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Oceanic Player! Major Unplayable Server Lag.


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Title says it all . please fix


When on fleet or ship or in pvp ping 200 to 5000 . Its like playing a YOYO MMO :0



It's been the worst I've seen in the last 2 days... I had to log off and go play another game

Been tracking it too with a few software programs... netstat is showing they've changed the server ip on Harbinger again :rolleyes:

Ping plotter is showing that the main issues have nothing to do with the transpacific cables or even the first few hops on the west coast that go through sprintlink.net...

The problems start at the level3 routers that have been having issues for the last 7-8 weeks... They are causing packet loss on the connecting EA routers and the Sprintlink.net routers... I'm seeing 98-100% packet loss at level3 and about 7-12% on surrounding routers...

While the server ping seems to be relatively stable, the spikes themselves are happening at the surrounding routers just before the servers...

The red X lag spikes and disconnects are a joke...

I tested the sprintlink.net ip's seperately and they had no packet loss... It's definitely level3 and EA that need to fix this..


I can only imagine how bad it will be when the Xpac is launched in 2 days and there is an influx of people... This will kill their launch... Anyone coming back to see the new changes will stay 5mins when they see the lag issues and then leave and will probably never come back...


Bio there is no point spending all your money launching a new Xpac if you can't be bothered to fix your network infrastructure that has been causing this lag for over 8 weeks... This weekend was the worst and it wasn't possible to even look at the GTN, let alone trying to pvp..

You've got 2 days to fix it or you might as well have flushed that money down the toilet because people will just laugh and leave if they login at the Xpac launch and find this lag...

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Indeed this seems to be the Case for me as well.

I am a subscriber and these last Days i have not been able to play at ALL because the lag just makes the game UNPLAYABLE also the X appearing on the connection is a frequent thing and brings the game to a totall HALT for few seconds at a time !

I never had ANY issued before almost for the whole of this Year that i have been playing SWOTOR,If this keeps up i will more that probably NOT reniew my Subscription as i will not pay for something i cannot enjoy and for the game to be unplayable as it has been these days,ENOUGH days are lost already people from BIOWARE if you do not address this u will miss out on many customers and Drown the new expansion release with no one else to blame but Yourselves..:(

Edited by ELmastoras
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Definitely noticed this; one of my friends from Australia had to drop out of a raid we were running this weekend because his lag was too bad. Even I've been noticing lag spikes worse than usual recently, and I'm only on the US West Coast.
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What's the point of luring people to pay for a game if it's not playable?

I'm logging from Asia, ever since patch 4.0 launched Begeren colony lag kicks me out after 2 min ..... i don't have problems on other servers but Begeren Colony is where my 'strong' toons are...and of course i wanna play the expasion with my fav toon.


2 days already...2 friggin days and can't even got to fleet or anywhere ...the second i log in there's already a RED <<X>>...the lag is just idiotic and is NOT my end!


How come i can log into my other toons in other servers in Europe (Red Eclipse) and East coast (Ebon Hawk)?


i know new patches will have bugs ...but being UN-playable is more that just a bug!! Must i remember to server-management that Every APAC player got forced to migrate to Begeren Colony? why choose a server like that if it can't support the connection???

Edited by HeCisco
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