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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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I don't get the comparisons to the Party Jawa.

The same situation applies to the Party Jawa as Nico. If you met the qualifications for it, you got it. If not, then you didn't.


This disrupts my crafting....

So you have to craft the way us old-timers had to. Tough luck.


... but you can't buy a companion that crafts from level one

You can't even pick up crew skills until you can get to Fleet. And you can't get to Fleet until you complete your class story on your starter planet. This argument is moot.


Not to mention, the new event.

The new event has nothing to do with anything. Sure those with Nico may have an easier time, but it's not like it's a race. If you feel the need to have a companion at level 1, then do the HK-51 mission and unlock him.


Are all of you that say "I'll pay CC / RL money for Nico" too friggin' "character" cheap to spend 1 mil credits for a comparable companion?


If you all spent half of the energy required to argue over this to do the HK-51 mission arc, you'd have had him 10 times over.


All these "Gimme, gimme" attitudes turn my stomach.


Probably because a good portion of us made damn sure to be subbed when required and would feel a sort of "betrayal" if they just started handing out stuff they said was exclusive.


And this. Ever heard the term "You snooze, you lose?"

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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If you all spent half of the energy required to argue over this to do the HK-51 mission arc, you'd have had him 10 times over.


HK-51's difficulty to acquire is heavily exaggerated. You could have had him 20 times over by now.

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You know you've got another chance at a time-limited exclusive companion this year, right? There's been a couple of posts on the forum about a new event starting Tuesday, you may be interested in it : )


Just wait. After the event's over, and everyone gets their jedi or sith companion, there are going to be new threads whining and crying because they "can't has" them. And I'm willing to bet a slug nickel that some of those will be the same ones in this thread crying about Nico.

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I don't get the comparisons to the Party Jawa. I have never once used it. If you're that upset over it, i'll gladly trade it for your Nico. Hell, you can have my Founder title, Hutt Training holo, etc, too. All that stuff is either useless mechanically or there is a replacement in the game already. There is no replacement companion from level 1 that will increase the amount of crafters you have. I'm also a huge min-maxer when it comes to conversation influence, so I always need to have out the right companion for the maximum amount of influence I can gain


Pay for Treek, then. Or pay for HK. Since you said you were willing to pay?


Balance in companion acquisition speed and influence acquisition between classes is a problem, but it's easier solved by other means than removing exclusivity from a time-limited award.

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Giving alternative ways to get the items would defeat the purpose of making it "limited time only" in the first place. These promotions are done to drive sales (subs) up during that given period.


If I know I can get anything I want later, where is the motivation to spend my money now? And if I don't spend it now, take a guess at how likely I am to spend it later.


If it feels bad to have missed out on something, that is supposed to be your motivation to keep your sub active. At least, from BW's point of view.


Limited time only items are a bad carrot and stick imo, loyalty systems are better long term than short bursts like these made to artificially inflate numbers.


And this. Ever heard the term "You snooze, you lose?"


Yes, I have, and that's one of the least constructive and useless arguments right next to the "if you don't like it, then leave" trope. Instead of providing a reason or alternative to why it should remain exclusive, you simply hide behind a "life has consequences, get over it, you snooze, you lose" fallacies which is irrelevant on a game made for entertainment.


I already pitched my idea on a loyalty system so all players can get it evidently, so I made my peace with this thread, as its always the same few people jumping in the thread with a broken fallacy and argument.

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Yes, I have, and that's one of the least constructive and useless arguments right next to the "if you don't like it, then leave" trope. Instead of providing a reason or alternative to why it should remain exclusive, you simply hide behind a "life has consequences, get over it, you snooze, you lose" fallacies which is irrelevant on a game made for entertainment.


I already pitched my idea on a loyalty system so all players can get it evidently, so I made my peace with this thread, as its always the same few people jumping in the thread with a broken fallacy and argument.


Have you read this entire thread? Have you seen all of my responses? Have you seen all of my responses in the umpteen other threads on this same subject?


