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Darth Nox vs Mace Windu


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I think people are overestimating the Jedi of the Clone Wars Era. Just because Windu is powerful in comparison to every other Jedi except Yoda doesn't mean squat when you consider how the strength of the Jedi Order waned in the absence of an enemy to challenge and push them. 1000 years is a long time to be sitting on your *** no?


Windu isn't just a "Good duelist." He's the greatest Duelist in the history of the Jedi order.


*Sigh* That statement only means the KNOWN history of the Jedi Order. TOR is Legends, which might be fiction, might be true, might be both. It's far more likely that plenty of characters in TOR, from Revan to Marr could whoop Windu and other Clone Wars-Era Jedi, in a lightsaber duel or Force duel. We just don't know because power levels and combat skills in characters thousands of years apart are as unreliable a point of comparison as power levels in DBZ.


I agree. Nox would lose all day. ;)


I think somebody has a man-crush on Windu. You seem to think he's more powerful than he likely is... You should try being more open-minded. I hear it makes you more endearing to people. Might just be hearsay though.


I keep wondering how people are comparing the strength of force users during PT and PT to force users thousands of years ago. What exactly makes Windu better at sword fighting than say, Freedon Nadd? Or Exar Kun? Or any of the ancient Sith that as Kreia said "make the best duelist in the galaxy look like children playing with toys"? Think about it for a second. Ancient jedi and Sith were constantly fighting eachother, using powerful and advanced techniques. Apparently most of that knowledge was lost between TOR and ABY, cuz no one displays any knowledge of advanced techniques except Yoda and Sidious. And I don't consider lightning or absorption very advanced compared to some of the stuff our characters can do.


How does anyone know Mace was the best ever if he never fought against anyone but the *current* best saber wielders? They don't. And again anything George has said about it I generally disregard as despite building the underlying universe for SW, most of his ideas for it sucked and still do. The other people in charge of deciding lore for SW is what made the he universe great, not Lunas spewing his garbage. Nox knows 100x more about the Force than Windu or even Yoda.


Holy crap I found someone intelligent in this thread! Kudos to you good sir. Well said.


I really don't care if me explaining to you that ancient and commonly known Force techniques were lost and became secrets by the time Yoda and the PT came along causes you to lose respect for me. How am I uneducated or illiterate? Why personal attacks?


The lesser-educated always resort to personal attacks to cover their ********. That's common knowledge.


Nox needed 6 more people to beat Revan. I didn't see her ghost stomping there, nor her esoterics...


Revan is a Vader level combatant (although I find him slightly inferior both as a duelist and a force user). Mace alone would give Vader a good fight, give him one more backup, like Satele for example, and he wins handily.


Yet again you underestimate TOR characters and overestimate CW-era characters. Revan must have been at least a Sidious-level combatant considering his history, knowledge, and unique perspective on the Force. While Sidious might prove to be more powerful than Revan in a 1v1, Revan would certainly not be steamrolled if his raid boss fight AND his lore is ANY indication. If Revan is indeed only a Vader-level combatant, then the Dread Masters are collectively his equal or weaker (both in and out of combat) considering they and Vitiate couldn't break his will after 300 years...That puts the Dread Masters (collectively) at roughly the same level as any member of the CW-era Jedi council member or perhaps Darth Tyranus. Yet the DM's were capable of mind-controlling entire fleets worth of sentient minds, a level of power that only Sidious has displayed, and not even in canon at that. In canon we never saw Sidious do anything more than throw a few decent Sith around with telekinesis (Maul and Savage), toss some lightning around (RoTS and RoTJ), and cut down a few skilled Jedi Masters.


I'm so bored I might as well rip this **** apart.


Geez you're really full of yourself aren't you. come down off your high horse and have an actual discussion instead of just berating everybody like they've stated a political opinion you don't agree with.




Here's something that's not ambiguous: Thanaton was not the most powerful member of the Dark Council. Marr was. Marr hardly goes above Maul. Windu > Maul.


I don't even know why I'm trying tho, you'll never concede that a PT era character would beat someone from the OR era.


Marr was HARDLY weaker than Maul. Maul was a powerful warrior and Assassin in his own right. But even so Marr would be better compared to Vader, both in terms of post-mustafar Force Power and Lightsaber skill. Try again newbie.


I don't even know why I'm trying tho, you'll never concede that a PT era character would beat someone from the OR era.


Exactly. And do you know why? That's because we know what we're talking about while so far you have only come across as nothing more than an arrogant, desperate fanboy/fangirl grasping at straws and outdated claims by GL and others. Maybe if you weren't so vicious and defensive you could actually make some good points and we could be having a civil debate rather than this somewhat tense face-off...


