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KOTFE Level 60 character creation is bugged


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I just had this happen to me a few minutes ago as well. I bought the level 60 create, and went through the BS of creating, it was sent back to the fleet at level 1, deleted and did it over again 3 different times. I went to go to another server thinking it was a server issue, and upon going to the other server, I suddenly had no token left. I've been having nothing but issues with this game since the release of KOTFE last week. I created an ingame report, and posted a thread here, and never heard word one about it. I'm starting to get really pissed off about this.
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Seriously Bioware? NO HELP AT ALL? And now plenty of folks who are BUYING the 60 tokens are experiencing the same issue? GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER AND FIX THIS BUG!!!


At the very least ACKNOWLEDGE that it exists, which you have managed to avoid doing thus far.

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Seriously Bioware? NO HELP AT ALL? And now plenty of folks who are BUYING the 60 tokens are experiencing the same issue? GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER AND FIX THIS BUG!!!


At the very least ACKNOWLEDGE that it exists, which you have managed to avoid doing thus far.


Yeah it seems like creating a free 60 starts you at lvl 1 and if you delete immediately you don't get it back so the delete/recreate fix doesn't work.


As it actually costs around 20 real life dollars would be kinda nice if they eventually get around to at least acknowledging the problem.

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Yeah it seems like creating a free 60 starts you at lvl 1 and if you delete immediately you don't get it back so the delete/recreate fix doesn't work.


As it actually costs around 20 real life dollars would be kinda nice if they eventually get around to at least acknowledging the problem.


And the patch notes they were supposed to have posted this morning magically haven't been posted as of 8pm PDT tonight. How conveeeeeeeeeeeeenient.

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I just had this happen to me a few minutes ago as well. I bought the level 60 create, and went through the BS of creating, it was sent back to the fleet at level 1, deleted and did it over again 3 different times. I went to go to another server thinking it was a server issue, and upon going to the other server, I suddenly had no token left. I've been having nothing but issues with this game since the release of KOTFE last week. I created an ingame report, and posted a thread here, and never heard word one about it. I'm starting to get really pissed off about this.


If I had some whiskey to pass to you, I'd say drink in misery with me....because I'm in the same boat as well.

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I just had this happen to me a few minutes ago as well. I bought the level 60 create, and went through the BS of creating, it was sent back to the fleet at level 1, deleted and did it over again 3 different times. I went to go to another server thinking it was a server issue, and upon going to the other server, I suddenly had no token left. I've been having nothing but issues with this game since the release of KOTFE last week. I created an ingame report, and posted a thread here, and never heard word one about it. I'm starting to get really pissed off about this.


Ye iv just had the same thing bought a lv 60 character from cartel market then i became a subscriber and the second time i try to create a jedi guardian it creates a lv 1 at the fleet and i cant even delete it it just keep saying its loading each time i try...i hope they fix this cause alot of people are having this issue

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Tried to use my level 60 token from KOTFE to make a merc BH. It put me as level 1 in the fleet so I read that the way to fix it was to delete the character and then remake however after deleting it I no longer had the free 60 token..


Just wondering if theres anything i can do to get it back?

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Tried to use my level 60 token from KOTFE to make a merc BH. It put me as level 1 in the fleet so I read that the way to fix it was to delete the character and then remake however after deleting it I no longer had the free 60 token..


Just wondering if theres anything i can do to get it back?


Contact CS they not as bad as peeps keep saying they can only do what they can with the tools they are given,Also raise a ticket under item/loot not under bug as you will get zero comeback and it will be closed down by that droid ,once you done the ticket give them a ring and they will raise it up to the right people to sort it.then it's just a waiting time which is what I am in the process of doing now.

Hope you get it sorted


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According to others who are having this problem costumer support says they can't help you.

If I get that response for the same issue, they can stick their subscription! I've not paid my monthly subs and god knows how much in the Cartel Market for a 'can't be arsed' attitude from customer service.

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I purchased a lvl 60 token (off the gtn) i made a imperial agent and did not like the way she looked. I went to delete her, i had not done anything on her at all no xp no quests nothing, i did not receive my token back... I did the same thing with my inq and had no issues, in fact ive deleted this same character token before because i was unsure if i wanted to make what i had used it on.


So the bug is, the tokens are getting eaten and not used

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I purchased a lvl 60 token (off the gtn) i made a imperial agent and did not like the way she looked. I went to delete her, i had not done anything on her at all no xp no quests nothing, i did not receive my token back... I did the same thing with my inq and had no issues, in fact ive deleted this same character token before because i was unsure if i wanted to make what i had used it on.


So the bug is, the tokens are getting eaten and not used


Yep happened to plenty of us.

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Lvl 60 character creation has been removed the button is greyed out. Yes I was, and still am a subscriber, check my billing history. Before this patch all I could make was level 1 60s pointless and useless... now I can't even make them. :rak_02:
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Numerous bugs exist with the tokens, I've personally had the consumable item used without a token being added as well as had the level 1 bug, with the token lost after a relog.


At this point - until Bioware decides to actually communicate and acknowledge the issue, and credit player accounts for lost tokens, I'd recommend against purchasing or using level 60 boosts.


Edit to add: I had bought several of the tokens the other day, and stopped using the consumable after the first one failed to award a usable token for charater creation.


I tried again this morning and used another one, and again the consumable item was used, character slots were increased by one, and yet the number of level 60s available on character creation screen is still zero (and yes I'm buying the actual Level 60 Character Token cartel market consumables - not server slots).

Edited by DawnAskham
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I had this. I switched to a different Server and went back and I was able to access the creation of a level 60. HOWEVER it dumped me on the Fleet at Level 1



Cheers I'll give that ago then... nothing to lose ty



edit: tried the server switch, no good :(

Edited by Wompoo
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