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Cartel Market: Gold Class Mount Pack


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Sounds good ...


Now, how am I supposed to see the list of gold quality class mounts that I can get from the pack? From collections? because I can't search collections using the keyword 'gold' under the vehicles section. or do you expect the paying customer to click on all 233 mounts in the vehicles section of the collections window, 1 by 1 and write down whether the status of the vehicle is gold and it's name on a piece of paper, then go to the store and make a decision?


Guess what? I sure as hell won't be doing this, I'd rather keep my money then do admin for you ...


When customers go shopping in the real world, they like to look in a window and see everything at a price, not have to open 233 doors 1 by 1 to see if whats on offer is even worth it.


Instead of just thinking about how you can get more money out of a player, how about thinking about actually attracting the player and making it fairly easy to buy from you ...

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When customers go shopping in the real world, they like to look in a window and see everything at a price, not have to open 233 doors 1 by 1 to see if whats on offer is even worth it.


Instead of just thinking about how you can get more money out of a player, how about thinking about actually attracting the player and making it fairly easy to buy from you ...


This. So much this.


There has to be a better way to organize a store and collections.


Oh, wait a minute, there is! Perhaps someone on BioWare's Cartel Market dev team needs to get a LotRO account and go take a look at what Turbine's done with the Turbine Store in LotRO. It's very well organized, with a keyword search feature, and menus and submenus that categorize everything so well that it's hard to get lost there!


I came to this game expecting to find an even more sophisticated store than LotRO has and was really disappointed. While I haven't been into the game again yet since the patch started (still patching UGH!), I'm not holding my breath that it'll be much better than it was when I was kicked out of the game last night when the servers came down for the update.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sounds good ...


Now, how am I supposed to see the list of gold quality class mounts that I can get from the pack? From collections? because I can't search collections using the keyword 'gold' under the vehicles section. or do you expect the paying customer to click on all 233 mounts in the vehicles section of the collections window, 1 by 1 and write down whether the status of the vehicle is gold and it's name on a piece of paper, then go to the store and make a decision?


Guess what? I sure as hell won't be doing this, I'd rather keep my money then do admin for you ...



Well put. I mean, I don't mind dropping down some coins for the chance of getting a decent mount/other, it actually is fun doing the who baseball card pack thingy. But to not have a list of what you could get, is just plain lameness..


Sorry, I wont be participating in those purchases. At least until a site actually comes up with a differentiating list, that shows that information. But here it is 10 days after the post, and i can google nothing thus far,...

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