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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Add some decorations to vendors around the galaxy


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Something that SWTOR always needed is to motivate players to visit old planets again at times. Now with the new level sync system we may actually get to see people moving around old planets more often. So why not add some cool decorations to those planets' vendors as well so we can always bring some souvenirs back to our homes.


Here's a list of what I have in mind:



Tython Commendations Vendor:

-Training Padawan **those padawans lifting rocks with the force**

-Jedi Defender (Male) **The jedi you see with the lightsabers turned on that ocasionaly make some flourish animation**

-Jedi Training Dummy

-Temple Holo Portrait **Those columns you see on the temple with a holographic head being displayed**



Korriban Commendations Vendor:

-Sith Acolyte

-Korriban Sentry **Those troopers on red armor seen guarding the academy**

-Sith Sarcophagus **The ones found on the tombs with the skeleton inside**

-Dig site **I can imagine a small cliff of sand that looks as if someone has been excavating on it, with a shovel and maybe a relic/vase**



Taris Commendations Vendor:

-Rakghoul in a Cage

-Infected on dissection table **A plage carrier on those tables that look like the one Vader got rebuilt at on episode III**


Cantina Vendor:

-Human Cantina Vendor (Female) **A working cantina vendor with the classic stuff selled on the cantinas**

-Human Cantina Patron (Male) **All patrons on the list should ocassionaly use the /drink and /eat emote**


Social Vendor:




Commendations Vendor:

-Holo Sign Arrows **Those neon looking arrows you see pointing the cantina entrance**

-Music Light Ball **a Ceiling Hook decoration of that floating disco ball that shoots different color lights (seen on the music therapy probe item)**

-Evoccii Refugee (Male)


Cantina Vendor:

-Twi'lek Cantina Vendor (Male)

-Human Slave (Female) **those seen at the casinos**

-Cathar Slave (Female) **those seen on the casinos during the event**


Social Vendor:

-Cartel Security Guard (Male) **those you see patrolling the promenade**


-Caged Rancor **The Rancor on the energy cage you see during the casino event**



Commendations Vendor:

-Tatooine Igloo **Those small classic igloo looking buildings maybe with a few preset furniture already inside, for centerpiece hooks**

-Gamorrean Guard


Cantina Vendor:

-Rodian Cantina Vendor

-Zabrak Cantina Patron (Male)

-Mirialan Dancer (Female)

-Mirialan Dancer (Male)

-Togruta Dancer (Female)


Social Vendor:

-Sand People Warrior **A Sand People dude armed with a gaffi stick**

-Sand People Marksman **A Sand People dude armed with a sniper rifle**



Commendations Vendor:

-Thranta Nest **Those nests with a flying thranta you see on the taxi terminals**

-Tamed Vorn Tiger

-Guard: House Thul (Male) **Imp Side**

-Guard: House Thul (Female) **Imp Side**

-Guard: House Organa (Male) **Rep Side**

-Guard: House Organa (Female) **Rep Side**

-Alderaanian Book Reading Statue


Cantina Vendor:

-Droid Cantina Vendor **Could be a C2-N2 or 2V-RB models with some different colors. one for Imp side and other for Rep Side**

-Human Cantina Patron (Female)

-Killik Hive **Those giant egg looking things where Killiks seem to live at, could be for centerpiece hooks**

-Killik Drone


Social Vendor:

-Banner: House Cortess

-Banner: House Panteer

-Banner: House Teraal

-Banner: House Organa **Rep Side**

-House Thul Noble (Male) **Imp side**

-House Thul Noble (Female) **Imp side**

-House Organa Noble (Male) **Rep side**

-House Organa Noble (Female) **Rep side**



Commendations Vendor:

-Waste Dispossal Tube **A decoration for large wall hooks, a tube exit that is dropping some greenish liquid to the ground**




-Tauntaun Nest

-Chiss Officer (Male) **Imperial Side**

-Republic Snowtrooper (Male) **Republic Side**


Social Vendor:



-Talz Hunter



Commendations Vendor:

-Rakata Teleporter **Those teleporters you can use to teleport yet just as a decoration it would be hard to actually have it to teleport you inside your stronghold. lol**

-Prisioner (Male)

-Prisioner (Female)


Social Vendor:

Dread Guard Commander **Could be the model of the guy you fight on Section X Heroic: [Aurora Cannon]**

Dreadtooth **For Starship hooks like the Colosal Monolith, it would be awsome if Dreadtooth could also have a walking animation around the hook area**

Stasis Chamber **Those seen on Section X**




-Taxi Shuttle **That small shuttle you use as taxi on this planet, landed on a Large hook**

-Voss Tree **One of the many trees seen on the planet directly grown from the floor**

