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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

@Bioware, there's still time to remedy Early Access...


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If they made an exception now, next time everybody would yell again "but you budged last time, why can't you now" etc.


Alternatively, be more clear next time and avoid the problem entirely.


If no one says anything, how will Bioware know many people were confused? It's not just about "fix it now" it's also about "maybe you should be more clear next time."

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lol come whisper me im lvl 65, its called having two monitors.. plus I'm not trollin, people are asking for it, especially with rude comments name calling people.



That's actually a couple bad signs for the content. Just came out and 1- you're already 65 and 2- Aren't interested enough in it to be there playing instead of the forums.

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I find this funny people don't think this game is worth paying a subscription but then cry When they miss out on the rewards given to subscribers


But what about the people who thought it was worth the subscription, but were clearly misled by shady wording.

If you need and FAQ and ToS to explain the way a deal works, it's usually a shady deal meant to rip off the consumer.


I'm not too upset by the fact I have to wait a week for new content. It's more of the fact plenty of us resubbed to the game because of misleading advertisements on websites and from misleading emails.

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Subscribe by October 19 to get the Swoop Mount – and all subscribers get a Free Level 60 Character!


Was the headline of one of the newsletters yet a lot of us subscribers never got that. I filed a ticket and got a scripted reply in my email. So EA/Bioware is dropping the ball and should be held accountable. They already admitted the issue was on their end and have failed to fix the issue.


Fairly certain that those news letters only went out to players that had been subscribers and weren't at the time those emails went out.

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Two words: Recurring Subscription


I have all of the loot and early access and I didn't have to lift a finger after pressing that button under my account settings. Weird, huh?


Seven Words: Not enough content to warrant recurring subscription!


But if they choose to have content drops i will choose to subscribe.


They give me something, i give them something. If you decide to subscribe while still playing extra for cartel market and no content then so be it. I however will wait for expansion like KOTFE to subscribe and even that apparatantly cost 60 dollars for all access!

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Personally I resubbed for the 12x xp, and then didn't even use it a whole lot, I got back into the game after a long break. I knew I resubbed too late for early access, I will admit the phrasing was confusing a bit because I thought early access began a week ago and today was the public drop for everyone. No matter.


EDIT: To avoid confusion in the future they should make early access a purchasable commodity. X dollars for 1 week early access, that way nobody feels like they got "duped" into subscribing.

Edited by joenewbie
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Aside from failing to read, splitting the community is such a bad decision.


As you said, anyone at max level is now just sitting around doing nothing, because they are effectively locked out of content for a week.


12x should have lasted through to the official launch IMO, because I was super stoked to be playing up until today when I logged in to crappy old normal xp and 80% of my guild is doing early access while I'm stuck with my thumb up my backside.

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12x should have lasted through to the official launch IMO, because I was super stoked to be playing up until today when I logged in to crappy old normal xp and 80% of my guild is doing early access while I'm stuck with my thumb up my backside.


Is it normal xp? Or is it the 6x xp for class/6x xp for main planet missions? I've been sorting through storage and haven't played yet. It's supposed to be 6x rather than 12.

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I'm another person that Saw the advertisement of "Subscribe now get Early access to Knights of the Fallen Empire". i went and bought a 90 day sub on 8-16 and I'm screwed out early access even though the time I paid money for takes me through the entire period of August through November. I've got 3 out of 4 of the rewards but nope. I bought the game at launch, I have the founder title and still use my Yellow Black crystal with pride. I've subbed on and off since and bought cartel coins. Yet this is how EA and Bioware rewards my efforts. I'll reward them by letting the sub lapse and not returning to the game after my 90 days of wasted time is up.
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or they could just state on the banner when you had to subscribe? whats so difficult about that.


