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Can't start Fallen Empire


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Same problem. Have been a sub everyday for the last 3 years. Done all stories (shadows of revan, ziost, etc) and cant access it from the ship anywhere


Also in this boat. Game has not shown me as unsubbed for any point during the subscribe for early access period yet I still can't start the early access story missions on my ship AND I have not received any of the early subscription rewards such as Nico Okarr or the mount.

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I too have been subbed and can't access any of my characters due to the planet they are on needs downloading, which doesn't download. Also cannot start a new Level 60 character as need to purchase a token to do so. What gives?


Edit: In launcher.settings file, I've disabled Bitraider and now the game launcher is downloading English Video and Main Asset files. At least somethings happening. Fingers crossed the rest works.

Edited by RichardJoy
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