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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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There is a huge difference between Nico and the rest of the usual pre-order items.

Those were just armor skins, usable items and stuff. Something you do in a few hours.

Nico is a companion. Based on information given by Eric, he will have a storyline, that means voice acting. Voice acting means time and money spent on the actor (A lot if they kept John DiMaggion from "Return", you know, Bender?).

And it's story content.

I will have Nico, I was subscribed in time to have him.

And yet I think that in 3 to 4 months he should be made purchasable on the CM.

I didn't subscribe to get Nico, I subscribed to play the game. That month, the price was the same as any other months. Nico wasn't bought, it was "gifted" to subscribers. So selling him for 15/20$ wouldn't be disrepectful of those subs because not only will they have obtained Nico earlier but they also got to play the game without restrictions from July 31th to August 31th by subscribing.

So here, I don't think Nico should remain a "five weeks" time window reward. Especially if he is part of KOTFE's storyline. Anyone who couldn't sub at the time (For whatever reason) should be able to shell out cash to get him. And for Bioware it's a win-win scenario because he will sell well anyway.


From everything I've seen so far I think you're wrong on this. Nico is a part of kotfe and everyone will experience him in the story. I am 99.9% certain there will be nothing extra to him for the people who get him.. He will be just another char to pull out to use for your dailies or whatever.

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I really hope I can buy him when the expansion comes out or at the very least someday in the future.

If he is a skin with no interactions or story it's fine for him to be exclusive, but if he has a standard companion story and things to say I don't want to miss out.

I haven't played in like 2 years or more and I don't see why I should be left out of a piece of STORY because I heard about it too late, especially on a game like SWTOR where story is king.

I have plenty of weapons, armors, titles, achievements that people can't get anymore on WoW, and I wouldn't mind at all if people could get them again, but I was disgusted when I saw I couldn't complete the legendary story questline of the Pandaria expansion because I took a break.


Making story exclusive is never a good decision. Not everyone is going to hear about it, I didn't because I don't usually keep up news with games I'm not playing and I don't use the same e-mail anymore.

To me it feels like making exclusive 30 min of a movie to those who saw it when it was on in a movie theater.And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him

Doesn't look like your going to get him if your weren't subbed during the promo to get him, just read the red highlighted area of Erics post :


Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).



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Guys easy solution, after early access is up open up all the rewards again and say sub by the official launch date to get all rewards (not including early access since that wI'll be going on at the time.


Bam all these whiners get another chance, yet it is still a pre-xpac reward. And if your dumb enough to not sub by the expacs launch date, you have other issues.

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I forget where I saw this, and maybe I'm misremembering; but I want to say that Nico's "storyline" part will be in a KotFE chapter or chapters, and he'll be "available" in those chapters to anyone playing through those chapters, like the one "companion" shown in the various KotFE preview streams (who {spoilers} like a {spoiler} at the cutoff point). The "sub reward" is that you get to recruit him to your alliance after those chapters, or use the token to get him early.


IE, everyone gets to use him at the appropriate point in KotFE, but only rewarded subs get to have him as a companion usable outside the KotFE instances.


I honestly can't believe, if he has story content, that BW would gate off that story content to a small fraction of subscribers and not allow it to new folks. At the same time, as a "skin wrapped around companion combat/craft/gather mechanics" functionality I can very much see them limiting to the qualified.

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This crap boggles my mind.



Bioware created a product and determined the price. Paying them in 15 dollar monthly fees from July until now. If you paid you get it, if you didn't you don't. It isn't entitlement, it isn't underhanded or nefarious. They set a price on a product and people paid if they wanted it.



On the flip side it's their product, if they choose to release it again at a different price they can do that too. My gut say that if Nico is a good enough companion they will definitely bring him out to the Cartel Market but not for some months.

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Nico is a companion earned through the new story, if you have him as a reward from being subscribed you can get him at the start of the story, rather than having to wait until his natural point in it.


Nico is not exclusive to subscribers.


