. Period. If you do not find "a certain level of satisfaction" in this game you are free to explore other games.


The F2P/Pref model here is meant to be a taste test, not a permanent status.

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The 208s are all gear with modification in them. They are 65 level. But they go for 80 - 150 crystals each. The gear is all bind on pickup. That means that my character at max with 1,000 crystals (actually 984) can't gear himself and my freebe 60 which is now 65 can't gear himself because he went through the entire expansion and ended up with 80 so he can buy one belt.


There are no modification vendors post 59 except for one that sells level 60 green crap.


So upgrading gear will be hard for all and much more difficult for non subs.


If you are a solo player you are in deep doo doo with the expansion.


PS - You (even as a sub) can't craft anything without exotics that drop from HM flashpoints which leaves out many players.


Do most people really know so little about this game? We have had legacy gear shells since 1.2, so something like March 2012.


Gearing toons is even easier now.


You no longer need 1 set of gear for a Strength based DPS and one for an Aim based DPS and one for a cunning based DPS and one for a willpower based DPS.


Nay, nay I tell ya. You only need 1 set of gear for ALL your DPSers, 1 set of gear for ALL your tanks and 1 set of gear for ALL your healers.


So, here is what you do. You look at the crystal count on ALL your toons. Then you go about making complete sets of gear by purchasing "comm/crystal" gear from the vendors on fleet, ripping the bits out of them and throwing them into Legacy Bound shells.


Problem solved, problem staying solved.

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I understand that completely. But all I see are hates and flames just because some one does not pay a subscription any time they try and speak up for them self. back when I was FTP and preferred I relayed on the Commendation gear merchants and the standard gear merchants for gear till I was around level 50. When I was able to stop and gain a flow of income. Even then I still relayed on them allot for cosmetic looks because if I want to get something cool off the market i have to pay 100-300k which was most if not all my credits at the time. when i could just go to a basic gear or a commendation gear merchant and buy some good looking to decent times for repetitively cheap to almost nothing.


But the way it is. Subs will get 5 new things. A preferred and FTP will have something taken away. I know if I say its not fair to them people will just ***** and whine and say they should subscribe. But the point is. Its not about getting something new. its about keeping what little they have.


I've been reading your posts throughout this thread and the one thing you seem to reiterate is that Free-to-Play and Preferred players are being short-changed as a result of this new expansion (which, by the way, happens to be really fun). I think you're doing a good thing by trying to advocate for all those players who can't afford a subscription, but please try to keep things in perspective and be patient. This is a new expansion and the development team is currently shifting some major things around in order to continue in this new direction. Some players will be more deeply affected by this than others, but as the devs continue to get these changes dialed in they will be reading the forums and addressing these issues just as they always have. So, again. Patience. You seem to want to champion the plight of a bunch of broke gamers by speaking about this as if they are being persecuted. I honestly don't think it needs to go that deep. Some things got taken away, but there will be other things that will take its place.

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I understand that completely. But all I see are hates and flames just because some one does not pay a subscription any time they try and speak up for them self. back when I was FTP and preferred I relayed on the Commendation gear merchants and the standard gear merchants for gear till I was around level 50. When I was able to stop and gain a flow of income. Even then I still relayed on them allot for cosmetic looks because if I want to get something cool off the market i have to pay 100-300k which was most if not all my credits at the time. when i could just go to a basic gear or a commendation gear merchant and buy some good looking to decent times for repetitively cheap to almost nothing.


But the way it is. Subs will get 5 new things. A preferred and FTP will have something taken away. I know if I say its not fair to them people will just ***** and whine and say they should subscribe. But the point is. Its not about getting something new. its about keeping what little they have.


You're a legend, and thankyou, but i just want to with a pat on the back say your concerns may be unwarranted.


I'm a preferred player foremost, i started the week of f2p, and swtor has been my main wow clone mmo since. I've subbed a number of times when i've found it worth it.. but i'm not a subscriber. I can promise you sincerely that the preferred experience has only gotten better over time. So many things 1) you can unlock to the same as subs. 2) have gotten nerfed down for free to the same level as subs.


You mention the nasty entitlement core, they are this.. but don't believe them when they describe preferred access.. guess what.. they've never tried it.. they actually are the prime example of why bioware made the restrictions so retentive in the first place.. because this demographic of player will dig their heels in quite fiercely and just keep paying. The list on the website of differences is not even close to accurate, and would be 4-6 points maximum if you consider all the things you can pay once your way out of. Don't believe em. They're also trying to convince themselves :p


Also.. i'm pretty sure preferred can do hardmode flashpoints.. its just all ops and whatever pvp thing. Getting closer to the top.. aside from the gamble boxes there's no comm restrictions on daily and weekly mission terminal quests or differences in caps.. the 3 loot rolls is hit and miss but if you hit pass on the roll it doesn't count.. and you can still loot comm rewards.. There's no free endgame gear just because you're preferred but you're the same as subs as far as gearing up for endgame goes.


