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Everything posted by SchnellesWiesel

  1. You're not the only one this happens to. The problem is easy to solve. Go to the stronghold terminal and activate the stronghold. It's on fleet in the supplies section. Edit: @VegaMist was faster. i need to long time to translate. ^^
  2. Have you looked at the stronghold terminal? Maybe the problem will be solved, like it was with the Mek-Sha stronghold. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/933414-devs-please-fix-galactic-season-stronghold-transfers-before-the-shae-vizla-transfers/#comment-9798545
  3. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934073-mek-sha-stronghold-still-not-showing-as-unlocked In this thread it was reported that the unlock worked, but not retroactively.
  4. No name is displayed in the german client either.
  5. The Message in Launcher is false. Correct: Wir werden die Server am 5. Dezember, um 14:00 Uhr MEZ aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten herunterfahren.
  6. Now, after a few months, a new discount on the collections. It's a pity that there is no discount for the items listed above. We'll have to get used to the fact that '50% off Collection Unlock sale' actually means '50% off Collection Unlock sale on certain items'.
  7. @Crystal_Mind: Thanks. At Startpage i can change the language now. At dxdiag-page i can only change to german the others languages are always russian. Weird. But now, i can make a DxDiag report. I can't join the test server to get the mount, but I might be able to support the team with my mail. Edit: Now, I can play on PTS. Thanks to Chryptyk. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/927644-pts-not-loading-fix-by-installing-direct-x-9/
  8. [QUOTE] To transfer your character the Public Test Server, follow these instructions: Log into http://www.swtor.com. Click on your account name in the top right hand corner of the site. Click “My Account.” In the left column, scroll down and click the link entitled “PTS Character Copy.” Select the server and then the character that you wish to copy from. Click the “Copy Character” button. The site will display the current status of your character copy at the top of the page. Additionally, you can click the “View your character transfer history” link to see if the copy has completed. To access the Public Test Server: Log in to the Star Wars: The Old Republic launcher using your username and password. Click the Settings button (gear) in the bottom left corner of the launcher Under “Enable Public Test Server Access”, select “Yes” Click “Save” Now the bottom left corner will have two buttons: select the new button next to settings Under "Pick an Environment" select "Public Test" Click "Next" and you will begin patching on the Public Test Server* Click "Play" [/QUOTE] Source: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/868200-getting-started-on-the-pts/ Copy Character transfer was fine. Install PTS without problems. But after i click "Play", nothing happens. I can't provide DxDiag report. The homepage (https://help.ea.com)always sets the language to russian. But I can't speak Russian. Does anyone have an idea about my problem? Edit: I use the normal version. No Steam.
  9. Interesting theory. Add items to collections but cannot unlock them. Maybe, i don't know. There are many many other items with 10cc unlock and discount price. This year there was already a discount. At this point, all Galactic Season 1 items cost only 5cc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlocks makes more sense for some people, but not for others. But that is not the point. 10cc is a lot for some, not for others. But that is not the point. Of the items listed, some unlocks cost 10cc and others multiple 100cc. But that is not the point. Almost all have a discount at the moment. But not all. Why? Only Bioware can answer that. Everything else is speculation. But before prematurely I yell 'BUG' loudly, I wanted to know if others don't have a discount for the same items. Or maybe someone doesn't have a discount on other items that I can't verify. I look forward to more replies on this topic.
  10. There are thousands of items for collection. I don't have all of them, unfortunately only a few. I have the discount on most items, but not all. Anyone else have the same problem with these items? Armor Festive Live Day Robes Remnant Arkanian Agent's Armor Set Remnant Arkanian Bounty Hunter's Armor Set Remnant Arkanian Consular's Armor Set Remnant Arkanian Inquisitor's Armor Set Remnant Arkanian Knight's Armor Set Remnant Arkanian Smuggler's Armor Set Remnant Arkanian Trooper's Armor Set Remnant Arkanian Warrior's Armor Set Remnant Dreadguard Agent's Armor Set Remnant Dreadguard Consular's Armor Set Remnant Dreadguard Inquisitor's Armor Set Remnant Dreadguard Knight's Armor Set Remnant Dreadguard Smuggler's Armor Set Remnant Dreadguard Warrior's Armor Set Remnant Resurrected Bounty Hunter's Armor Set Remnant Underworld Inquisitor's Armor Set Remnant Underworld Smuggler's Armor Set Remnant Underworld Trooper's Armor Set Remnant Underworld Warrior's Armor Set Remnant Yavin Agent's Armor Set Remnant Yavin Inquisitor's Armor Set Remnant Yavin Warrior's Armor Set Weapons Blackout Crepuscule Evenfall Fen Zeil's Superior Weapon Set FZ-39 Shadow Assault Cannon FZ-39 Shadow Blaster FZ-39 Shadow Blaster Rifle FZ-39 Shadow Dualsaber FZ-39 Shadow Lightsaber FZ-39 Shadow Sniper Rifle