I, like many others, have made the points, ad nauseam, as to why those unqualified won't, or shouldn't, get him. Exclusive DOES NOT mean everyone. Limited Time does not mean eternally.


But then you get hardheads that have to drag it out by crying "It's not fair." So we have to repeat ourselves again, ad nauseam, until we finally get tired of it and say something that will be understood without a doubt, because logic is not working. So that something is, plainly and simply: Too bad.


I have also posted suggestions on a vetted system over a sub reward system. But that's neither here, nor there.


You want to know something that's probably ironic? The OP of this thread hasn't even been back on the forums since Nov. 14, 2015.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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You want to know something that's probably ironic? The OP of this thread hasn't even been back on the forums since Nov. 14, 2015.


Well maybe that just shows how bad it is that they didn't get Nico... Maybe that's the rub. Couldn't possibly be that they felt cheated could it? You can bagger all you want all you are doing is pushing customers away. Good job. Hope you are proud of yourself. And before you go replying I'm putting you on ignore I have not intentions of listening to someone who pushes customers away and helps make the game worse. Have a good day.

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Well maybe that just shows how bad it is that they didn't get Nico... Maybe that's the rub. Couldn't possibly be that they felt cheated could it? You can bagger all you want all you are doing is pushing customers away. Good job. Hope you are proud of yourself. And before you go replying I'm putting you on ignore I have not intentions of listening to someone who pushes customers away and helps make the game worse. Have a good day.


I'm sure you also have me on ignore because I, too, have the audacity to disagree with you and voice my opinions, refusing to be bullied into silence with threats of being reported.


I have trouble understanding how a person who does not meet certain criteria that were publicized well in advance and for which the cutoff date was extended in order to allow more people to meet those criteria can claim to "feel cheated". That person did not meet the criteria and therefore they do not qualify to get that shiny, no matter how much they now claim to want it.


The criteria were publicized well in advance. That person may not have been checking the forums or website, but that is NOT BW's responsibility.

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I, like many others, have made the points, ad nauseam, as to why those unqualified won't, or shouldn't, get him. Exclusive DOES NOT mean everyone. Limited Time does not mean eternally.


I can understand Bioware motives behind that design. But your motives on the other hand...

Nico was available for players subbed during a X period of time in 2015. Let's say he's available for X period of time in 2016, and there is another thing to compensate for people who already have him. What's your problem with that exactly? Because that's what was asked when the thread got bumped.

Underlying is why are you so inclined to endorse that bioware design. I agree with peter's whole post by the way, and that limited exclusive design is not a sensible one.

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Limited time only items are a bad carrot and stick imo, loyalty systems are better long term than short bursts like these made to artificially inflate numbers.




Yes, I have, and that's one of the least constructive and useless arguments right next to the "if you don't like it, then leave" trope. Instead of providing a reason or alternative to why it should remain exclusive, you simply hide behind a "life has consequences, get over it, you snooze, you lose" fallacies which is irrelevant on a game made for entertainment.


I already pitched my idea on a loyalty system so all players can get it evidently, so I made my peace with this thread, as its always the same few people jumping in the thread with a broken fallacy and argument.


The limited time rewards are not a bad thing, but I also recognize the benefits of a veteran reward system.


I think adding a veteran reward system would be a positive improvement, GOING FORWARD. I do not think it should apply to any of the past rewards.


I'd like to see a combination of both types of rewards, with some being limited time and exclusive for being subscribed at certain times and other rewards for a cumulative (not necessarily consecutive or continuous) time subscribed. I do not think the exclusive, limited time rewards should ever be made available through the veteran reward system, though.

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I can understand Bioware motives behind that design. But your motives on the other hand...

Nico was available for players subbed during a X period of time in 2015. Let's say he's available for X period of time in 2016, and there is another thing to compensate for people who already have him. What's your problem with that exactly? Because that's what was asked when the thread got bumped.

Underlying is why are you so inclined to endorse that bioware design. I agree with peter's whole post by the way, and that limited exclusive design is not a sensible one.


When Nico was made available, the deal was that he was EXCLUSIVE to those who were subscribed on either of two specific dates, NOT "exclusive until we decide to offer him again".


