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suggestion, request, new player


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I'm a long time WoW player and made extensive use of the macro system there, but although its a little disappointing that there's no macros I can live with that.


It would be nice if more in game abilities could have key binds associated with them even if they aren't on by default. Personally on all the characters i play on wow, if they have a disenchant or milling skill, or any skill that requires you to cast a spell and then select an item in your inventory, I use a key bind or macro to make it easier.


It would be much easier to have a Reverse Engineer key bind for example. Sometimes my hands are significantly sore and clicking the tiny box for reverse engineer becomes difficult.


I guess having other more quality of life key binds would make the game more attractive also to people with disabilities. There seems to be only half of the possible skills and in game functions as key bound or bind-able.



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I'm a long time WoW player and made extensive use of the macro system there, but although its a little disappointing that there's no macros I can live with that.


It would be nice if more in game abilities could have key binds associated with them even if they aren't on by default. Personally on all the characters i play on wow, if they have a disenchant or milling skill, or any skill that requires you to cast a spell and then select an item in your inventory, I use a key bind or macro to make it easier.


It would be much easier to have a Reverse Engineer key bind for example. Sometimes my hands are significantly sore and clicking the tiny box for reverse engineer becomes difficult.


I guess having other more quality of life key binds would make the game more attractive also to people with disabilities. There seems to be only half of the possible skills and in game functions as key bound or bind-able.




regarding the RE button in the inventory window, I would not mind seeing it made bigger (I have cerebral palsy that can cause cramping in my fingers and hands, so I understand where you are coming from), but I honestly do not see how a hot key bind would make any real difference as you still have to mouse and right click items in inventory to RE.

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regarding the RE button in the inventory window, I would not mind seeing it made bigger (I have cerebral palsy that can cause cramping in my fingers and hands, so I understand where you are coming from), but I honestly do not see how a hot key bind would make any real difference as you still have to mouse and right click items in inventory to RE.

Probably the OP doesn't have any difficulty aiming at and clicking the much larger inventory icons.

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I have arthritis and do find the tiny icons for some things annoying, for example the tiny exit phase button. I use K for crew skills and N for Utility points/combat proficiencies, and i've remapped a few other keys (R for run) and I tend to do that for all my MMO's same rough keybinds for the same skill types.


As far as pain levels go, I find that the more fine motor mouse movements I need to do to use abilities, like having them on a bar and clicking them rather than keybinds, the more my pain levels increase and therefore the less gaming I can do. I often have to take a movie break just to give my joints a rest.



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