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Does anyone else feel skeptical about the EA/Disney deal?


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Battlefront is pretty.


The rest is trash, all of it.


When Disney rebooted, they lost my dollars and franchise love and I have nothing but venomous contempt for anything that grows from their fake universe. Star Wars was in deep dormancy until Heir to the Empire came along. To cast that aside was a display of total disrespect.


I play TOR because it is the sole refuge for the old, true canon.


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Battlefront is pretty.


The rest is trash, all of it.


When Disney rebooted, they lost my dollars and franchise love and I have nothing but venomous contempt for anything that grows from their fake universe. Star Wars was in deep dormancy until Heir to the Empire came along. To cast that aside was a display of total disrespect.


Much like Lucas cast aside or ignored what he wanted to, since he was the creator and it was all about his vision...:rolleyes:


I play TOR because it is the sole refuge for the old, true canon.


The old C-Canon. Which was always one step away from something being changed in a manner to piss off the fans.


Besides, the new films might;

A) Be good (or at least better films than the prequels were).

B) Go toward injecting new blood into this game's player base.

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The new battlefront that is being released Is missing MANY features from the previous ones. Some of the things to list-

1. Campaign

2. Space battles with capital ships

3. Galactic conquest

4. Instant action

5. No AI in multiplayer

6. Clone wars

They are also missing some of the core features the original 2 had, such as playable classes, each had there own unique role and was defined through various things, such as race, weapon, and uniform. From the looks of the new one, everyone has a standard look, jetpack, the same roles, and it breaks the trinity that existed in the old game.


They also have very few planets to immerse yourself in the game. Battlefront 2 had 15+ planets and over 30 maps ON RELEASE, and I believe a DLC somewhere that I never bought. Battlefront 2 had enough planets to immerse yourself in star wars, taking on any role, any planet, whatever you wanted to do that was shown throughout the movies, even if it was only shown for 5 seconds. Meanwhile we have 4 planets, 5 on the next day DLC and 10 maps on release for this new "Battlefront."


Not to mention the billion DLCs that im sure to see from EA, as they have been known to make half of a unplayable game, cut the rest of the content out and sell it for full price, holding the other half for 60$ of DLCs.


Now finally the player cap limit. I can understand SLIGHTLY why they would only have 20 VS 20, as some of the modes from there previous games have been shown to do better with a lower population limit, but however, I think it was wrong to limit the population on the ENTIRE game from that standpoint. The original had had a outstanding 32 VS 32, however, most of it was AI, I wouldn't mind a lower cap if they had AI to make the battles scale larger.


I don't mind a reboot at all, but the problem is there not even trying to compete with the originals, as there only hanging on to one of the core features of the multiplayer, and we seen how those types of games hold out. This isn't a true "Battlefront" and it is barely a reboot.


TLDR: A game from 10 years ago has more content, better trinity in gameplay, and makes you feel more immersed through major conflicts in the movies.


wow, try focusing on the positive instead of the negative for f***s sake, thats just ridiculous.

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I'm very sceptical about the new Battlefront game just as I am about Fifa,COD,Battlefield etc etc.

You will be paying for half a game,then asked to fork out for a Season Pass,then downloadable content and expansions.Milking you for all your worth.

I'm sick of the greed they expect us to put up with every frigging year.

I for 1 ain't buying any of them.I think others should do the same.

You should only pay for a game once.

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They do have more "AAA" projects in the pipeline, just not exclusively Star Wars based.

Do you really want to be saturated with many "AAA" Star Wars games instead of a few better developed games?

Personally I'll take a few higher quality games than many lesser quality cash-ins at the wrong time.


Pretty much what I have been saying about battlefront. I mean yeah, the graphics look outstanding, but its lacking a lot of content other than multiplayer online and co-op. This feels like a cash in on the famous name of the franchise rather than a game that had people put there blood, sweat, and tears into the thing working as hard as they can


Not to mention that Star Wars games in general haven't exactly had a great deal of "AAA mass appeal" games for a long, long time. Due mainly to the fact of so many mediocre cash in games made around the six years of the prequels coming out, which managed to do more harm to the franchise's games potential, due in no small part to the decisions made in Lucas Arts.


They were working on SEVERAL games, but when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars, instead of finishing the game or putting in any effort, they simply scrapped them altogether.


Those few titles are just a tiny speck compared to all that were released, and it honestly wasn't until SWTOR that there was really a decent Star Wars game again.


As stated above, most of the games were cancelled by Disney.


TFU and its sequel were over all pretty bad in my opinion.


It depends on what kind of person you are or what you desire. While yes, the very first game was short on story, it was made as a filler to why and how the rebel alliance was created, and you have to remember, there on a incredibly strict timeline where they are extremely limited on where they can take the story compared to SWTOR, where they can virtually do whatever and already had many established characters to put in. But this game had incredible combat, it made you feel like your using the powers of the force, with a incredibly annoying difficulty which can lead to many repeats. You could truly experiment with your force powers, combos, and light saber abilities in the first one.

The second one on the other hand had a even more limited boring story, and the combat wasn't as complex, didn't let you experiment as much, and overall was mediocre.


Like the prequel trilogy in general, they were all flash and no real substance to them.


There was plenty of story, character development, and action. While the prequels are arguably not as good as the original trilogy, there both had very large problems, as nothing is perfect. You got a incredible fight combining almost the perfect mixture of superhuman attributes, yet realistic enough movements, to great choreography of the Darth Maul fight with quite a bit of emotion and story, just not directly told to you. While yes... they did have... Yoda go crazy and all.... and... still today we got nerds debating if Palpaltine really lost that fight, there is plenty to the prequels.



Going off on a tangent here, but I detest the "AAA" moniker that games have been getting stamped with.

