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WTB Privacy option from inspect character..


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Yes please. I want to see how fast you die. And how u haxed it to NiM.

But I was talking about pugs getting on your toes, but i guess you missed that part trying to come up with something snarky to say. I dont know why you would have a problem with your raid team being able to inspect your gear.

We dont even parse TOS hm anymore, its rare we wouldnt kill revan for lack of dps or healing anymore so only the timers really matter.



So why so eager to get "hide gear" option?


What gives you the impression that I am eager for it? I simply stated that it doesn't matter. Being able to see that they have "all the right stuff" doesn't mean that they legitimately got it, it seems we're agreed on that. So the only reason it's used is to verify they have all the right stuff, even if it's irrelevant to the group. They are just as likely to be the one that causes wipe after wipe because they were carried, or exploited their way to the right stuff.


I don't care, one way or the other. I don't pug, because of "you don't have NiM gear, you can't run this SM Op". Personal experiences, not "I heard it through the grapevine". I know, we'll be back to "cool story bro" because if you've never seen it, it doesn't happen. Of course, it could be that even if it did happen, you'd never admit it, too much invested in rationalizing and justifying your position now. We form our own group, and then pug any we may be short, or short man it, where we think we can. If we add you, and you start nit picking other player's gear, you find yourself kicked, because despite how some people want to treat this like a full time job, or their lives, it's just a game, and we play to have fun.

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What gives you the impression that I am eager for it? I simply stated that it doesn't matter.

This is also what I stated, hence my original question "Can people wanting this option tell why is it that they want it?". You replied to that quote, I assumed you were trying to tell me why is it they wanted it.


I don't care, one way or the other. I don't pug, because of "you don't have NiM gear, you can't run this SM Op". Personal experiences, not "I heard it through the grapevine". I know, we'll be back to "cool story bro" because if you've never seen it, it doesn't happen.

Did I say it never happens? No I dont think I did. I think I said "If they still think that isnt good enough, they're being general jerks and you shouldnt waste your time on them to begin with". Its not uncommon for the loudest gear complainers to perform the worst out of the bunch (as they seem to think gear > skill), hence you might even save some time skipping the ops with said person.


Of course, it could be that even if it did happen, you'd never admit it, too much invested in rationalizing and justifying your position now. We form our own group, and then pug any we may be short, or short man it, where we think we can. If we add you, and you start nit picking other player's gear, you find yourself kicked, because despite how some people want to treat this like a full time job, or their lives, it's just a game, and we play to have fun.

Now you're jumping into conclusions. How rude. Read comment above.

I pug a lot on alts since mains are saved for guild stuffs. The cry about gear is real. Hiding it wont stop it either. Its just one of those MMO things you "deal with".

Edited by Kiesu
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This is also what I stated, hence my original question "Can people wanting this option tell why is it that they want it?". You replied to that quote, I assumed you were trying to tell me why is it they wanted it.


I did address that, in a round about way, I guess, maybe too roundabout? There's another poster that I quoted here that went on a rampage about how another wouldn't be allowed in their ops/HMs, despite the poster stating point blank that they don't do HMs or Ops. Random group/guild invites are a very real thing, and I get more than a couple a week when I absolutely have to go to Fleet. Do you think those random group invites aren't inspecting my gear, w/out my knowledge before they just invite me? While it doesn't bother me, I certainly don't have anything to hide, I imagine it could creep some people out to know that people are looking through their virtual windows. I could crack wise on the "but I just wanted to see what underwear you're wearing before I asked you on a date" as a defense for actual window peekers, but I sincerely don't believe it's that bad, or anywhere close to it. That doesn't mean that others don't, however.


Did I say it never happens? No I dont think I did. I think I said "If they still think that isnt good enough, they're being general jerks and you shouldnt waste your time on them to begin with". Its not uncommon for the loudest gear complainers to perform the worst out of the bunch (as they seem to think gear > skill), hence you might even save some time skipping the ops with said person.



Now you're jumping into conclusions. How rude. Read comment above.

I pug a lot on alts since mains are saved for guild stuffs. The cry about gear is real. Hiding it wont stop it either. Its just one of those MMO things you "deal with".


I jumped to the conclusion based on your previous "cool story bro". Perhaps if you don't want people coming away with the wrong impression, you shouldn't generate the wrong impression? To quote Buffy, however "No jumping necessary, I turned around, and there was a conclusion". You see, despite the actual words, the meaning is quite literally "yeah right". So I'll quit jumping to conclusions, and you quit providing me a reason.

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Random group/guild invites are a very real thing, and I get more than a couple a week when I absolutely have to go to Fleet. Do you think those random group invites aren't inspecting my gear, w/out my knowledge before they just invite me?

I have no idea what random group or guild invites have to do with inspecting gear. Mostly when im getting invites I'm standing afk on guild ship or fleet when some random lv12 spaminvites to group. Never even thought they might be inspecting gear, usually they want boosting trough fp or credits, and dont give a poop if you do it naked if u just do it.

Haven't ever ran into a situation where guild was inspecting my gear before randomly inviting or something (??) that sounds very alien to me.

We're still talking about hiding gear here, right?


While it doesn't bother me, I certainly don't have anything to hide, I imagine it could creep some people out to know that people are looking through their virtual windows. I could crack wise on the "but I just wanted to see what underwear you're wearing before I asked you on a date" as a defense for actual window peekers, but I sincerely don't believe it's that bad, or anywhere close to it. That doesn't mean that others don't, however.

Well that made me giggle.

Ran into a situation where spamming flirt emotes on female character made a random player think I was a lady RL. That was funny, dont think he still knows any better (opportunistic troll) as i didnt bother to correct his silly beliefs lol. People need to chill and realize their virtual bodies are not made of flesh but pixels and you're allowed to not take it seriously. Well, unless on RP server I guess.


I jumped to the conclusion based on your previous "cool story bro". Perhaps if you don't want people coming away with the wrong impression, you shouldn't generate the wrong impression? To quote Buffy, however "No jumping necessary, I turned around, and there was a conclusion". You see, despite the actual words, the meaning is quite literally "yeah right". So I'll quit jumping to conclusions, and you quit providing me a reason.

Cool story bro came from zero new contribution to topic as it was rewording of previous statement in a form of story.

Edited by Kiesu
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As an agent of the Empire, your privacy is subject to my whims. You will submit to my inspections with all due haste and without consideration to ones own self. To refuse such is to betray the Empire. You are a seditious sort aren't you? Should I be reporting you to my superiors for further interrogation?
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As an agent of the Empire, your privacy is subject to my whims. You will submit to my inspections with all due haste and without consideration to ones own self. To refuse such is to betray the Empire. You are a seditious sort aren't you? Should I be reporting you to my superiors for further interrogation?


I am your superior.


Unrelated but funny anecdote related to something similar: I was grinding away at mobs in an old Korean grinder, and pulled a mob that someone else was fixing to pull. We were both ranged, and out of each other's LoS, so it was purely innocent, but that guy came flying around the corner, ranting that he was going to report me to my guild leader, and could I provide him with the name. I did, it was the character I was on. He laughed and went back to grinding. :eek:

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