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[Bug] @AlexModney @EricMusco @TaitWatson, Leaderboards bug.


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My Elo

This is a screenshot of my current Elo as of Oct 18th, 2015 at 11:18 PM Central Timezone



This is a highlight from my stream, showing me transferring from JC to Harbinger. The audio is muted, but you can see that I transferred because Harbinger was on "Very Heavy" status and people were telling me in my stream chat that the pops were practically instant for solo ranked.


Leaderboards as of right now

This is as of Oct 18, 2015 at 11:18 PM Central Timezone


When Harbinger went down last night, it happened about 5 minutes after I server transferred from Jedi Covenant to Harbinger. After this happened, my character was erased from the leaderboards, which is normal for a server transfer. I showed back up on the leaderboards with my updated rating and showing that I was once again on The Harbinger. However, 1 hour after that, I just disappeared. I didn't think anything of it and thus went to play Blade and Soul, which you can also see in the same past broadcast of my streams. However, it's now been 24 hours and I'm still gone off the leaderboards. I think the Harbinger crashing had something to do with the updated leaderboards and server transfers to it. I did 1 game today in order to see if I would register on the leaderboards, however, 3 hours after doing that game, I'm still not up there.


Anyway, Figured I'd make this post since I'm sure that this won't be fixed by Tuesday, and I would hate for the Harbinger crashing to ruin my chance at getting ranked rewards on Tuesday and potentially my top 3 title. That's all, thanks for reading.

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There have been some weird bugs in ranked today. I had a match end after 1 round (I have it recorded), and I heard of people getting a win counting multiple times (meaning for a win they got that elo x 3).


Hope you get your rating fixed.


This is an old but very rare bug that have been around since season 1. Only seen it myself 3 times.

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It's bugged for me as well. I should be rank 1 or 2 in group ranked Sorc leaderboards (2106 rating, MEST on that picture -> http://i.imgur.com/D06VMtP.png), but my character disappeared when I transferred yesterday. My teammate Roodeh has the exact same rating, but it still shows Mantle of the Force as his current server even though he transferred from there yesterday at like 6pm MEST or something. It also hasn't updated his rating.


This has nothing to with Harbinger crashing as it happened on EU servers as well.


If this doesn't get fixed TODAY, it'll be a problem, as the season ends tomorrow.


Edit: seems like it's fixed now.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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