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will a free lev. 60 with 3x500 crewskills help crafting?


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I read in the notes from the stream that a free level 60 comes with 3x crewskills caped at 500.

It doesn't bother me too much, BUT considering the reaction from the player base when the slot machine argument was raging, I was wondering if the crafting community felt whether this was a good or bad thing?


Link for notes from Dulfy, et al.



- Though it'd be nice to get a refund for all the crewskills I've maxxed out over the years, doing it the hard way with time and credits and effort....


Any thoughts you crafters?

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Credit transfer, then, BAM! Instantly I can double my gathering- and item production - without the hassle of investing time and credits into leveling the skills, farming nodes or running missions on a baby character.


OK I could've started another character anytime- but there's gonna be 1000s of new 60s with maxed crewskills all at once, competing with one another.


I'm not saying this'll be contraband-slot-machine-proportion-economy-screw- but it might have an impact nevertheless, no?

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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crafting.. hard to say... I know a lot of people with maxed out crafting and gathering / mission skills in my guild but aside from myself and 2 others people dont really use it to sell stuff on the GTN, they mainly use it to make stuff for themselves or for their friends. And a lot of people I know just feel to overwhelmed in how the system works and will probably only use it to obtain mats to sell for credits (or just get slicing for credits)


tl;dr while I think it will affect the GTN crafting prices somewhat I dont think it'll be a significant one.


edit: mats on the other hand will probably drop significantly compared to now, aside from the fact that there will be less crafting mats (From what I heard) there will also be no need for companion gear and apparantly you get upscaled if you are behind on planetary leveling, potentially reducing the amount of gear someone might want to buy. Not only that but since 3.0 introduced cheaper comm gear the price for armorings/mods etc has dropped on my server pretty significantly. People can also pick any mission they want, so they'll probably pick any mission with rich yield, and then work their way to the worst yield leading to an average increase of materials gathered. (and then most likely sold)


tl;dr less demand for crafted gear, less amount of crafting materials, no more craft to win conquest, higher amount of people with maxed gathering/mission skills, faster/easier access to the best missions available means more mats in the system, means lower prices on mats.

Edited by Faardor
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