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Can't Start Chapter 1: The Hunt


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Same problem!

KotFE is not starting - i took the mission,saw video - then got downloadded on Imperial fleet. clicked play again - again loading screen, again on fleet. reset mission, play - again same thing.


can't start it!


i'm playing on Powertech, 62 lvl, closed all companions talk, storyline chapter 3 closed too.


Please, give us a bit of yellow text! (((((((

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I have exactly the same error here :

- my newly created lvl 60 (now 65) can log in to the game fine (she has finished her chapter IX already)

- my lvl 60 sorc wants to start the Chapter I - The Hunt. the progress bar reaches 95% and she is kicked back to Imperial Fleet.


Any hints?

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I had this issue two days ago. Yesterday when I gave it another try it was all good. However I ended up taking my spaceship to the new planet first, to see if there was any way of starting chapter 1 from there, (which it wasn't). But when I tried hitting "Play" and "Launch" it all started up as it was supposed to do.
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It is not working. I was told that this is the issue with unfinished Ilum and/or Makeb missions - do I did them.

The loading bar reaches 95% and bah - my char is back to corresponding Fleet... Unfortunately - the Customer Support in this game seems to be Yeti - everybody knows it exist, no one saw it :)

Any hints from fellow sufferers err I mean players? :)

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I'm running into this same issue. I can start a new Level 60 character, but when I try to start the quest on the character I WANT to play it on (level 60 gunslinger), I have the exact same issue described in the initial post. SO frustrated.
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same problem here

playing with a new created lvl 60 character was no problem but with my lvl 60 sith warrior. everytime i find myself on the starfleet again when i click "play" on the kotfe mission.


Edit: lel got right back into the game clicked on my portrait -> phase -> reset all fp

tried to start chapter 1 of kotfe again and it works now!

Edited by VladimirWurst
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  • 2 weeks later...

Had this bug just today.

Tried logging out and starting from another computer - no go

Tried to reset phases, however, it wouldn't bring up the option no matter where I went

Travelled back and forth between my house, Nar Shaddaa (planet side), house, ship, reset the quest several times, then finally went to my ship, hit Start and Launch and it worked. It would seem that patience is the key here (something I do not possess in great amounts :p).


I would suggest logging out, playing another char for a bit and then trying again.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Experience the same problem. I have now only one mission: Chapter 1: The Hunt. Have tried to reset it, but still get the same error message. Have also tried to dismiss my companion. Nothing helps. What to do?


Addition: Seems I found the solution. I thought I should go into the mission log and do the reset there. After reading through all the postings, I discovered that I should have right clicked my character's image instead and choose the reset there. Now the chapter started as expected.

Edited by General_Roy
Found a solution that worked
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