Since they added escrow access cartel items the credit nerf from dailies was also removed..


Since 4.0 i'm curious if the levelling experience is any different either... some subs so cling dearly to levelling experience boosts for subs... im getting not so much anymore either.


The game is far from free, you have to pay for the unlocks....

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Coffee is for closers.


You wanna play in the big mans game?


This is no free ride pal,if that's what you are looking for hit the bricks pal you had you're free time on others dime.







actually it is a free ride because its a free to play game with optional payment. Quite frankly I wont doubt very soon they are going to make it where you cant obtain anything unless its a cartel perches. Because taking away something like NPC vendors is a step towards this not being SWTOR but SWFashionista where if you want anything other then the level 8 armor you have to pay cartel points to get it.

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Paying customers are spoiled? So I guess if McDonalds had a Free to Eat program, paying customers shouldn't complain about having to wait in line behind those not paying? Is that your stance?


Hate to tell you but out here in the real world, money talks and bull sh*t walks.


If those *Paying customers* want to enjoy something then they can wait like everyone else. Common courtesy comes to mind.

Edited by AylaL
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he is right , this game was more fun be for it was a free to play.... the qqing baby's cry there *** off asking for it to be free to play... and now they are crying more .... i say go to your x-box and play it and let us big boy's that can pay for this game have are fun ....



There isn't anything wrong with this update, matter of fact I love it,


It cut out a lot of the bots you would see every where farm crap but there is a lot of stuff you guys can do out there instead of farming comms & creds so quit qqing that you cant farm comms anymore, geez I have notice that f2p always wants more crap for free, how about you tell your friends to fork out the extra 15 bucks a month, it isn't hard matter of fact its pretty damn easy instead of qqing about it on here:rolleyes:


I mean nothing against you here but this game needs to make money some how...

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There isn't anything wrong with this update, matter of fact I love it,


It cut out a lot of the bots you would see every where farm crap but there is a lot of stuff you guys can do out there instead of farming comms & creds so quit qqing that you cant farm comms anymore, geez I have notice that f2p always wants more crap for free, how about you tell your friends to fork out the extra 15 bucks a month, it isn't hard matter of fact its pretty damn easy instead of qqing about it on here:rolleyes:


I mean nothing against you here but this game needs to make money some how...


I agree and if I remember correctly they had stated that most of the money spent on cartel coins was by subscribers and not preferred or f2p folks. They are trying to encourage more subs with the way they are releasing content/story updates that you have to be subscribed in order to receive. If it is true that the f2p and preferred were not significant contributors to cash flow then why shouldn't they start modifying the game conditions to encourage more people to subscribe?

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you are a dumb *** you know that ....i have not been a free to play on this game . i have pay for this game from day one. and to qqing crying baby's like you i tell you this go play your x-box and let us big boy's that can pay for this game.. play this game, or go ask mom and your dad for money .. or get a job ok . you are like the one in a food stamp line asking for free food and you get soup , and some one like me that pay's for his food gets a stake you are going to cry mom he got a stake , we just got a bow of soup... so qq for no one here care's if you are here or not


You lost this argument when you resorted to calling me names. Have a nice day.

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I just realized something I have been saying for a while now has (kind of) happened. For a while I have felt there should be at least a second tier of Pref status. Rather than lumping everyone who has spent some money, but not an active subscriber into one category always seemed wrong. At least from here on out people who have subbed for at least a month now get all the xpacs and whatever chapters of KotFE were released at the time of their sub lapsing as opposed to people who just spend $5 in the CM. Its not 100% what I had in mind, but at least maybe its a start.
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Well. When the F2P option was announced, I quit TOR for almost a year. I didn't want people to play this game for free AT ALL. That's how elitist I am. :D


However. To all my fellow subs that keep proclaiming nothing was taken from us - provided you are willing to pay - well, that's [insert random crapword with the meaning of "not true"], guys. If nothing has been removed, then tell me, which vendor do I go to when I want to buy parts of Battle Instructor set (used to be Tatooine equipment) or RD-05A Sniper (used to be sold on Alderaan)? You speak of a lvl 8 vendor with orange gear - surely you don't mean to say that being able to buy ONE set of armor instead of choosing from a DOZEN is "nothing has been removed", do you?


It's a serious flaw. I am that paying customer you keep talking of, yet I have been screwed, because now the options for outfitting my characters are a lot narrower than they used to be. There was a ton of great stuff that is no longer here, not even shifted to the CM yet (and that move will be horrendous in itself). I don't know if all of it can be crafted - someone please confirm or deny this if you know - but even if if is, the new players never get a chance to learn the schematics and the old will gradually go away and what then? I used to be able to buy a piece of equipment for some comms, now I will have to dish out a few million credits because there are 10 people in total crafting what I want?


Nothing removed, indeed!

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