-Potted Voss Tree **Same tree as above yet this one planted on a pot**


Social Vendor:

-Voss Sentry (Male) **Those Blue Voss that are always patrolling the main city**

-Voss Mystic (Female) **A red Voss female with Mystic robes**


Cantina Vendor:

-Voss Cantina Vendor (Male)

-Voss Cantina Vendor (Female)




-Smuggler (Male)

-Smuggler (Female)


Cantina Vendor:

-Togruta Cantina Vendor (Female)

-Zabrak Cantina Patron (Female)



Commendations Vendor:

-Imperial Snowtrooper **Imp Side**

-Jedi Sentinel **Rep Side**

-Crystal Wagon (A wagon with crystals on it)


Social Vendor:


-Kaleesh Warrior



Commendations Vendor:

The Spires of Victory **The ones from the Codex Entry for Centerpiece hook**




Social Vendor:

Inquisitor Trainer (Female) **Only purchasable by Inquisitors, this works as a class trainer for Inquisitors could be a pureblood female with a double bladed saber**

Warrior Trainer (Male) **Only purchasable by Sith Warriors, this works as a class trainer for Warriors, could be a Cyborg male with a Juggernaut style armor**

Bounty Hunter Trainer (Male) **Only purchasable by Bounty Hunters, this works as a class trainer for Bounty Hunters could be a Mando looking guy**

Imperial Agent Trainer (Female) **Only purchasable by Agents, this works as a class trainer for Agents could be a Chiss**



Social Vendor:

Jedi Knight Trainer (Male) **Only purchasable by Knights, this works as a class trainer for Knights could be a Zabrak or Human male**

Consular Trainer (Female) **Only purchasable by Consulars, this works as a class trainer for Consulars, could be a Mirialan female**

Smuggler Trainer (Female) **Only purchasable by Smugglers, this works as a class trainer for Smugglers it would be awsome as a Twi'lek or Togruta female**

Trooper Trainer (Male) **Only purchasable by Troopers, this works as a class trainer for Troopers could be a Jace Malcom inspired dude**

Edited by Saito_Hiraga
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I really like this idea. I'd love to be able to get some reminders of old planets, and I think you've got some excellent ideas on your list! The Thranta Nest idea is definitely my favorite and I need one.


I'm a huge Alderaan fan, so some things I think should be added:


-banners and flags for the Houses that don't already have banners in the CM (so House Baliss, Cortess, Organa*, Panteer, Teraal)

-NPCs from each of the Houses (perhaps 4 for each: one male and female in their combat uniforms, like a guard, and one male and female in House livery like a noble)

-those beautiful book reading statues that you see in some of the palaces

-you got the thranta, but what about other animals of the kind we see ranging the planet, like vorn tigers? A tame vorn tiger would be cool.

-those long outdoor reflecting pools with fountains you see in Organa courtyards



*seriously, how did we not get an Organa banner when we got them for Alde/Rist/Thul/Ulgo?

Edited by Capella
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I really like this idea. I'd love to be able to get some reminders of old planets, and I think you've got some excellent ideas on your list! The Thranta Nest idea is definitely my favorite and I need one.


I'm a huge Alderaan fan, so some things I think should be added:


-banners and flags for the Houses that don't already have banners in the CM (so House Baliss, Cortess, Organa*, Panteer, Teraal)

-NPCs from each of the Houses (perhaps 4 for each: one male and female in their combat uniforms, like a guard, and one male and female in House livery like a noble)

-those beautiful book reading statues that you see in some of the palaces

-you got the thranta, but what about other animals of the kind we see ranging the planet, like vorn tigers? A tame vorn tiger would be cool.

-those long outdoor reflecting pools with fountains you see in Organa courtyards



*seriously, how did we not get an Organa banner when we got them for Alde/Rist/Thul/Ulgo?


:) Edited to add your items to the list.

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they don't do it, because they would lose those objects to put them in their packages "cartel market" and charge you money., but i need to say:


I support this idea because it would be a great find another use for basic commemorations, and using new heroic (the new system) for certain materials (as in Ziost) and complement the purchase of decorations, of course not it's cheap, you need to do 3 or 4 on a planet heroic (each planet of different materials [as in Ziost]) or even very nice decorations needed ultimates or elite commemorations

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Why not. If there's the problem of them conflicting with the plans for the cm, just overprice them by 200 or 300 per deco and you're good to go. Which means that whatever you do you can only afford around 10 of them in total from across all planets with a single character (With the current limit at 1k) and unless you have more than 1 character with around 1k comm, you can't just go and buy 99x copies of each.


