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Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing Clash in Hypserspace Prize Announcement!


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It was a great week of GSF on Shadowlands, and I think we're all a bit amazed at how many conquest points we raised. It was a very fun event to organize and I'm glad to have seen so many people from different servers coming to help GSF out. From all of us at SRW, THANK YOU!


I will be mailing all of you your items in game shortly. For the grand prize winner, I will contact you in game to discuss what server you'd like your prizes delivered to.


NOTE: As the week progressed we noticed a number of people passing the 100,000 mark. We initially had not anticipated such efforts, but were very happy to see them. In an effort to make it more fair, we decided that anyone with more than 100,000 pts would be entered more than once for the grand prize. For example,

50,000 pts = 1 entry in grand prize drawing

100,000 pts = 2 entries in grand prize drawing

150,000 pts = 3 entries in grand prize drawing, etc

That way someone who went "beyond the call of duty" would get some benefit for their hard work. For the next event we are going to have a lot more prizes and hopefully cool 4.0 stuff--assuming they release cool 4.0 stuff.


Minor Prize Packs (10,000 CP+):


1. Jungle Ambusher Prize pack -- Drakolich

2. Starfighter XP Prize pack 1 -- Nixyria

3. Starfighter XP Prize pack 2 -- Kureem

4. Starfighter XP Prize pack 3 -- Lumation

5. 200k credit Prize -- Micäl

6. 200k credit Prize -- Tobiasfünke

7. 200k credit Prize -- Erutavruc

8. 200k credit Prize -- Deanlearner



Major Prize Packs (35,000 CP+):


1. Feral Visionary Prize pack + 250k credits -- Josiewales

2. K-52 Demolisher Prize pack -- Eric-bana

3. K-52 Demolisher Prize pack 2 -- Tripleight

4. K-52 Strongarm Prize pack -- Lekzdeq

5. 1,000,000 credit Prize -- Lompi

6. 1,000,000 credit Prize -- Derrad




Grand Prize (50,000 CP+):


Zakuul Armor Set

Zakuul Dropship

Cartel GSF ship of your choice, on the server of your choice

1,000,000 credit Prize




Be sure to keep an eye out for the next event! Sometimes the holidays bring more than annoying relatives....;)

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I think the lots per 50k approach sounds very fair, and I'm glad it helped give Ozzmud better/fairer odds at the Grand Prize, because that dude went above and beyond in galactic-sized leaps and bounds. Grats, Ozzmud!


And holy crap, I won something? :eek: I never win anything! Today's the day to go buy a lottery ticket!! (Vexxial, I'd like to take some of those winnings and donate decos to the guild ship. I'll contact you in game.)


But in all seriousness, and at the risk of sounding enormously cheesy, I can say the best reward was the number of fun and close matches, and the frequency of the pops. Next time should be even better as more people show up, and we probably will have a serious shot at a Conquest win!

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Had a great time with this event as well, even though my usual RNG "luck" held through all three brackets. :cool:


Had planned on dropping back to my other guild originally, but I think I'm going to stick with you guys as I'd forgotten just how much fun GSF is when you have good pilots with you.


See you in space!

-- Kayléé

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Yallia - thanks for the K-52! I did send it to Harbinger and flew it against you on Stock Night last night. It was fun. The thought had occurred to me that a stock T2 Gunship would have an important advantage over a stock T1 Gunship: armor piercing proton torpedo, in case I ran into a charge plating bomber. Things don't work out so nicely in practice though.
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Yallia - thanks for the K-52! I did send it to Harbinger and flew it against you on Stock Night last night. It was fun. The thought had occurred to me that a stock T2 Gunship would have an important advantage over a stock T1 Gunship: armor piercing proton torpedo, in case I ran into a charge plating bomber. Things don't work out so nicely in practice though.


You're most welcome, hope you can make it to our Strike Night Event Nov 14th!

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