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Telekinetics PVP


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your biggest hitters, as I'm sure you're already aware of, are Turbulence and Telekinetic Wave. Your optimal timing for burst is right after your mind crush cast (it should never be on cooldown) and use Turbulence and TK Wave, respectively. In a 4v4 arena setting, you're better off timing your Turbluence/TK Wave window with your other DPS partners burst rotation to provide maximum pressure and bait out a DCD and make the healer freak out. Regs it doesnt really matter, just spam your ability priority and things will die eventually. As far as alacrity, its just a personal preference. I personally use 3 Alacrity enhancements in my PvP setup. There are some who claim Alacrity is king and should be used as much as possible, and there are some who claim Alacrity is useless in any spec other than healing. Just play around with it and see what works for you. Hope this helped.
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Since you get an auto crit on Turbulence, I always like using my Potency buff on either Mind Crush or in AoE settings hitting Mental Alacrity + Force Potency into TK Wave, Forcequake, and another TK Wave as soon as it flashes can do some great group damage. IIRC your 2nd Potency gets used up on the double TK Wave, so you don't lose anything by cancelling the FQ right away.


If you do go into Alacrity (which I recommend) you might want to wait a split second before you hit FQ, as if you do it too quickly you won't get the instant TK Wave proc.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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Our maximal burst rotation is (using sage terms):


weaken mind > alacrity/empowerement/turbulence > potency/gust > wave.


And in exactly that order. It is identical to our opening rotation for pve with the exception of a pre-cast of mind crush (and yes no attack adrenal).


Since you get an auto crit on Turbulence, I always like using my Potency buff on either Mind Crush or in AoE settings hitting Mental Alacrity + Force Potency into TK Wave, Forcequake, and another TK Wave as soon as it flashes can do some great group damage. IIRC your 2nd Potency gets used up on the double TK Wave, so you don't lose anything by cancelling the FQ right away.


If you do go into Alacrity (which I recommend) you might want to wait a split second before you hit FQ, as if you do it too quickly you won't get the instant TK Wave proc.


That is not bursty and not correct. Potency with mind crush will be consumed only on the hit-on damage and not on the following dots, the hit-on damage is lower than other abilities.


Regarding wave-quake-wave, again it is not bursty and it is a dps loss for single targets although best aoe rotation. Also know the following. Quake consumes one charge of potency regardless of how many targets it hits. Wave on the other hand consumes a charge of potency for every target that it crit hits. So chances are that you potency charges have been both burned in the hard-casted wave.


Last you can quickly hit quake and get the instant wave proc, AFAIK this bug has been fixed and has never happened to me for months also.

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