The (SWTOR) Force-user protagonists are officially among the best of their respective orders, not just powerful or high-tier. Darth Nox happens to be among the outliers.


Personally I like to think of it this way. all the other Force users were born with amazing potential in the force. They didn't have to earn it it was simply given to them. Nox was born with less potential, but through the ways of the Sith, excellent cunning and his/her superior intellect Nox managed to raise himself/herself to a level that he/she technically didn't have the right to access. This, rather than his/her innate Force Power, is what Vitiate noticed and what impressed him the most about Nox in KOTFE. not that Nox was born with exceptional power, but rather that he/she gained it through knowledge and its clever application. No doubt Vitiate also saw that while others like the HoT and his former Wrath (the SW) were likely to remain only as powerful as their full potential, Nox had the potential to continue his/her upward path. If he/she wasn't stopped, I have little doubt Nox might have eventually reached Vitiate Sidious levels. That is given enough time and resources of course.


Conclusively, he wins I think rather unquestionably, but I won't further add to the argument as winning points have already been made several times over.


Merely in your opinion. Simply because you (or I for that matter) believe something does not make it fact, sir. That is why this is meant to be a discussion, not a conflict...geez its a sad day when a Sith fanboy has to try and play peacemaker.


I think Windu takes this hands-down. Why?


Because, even if SWTOR were to become cannon, Nox would not. At least, not without conflicting with current cannon status.


In Season 6 of The Clone Wars, the story arch where they renamed Korriban to Moraband because "Reasons" stated that it was physically impossible for a dark-side force ghost to exist. As such, the entirety of Chapter 2/3 of the inquisitor would not be possible.


Light-side force ghosts can exist though, as proven by Yoda, Obi Wan, Anakin, etc..., and the story arch implied that the only way to retain individuality after death was to purge yourself of your inner darkness completely, among other things.


So with that, we have to look at Legends stuff to have a fair comparison between Mace + Nox. Otherwise, its literally just a low-level sorc vs the greatest swordsman of the jedi order ever (at least vs Dark Side force users).


lol. So cute how biased you are. You do realize it is ONLY Jedi who EVER stated this? That is almost exactly like the Catholic Church claiming Muslims don't go to Paradise...the Jedi and Sith are two religious orders who are almost always locked in conflict with each other. Just because the Jedi (The Sith's mortal enemies) say or believe that Dark Side Force ghosts cannot exist in no way at all means it is impossible. We see this fallacy in the real world all the time. Science or popular opinion claims such and such is impossible. Several years or decades of study and research later the "impossible" is proved entirely possible and plausible. The Jedi likely believed that Sith Force ghosts were impossible because at that point in time there were absolutely no recordings of them ever existing. This makes complete sense considering that Bane made it pretty damn convincing that the Sith were extinct, and likely took all or most records of Sith feats and powers into hiding with him.


This is incorrect. Considering Dooku, Mace, Kenobi, Yoda, and Sidious have accolades for being the best duelists in history. Kenobi is "the" best at Soresu. There's never been a greater Soresu master than Kenobi. Dooku was the greatest duelist the jedi order had ever seen. Etc.


And all of that is BS thought up by George Lukewarm before any of TOR even existed.



Sidious is more powerful than Valkorion/Vitiate. Revan/Vader are close to equals and Vader loses to Sidious much like Revan loses to Vitiate. The debate has been done to death and the star wars community as a whole accepts Sidious > Valkorion.


Blah blah blah. Your incessant fanboy rhetoric is starting to bore me.

Edited by MayhemofChaonus
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Gotta hand it to Windu. Vaapad was able to take down the most powerful sith to ever live, although it isn't clear if Sidious lost on purpose or not.


this is why threads such as this one are a waste of time


movie characters are protected by statements such as those, despite the fact that in real life(meaning content in which they appear- Clone Wars and the movies) they are nothing special, compared to stuff shown in swtor.


movie characters live in a bubble protected by nonsense of religious proportions

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Blah blah blah. Your incessant fanboy rhetoric is starting to bore me.


The greatest duelist in the jedi's history comment was written back before the Disney take over. It was a legend's comment. You need to stop using the "It's legends so it might be true might not be." TOR is Non-Canon to Disney. You have to compare Legend sources with Legend sources. Also Legend Windu's depictions give him quite the feats.


Dark Side ghosts not existing was commented on by Disney. It's stated even in Starwars.com which is official canon. It's not from the Jedi's perspective, it's from Disney's perspective. Before debating learn about the lore that you're debating. Before throwing out words like "Fanboy" learn star wars. I think Dark Side ghosts not existing to be quite stupid. This isn't fanboyism. It's understanding that Legends and Canon are separate. Trying to compare legends with Canon is faulty.


