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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Silent Alliance conversations


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All I say is to be a realistic person that understand the adult world and not being a spoiled brat who always demands for more while something is impossible to do because of circumnstances. You don't understand that there are certain limits they can do and a certain budget they can't exceed. At some point they need to say "ok, this can't pass. This needs to be cut" because this is REAL LIFE. So wake up, come out of your mom's basement and taste some real life problems, deadlines and choices. Then you will understand that you can't do everything and get everything within a certain period of time. I can demand to have 1 new warzone every 3 months because I believe that I deserve it to get since this is what I pay for. You pick unrealistic expectations over reality. It's like spitting in the face of football players just because they got only the third place in the World Cup and you paid for tickets expecting them to be the first. Don't like it? Too bad. They should not add any additional dialogues in Kotor style at all and have those companions mute all the time, right? That would be so much better! At least nothing to complain about..... oh wait, you would complain that those companions don't talk at all.



Get off the kool-aid.


This would have been acceptable IF it was advertised and we were aware of it. But nope they said they are going back to what we wanted, the story, with great storytelling like how the game 1st released because lets face it the games PVE-PVP content didn't keep players playing its why they went to the f2p model. Now we get the short end of the stick. Your foot ball analogy is weak. We don't play Foot Ball we watch it or we don't, as for games especially with expansions/updates we expect bigger and better things but this is just cheaply done. We play SWTOR I don't watch SWTOR hutt ball or some nonsense. This "classic" conversation thing is boring(to me) and not what I wanted to see. The Best thing I love about swtor is my character talking and interacting with each other with a voice, showing facial expressions and more involved cut scenes instead its a cheap 2000 Xbox story driven KOTR clone that I never cared for and still don't. I didn't sign up for a down grade. I signed up for an expansion not a knockoff to a KOTR game that was released in 2003...its 2015...games need to advance not go back because its cheaper to make.


I don't give a damn about deadlines or what ever. Look at games like Assassin Creed or halo collection that came out last year buggy as hell...or Batman Arkham Knight. for pc...now I have to be okay with them releasing a incompleted product because I have to understand time constraints and budgets? I don't drink that Kool-aid nor do I support it. Not to mention this expansion released its fair share of bugs to. If I have a complaint I am going to voice it. I'm not going be some sheep or yes man and say "its fine I understand you took the cheap way out because you didn't feel it was worth time and money investing in what the game was originally when it 1st released and decided to take a shortcut to have, More Story". Once I complete this expansion Im done. If they continue this classic conversation in a next update or expansion They can considered me a lost customer. I am here for the interactive story that makes my character appear in somewhat a live action movie that I could control not a Short book.


Now if you like good for you. But it isn't going stop me from making a complaint if I don't enjoy it. Right now every single "Classic conversation" is going to be meeting my space bar.

Edited by Criscon
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Realize that 1 line of voice dialogue by a player controlled character needs to be repeated by 16 different voice actors.


8 playable classes as male

8 playable classes as female


pay 16 different actors for 1 line of dialogue


well they did it for the game when it 1st released. They are expected to make the same expectations or go over the bar. Failing to go over the bar or even meet it isn't going to be accepted to my standards.

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well they did it for the game when it 1st released. They are expected to make the same expectations or go over the bar. Failing to go over the bar or even meet it isn't going to be accepted to my standards.


They could be expected to do better than the original if they even had half of its budget. As it stand now, the budget Bioware has compared to the Vanilla release was slashed to pieces. They are doing what they can with what they to remain profitable and not get shut down. Doesn't go farther than that. And frankly, having my character say "Here's your crate, Alliance contact N°3" a hundred times over would have made me go insane. Just the "Thank" line from the NPC is repetitive as f*** (If I hear the Ogurrob say "Excellent" once more, I'm wiping out the whole Hutt specie.)

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They could be expected to do better than the original if they even had half of its budget. As it stand now, the budget Bioware has compared to the Vanilla release was slashed to pieces. They are doing what they can with what they to remain profitable and not get shut down. Doesn't go farther than that. And frankly, having my character say "Here's your crate, Alliance contact N°3" a hundred times over would have made me go insane. Just the "Thank" line from the NPC is repetitive as f*** (If I hear the Ogurrob say "Excellent" once more, I'm wiping out the whole Hutt specie.)


Every Hutt normally meets my Space bar on this game. None of them deserve to Live. They are giant disgusting slugs.

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