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Most FUN Sorcerer spec?


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I just got my SI to level 15 so it's past time I picked a spec. I definitely want a Sorcerer but I'm debating between Lightning and Madness.

It seems Lightning is best overall right now but I don't plan to PvP or probably even do high-end PvE so efficiency isn't my concern at this point.

I'm most interested in fun gameplay.

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I like (and play) all three specs :). For levelling start with ling, if a fight gives you trouble switch to madness (although it does require being higher level to realize its potential) and learn to kite/los/stall and let your dots do their job (tank companion with madness is useless, use a healer or a dps).
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tank companion with madness is useless


Out of curiosity, why? I play mad sorc, partly cuz I like the attacks and aesthetics, and partly cuz when I came here from WOW my main was a warlock, which is (or was, I don't know anymore, it was when I played) the DoT class.


I usually have Khem out and I don't really notice many problems. I'm not calling you out or anything, far from it. I assume you have a good reason to not use a tank. I'm just asking cuz I'm genuinely curious as to why a tank comp would be bad to use with the spec.

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Out of curiosity, why? I play mad sorc, partly cuz I like the attacks and aesthetics, and partly cuz when I came here from WOW my main was a warlock, which is (or was, I don't know anymore, it was when I played) the DoT class.


I usually have Khem out and I don't really notice many problems. I'm not calling you out or anything, far from it. I assume you have a good reason to not use a tank. I'm just asking cuz I'm genuinely curious as to why a tank comp would be bad to use with the spec.


Easier to explain with an example. So, for example I can solo (and by solo I mean without a group and without a companion either) on my sage the gree event H4 mission in the pve area by being balance and using kiting and los. So the question is if I was to bring my companion also what added bonus each type of them would give me (especially during the guardians fight)?


* tank: Would allow me to focus on dps for some time at start till companion is dead. I can't heal out all the damage dealt so eventually he will die and I will be low on force. In my case, it is even worse as I steal aggro from my tank companions very quickly so they are not helpful


* healer: Could assist with healing, making any mistakes more forgiving.


* dps: Will be doing damage while I have the aggro, basically a dps companion works like if I had one more dot ability (and a pretty strong dot depening on companion's gear) with 100% fight duration. (even if companion happens to steal aggro, which is unlikely, then it is momentarily cause I will steal it back either via dps or/and by pulling her).


Hope this answers your question.


PS: A tank companion is fine for other normal short fights as it reduces downtime that would be spent in healign up, you can simply mount/unmount or rocket boost and he is resummoned in full health even from the dead. Still, even in this case I prefer a dps companion as I can self-heal with unnatural preservation and resurgence on the move.

Edited by MusicRider
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Haha, i'm going to try to focus on this one SI then SW and finish my Agent. After that will see.


Maybe we'll be lucky and get dual spec with the new expac? :p


Not sure I understand why you need dual spec? You are already dual spec, actually triple spec... you just need to set the spec to the one you want to play, by respeccing (and you can do that on the move for 200k).

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I like Madness and Lightning, and they are fairly evenly matched in my opinion (especially in PvE) - but I do tend to lean towards Madness as a favorite.


If you run Tempest Mastery utility, you still get a really strong and iconic Force Storm and Death Field is awesome. Having the two reminds me of my old KotoR 1/2 Chars (I imagine most of us Sorcs spammed both Force Lightning and Death Field back then).


With Madness you get more AoE, and you still get a lot of "lightning bolt" type attacks. So visually you get more diversity with Madness. Your dots devastate a single enemy, let alone a group, and you're gaining a lot of life at the same time.


My typical order of attack in PvE goes like this: Creeping Terror, Affliction, Death Field, Force Storm until they're dead. If an elite is still standing after this, Force Lightning into Demolish and Force Leech is always a nice finisher. If its a pack of weaker enemies just Death Field into Force Storm will finish them very quickly. If I want a solid "lightning only" type of battle, just spamming Force Lightning into instant Lightning Strikes is always cool too.


PvP is even cooler! Your burst is actually pretty similar to Thundering Blast off of a Force Leech, and you're gaining that much life at the same time. With the new bonuses we are due in 4.0 it's going to be even better being able to bubble on the move and teleport away to safety.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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Man Titus, I picked Lightning for now but hearing your description almost makes me twitch to see my trainer....


I'm 25-26 right now so my rotations tend to go Crushing Darkness -> Affliction -> Force Storm (Love!) -> Procced Chain Lightning -> Force Lightning to finish them of if still standing -> Free Lightning Strike if needed.


For packs I don't even bother and just Lightning Storm -> Chain Lightning.

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Except that description of madness vs ling is not accurate first and foremost and it also tried to present the two specs at 60.


Neverthless, both specs are fun. Respec on fleet (free if you are sub) before going to a new planet on the fleet so you can experience both.

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I picked Lightning, and had a surreal moment when leaving Korriban. I went to fleet, did a little bit of gear setup (lack of comms), then went downstairs to get the shuttle.


Of course, there was a bunch of dudes down there waiting to do BT (which was in my mind as an option...), so I joined a group.


The levels were 10, 12, 14, and 16. I was the 16, and the others, in no particular order, were a BH, a Mara and I think a jugg.


Anyway, me being two levels higher than the highest of them meant that when we took on the champion droid in the loading bay, I wound up out-dpsing them and facetanking the droid.


In light armour. And without really understanding my skill-set. (Like the fact that I had a bubble skill.)


I don't recommend this procedure.

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Anyway, me being two levels higher than the highest of them meant that when we took on the champion droid in the loading bay, I wound up out-dpsing them and facetanking the droid.


In light armour. And without really understanding my skill-set. (Like the fact that I had a bubble skill.)


Bubble is love; bubble is life.

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lightning is funnier than m,adness and i think all agree on that. Problem is atm is not the best choice as Burst ranged skill tree, but if u enjoy it...


I think TK is more fun than Lightning for the Mega HADOKEN feel, but I think Madness/Balance is more fun than either.

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I think TK is more fun than Lightning for the Mega HADOKEN feel, but I think Madness/Balance is more fun than either.


I think the same. LOLOL. Even dot animations and death field seems so much more powerful than balance ones. The opposite with TK and Ling. Hard cast wave one of the best skill animations in the game. Although, I do have to confess that I was massively disappointed with gust as they could have done something different than a different color and size bolt/distrurbance.

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Madness as an assassin is worthless in my opinion. With the sorcerer...not so much. If you play a madness sorcerer, and you choose the utilities that compliment madness, we are talking about a class that has the ability to heal over 1k non-stop, with the occasion leech attack that will further heal them, the ability to force speed away and slow you while being affected by their dots, which one of them increases their dmg by 5% with all force attacks.


With that said, it is not a straight up dps class. It is more about utility than anything else. it is intended to dot the opposing team, and survive an encounter long enough to kite the enemy players into friendlies to die. It is not a tank, and you sre still squishy, but it has much higher survival than lightning.

Edited by cool-dude
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