EDIT: I don't know which chapter he is in, it might not be one of the first nine.

Edited by darkov
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Nico is a companion earned through the new story, if you have him as a reward from being subscribed you can get him at the start of the story, rather than having to wait until his natural point in it.


Nico is not exclusive to subscribers.


EDIT: I don't know which chapter he is in, it might not be one of the first nine.


And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).




It is worth repeating the quote from Eric again since you seemed to miss this only a few posts up!


Maybe he does appear as a NPC during KoTFE but is seems only subscribers who will then gain him as a companion.

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My take on Nico is this. He is like this games Han Solo in more ways than one. He is the swashbuckling smuggler that Solo was. However he is also the guy that was there in the beginning but got to big for his britches. Just like the real Solo he denounced this game and all that it was and made him into. But now that the glory and luster is back and he is a decrepit senior citizen he wants back in. All for a cash grab off his "glory" days. He should be ashamed. But because he is a money whore he will probably find his way to a cm near you soon.


Now with all that said I personally do think that exclusive should remain exclusive.

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Want to know something funny? When BW announced that we'd be getting this companion, I had no idea who it was. I thought he was just some random companion like Treek. It wasn't until everyone started freaking out that I looked it up and went, "Oh. It's that guy. Cool. I guess *SHRRRRRUUUUUUUUG*"


"He's this game's Han Solo." PFFFFFTTTT. My male Smuggler is way more Han Solo than the guy who had a bit part in the opening movie.


FWIW (again): I'm also in the camp of people who would prefer to get ALL of our old companions back (not just the, mainly, mediocre ones). Because, for me, my favorite companions are only accessible through that terminal. I don't want, or really care, about the new people.

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"He's this game's Han Solo." PFFFFFTTTT. My male Smuggler is way more Han Solo than the guy who had a bit part in the opening movie.


I apologize that my Harrison Ford disdaining all things Star Wars until now reference went over your head. It was an attempt at saying BW will probably put him in the CM.

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I apologize that my Harrison Ford disdaining all things Star Wars until now reference went over your head. It was an attempt at saying BW will probably put him in the CM.


I'll admit it. It did go over my head. I'm not done with my first cup of coffee :p


OTOH, comparing HAN SOLO to Nico Okar? My inner three year old who had a crush on Han is trembling with rage :D

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I swear people think just cause they do something it makes them more deserving than someone else, so what if we sub or not, I say everyone should get it and everyone that subs by the 19th should get EA too. Entitlement is a poison and doesn't make anyone any better than anyone else.


no - entitlement is when poeple think they deserve something that others earnt when the others followed the process and did what they where supposed to do when they didn't.

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I swear people think just cause they do something it makes them more deserving than someone else, so what if we sub or not, I say everyone should get it and everyone that subs by the 19th should get EA too. Entitlement is a poison and doesn't make anyone any better than anyone else.


I'll gladly give my Niko to another sub who doesn't get one. I didn't need him to sub and I didn't need the other rewards either I subbed because I like the damn game, not because I needed to feel special.


Yeah, because we are stupid and paid €13 each month since july (Or whatever the sub price is in your country) to get something exclusive and you are smarter than us and only pay once to get the same things. That's not how things work.


I wanted the Hutt holostatue but I didn't have the chance at the time. Now, 2 years later, I'm still waiting to see that stupid Hutt available on the gtn/cm but it's still not coming because it was a preorder exclusive. I had to waste 2mil of ingame credits for the Malgus and Satele ones and extra cc to unlock both of them in collections only to realize that I could just buy 1 of them because they're apparently not faction restricted like I thought they were.


Point is, just because you didn't get it for whatever reason, it doesn't mean you should get it now. It is a preorder item. If you didn't get it while you could, it's useless to come cry on the forums now.

I'm fine with people being able to eventually buy it, I don't care. What I'm not fine with, is the childish attitude people are showing when it comes to demanding a preorder exclusive item to be put on cm because they were too lazy or poor to qualify for it in time.


