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KoTFE, What are you going to do first?


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As I mentioned my instant 60 will be one of the first things I do, and it will probably be the toon I use the most as I walk through the story, and she will be an agent. I'm really curious as to what my decisions as an IA will mean to the KoTFe story and how that differs from an instant 60.


Oh, and after I get started with the story and through a few chapters, I'm definitely going to stop, and take a crack at EC. Lol. That should be interesting... and horrifying if I'm pugging.

Edited by Rafaman
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Start my main toon through the story. I'm not scared about "screwing up" any choices...as others seem to be by taking a cowardly approach to it. Too much credit is being given to what the choices will actually affect. Especially since outside of KotFE NOTHING will change...kill mako? she'll still be on your BH's ship...as bio has said.


After I get through the story (or at least as I progress) I'll be watching and deciding whether or not the bs Level-sync crap will be what finally makes me stop paying to play, which I've been doing since launch.


if I stick around I'll move on to other alts. If not, no you can't have my stuff.

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Continue playing midbies and lowbies and wait to see what will happen after about 3 weeks. Like what are the prices of the crafting schematics? Will Bio drop the price of the slot unlocks? What crafts each AC gets on the free 60? Is the story okay? What are the new romantic choices? How new upscaled content feels like in terms of difficulty? What equipment drops? What the bolster will be for level 60 PvP? There are just too many things that are unknown now to rush into the KotFE.
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Continue playing midbies and lowbies and wait to see what will happen after about 3 weeks. Like what are the prices of the crafting schematics? Will Bio drop the price of the slot unlocks? What crafts each AC gets on the free 60? Is the story okay? What are the new romantic choices? How new upscaled content feels like in terms of difficulty? What equipment drops? What the bolster will be for level 60 PvP? There are just too many things that are unknown now to rush into the KotFE.

All this info will be posted by TorCommunity and Dulfy 5 minutes after servers go live on October 20, there's no need to wait.

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Well, it is right around the corner, so once the xpac drops and you can get yourself logged in, what is first on your agenda?


-Setup skill points on my main.

-Pop an XP boost.

-Then turn in all of my dailies I held back from turn in for the xp.

-Create my instant 60. That toon is going to be my decision-making test bed.

-Jump right into the story.


Go to Tatooine and grind to level 65. Then, do level 65 EV!

Edited by MuratReis
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Create a clone of my Sith Assassin [leaving her only in "standing by"] and make the original Assassin and my main toon [Marauder] finish from 55 to 60... because I don't have Shadow of Revan and after finishing other five toons [sage, Shadow, Sentinel, Sniper and Sorcerer] will do the actual story of my first Marauder and the Assassins.


But in gameplay is for PvP and PvE, to see the changes and most of all: the new trouble that awaits crafting...

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After a recent chat with guildies, that first evening we will be running EV for old times sake. It should be quite interesting since the mechanics will be back in play.


I predict somebody will aggro the turrets early because they will run to far up the hill; someone will die on Gahrj forgetting to get out of his Pounce and knockback, someone will die to trash near the puzzle area, the platforms and lightning-balls will play havoc on the healers and people will spend more time in mind traps. Overall, it is going to be great fun.

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1) Log in my mara and get the S6 rewards :)

2) Look at the various new abilities and decide which toon to play first (I'm thinking mara or sorc or sentinel, but possibly vanguard or PT or assassin or shadow or operative or scoundrel...definitely not merc or commando)

3) Run a bunch of warzones

4) I have no idea. I might do the KotFE story. I might not. I'll want to see more info on what exactly happens. I think I'll just level via warzones, which will be mega slow, but at least I'll have stacks of comms. Depending on what exactly we lose access to...I may just never do the story. I'll just read about it online, on youtube or whatever. I don't really care about story all that much. If I can still do 65 warzones, ops, flashpoints, then I don't care about advancing the story.

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