Some may not like those terms, but those were the terms and I certainly hope that BW holds to those terms, no matter how loudly those who do not have Nico whine and cry.


Would I object if they did as someone else suggested and offered Rico Okarr, Nico's recolored brother, as a reward in the future or on the CM? No. Offering Nico Okarr again? YES, I would object, even if they gave me some new shiny.


Let's say they did offer Nico as a reward again, and to help alleviate any objections, they gave everyone who already has Nico a new companion--Satele Shan or Darth Malgus. Can you imagine the explosion on the forums from those that did not qualify to have Nico in the first place, but were coddled by BW and given another chance to obtain a companion to which they were NOT entitled?

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When Nico was made available, the deal was that he was EXCLUSIVE to those who were subscribed on either of two specific dates, NOT "exclusive until we decide to offer him again".


Some may not like those terms, but those were the terms and I certainly hope that BW holds to those terms, no matter how loudly those who do not have Nico whine and cry.


Would I object if they did as someone else suggested and offered Rico Okarr, Nico's recolored brother, as a reward in the future or on the CM? No. Offering Nico Okarr again? YES, I would object, even if they gave me some new shiny.


Let's say they did offer Nico as a reward again, and to help alleviate any objections, they gave everyone who already has Nico a new companion--Satele Shan or Darth Malgus. Can you imagine the explosion on the forums from those that did not qualify to have Nico in the first place, but were coddled by BW and given another chance to obtain a companion to which they were NOT entitled?

Hence why I repeat the original offer was terrible design to begin with. It would not have led to such situations. That still does not answer the question of why endorsing such design.

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Hence why I repeat the original offer was terrible design to begin with. It would not have led to such situations. That still does not answer the question of why endorsing such design.


It has been explained many times in this thread why it is endorsed. Now, I don't think anyone is against them changing the rewards method for FUTURE items. The past is over though. Items marked as exclusive are gone.

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Limited time only items are a bad carrot and stick imo, loyalty systems are better long term than short bursts like these made to artificially inflate numbers.


They've been giving out time-limited rather than longevity-based rewards for, what, over a year now? Longer if you could the GSF awards. If it wasn't working for them, I think they'd have changed the reward paradigm. I'd be interested to know how many other games run longevity reward systems rather than time-based reward systems.


One reason I can think of off the top of my head is that such a system does not encourage new subs - the rewards are too far out in a time horizon. Why should a new player subscribe now, if they're not going to get benefits until 6 months out? With this system, they get the reward today, and have the rest of the game to keep them occupied for a bit. Remember, these should not be the point of your subscription - if you're subscribing for the reward alone, why?

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They've been giving out time-limited rather than longevity-based rewards for, what, over a year now? Longer if you could the GSF awards. If it wasn't working for them, I think they'd have changed the reward paradigm. I'd be interested to know how many other games run longevity reward systems rather than time-based reward systems.


One reason I can think of off the top of my head is that such a system does not encourage new subs - the rewards are too far out in a time horizon. Why should a new player subscribe now, if they're not going to get benefits until 6 months out? With this system, they get the reward today, and have the rest of the game to keep them occupied for a bit. Remember, these should not be the point of your subscription - if you're subscribing for the reward alone, why?


I'll be honest, what got my sub back was the free Nar Shadda SH for the Stronghold release or was it the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expac? One of those. Time limited-rewards have existed since launch though, whether titles, crystals, or whatever.


Here it is....


A sprawling Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace with five rooms unlocked

• Exclusive Subteroth minipet

• Two Character Titles “The Intrepid” and “The Illustrious”

• Stronghold Label "Galactic Stronghold"

Edited by GelstonJ
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They've been giving out time-limited rather than longevity-based rewards for, what, over a year now? Longer if you could the GSF awards. If it wasn't working for them, I think they'd have changed the reward paradigm. I'd be interested to know how many other games run longevity reward systems rather than time-based reward systems.


I suspect that some people are fine with a limited time, time specific, subscriber reward system UNTIL they miss one of those limited time rewards.


