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KOTFE Level 60 character creation is bugged


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At least u get a char :D I bought token on cartel market - consumed it and nothing :mad:. It shows "0 level 60 charcters"... Not to mention that I paid in euros to get cartel coins :rolleyes:


But I do think that they will fix it... or return cc or do something... It propably isn't something thay can fix in few hours/days... But yeah - it is wery frustrating since this isn't some low budget fresh game.


Com on devs - earn your money and fix it :D

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Long story short my token is also gone.


I already posted a lengthy post on my situation yesterday. Here is a slight update.

All 6 of my tickets were closed, with an auto response stating there was not enough information.

There was all the information they needed/requested, this issue just seems to be getting ignored.


Customer service on the phone is now seeing queue times of 30 minutes + and after the terrible "help" I received yesterday I am not going to waste my time.


My advice to everyone would be to make this a little more public and tweet @SWTOR with #LEVEL60TOKENBUG that way it is seen by a much broader audience and they will be forced to address it or look like scumbags for ignoring their customers.


They ARE addressing it though! There's a warning when you log in. They're working on getting the item off the market for now. They're working on fixing the bug. BW screws up an awful lot, but they're on the ball here.


Keep Calm


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Don't be ridiculous. Firstly, it was Bioware that advised you delete the L1. Secondly, I've never in the history of MMO gaming every seen a company, 1st admit to a bug, then tell you to furkl off.


Anyone who has paid RL cash for the service be it as a subscriber or a token purchaser will either re-compensated or have the issue resolved. The only thing we have to 'endure' is how long it takes them to fix it.


I do hope you are right about this mate. I will wait and find out, and i rather them fix the problem first off before they hand out the tokens to the ones who lost them.

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We've only been reporting this for two weeks now, with little and /or useless responses from support - and NOW you guys finally half admit it happens? Classy.


At least they are admitting to it, and doing something about it. Better late than never. They could have been like many other games out there, and just said, "Screw it, it's you're loss. Not our problem." Be glad that they're at least trying.


Some player can be so ungrateful.

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Just wondering how stupid and ignorant some users appear to be. To everyone who is affected by this bug: Your fault! Bioware warned about the bug and advised even via the launcher NOT TO USE any LVL60 token. I did it anyway for testing purposes, following BWs instructions. And the token didn't work => Lvl 1 char. But i did get back my token. BW explained why this crap happens and that they are working on a fix. Now let me tell you something: I am working at the IT customer support of a big, global corporation and well...the IT can be a *****. But customers can be even worse. No matter how you warn them, what you do or how hard you try: They dont just complain, they get personal. Just like way too many of you guys do. Debugging takes time, so get a real life. You have been warned NOT to use your tokens now by any way possible. Ad it has been removed from the CM. Stop whining, give them time to fix the problem (which might result in another problem, leading to another problem, delaying the next chapter, leading to another problem etc).

The SWTOR team isn't made of droids, resulting in weekend, additional costs for additional shifts etc. Their world isnt focused just about you, maybe for about 8-10 hrs a day. You want 24/7 high speed support? Well, then you better forget about the F2P and 13$ a month sub. SWTOR would be way more expansive, even without new content.

Life is a ***** guys, deal with it and make love to your girlfriend instead of flaming.

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Just wondering how stupid and ignorant some users appear to be. To everyone who is affected by this bug: Your fault! Bioware warned about the bug and advised even via the launcher NOT TO USE any LVL60 token. I did it anyway for testing purposes, following BWs instructions. And the token didn't work => Lvl 1 char. But i did get back my token. BW explained why this crap happens and that they are working on a fix. Now let me tell you something: I am working at the IT customer support of a big, global corporation and well...the IT can be a *****. But customers can be even worse. No matter how you warn them, what you do or how hard you try: They dont just complain, they get personal. Just like way too many of you guys do. Debugging takes time, so get a real life. You have been warned NOT to use your tokens now by any way possible. Ad it has been removed from the CM. Stop whining, give them time to fix the problem (which might result in another problem, leading to another problem, delaying the next chapter, leading to another problem etc).

The SWTOR team isn't made of droids, resulting in weekend, additional costs for additional shifts etc. Their world isnt focused just about you, maybe for about 8-10 hrs a day. You want 24/7 high speed support? Well, then you better forget about the F2P and 13$ a month sub. SWTOR would be way more expansive, even without new content.

Life is a ***** guys, deal with it and make love to your girlfriend instead of flaming.



I work in IT too and while i understand the need to be patient while the bug is found and fixed, many of the people here (myself included) had the token disappear before any warning was given. So it is not necessarily the users fault in all cases. This point however in no way excuses the language and behavior used my many of the posters in this thread. Since Bioware has acknowledged the problem and stated they are working on a solution, it is now time to step back and let them do their jobs without harassing them. And remember "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."

Edited by maelik
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I think the level 60 tokens are a waste of effort. Whatever happened to playing the game from level 1 to end ? I played 4 characters to level 60 already from level 1. It was a long but interesting as well as enjoyable journey. Buying those tokens is just a shortcut for those that wanna hit level 60 without working for it. You make a instant 60, play to 65, then what ? Wow..5 levels.....Personally, I think that if you can,t start at level 1 and work your way to 60, maybe you,re wasting your time for nothing. Myself..I love the challenge..Creating a instant 60 is no challenge...........is no game....Be a real gamer...Fight your way to 60 like I did............4 times.........
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Just wondering how stupid and ignorant some users appear to be. To everyone who is affected by this bug: Your fault! Bioware warned about the bug and advised even via the launcher NOT TO USE any LVL60 token.


Stupid poster is stupid. The warning went up very recently, so no, not my fault and not the fault of scores of other people who lost their tokens before Bioware even acknowledged there was a problem. So go back to your cave, drone.

