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Anyone think that..


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It would have been awesome if Kaliyo was revealed to be an undecover agent later in the story?

Intelligence would have put her there since the start to asses the agent, when she talks about "her favors" and disappears she would report back to keeper or the minister, probably handing them any info she's gathering about you.


And all her actions would have been a test to see how the agent reacts in those kind of situations/under pressure etc. if they were susceptible to betraying the empire or not, analyzing his/her personality.


And then when she is revealed in the and turns out she's this alluring femme fatale and not at all like her undercover personality but she's been with the agent the longest so she decides to stick around.

Edited by Azareya
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It would probably have messed up Act 2, though.


As an undercover operative keeping an eye on you, Kaliyo would have to know you'd been brainwashed, and she'd be doing her job very badly if she failed to notice your odd behaviour. Kaliyo reporting in that you've been compromised would end the story there; your superiors would either call you up and override Kothe's control, or have you eliminated.


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It would probably have messed up Act 2, though.


As an undercover operative keeping an eye on you, Kaliyo would have to know you'd been brainwashed, and she'd be doing her job very badly if she failed to notice your odd behaviour. Kaliyo reporting in that you've been compromised would end the story there; your superiors would either call you up and override Kothe's control, or have you eliminated.


another thing in the agent story that's stupid. HOW DOES NONE OF YOUR COMPANIONS NOTICE THE MIND CONTROL!?

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I always thought the way she got to be on my team was odd -- "oh yea, so she's a crazy anarchist, but what the hey -- let's let her in on top secret Empire information anyway " --- and all her "disappearing " and "oh nothing you need to worry about " comments


another scenario was one where she might be a very deep undercover agent -- that I'm not supposed to know about --- (no one knows about, but the first Keeper and maybe Watcher X --- would be kind of Watcher X's style anyway )

And just like the old Mission Impossible -- If discovered or captured, deny all knowledge of your existence kind of agent -- that would have explained a lot

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