Then it becomes "It's not fair that I don't get that limited time, exclusive subscriber reward of a special companion. I've been subscribed for ten whole months and I decided I wanted to spend my allowance on a new game this month rather than pay the subscription fee. After all, I can still play this game for FREE. I didn't realize that I would never get to have that shiny companion. It's not FAIR. BW you OWE me another chance to have that companion."


One reason I can think of off the top of my head is that such a system does not encourage new subs - the rewards are too far out in a time horizon. Why should a new player subscribe now, if they're not going to get benefits until 6 months out? With this system, they get the reward today, and have the rest of the game to keep them occupied for a bit. Remember, these should not be the point of your subscription - if you're subscribing for the reward alone, why?


This is why I think a combination of limited time, time specific subscriber rewards and a veteran reward system would be beneficial to this game. The limited time, time specific, subscriber rewards would help bring in new subscribers and provide incentive to remain subscribed so that subscribers do not miss any of the limited time rewards ad the veteran reward system would reinforce that incentive to remain subscribed as subscribers would be accruing time toward those veteran rewards.

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I can understand Bioware motives behind that design. But your motives on the other hand...

Nico was available for players subbed during a X period of time in 2015. Let's say he's available for X period of time in 2016, and there is another thing to compensate for people who already have him. What's your problem with that exactly? Because that's what was asked when the thread got bumped.

Underlying is why are you so inclined to endorse that bioware design. I agree with peter's whole post by the way, and that limited exclusive design is not a sensible one.


I have never agreed with the way they give rewards. As I stated in an earlier post, I've suggested a vetted system. I've added my "voice" to other posts suggesting a vetted system. Don't be so quick to judge someone because they tell it like it is. Which is what I'm doing. BW set the requirements, and no matter how much I disagree with them, they have maintained their stance. So when I say "That's the way it is", I'm not being facetious, I'm just telling you how the system works.


But this thread is not about the reward system. This thread is about someone, or some people, wanting something they didn't qualify for and have no rights to.

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....I never said I had a 'right' to Nico Okarr. I just said I was sorry I wasn't able to get him due to technical difficulties. I literally had no access to a computer that could handle SWTOR at the time. I'm certainly not blaming Bioware. I'm just sorry I'm missing out on having one of my favorite characters as a companion.


C'est la vie.


Would I love the option to get him at some point? Absolutely.


Am I raging or blaming Bioware or something? Nah. It is what it is and that's just fine.


I do wish they'd have an option for people to get him again, but if they don't, that's Bioware's right and I certainly don't mind. Heck, I wouldn't mind getting him at 50+ or something. I like the actual look and story behind the character; I could give a fig about having him at level 1 for crafting or whatever.

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I'll be honest, what got my sub back was the free Nar Shadda SH for the Stronghold release or was it the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expac? One of those. Time limited-rewards have existed since launch though, whether titles, crystals, or whatever.


Here it is....


A sprawling Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace with five rooms unlocked

• Exclusive Subteroth minipet

• Two Character Titles “The Intrepid” and “The Illustrious”

• Stronghold Label "Galactic Stronghold"


the thing is, subteroth is merely a recolor, titles are pointless and Nar Shadaa is still available to everyone, they just have to pay to unlock it.


so... we have a character who actualy has a fairly iconic role in SWTOR canon.. and he is essentially being wasted on merely being a recolor, because too many new players won't have acess to him, so no point in making any further story involvement for him?


and before anyone says anything about me not having him. I have him. i have him on 2 accounts. my interest here, while selfish is not what you think it is. my interest here is based on wanting something actualy done with him. I want more story involving Nico Okar. and we will get NO story for him as long as his stays unavailable.

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the thing is, subteroth is merely a recolor, titles are pointless and Nar Shadaa is still available to everyone, they just have to pay to unlock it.


so... we have a character who actualy has a fairly iconic role in SWTOR canon.. and he is essentially being wasted on merely being a recolor, because too many new players won't have acess to him, so no point in making any further story involvement for him?


and before anyone says anything about me not having him. I have him. i have him on 2 accounts. my interest here, while selfish is not what you think it is. my interest here is based on wanting something actualy done with him. I want more story involving Nico Okar. and we will get NO story for him as long as his stays unavailable.