It's also been stated in quite a few quotes from the producers. They've stated it time and time again. Pay attention.


Here's a link where someone asks the very question "Can Sith become force ghosts?" and people provide him with quite a bit of canon quotes explicitly stating no.




Now can you let this whole thing die? TOR will not, as written, be canon. The Sith Inquisitor does not work in Disney Canon. Nor does Valkorion.

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In the above post you reference pre-Disney canon to discredit something, and in pre-Disney canon Luke meets dark side ghosts of both his father Anakin , and his nephew Jacen. From

"Fate of the Jedi" series during his search for clues to Abeloth. (I'm assuming they are dark side spirits. Since Jacen wasn't redeemed and died Sith.)

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In the above post you reference pre-Disney canon to discredit something, and in pre-Disney canon Luke meets dark side ghosts of both his father Anakin , and his nephew Jacen. From

"Fate of the Jedi" series during his search for clues to Abeloth. (I'm assuming they are dark side spirits. Since Jacen wasn't redeemed and died Sith.)


If that was to me then you're confused and don't know what I'm referring to and haven't been following the thread. The problem here is the person I quoted has been trying to use canon sources of characters and then use TOR to knock down said characters. He's essentially trying to use Canon Mace Windu etc and then ignoring the "EU aspects" of those characters because "They're not canon." Nevermind the fact that TOR is Non-Canon according to Disney. He's also argued that TOR "could" eventually be declared canon (nevermind once again the fact that until it is it is non-canon.) and I was pointing out it can't/won't as it exists now. Disney has a strong stance on the fact that there are no force ghosts in it's canon.


I'm well aware the EU has dark side force ghosts. From Marka Ragnos, to Freedon Nad, ajunta pall, and more. But in Disney's version of star wars? They don't. It's been mentioned on starwars.com, in interviews, and more. Nox doesn't work in Disney's universe. The folly in trying to compare Disney's Universe and TOR simply doesn't work. TOR is part of Legends. It's best and easiest to accept Legends as it's own continuity. So if he wants to compare Windu to Nox. He has to compare EU Windu.


Likewise, got to compare space/time, force storm wormhole creating Sidious to Vitiate/Valkorion.


So you might be referring to the fact that the "Greatest Jedi Duelist" comment I mentioned was before the Disney take over. This is applicable because if he is comparing the EU versions of the characters (which he has to be since Nox is part of this discussion) then the quote applies. If he's using the canon version of Windu then Windu is superior to Nox because Nox doesn't exist in his own continuity.


Thus another dilemma. He claims I'm a lucas fanboy. Which is odd considering that Disney is not following what Lucas intended. Nor does it care about Lucas vision as a whole. If I'm a lucas fanboy I would be screaming "Screw Disney." except, I'm not. I'm merely stating that he can't really compare the two in a fair manner. It's Legends and Legends or Disney and Disney. Because there is no Disney Canon Nox. By stating this am I a lucas fanboy or a Disney Fanboy? ;)

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You are correct I was indeed mistaken with what I said... I apologize if what I wrote implied an insult. When that wasn't my intent. You are correct again in the using only the EU/pre-Disney information. Being as both existed prior to Disney, my mistake was letting anything referring to Disney in general, get the better of me and posting as a result. :(

On a side note enjoyed episode 7 even if it was the result of the films "new hope" and "empire strikes back" growing genitalia and ***********. Then throwing the subsequent offspring in the gutter, and allowing it to crawl out and become a film of its own.

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It's Legends and Legends or Disney and Disney. Because there is no Disney Canon Nox.


How come there being no Disney Canon Nox is a reason not to compare them?


Once we compared Mass Effect fields to the Force in guild chat. Did we break some unwritten nerd rule?

Not to mention that in this case here, we are talking about the same franchise and things work the same basically except for the Dark side ghosts, afaik.

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How come there being no Disney Canon Nox is a reason not to compare them?


Once we compared Mass Effect fields to the Force in guild chat. Did we break some unwritten nerd rule?

Not to mention that in this case here, we are talking about the same franchise and things work the same basically except for the Dark side ghosts, afaik.


The problem is when he claims "You can't compare Mace Windu's legend feats because they're not canon." Neither is SWTOR in Disney's eyes. If you want? You can definitely compare Nox to Canon Windu but then you have to make the distinction that you are comparing Canon Windu. To be fair that also means we can do Canon Windu vs Legends Windu.


So if you want that accessment.. Nox might be able to beat Canon Windu but loses to Legends Windu.

