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Why I'm leaving Qyzen to freeze on Hoth


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I found 10 jaggaath creatures in 20 minutes and found a group to do 3 WBs in another 20 minutes, had it all done within an hour. Put some effort into it, read the datapad, don't expect everything to be handed to you, this game is already too mouth breather friendly.


You're right, because waiting 10 minutes for the opportunity to fight for a respawn when some idiot player does not want to group up is.... content. Maybe make the content, like, challenging--mentally challenging-- instead of "mouth breathing" boring...


I thought we were past the whole, 'wait forever for said mob to spawn, one shot it, take quest item, rinse and repeat 20 times...'


This kind of content is outdated and lacks innovation.


Main story line... massive step in the right direction however.

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I just ran around in a circle below the forward bunker. There are 4-6 ice cats and a Wampa. Took me maybe 2 hours total. No world bosses. I did have to wait for respawns. If I had it to do over, I'd maybe do a run, than play another toon and come back later and leave my character parked there.

There and mostly the mountain behind the big pipeline where you even find 2 worthy wampas or snowcats side by side. Just had to travel from one location to the other and it went very fast.

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Anyone have trouble turning in the 20 hides? gathered them up without to much trouble but can't get the line to reflect it is turn in eligible, just get the if you pick this you will not be able to turn in any additional trophies?

Is it a bug or is it the expected progression for the 20 hides over the WBs?

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Because I ain't got time for that. Seed more Jaggernath trophy creatures and make them easier to find.


And before you tell me to group up and hit the world bosses, firstly, why should I have to? Secondly, already tried, no one is interested.


So Qyzen gets to freeze. Kthxbai


Really I did the 20 tokens needed in about 1hr or so, they spawn so quickly, then again I tackled that point around 1am GMT time when The Red Eclipse is quiet. I met one other guy when I arrived at the spawn location, so I changed instance to another instance so we both didnt get negative results.


I would say that one is easier than made out to be

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