It was on the launcher for over a month.. That isn't enough?? :rolleyes:


People have only to look in the mirror to see who is to blame for them not being in early release.. There just isn't any excuse.. People had plenty of notice.. It has been on the website since July.. At some point people need to stop pointing the fingers else where and start owning their own mistakes.. :(

Edited by MajikMyst
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troll harder man


It's not trolling when you can't be inclined to read a faq on something that you find to be confusing. Not even a faq really, just the bottom of the page the information was on. Quit whining, wait a week, and just enjoy the game. Or give up your sub and give your stuff to someone new.

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These types of threads are not really geared towards discussion as much as they are a way for the community to express their opinions and concerns to the developers. While anyone can reply, I don't understand why the player community feels it's necessary to attack these types of threads. In this particular case, a lot of people misunderstood the offer. You may not have, but that doesn't change the fact that this misunderstanding did in fact occur for a rather large group of people. Was it their fault? Maybe it was, but I think everyone can also agree that this offer could have been worded far better than it was, preventing any of this from being an issue. Edited by Nightvale
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Yeah, you know, by paying to being subscribed on the dates he was told to be to get it. As opposed to the people coming here going 'Hey, I'm subscribed now, GIMME GIMME GIMME!'


This is not indicative of all of us who are asking for leniency. My sub that I've payed for years lapsed on the late September date because I was in the emergency room (I offered to provide CS with documentation) and I am too cautious to leave credit card information online. Now, because of an unforeseen and unfortunate car accident, I'm stuck under a glass ceiling in a game I've payed hundreds if not thousands of dollars on. My friends are already starting gear progression and all I can do is wait.


Is it fair to segregate your subscriber base this way? No. Is it fair to retroactively give everyone early access? No I wouldn't say that either. But I think the model that was in place here needs a serious second look because it has aggravated a lot of otherwise happy players.

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These types of threads are not really geared towards discussion as much as they are a way for the community to express their opinions and concerns to the developers. While anyone can reply, I don't understand why the player community feels it's necessary to attack these types of threads. In this particular case, a lot of people misunderstood the offer. You may not have, but that doesn't change the fact that this misunderstanding did in fact occur for a rather large group of people. Was it their fault? Maybe it was, but I think everyone can also agree that this offer could have been worded far better than it was, preventing any of this from being an issue.


I agree it could have been better worded, but I didn't have a problem understanding the qualifying requirements so much as when early access began. I thought it started last week and today was supposed to be the public drop for everyone day.

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I understand the rewards but the early access is not going to go over well with people. If they are subed this month let them in. Me I do not have early access but its no big deal, plenty of things i can do before next Tuesday. I am just speaking for people who feel ticked off about this,. It made little sense to me, I understood the rewards, but having to be subbed for that many months. That is what I like to call a stretch.
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It's not trolling when you can't be inclined to read a faq on something that you find to be confusing. Not even a faq really, just the bottom of the page the information was on. Quit whining, wait a week, and just enjoy the game. Or give up your sub and give your stuff to someone new.


0/10 you went full *******

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These types of threads are not really geared towards discussion as much as they are a way for the community to express their opinions and concerns to the developers. While anyone can reply, I don't understand why the player community feels it's necessary to attack these types of threads. In this particular case, a lot of people misunderstood the offer. You may not have, but that doesn't change the fact that this misunderstanding did in fact occur for a rather large group of people. Was it their fault? Maybe it was, but I think everyone can also agree that this offer could have been worded far better than it was, preventing any of this from being an issue.


That's a false statement. It's posted in general discussion. It is for the player base to argue and express opinions with each other. I attack these kinds of threads because of posts such as


"I think it'd be generous to give all current subscribers early access." - Self entitlement.


"you guys white knighting bioware on the forums are pathetic" - aggressive and uneducated


"My bad for putting together a funeral in my families time of need. You sob's." - Bioware, like any company, doesn't care. Don't pull heart strings because they didn't look into why your sub lapsed and you can't play. Harsh, I know. You have my condolences, but don't place blame on Bioware.


Don't get me started on the dude who thought it was Bioware's fault for not telling him his credit card had expired.

Edited by Toastandtoast
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