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The Prequel era Jedi that we see are the second strongest Jedi order, regarded as the golden era of the Jedi. Your average Jedi of the Prequel era would stomp out an average Jedi of TOR era(you have too compare them by caliber. I'm sure your average Prequel era Jedi wouldn't stomp out a Revan or Malgus). Jedi do not need war to become stronger, quite the opposite actually. They grow and become stronger during times of peace. So you're comparing not only a Jedi Master that sat on the council, but the greatest swordsmen the order had ever seen, that managed to go toe-to-toe with the strongest Sith Lord in the galaxy. Nox is incredibly strong and a rarity... for his/her time. They would beat almost anyone in that era. But Mace is on a whole other league. This isn't overhyping, this isn't fanboyism, it's just taking the actual lore into account. Everything the Jedi and Sith of TOR era know, all their teachings and techniques, would not only be known but refined by the time of the Prequel era. It's like comparing 1900s British army vs modern day British army.


The greatest duelist in the jedi's history comment was written back before the Disney take over. It was a legend's comment. You need to stop using the "It's legends so it might be true might not be." TOR is Non-Canon to Disney. You have to compare Legend sources with Legend sources. Also Legend Windu's depictions give him quite the feats.


Dark Side ghosts not existing was commented on by Disney. It's stated even in Starwars.com which is official canon. It's not from the Jedi's perspective, it's from Disney's perspective. Before debating learn about the lore that you're debating. Before throwing out words like "Fanboy" learn star wars. I think Dark Side ghosts not existing to be quite stupid. This isn't fanboyism. It's understanding that Legends and Canon are separate. Trying to compare legends with Canon is faulty.


It's also been stated in quite a few quotes from the producers. They've stated it time and time again. Pay attention.


Here's a link where someone asks the very question "Can Sith become force ghosts?" and people provide him with quite a bit of canon quotes explicitly stating no.




Now can you let this whole thing die? TOR will not, as written, be canon. The Sith Inquisitor does not work in Disney Canon. Nor does Valkorion.


Don't bother with that individual. They seem to like to nitpick and choose what they "think" is canon vs what is factual by lore standards. In their post they talk about "lesser educated," putting them self on some intellectual pedestal and in that same post, they tell someone else to get off their high horse. Seems a bit hypocritical. Ad hominem, self righteousness, passive aggressive, but most of all, nothing to back up their claims. Whatever, don't bother with them, don't waste your time.

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Everything the Jedi and Sith of TOR era know, all their teachings and techniques, would not only be known but refined by the time of the Prequel era. It's like comparing 1900s British army vs modern day British army.


It doesn't work that way. Quite the opposite. Half if not everything has been lost. Almost all the sith after Ruin were wannabes, including the ones of the Rule of Two. Ancient knowledge is lost, and the Sith after the Old Sith Wars were mostly rediscovering stuff.

+ there was a Dark Age during the New Sith Wars, in which much stuff was lost on all sides.

Knowledge in the SW universe doesn't progress endlessly, it fluctuates.

* * *


As in everything else in life, you need practice to be good at something. So yes the Jedi Order as an organization may grow and become more influential,etc, but you have to skip much logic and common sense to say that the Jedi are good at war and fighting dark siders without any real practice for a 1000 years. Not to mention that these darksiders evolved and used new ways to fight the Jedi, while the Jedi were stuck at old ways of methods and understanding, except without the practice.

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It doesn't work that way. Quite the opposite. Half if not everything has been lost. All the sith after Ruin were wannabes, including the ones of the rule of two. All the ancient knowledge is lost, and the Sith after the Old Sith Wars were just rediscovering stuff, almost never creating something new.

+ there was a Dark Age during the New Sith Wars, in which much stuff was lost on all sides.

* * *


As in everything else in life, you need practice to be good at something. So yes the Jedi Order as an organization may grow and become more influential,etc, but you have to skip much logic and common sense to say that the Jedi are good at war and fighting dark siders without any real practice for a 1000 years. Not to mention that these darksiders evolved and used new ways to fight the Jedi, while they Jedi were stuck at the level of pre Ruusan Reformation, except without the practice.


Everything lost? Doubtful. Much was also refined and created. That's just the bottom line. Sidious had pretty much learned all there was to learn, ancient or otherwise. And the Jedi Order of the Prequels were revolutionizing techniques, just look at Windu's Vaapad or Obi's Soresu. The Ro2 ensured that the Sith grew with each generation. It was the best way to create the purest Sith. Hardly wannabes, more like the pinnacle.


