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Rumored downgrading


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If CoH had auto-exemped me down to 25 every time I visited Talos Island for a beach party, I probably would have torn my hair out from the sheer annoyance of constant Tsoo aggro.


I like my hair. I want to keep it.

First off the most this game offers in so far as in game social interactions seems to be trolls set up on the home worlds and fleet spewing racial slurs and sexist remarks 24/7. I don't really see the costume contest and dance parties etc that COH players took part in with SWTOR or really any other MMO. But also I did say I think it should be voluntary but I also think that you should not be able to gain any drops, or rewards for completing content that you massively have out leveled once they put the system in place.


So sure for the point of just hanging on a planet and getting nothing from it I have no issue with wanting to be above the level range of the planet, but if talking taking out world bosses and one shoting your way through heroics and coming out the other side being rewarded for it, then ya I think that should end and you should have to work for what you get at the intended level range of the content.

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You know I've been wondering something to a small degree. How will this help with Heroics. Flashpoints are being made to be soloable, that's good because when people can't get groups for the content they can still run through it. But what about the Heroics.


I stopped doing Heroics and Flashpoints because I can never get a group. That is in part because of my RL, I am a morning player around 7am-Noon CDT. I work afternoons and evenings, during peak times, most days. And during mornings there might be twenty or thirty people on a planet at best, and most of them are either afk, doing their class and planetary missions or just plain not interested.


Then you come to the two-man datacrons, they are even harder to get someone to help, unless your in a guild which I am not because again of RL.


Dowgrading is fine and I have played another MMO that did it (GW2) so I am used to it and have no real problems with it. But with GW2 there was enough people to get a group for the group content. You might have to wait a few minutes, but you wouldn't have to wait a half an hour that I have in the past here for a heroic or a flashpoint or even a two-man datacron.

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You know I've been wondering something to a small degree. How will this help with Heroics. Flashpoints are being made to be soloable, that's good because when people can't get groups for the content they can still run through it. But what about the Heroics.


I stopped doing Heroics and Flashpoints because I can never get a group. That is in part because of my RL, I am a morning player around 7am-Noon CDT. I work afternoons and evenings, during peak times, most days. And during mornings there might be twenty or thirty people on a planet at best, and most of them are either afk, doing their class and planetary missions or just plain not interested.


Then you come to the two-man datacrons, they are even harder to get someone to help, unless your in a guild which I am not because again of RL.


Dowgrading is fine and I have played another MMO that did it (GW2) so I am used to it and have no real problems with it. But with GW2 there was enough people to get a group for the group content. You might have to wait a few minutes, but you wouldn't have to wait a half an hour that I have in the past here for a heroic or a flashpoint or even a two-man datacron.


This is my concern as well and I created a thread about it. There is a way they can aid in getting people to do heroics and it's the same way guild wars did it. If KOTFE is not enough to hit level 65. This means people will have to go back and repeat heroics for the exp necessary to continue leveling. Evidence for this? The exp bar barely moving for the first 30 minutes on KOTFE and in chapter 3 the devs still being level 60.

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You know I've been wondering something to a small degree. How will this help with Heroics. Flashpoints are being made to be soloable, that's good because when people can't get groups for the content they can still run through it. But what about the Heroics.


I stopped doing Heroics and Flashpoints because I can never get a group. That is in part because of my RL, I am a morning player around 7am-Noon CDT. I work afternoons and evenings, during peak times, most days. And during mornings there might be twenty or thirty people on a planet at best, and most of them are either afk, doing their class and planetary missions or just plain not interested.


Then you come to the two-man datacrons, they are even harder to get someone to help, unless your in a guild which I am not because again of RL.


Dowgrading is fine and I have played another MMO that did it (GW2) so I am used to it and have no real problems with it. But with GW2 there was enough people to get a group for the group content. You might have to wait a few minutes, but you wouldn't have to wait a half an hour that I have in the past here for a heroic or a flashpoint or even a two-man datacron.


Pretty much the only fps getting solo modes are the fps that are important to the main story of SWTOR. It should have been that way from launch in my opinion. I don't recall any heroics that are important storywise at all. I'm not against solo mode heroics but I don't see it being a big priority.

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You know I've been wondering something to a small degree. How will this help with Heroics. Flashpoints are being made to be soloable, that's good because when people can't get groups for the content they can still run through it. But what about the Heroics.


I stopped doing Heroics and Flashpoints because I can never get a group. That is in part because of my RL, I am a morning player around 7am-Noon CDT. I work afternoons and evenings, during peak times, most days. And during mornings there might be twenty or thirty people on a planet at best, and most of them are either afk, doing their class and planetary missions or just plain not interested.


Then you come to the two-man datacrons, they are even harder to get someone to help, unless your in a guild which I am not because again of RL.


Dowgrading is fine and I have played another MMO that did it (GW2) so I am used to it and have no real problems with it. But with GW2 there was enough people to get a group for the group content. You might have to wait a few minutes, but you wouldn't have to wait a half an hour that I have in the past here for a heroic or a flashpoint or even a two-man datacron.


And when you do get a group... flip a coin on whether at least one of them will be some form of horrible or pathetic human entity.

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Pretty much the only fps getting solo modes are the fps that are important to the main story of SWTOR. It should have been that way from launch in my opinion. I don't recall any heroics that are important storywise at all. I'm not against solo mode heroics but I don't see it being a big priority.


If that's true then only like three or four FPs are getting a solo mode because to my knowledge Black Talon/Esseles and the one dealing with Revan later have anything to do with the story. There could be more, I don't know to be honest, as I never had the chance to play all of them for the reasons I mentioned in my previous post.


And when you do get a group... flip a coin on whether at least one of them will be some form of horrible or pathetic human entity.


You are right there. How many times have we seen players that are just so horrible that the entire group keeps dying. For example healers who don't do their jobs. And then someone rage quits because of all the dying and then we have to wait some more while the group leader tries to find a replacement for the person that quit.

Edited by APhantasm
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