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I think the level 60 tokens are a waste of effort. Whatever happened to playing the game from level 1 to end ? I played 4 characters to level 60 already from level 1. It was a long but interesting as well as enjoyable journey. Buying those tokens is just a shortcut for those that wanna hit level 60 without working for it. You make a instant 60, play to 65, then what ? Wow..5 levels.....Personally, I think that if you can,t start at level 1 and work your way to 60, maybe you,re wasting your time for nothing. Myself..I love the challenge..Creating a instant 60 is no challenge...........is no game....Be a real gamer...Fight your way to 60 like I did............4 times.........


Because grinding from level 1 to 60 is challenging right......

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As for people being asses, I agree with you completely except........Their customer service is terrible.....I work in customer service. I have created a ticket in game for an issue unrelated, and they have not even responded to the ticket in over a week now. Not 1 response. Not a "Hey, sorry we are really busy now, we will be with you in a couple of days." ....nothing. They could definitely do better at service. Especially for a paying customer.
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Should agree, the issue was there several days before the launcher warning. I got my token when it was 2,5M on GTN and before we got any feedback from -Eric ... So, It's not a customer fault. Any in-game bug is developers fault.


I'm an IT Manager, I was a Developer, I know how hard can be track a bug and get it solved. But EA/Bioware are billionaire companies, with a game giving millions of dollars, THEY CAN and they must have a level of service like Blizzard for WoW; there you submit a ticket and got a personal-answer in less than 24hrs (not a auto-reply or copy-paste from FAQ), you can even live-chat with the customer service right now... and no! SWTOR isn't cheaper than WoW, I spent yearly a lot more in swtor than wow, and sure I'm not the only one.


From an IT, take a product away from a market place should be so easy like: connect to DB, set to "disable" the product status... If you don't have a "status" flag on your market place products, your dev team are short-sight.


My ticket was created more than 48hrs ago and I have no solution for my lost token or character.

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I think the level 60 tokens are a waste of effort. Whatever happened to playing the game from level 1 to end ? I played 4 characters to level 60 already from level 1. It was a long but interesting as well as enjoyable journey. Buying those tokens is just a shortcut for those that wanna hit level 60 without working for it. You make a instant 60, play to 65, then what ? Wow..5 levels.....Personally, I think that if you can,t start at level 1 and work your way to 60, maybe you,re wasting your time for nothing. Myself..I love the challenge..Creating a instant 60 is no challenge...........is no game....Be a real gamer...Fight your way to 60 like I did............4 times.........


wow, what a slacker. I have leveled 24 characters from 1 to 60. The only reason I will use my 60 token is because it is free. but that doesnt take anything away from those that want to use theirs. I have worked 25 years in IT support, and I can tell you, BWs is terrible. If one of my techs was as bad as most(not all) of theirs seem to be, they would be fired. The do have some very good people. they just are stuck with some real losers as coworkers.

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Hey folks,


After posting the workaround information yesterday, we continued to investigate the issues that some of you are experiencing with your Start at 60 tokens not being restored. It does appear that in some cases, a player can end up in a state where their start at 60 character does not create properly, and then their token is also not being restored to them. We are going to be removing the Start at 60 token off of the Cartel Market immediately. Also, in the meantime, we recommend that you do not use any Start at 60 tokens as it is possible that you could end up in this state as well. Note that start at 60 tokens include those bought from the Cartel Market, the GTN, and the free level 60 granted to subscribers in KotFE.


It is our goal to get this fixed ASAP, and the moment I have more information on when we will be fixing it I will pass it on. If you already experienced this issue, hold tight, I will be getting more information on how to get your individual states resolved as well (contacting CS, waiting for maintenance, etc.)


Thank you for your understanding, I will pass on information as I have it.




So, are you whinny *****es out there is nerd land happy now, or are we going to see a lot of threats of leaving the game because of a bug? If you get this worked up over a game, how in the hell do you handle real life?


Grow up and be adults, and understand that **** happens sometimes.



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wow, what a slacker. I have leveled 24 characters from 1 to 60. The only reason I will use my 60 token is because it is free. but that doesnt take anything away from those that want to use theirs. I have worked 25 years in IT support, and I can tell you, BWs is terrible. If one of my techs was as bad as most(not all) of theirs seem to be, they would be fired. The do have some very good people. they just are stuck with some real losers as coworkers.


Then quit paying. For someone who has worked in IT for 25 years, you are extremely intolerant of others in your field.


As for your 24 characters that you have leveled, some of us have a life outside of video games, and we enjoy the work doing this. The original post you quoted has a valid point.



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Should agree, the issue was there several days before the launcher warning. I got my token when it was 2,5M on GTN and before we got any feedback from -Eric ... So, It's not a customer fault. Any in-game bug is developers fault.


I'm an IT Manager, I was a Developer, I know how hard can be track a bug and get it solved. But EA/Bioware are billionaire companies, with a game giving millions of dollars, THEY CAN and they must have a level of service like Blizzard for WoW; there you submit a ticket and got a personal-answer in less than 24hrs (not a auto-reply or copy-paste from FAQ), you can even live-chat with the customer service right now... and no! SWTOR isn't cheaper than WoW, I spent yearly a lot more in swtor than wow, and sure I'm not the only one.


From an IT, take a product away from a market place should be so easy like: connect to DB, set to "disable" the product status... If you don't have a "status" flag on your market place products, your dev team are short-sight.


My ticket was created more than 48hrs ago and I have no solution for my lost token or character.


What kind of loser admits to spending 2.5 M in game?


Get a life

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The only problem I have with the free 60 is that you don't get the titles associated with mission completion. For example. A level 60 guardian has no titles available but should have at least the Padawan, Jedi and Master titles for the class completion.
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