Comparing real life with space monks waving around plasma swords. Doesn't really work does it? The Jedi grow from peace, not just in influence but in power. Besides, it's not like they all got fat from lack of war. In fact, Yoda even says in ROTS novel that the Order was training for the wrong kind of Sith. They were specifically training for open warfare, not a shadow war. Obi and Qui Gon still fought Maul plenty effectively and even Sidious wasn't beating Windu with lightsaber only(He could've blasted him with the force and killed him like that, which is what almost happened). The Prequel era Jedi are the strongest, just look at the Jedi they produced: Windu - Greatest swordsmen of the order, non-debatable. Yoda - Greatest Jedi of all time, non-debatable, Obi - Mastered Soresu, making him nearly unbeatable, a wall, in terms of lightsaber combat. And that's only a few of them. All backed by canon.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=545801 Just look at this post, individuals with more extensive knowledge than I on the matter touch on this. That, and this topic has been beat to death. Old Republic era just stand no chance.

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I expect it to be like the comparison of Valkorian and Darth Sidious. Legends vs. Legends results in a decisive victory for the character with a canon counterpart but not before a respectably interesting fight with some potential for cool twists. Legends vs. Canon, though, is a zero contest victory for the legends character. I'm pretty sure that even Darth Imperius without ghost batteries could punk Canon! Windu.
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Everything lost? Doubtful. Much was also refined and created. That's just the bottom line. Sidious had pretty much learned all there was to learn, ancient or otherwise. And the Jedi Order of the Prequels were revolutionizing techniques, just look at Windu's Vaapad or Obi's Soresu. The Ro2 ensured that the Sith grew with each generation. It was the best way to create the purest Sith. Hardly wannabes, more like the pinnacle.


Comparing real life with space monks waving around plasma swords. Doesn't really work does it? The Jedi grow from peace, not just in influence but in power. Besides, it's not like they all got fat from lack of war. In fact, Yoda even says in ROTS novel that the Order was training for the wrong kind of Sith. They were specifically training for open warfare, not a shadow war. Obi and Qui Gon still fought Maul plenty effectively and even Sidious wasn't beating Windu with lightsaber only(He could've blasted him with the force and killed him like that, which is what almost happened). The Prequel era Jedi are the strongest, just look at the Jedi they produced: Windu - Greatest swordsmen of the order, non-debatable. Yoda - Greatest Jedi of all time, non-debatable, Obi - Mastered Soresu, making him nearly unbeatable, a wall, in terms of lightsaber combat. And that's only a few of them. All backed by canon.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=545801 Just look at this post, individuals with more extensive knowledge than I on the matter touch on this. That, and this topic has been beat to death. Old Republic era just stand no chance.


I've been avoiding this thread lately but the fact you include "non-debatable" twice in a debate thread is rather amusing to me.

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I expect it to be like the comparison of Valkorian and Darth Sidious. Legends vs. Legends results in a decisive victory for the character with a canon counterpart but not before a respectably interesting fight with some potential for cool twists. Legends vs. Canon, though, is a zero contest victory for the legends character. I'm pretty sure that even Darth Imperius without ghost batteries could punk Canon! Windu.

Not at all the ghost the only thing that makes NOX as strong as he or she is.Without then she nothing.Plus the ghost gives Windu a boost as well.So Windu could be how he was against Sidious times two.

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Not at all the ghost the only thing that makes NOX as strong as he or she is.Without then she nothing.Plus the ghost gives Windu a boost as well.So Windu could be how he was against Sidious times two.


Disney Canon Windu doesn't have Vapaad.

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Disney Canon Windu doesn't have Vapaad.

I thought he didn't have shatterpoint they need to make up their minds on these things.If he still have shatterpoint and not vapaad I still like his chances.Shatrerpoint allow Windu to see his enemy biggest weakness.

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At least according to the wiki page, Vapaad is still considered Disney canon and under Windu's arsenal. What is Legends is shatterpoint though. Don't know if it's a mistake or not.


Vaapad in Disney Canon is an "Unconventional aggressive style that flirts with the dark side." As far as I'm aware it no longer channels the dark side of the user and reflects it back on them. No feedback loop.

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Not at all the ghost the only thing that makes NOX as strong as he or she is.Without then she nothing.


Pretty sure I'm managing to hit every narrative climax as a LS Sith without ghosts just fine.


I thought he didn't have shatterpoint they need to make up their minds on these things.If he still have shatterpoint and not vapaad I still like his chances.Shatrerpoint allow Windu to see his enemy biggest weakness.


Vapaad is mentioned in the Absolutely Everything You Need to Know guide as an alternate name for lightsaber form VII, and it's also claimed that the Grand Inquisitor knew it. Shatterpoint appears in the game "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes" as one of Windu's powers, but it doesn't have any flavor text that I know of.

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