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[4.0] Missing text in German version


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After update 4.0 there are some texts missing in the German version. Crosschecked with the english version and there it's ok.


Grade 7 and 8 materials are missing the text in the tooltip that it's a grade 7/8 material.




In companion window the name field of the first 3 companions are empty and the biography texts are missing. From companion 4 onwards it's ok. It seems to be the case with all of my characters who have all companions. If a character only has 2 companions then it's fine.



Edited by alceleniel
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It finds another missing German texts:

- In some relics, such as relic of focused retribution no "green text" is displayed.

- In the guild in "location" no name will be displayed while a player graduate the new chapter.

- For example, in the crew-ability "cybertech/grenade" new recipes are displayed overlapping and/or have no names.

- Star map on the ship: a planet has no name, presumably "odessen".


Es fehlen noch weitere deutsche Texte:

- bei einigen Relikten, z.B. Relikt der Fokus-Vergeltung wird kein "grüner Text" angezeigt.

- in der Gildenübersicht wird bei "Ort" kein Name angezeigt, während ein Spieler die neuen Kapitel absolviert.

- z.B. bei der Crew-Fähigkeit "Cybertech/Granate" werden neue Rezepte überlappend angezeigt und/oder haben keinen Namen.

- Sternenkarte auf dem Schiff: ein Planet hat keinen Namen, vermutlich "Odessen".

Edited by SchnellesWiesel
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Similar missing text in the French version (hovering the mouse on the grade 8 ingredients don't display the grade, some companion names missing). Also in text dialog, the NPC name talking is often missing (the sentence starts with ";")


A few translations are broken (such as the button to unwrap the collection list is labeled "Tout démolir", litteraly "demolish everything"... Scary)

Edited by Nkya
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