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How dare you BW ? atleast give us the choice (spoilers)


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How dare they free us from having to kowtow as marrs lapdog so that we can aspire to true dominion? Yeah right. Thank the force for these awesome devs. With marr out of the way, there is no one in the entirety of the empire able to stand as my sw equal.



You are so wrong:mad: Biff the Understudy will step in and your heart and soul may belong to the Dark Side but he will Light your A:eek::eek: up:cool: All bow to Biff the Understudy! Were not worthy:(:(

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Thanks a lot :)


While this is off-topic I don't think I'll ever understand why Bioware has effectively skipped most of the Great Galactic War, I mean we hear in chapters 1&2 how bad it would be if war breaks out, then we get one chapter of it and we see a bit more in RotHC but then it goes to the Revan arc and now time skip. Imagine the expansions, taking worlds, raiding enemy strong holds and maybe keeping the RotHC style of two perspectives quest line, but no now Bioware becomes lazy (half the design changes point to this) and we get bombarded with "become the Outlander!". Anyway, that's my extremely off-topic rant over :D


And in that one chapter, the war is basically over after Corellia, with Empire on a brink of losing (as stated in Makeb intro by Marr).


You can thank Empire's colossal stupidity, combined with Sith's chronic backstabbing disorder, which caused them to lose practically every battle by wasting troops on personal power plays and insignificant targets designed to merely to goad Republic into fights.


Empire barely recovers thanks to the success of Makeb Operation to provide basic needs for their population and war machine, and the number of crises that spring up, be it Makeb, Dread Masters or Revan, prevent Republic from dealing a final coordinated blow against Empire.

By the time of SoR, it seems that a war is ready to start back in full, but Revanites throw a wrench into it by forcing both parties into dealing with that new threat, and then Emperor gets released from his jar.

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You guys do know that when they say 'choices matter to the story' they mean minor choices, anything major will do jack to the story, it is impossible to do a game with so many choices to actually impact the story, it is impossible, they couldn't do it with the ME Trilogy, what makes them able to do it here?


I mean, i loved the ME Trilogy story, the ending is what killed it off and i am thinking, the ending of the whole whole as in after all the chapters are out, the ending will suck.....stuff prior to the ending however will likely rock.


In the end, Bioware is good at telling stories, but they are absolutely rubbish and ending them.

Edited by JamieKirby
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You guys do know that when they say 'choices matter to the story' they mean minor choices, anything major will do jack to the story, it is impossible to do a game with so many choices to actually impact the story, it is impossible, they couldn't do it with the ME Trilogy, what makes them able to do it here?


I mean, i loved the ME Trilogy story, the ending is what killed it off and i am thinking, the ending of the whole whole as in after all the chapters are out, the ending will suck.....stuff prior to the ending however will likely rock.


In the end, Bioware is good at telling stories, but they are absolutely rubbish and ending them.


ME 3 except for two parts sucked. Krogan and Geth portions were excellent the rest wasn't. BW did a great job with Dragon Age Origins. Swtor has some really excellent class stories. I also liked SOR.

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And in that one chapter, the war is basically over after Corellia, with Empire on a brink of losing (as stated in Makeb intro by Marr).


You can thank Empire's colossal stupidity, combined with Sith's chronic backstabbing disorder, which caused them to lose practically every battle by wasting troops on personal power plays and insignificant targets designed to merely to goad Republic into fights.


Empire barely recovers thanks to the success of Makeb Operation to provide basic needs for their population and war machine, and the number of crises that spring up, be it Makeb, Dread Masters or Revan, prevent Republic from dealing a final coordinated blow against Empire.

By the time of SoR, it seems that a war is ready to start back in full, but Revanites throw a wrench into it by forcing both parties into dealing with that new threat, and then Emperor gets released from his jar.


I thought my idea might have been full of plot holes :o I just don't really like the fact that the war everyone was worried about was just kinda glimpsed at in chapter 3, with Corellia being the turning point, which to me never really made much sense because while it stopped the Empire's invasion and took out key leaders (e.g First Son, Voidwolf) surely the Empire had more might and powerful Sith to continue invading other worlds, especially considering they got Rakton back, with Garza saying his release would endanger the Republic.


I also think that if, like you say, both factions are ready to resume the war after SOR/Ziost why didn't Bioware do that AND address the Vitiate situation at the same time? Maybe I'm just sounding bitter due to my disposition towards KotFE (not really liking the direction of the game) but I just feel they could have done a better story rather than going for the time skip option. Though again, like I said, it would probably create plot holes. :o

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