Everybody would be happy, but we all know they will most likely never make it. The assets are all ingame already, so that's not the problem. Problem is, with the expansion just around the corner they're gonna bother only with post 4.0 stuff, everything pre 4.0 not related to the expansion won't be touched for the most part.

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Everybody would be happy, but we all know they will most likely never make it. The assets are all ingame already


That's no obstacle, with the proper 3D Modeling techniques you can easily extract any object from a map in game and convert it to a single object decoration. I know, my career is about this kind of stuff.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...
A great Idea. Of every thing, person, animal and "Whatever that is", think..only a very small fraction is available however there's always going to people that would want it. Isnt that what Strongholds are really for. More Jedi/Sith decorations. more civilian and soldier guards especially the Canon Favorites (Gamorrians, others) and unique persons we meet through out the missions. I've spent weeks and weeks on single planets to get Reputation items but there's really only a few on any planet even IF it offers any at all. More Decorations Personnel/Decorations(because you already have them). Easier to get and some Functionality to these.
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I'm for this completely. Sometimes I visit others' strongholds to get some ideas but most of what I see are just the same objects over and over in random places, as if just trying to raise the prestige. There's usually no sense of decoration and more of just a storage place or salvage yard.


If more themed decorations were introduced and a bit easier to acquire than tons of credits and the hope of getting something good from a CM pack, I think there would be a lot more thought put into this part of the game.


Sure the most awesome decorations should be rare or have a high cost but some should be casually available. Just simple things like tables, chairs, beds, lights and maybe even some little decor items paintings or other artwork. All of this themed of course.


Themes could include Alderaanian, Corellian, Balmoran, Tatooine, Voss, Ziost, Manaan, Zakuul, etc. There's just not enough of each specific theme to actually do something with. Maybe going beyond planet themes could be spacer and class themes. I mean most of what there is on the CM is a Nar Shaddaa casino theme with some smidgens of others and nothing being usable to completely decorate.


Gating them behind reputation and crystals sounds fine to me. Not to take away from the CM, those larger items or rarer items could be bought from there, like those large Alderaanian statues or fountains, Voss meditation circle stones, etc..

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This is a fantastic idea.


Adding more decos to vendors, gated behind the least popular reputation factions, would encourage people to go back and explore that content. The more people play, the more subscriptions. The Cartel Market isn't the only way to make money.

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Something that SWTOR always needed is to motivate players to visit old planets again at times. Now with the new level sync system we may actually get to see people moving around old planets more often. So why not add some cool decorations to those planets' vendors as well so we can always bring some souvenirs back to our homes.


Here's a list of what I have in mind:



Tython Commendations Vendor:

-Training Padawan **those padawans lifting rocks with the force**

-Jedi Defender (Male) **The jedi you see with the lightsabers turned on that ocasionaly make some flourish animation**

-Jedi Training Dummy

-Temple Holo Portrait **Those columns you see on the temple with a holographic head being displayed**



Korriban Commendations Vendor:

-Sith Acolyte

-Korriban Sentry **Those troopers on red armor seen guarding the academy**

-Sith Sarcophagus **The ones found on the tombs with the skeleton inside**

-Dig site **I can imagine a small cliff of sand that looks as if someone has been excavating on it, with a shovel and maybe a relic/vase**



Taris Commendations Vendor:

-Rakghoul in a Cage

-Infected on dissection table **A plage carrier on those tables that look like the one Vader got rebuilt at on episode III**


Cantina Vendor:

-Human Cantina Vendor (Female) **A working cantina vendor with the classic stuff selled on the cantinas**

-Human Cantina Patron (Male) **All patrons on the list should ocassionaly use the /drink and /eat emote**


Social Vendor:




Commendations Vendor:

-Holo Sign Arrows **Those neon looking arrows you see pointing the cantina entrance**

-Music Light Ball **a Ceiling Hook decoration of that floating disco ball that shoots different color lights (seen on the music therapy probe item)**

-Evoccii Refugee (Male)


Cantina Vendor:

-Twi'lek Cantina Vendor (Male)

-Human Slave (Female) **those seen at the casinos**

-Cathar Slave (Female) **those seen on the casinos during the event**


Social Vendor:

-Cartel Security Guard (Male) **those you see patrolling the promenade**


-Caged Rancor **The Rancor on the energy cage you see during the casino event**



Commendations Vendor:

-Tatooine Igloo **Those small classic igloo looking buildings maybe with a few preset furniture already inside, for centerpiece hooks**

-Gamorrean Guard


Cantina Vendor:

-Rodian Cantina Vendor

-Zabrak Cantina Patron (Male)

-Mirialan Dancer (Female)

-Mirialan Dancer (Male)

-Togruta Dancer (Female)


Social Vendor:

-Sand People Warrior **A Sand People dude armed with a gaffi stick**

-Sand People Marksman **A Sand People dude armed with a sniper rifle**



Commendations Vendor:

-Thranta Nest **Those nests with a flying thranta you see on the taxi terminals**

-Tamed Vorn Tiger

-Guard: House Thul (Male) **Imp Side**

-Guard: House Thul (Female) **Imp Side**

-Guard: House Organa (Male) **Rep Side**

-Guard: House Organa (Female) **Rep Side**

-Alderaanian Book Reading Statue


Cantina Vendor:

-Droid Cantina Vendor **Could be a C2-N2 or 2V-RB models with some different colors. one for Imp side and other for Rep Side**

-Human Cantina Patron (Female)

-Killik Hive **Those giant egg looking things where Killiks seem to live at, could be for centerpiece hooks**

-Killik Drone


Social Vendor:

-Banner: House Cortess

-Banner: House Panteer

-Banner: House Teraal

-Banner: House Organa **Rep Side**

-House Thul Noble (Male) **Imp side**

-House Thul Noble (Female) **Imp side**

-House Organa Noble (Male) **Rep side**

-House Organa Noble (Female) **Rep side**



Commendations Vendor:

-Waste Dispossal Tube **A decoration for large wall hooks, a tube exit that is dropping some greenish liquid to the ground**




-Tauntaun Nest

-Chiss Officer (Male) **Imperial Side**

-Republic Snowtrooper (Male) **Republic Side**


Social Vendor:



-Talz Hunter



Commendations Vendor:

-Rakata Teleporter **Those teleporters you can use to teleport yet just as a decoration it would be hard to actually have it to teleport you inside your stronghold. lol**

-Prisioner (Male)

-Prisioner (Female)


Social Vendor:

Dread Guard Commander **Could be the model of the guy you fight on Section X Heroic: [Aurora Cannon]**

Dreadtooth **For Starship hooks like the Colosal Monolith, it would be awsome if Dreadtooth could also have a walking animation around the hook area**

Stasis Chamber **Those seen on Section X**




-Taxi Shuttle **That small shuttle you use as taxi on this planet, landed on a Large hook**

-Voss Tree **One of the many trees seen on the planet directly grown from the floor**

-Potted Voss Tree **Same tree as above yet this one planted on a pot**


Social Vendor:

-Voss Sentry (Male) **Those Blue Voss that are always patrolling the main city**

-Voss Mystic (Female) **A red Voss female with Mystic robes**


Cantina Vendor:

-Voss Cantina Vendor (Male)

-Voss Cantina Vendor (Female)




-Smuggler (Male)

-Smuggler (Female)


Cantina Vendor:

-Togruta Cantina Vendor (Female)

-Zabrak Cantina Patron (Female)



Commendations Vendor:

-Imperial Snowtrooper **Imp Side**

-Jedi Sentinel **Rep Side**

-Crystal Wagon (A wagon with crystals on it)


Social Vendor:


-Kaleesh Warrior



Commendations Vendor:

The Spires of Victory **The ones from the Codex Entry for Centerpiece hook**




Social Vendor:

Inquisitor Trainer (Female) **Only purchasable by Inquisitors, this works as a class trainer for Inquisitors could be a pureblood female with a double bladed saber**

Warrior Trainer (Male) **Only purchasable by Sith Warriors, this works as a class trainer for Warriors, could be a Cyborg male with a Juggernaut style armor**

Bounty Hunter Trainer (Male) **Only purchasable by Bounty Hunters, this works as a class trainer for Bounty Hunters could be a Mando looking guy**

Imperial Agent Trainer (Female) **Only purchasable by Agents, this works as a class trainer for Agents could be a Chiss**



Social Vendor:

Jedi Knight Trainer (Male) **Only purchasable by Knights, this works as a class trainer for Knights could be a Zabrak or Human male**

Consular Trainer (Female) **Only purchasable by Consulars, this works as a class trainer for Consulars, could be a Mirialan female**

Smuggler Trainer (Female) **Only purchasable by Smugglers, this works as a class trainer for Smugglers it would be awsome as a Twi'lek or Togruta female**

Trooper Trainer (Male) **Only purchasable by Troopers, this works as a class trainer for Troopers could be a Jace Malcom inspired dude**


can all the trainers be female wearing the slave outfit? :D and I would love this idea

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  • 2 weeks later...
Still supporting this idea and I think it's a waste that we haven't gotten any of this. I kind of wish the defeating the Star Fortresses had given us a shot at this - once we defeat the Star Fortress over a specific planet we get access to a "resistance leader" vendor who provides us with Alliance War Assets from that planet - and that's how we get decos, armor, mini-pets, mounts, etc. Because we've proven ourselves to be a friend of the planet.
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