Nightfall Obscurity Twilight Color Crystals Advanced Black-Purple Striated Eviscerating Crystal (Purchase window does not open) Advanced Black-Purple Striated Indestructible Crystal (Purchase window does not open) Advanced Black-Purple Striated War Hero's Crystal (Purchase window does not open) Advanced Black-Purple Striated Hawkeye Crystal (Purchase window does not open) Mounts Brumal Thurrb Eternal Empire Patroller HK-55's Jetpack Kai Zykken's MK-85 Log Mount Korrealis Regent Korrealis Sheriff Korrealis Viceroy (Purchase window does not open) Korrealis Viscount (Purchase window does not open) Sorosuub ST-13 Tellurian Thurrb Triumbra Pets M4-1S Astromech Droid (Purchase window does not open) M4-Y8 Astromech Droid M4-Y9 Astromech Droid (Purchase window does not open) M4-Y10 Astromech Droid M8-3R Astromech Droid (Purchase window does not open) MT-4T Astromech Droid (Purchase window does not open) Model Corellian Stardrive Vanguard (Purchase window does not open) Toys Portable Relaxation Unit Tunings --- Titles Title: Corsair, The Unruly Flair --- Emotes Emote: Chair 5 Emote: Feel The Groove Emote: Toast Of Prosperity Emote: Overeat Companions --- Companion Customization 2V-R8 Customization - Black Sun Graffiti 2V-R8 Customization - Envoy 2V-R8 Customization - Hoth 2V-R8 Customization - Target Dummy C2-N2 Customization - Black Sun Graffiti C2-N2 Customization - Envoy C2-N2 Customization - Hoth Darth Hexid Customization 1 Darth Hexid Customization 2 Fallen Master Ranos Customization 1 Fallen Master Ranos Customization 2 Fen Zeil Customization (Green) Fen Zeil Customization (Pink) Fen Zeil's Cybernetic Customization (Blue) Fen Zeil's Cybernetic Customization (Green) Fen Zeil's Cybernetic Customization (Pink) Fen Zeil's Cybernetic Shadow Master Customization (Blue) Fen Zeil's Cybernetic Shadow Master Customization (Green) Fen Zeil's Cybernetic Shadow Master Customization (Pink) Fen Zeil's Shadow Master Customization (Blue) Fen Zeil's Shadow Master Customization (Green) Fen Zeil's Shadow Master Customization (Pink) Fen Zeil's Outlaw Customization Master Ranos Customization 1 Nico Okarr Customization 1 Nico Okarr Customization 2 Nico Okarr Customization 3
  11. At this sunday in Europe is "Central European Summer Time" (CEST). The time is correct. You just forgot to change the word MEZ to MESZ. Incorrect: "1500Uhr MEZ bis 1900Uhr MEZ" Correct: "1500Uhr MESZ bis 1900Uhr MESZ"
  12. There are 3 Thurrb in the collections. - Tellurian Thurrb (Subscribers Reward Level 1) - Brumal Thurrb (Subscribers Reward Level 50) - Conflagrant Thurrb (Vendor 'Ki’at Thavo') These 3 were shown to me before the patch and are also available after the patch as well. I found an image via google that confirms this. https://i.redd.it/nggnsw5r0t581.png from this article: Could it be that you confused Brumal Thurrb and Conflagrant Thurrb?
  13. 1) Bei 50.000 Eroberungspunkten bekommst du eine Belohnung 2) Wenn deine Gilde das gewünschte Punkte-Ziel erreicht hast, bekommst du eine Belohnung 3) Eroberungspunkte erhöhen das Gildenlevel Dies ist eine sehr vereinfachte Antwort ohne zu sehr in die Details von Vorraussetzungen, Belohnungen, Eroberungszielen, Gildenpunkten etc. zu gehen.
  14. Droid Reconnaissance: Tatooine (Found all of the MCR-99 droids on Tatooine.) If you scan respectively one MCR-99 droids with 6 different characters, then you have completed the achievement. MCR-100 Miniprobe (Pet) To meet the requirement for the pet, you must scan all 6 MCR-99 droids with the same character. With this example I wanted to show that the requirement for the pet has nothing to do with the achievements. Of course it's possible to get the pet on multiple characters. You just have to re-scan all droids with another character.
  15. We also hope that this bug will be fixed this year so that games in groups can be played without any problems.
  16. It's not a bug. There was a change in March. Doctor Synoda is at X:-657 Y:37 Z:-129 and the sign for codex is at X:-655 Y:36 Z:-129.
  17. Bin gerade per Zufall in diesen Bereich des Forums gestolpert ... und da bisher noch keiner geantwortet hatte ... Beim Händler auf der Flotte gibt es alles für Stufe7. Im Gegensatz zu den vorigen Stufen, gibt es für Stufe7 nur 3 Baupläne. Baupläne (für Flottenauszeichnungen) Deflektorschild (Energieschild) Erschütterungsrakten-Magazin (Raketenmagazin) Gesteigerte elektronische Kriegsführungskapsel (Elektronische Kriegsführungskapsel) Ausrüstung (für Credits) Gesteigertes Energieumwandlungsmodul (Energieumwandlungsmodul) Ausrüstung (für Flottenauszeichnungen) Ablenkungsverstärker (Schildregenerator) Durastahl-Rüstung (Schiffspanzerung) Gesteigerter elektromagnetischer Puls (EMP-Generator) Laserkanonen (Strahlenlader) Protonentorpedorohr (Protonentorpedos) Schusskondensator (Strahlengenerator)
  18. Die Entscheidung rückgängig machen bzw. die Missionsreihe nachzuholen ist nicht möglich. Die Story ist abgeschlossen, aber du hast Zugang zu den täglichen Missionen. Um die Story zu "Zersplitterte Allianzen" kennenzulernen, musst du dann die Missionsreihe mit einem anderen Charakter spielen.
  19. Since patch 6.2 there is the hidden achievement.
  20. Content Creators war ein Link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=966216 Die Creators sind auf Twitter, Youtube, Blogs etc. vertreten. Einfach den Leuten auf den Plattformen folgen. "Aviriia", z.B. hatte im Dezember ein Outfit-Wettbewerb gemacht.
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