Not having him as a companion is not a problem. He will be part of the story for everyone, even pref/f2p players if they sub once to get the new story and unsub after it runs out the following month. The only difference is that people who qualified for the preorder exclusive, will get an extra dialog wheel option during one of the conversations to recruit him as a companion. Or they'll be able to use the token to ruin the fun and unlock him before the intented point in story.

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Good day all,


I have played this game on & off since launch (in fact I subscribed since the start). But then obligations and sickness prevented me from playing regularly, so I went back and forth between sub & f2p.


This year has been very bad for me personally, ended up in hospital 3 times, last time on July 25th. Just recently I found that If I had been well enough and subscribed, I would have gotten Nico Karr as a companion and that now I won't be able to.


I don't think these kind of rewards are fair (god knows I hate the word fair, since I ended up losing even the genetic lottery at birth, to a terrible disease *Osteogenesis Imperfecta). However, I do prefer rewards that are given for effort, like when I graduated from high school despite having multiple fractures every year, rather than those given for attendance or just for being there at the right time.


Companions are a core component of this game (some say they are 50% of your character, and I agree). This is not a case of cosmetics or a pretty bike, which I'd be ok with not having.


IMO, I feel left out for something that wasn't even my fault. And even if I had consciously chose not to subs at the time, why not give me the chance to get such important companion character, weeks, or even months later. A pretty head start is a good reward on itself to those that got it early.


I'll probably get bashed or all kind of stuff for this post, I just wish someone at Bioware would read this.


Thank you,

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We better be able to... because restricting content to a very small amount of people is wrong.


Those that subbed on that day (which i did not know about at the time or i would have subbed) got it free. That is fine.


Give the rest of us a galaxy wide quest (similar to HK-51), or charge us 5000cc (roughly $40). I can live with that.



I did not know about the promotion at the time, or else i would have subbed. Give me another opportunity to acquire him, Bioware.

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Yeah, because we are stupid and paid €13 each month since july (Or whatever the sub price is in your country) to get something exclusive and you are smarter than us and only pay once to get the same things. That's not how things work.


I wanted the Hutt holostatue but I didn't have the chance at the time. Now, 2 years later, I'm still waiting to see that stupid Hutt available on the gtn/cm but it's still not coming because it was a preorder exclusive. I had to waste 2mil of ingame credits for the Malgus and Satele ones and extra cc to unlock both of them in collections only to realize that I could just buy 1 of them because they're apparently not faction restricted like I thought they were.



1. I have to keep correcting it, but to get nico you only had to subscribe on one of those those two dates - july31, or august 10. you didn't have to STAY subscribed. so nico's current cost is ONE month of subscription. not three. ONE.

2. kinda the point. you were able to get holotrainer by other means. you had to pay for it, but you were able to get a holotrainer. why shouldn't people be able to BUY Nico at a later date? make him cost higher, like I offered 2400 cartel coins or equivalent of $20. still costs those that didn't take advantage of promotion more, but at least we are not restricting content.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Guys easy solution, after early access is up open up all the rewards again and say sub by the official launch date to get all rewards (not including early access since that wI'll be going on at the time.


Bam all these whiners get another chance, yet it is still a pre-xpac reward. And if your dumb enough to not sub by the expacs launch date, you have other issues.


that would actualy be extrememly unfair. since to get all the rewards, you had to subscriber essentialy for the durantion of the last three months. making it available to everyone for the cost of one? would and should create more backlash than just putting Nico on CM.

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I wanted the Hutt holostatue but I didn't have the chance at the time. Now, 2 years later, I'm still waiting to see that stupid Hutt available on the gtn/cm but it's still not coming because it was a preorder exclusive. I had to waste 2mil of ingame credits for the Malgus and Satele ones and extra cc to unlock both of them in collections only to realize that I could just buy 1 of them because they're apparently not faction restricted like I thought they were.


I think it is pathetic that the hutt holotrainer isn't on the CM... and I am one of the few lucky enough to get him.