Honestly, he should be about dead by now anyways, definitely not still working as a gunslinger.

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Honestly, he should be about dead by now anyways, definitely not still working as a gunslinger.


he should be. wouldn't it be nice to find out how did he manage to live that long. we got a sort of prequel short story, but other than headcanoning that he was stuck in carbonite somewhere... we don't really know what happened. I mean... to be fair.. pretty much all companions we get back idn't get much either... but it was still more than what we got with Nico... making him a drink >_>

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I was really hyped by the announcement of Nico and I did what I had to do, to get him.

I was hoping for an extremely cool looking , unique and kinda hawt male companion.

So yes, I have him as a companion but I am so dissapointed and I never use him because:


- ingame he looks totally ugly ( ingame he's not that cool looking hottie that he should have been)

- his armour is totally ugly too (it has nothing to do with the concept art of him or the way he looks in the trailer)

- he can't be customized ( I can't even adjust the look of that poorly + cheap designed waste of a character)


So I definately couldn't care less if Nico would be available again or not.

I am not proud to have him and I dont feel like an entitled special snowflake.

I simply don't like this companion since he is boring, unoriginal and ugly.


But still I think there is no point in bringing him back.

People asking for a 2nd chance to qualify for him must be joking.

Even a 2nd or a 3rd (and so on...) chance wouldn't stop some people from "missing" that chance and asking for another opportunity to get him.


I really can't understand why people are so obsessed with him but didn't do what they had to do, to get him.

Nico Okarr was a time limited reward for subbing at the right time. And there is nothing to justify an exception for anyone out there.

And there is not a even a reason to be that obsessed with a boring, poorly designed companion.

He is as trivial as a stupid mount, a stupid title or a stupid Party Jawa.

He is so ordinary, boring and ugly...there is simply no point for all this excessive obsession.

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I was really hyped by the announcement of Nico and I did what I had to do, to get him.

I was hoping for an extremely cool looking , unique and kinda hawt male companion.

So yes, I have him as a companion but I am so dissapointed and I never use him because:


- ingame he looks totally ugly ( ingame he's not that cool looking hottie that he should have been)

- his armour is totally ugly too (it has nothing to do with the concept art of him or the way he looks in the trailer)

- he can't be customized ( I can't even adjust the look of that poorly + cheap designed waste of a character)


So I definately couldn't care less if Nico would be available again or not.

I am not proud to have him and I dont feel like an entitled special snowflake.

I simply don't like this companion since he is boring, unoriginal and ugly.


But still I think there is no point in bringing him back.

People asking for a 2nd chance to qualify for him must be joking.

Even a 2nd or a 3rd (and so on...) chance wouldn't stop some people from "missing" that chance and asking for another opportunity to get him.


I really can't understand why people are so obsessed with him but didn't do what they had to do, to get him.

Nico Okarr was a time limited reward for subbing at the right time. And there is nothing to justify an exception for anyone out there.

And there is not a even a reason to be that obsessed with a boring, poorly designed companion.

He is as trivial as a stupid mount, a stupid title or a stupid Party Jawa.

He is so ordinary, boring and ugly...there is simply no point for all this excessive obsession.


There is only 1 advantage to having him, and that's getting him at level 1. And he's useless then, cause the mobs all die with one hit anyway. The problem is that people want him simply because they can't have him. Doesn't matter that they have so many companions they can't keep track. Doesn't matter that he doesn't talk, add to cutscenes or that he'd never get served alcohol cause he doesn't look anything like his photo. They can't have him, so they want him all the more.


This isn't entitlement on the part of the people who have him, not wanting others to have him too. It's entitlement from the whiners because they don't like being told "No". They're just going to keep on whining and crying and stamping their feet, like a kid in a sweet shop, till they get what they want.


Maybe we should start calling them "Violets", after the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character.

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