Having the holotrainer doesn't make me special. It isn't a badge of honour for preordering the first expac.


Nico and the hutt holotrainer need to be in the same boat. free to people who qualified for them at the time, and on the CM for those that didn't.

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We better be able to... because restricting content to a very small amount of people is wrong.


Those that subbed on that day (which i did not know about at the time or i would have subbed) got it free. That is fine.


Give the rest of us a galaxy wide quest (similar to HK-51), or charge us 5000cc (roughly $40). I can live with that.



I did not know about the promotion at the time, or else i would have subbed. Give me another opportunity to acquire him, Bioware.


Sorry you missed it BUT what good is it to offer exclusive rewards to sub if all anyone has to do is wait 6 months or so then just buy it out of the CM or do a quest for it?


BW might as well just stop offering Subs exclusive rewards at that point because no one will waste their time on it when they know they'd still get it eventually.

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I think it is pathetic that the hutt holotrainer isn't on the CM... and I am one of the few lucky enough to get him.


Having the holotrainer doesn't make me special. It isn't a badge of honour for preordering the first expac.


Nico and the hutt holotrainer need to be in the same boat. free to people who qualified for them at the time, and on the CM for those that didn't.


agreed. now I would personally prefer it if whatever holotrainer they put on CM is not Doctor specifically.. even if its a hutt, just give him another name. but even if they do end up selling the same one, oh well /shrug. sell him for $20 and I'll actualy feel mightily good about it, since technically they only cost me 10 due to hutt cartel subscriber discount (and I got to use him all this time on every character, without additional collections unlock costs)


Sorry you missed it BUT what good is it to offer exclusive rewards to sub if all anyone has to do is wait 6 months or so then just buy it out of the CM or do a quest for it?


BW might as well just stop offering Subs exclusive rewards at that point because no one will waste their time on it when they know they'd still get it eventually.


but.. you are already subscribing anyways. what difference does it make if you pay for something now, and they pay for that same thing slightly more a bit later?


but honestly? bioware's mistake was offering companion as a time gated reward. they should have stuck to cosmetic stuff like mounts, crystals, titles, etc.


incidentally. does it bother you that people can buy Nar Shadaa stronghold right now? after all.. subscribers on a specific date got rooms unlocked at no additional cost. and now anyone can just buy that stronghold! :rolleyes:

why not mace Nico work the same as Nar Shadaa stronghold?

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I think it is pathetic that the hutt holotrainer isn't on the CM... and I am one of the few lucky enough to get him.


Having the holotrainer doesn't make me special. It isn't a badge of honour for preordering the first expac.


Nico and the hutt holotrainer need to be in the same boat. free to people who qualified for them at the time, and on the CM for those that didn't.


There needs to be some kind of pocket trainer with evergreen availability. It doesn't have to be the Hutt.


Likewise, there needs to be "optional" companions (a la treek and HK and Nico). Nico doesn't have to be one of them.

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Sorry you missed it BUT what good is it to offer exclusive rewards to sub if all anyone has to do is wait 6 months or so then just buy it out of the CM or do a quest for it?


BW might as well just stop offering Subs exclusive rewards at that point because no one will waste their time on it when they know they'd still get it eventually.


All true and well put.

However, you need to remember some people are entitled and they won't be quiet about this issue ever.

Personally - if this happens, if it appears on the CM then that's it with pre-ordering and retaining subs when I really don't need to for me.

I'll just drop the sub for the 4 months leading to an expansion and then buy the "exclusive" items later.

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incidentally. does it bother you that people can buy Nar Shadaa stronghold right now? after all.. subscribers on a specific date got rooms unlocked at no additional cost. and now anyone can just buy that stronghold! :rolleyes:

why not mace Nico work the same as Nar Shadaa stronghold?


You know that the stronghold is COMPLETELY different to the Nico situation right?

That the stronghold was never an exclusive reward, you were simply given unlocks for free.

Now if the Nar Shadaa stronghold was only available to people who qualified then you are getting close to a similar situation.

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