It's not a measure of quality, just how much money the publisher has thrown at it and expects to get back from it. Really depressing.:(


Look at battlefield 4 and battlefield... oh wait... tis down below, and any sports game by EA.



I must have imagined the release of Battlefield: Hardline earlier this year, and FIFA 16 less than a week ago!:rolleyes:


Because Battlefield Hardline isn't considered the worst battlefield in the franchise, has plenty of content, great weapon balance, a truly immersing single player campaign and ... oh.... wait. Yeah and there FIFA franchise isn't considered the buggiest and more bland and boring games ever created by EA.


read the red

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Damned if they do damned if they don't. People complain about quite literally everything, It's amazing to see how poorly some individuals react to actually getting a game that had been scrapped (RIP Star Wars 1313). That is until Disney bought the rights to Star Wars.


Disney was the one that scrapped it in the first place because it was violent. So instead of turning down how graphic it was, they just simply discarded it altogether. Yes, people were disappointed as the games main focus was on Boba Fett, but complaining about a game with 70% of the content is missing from a decade old game is something to complain about.


Had DICE simply recycled Battlefront 2 ( in a perfect world) people would be screaming that they shouldn't be charged 60$ for a graphical update, that nothing new was implemented, etc... In your case you are roughly complaining because DICE is creating their own modern take on the game instead of going with what another studio did 10 years ago. It's not about competing and it never was. The problem is you end up stumbling into a typical fan boy pitfall, stating things when you haven't even played the game. It's Heath Ledger's Joker all over again.


Why should we pay 60$ for a recycled game anyway. I'm not complaining because they didn't implemented MY perfect version of battlefront, its just that there is a clear lack of content missing, I don't mind a different interpretation of things, but seriously all the things listed above are confirmed, I'm not pulling these statements out of thin air.


Now I am not saying the game will be good or bad, from my view it appears it will end up in a similar situation as SWTOR . Time and input from the community will help strengthen the game throughout the years and into its subsequent titles. This is an amazing first step, even if it is for the sole reason that we ACTUALLY have a new Battlefront coming. Something you should be happy with, instead you want it all right now.


I realize that games now a days are incredibly complicated and bugs can occur and they will be fixed. Its just DICE, the people who made battlefield 4, the game that was half finished, unplayable, and a complete mess, couldn't even fix the game, and moved on to the next project letting people clean up there mess.


A little something to take into consideration also is good AAA titles nowadays are few and far apart. Everybody stumbles, just look at Destiny's launch, Assassins Creed is hit and miss, Dragon Age 2,Mass Effect 3 and the list goes on... All these from reputable developers. Looking at their current track record you can see Destiny has improved significantly, Dragon Age 3 was a tremendous upgrade from its predecessor and Mass Effect 3... Let's not go there.


All games have problems, its just if there is a certain cutoff point if your unable to enjoy the game due to the lack of content or just flat out to many bugs to enjoy it. Titanfall for instance isn't looking so good because of its content, and Destiny was disliked because of how repetitive it was.


I am aware nothing will dissuade you, your opinions are your own and I can respect that. Just keep your pessimism at bay until release, if all is as bad as you say by all means "Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war"

I enjoy discussions about Star Wars, and yes, my opinion wont always be persuaded easily, but surely with good enough reasoning and conversation it can.


Dis double post though.

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wow, try focusing on the positive instead of the negative for f***s sake, thats just ridiculous.


I did mention something positive..... it has outstanding graphics... that's.. that's it. the negatives clearly outweigh the positives so why should I focus on something that's clearly in the minority.

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Try going to the effort to at least format your "responses" in a manner more clear and easier to read than pea soup green in amongst the things I wrote.


I'm still new to the forums.... getting use to what colors work best. However, your going to judge by responses before even reading them I see.


Fixed my responses to you.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I'm still new to the forums.... getting use to what colors work best. However, your going to judge by responses before even reading them I see.


Fixed my responses to you.


I wasn't judging responses, only your method.

Still not reading a quote with multicolour responses in it. Learn to multi quote instead, it makes for a much easier reading experience.



This is made using spoiler tags - with [ and ] around the word spoiler. You end with [ and ] again around the word spoiler with / in front of it like this /spoiler.

The same goes for quoting text - [ and ] around the word quote, and [ and ] around /quote. It's just like with using colours too.


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I wasn't judging responses, only your method.

Still not reading a quote with multicolour responses in it. Learn to multi quote instead, it makes for a much easier reading experience.



This is made using spoiler tags - with [ and ] around the word spoiler. You end with [ and ] again around the word spoiler with / in front of it like this /spoiler.

The same goes for quoting text - [ and ] around the word quote, and [ and ] around /quote. It's just like with using colours too.


My bad on the assumption. Ill beg for you to read them! Honestly I will! I guess ill... learn.. to mutli quote somewhere around here... uh.. meh... going to be awhile.

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The first official game in the Star Wars canon is a mediocre mobile game.


This is what really frightens me, personally.


In the end, LucasArts did nothing but shooter games and mobile games.


The only thing redeeming their walk away from their glorious past was that they did the remakes of both Monkey Island games - but the first one with an abhorrent hair style given to the main protagonist.


I once read that Disney allowed them to do remakes of the both "tentacle games" : Maniac Mansion and DOTT.

This is the *only* thing that lets me look forward to LucasArts' future.

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What people don't like about the new battlefront? Is no single player. It's not a big deal to me.


actually there is a SP to it all though it is not a story type single player like some would want but you can play thru the maps with out being online to play.

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I'm skeptical with just about every unreleased game. I haven't tried Uprising (phone can barely handle it), but I think it's unfair to judge it is as "mediocre." After all, it is a Mobile game. If it was, say, console, it would probably have more room to shine.


Battlefront I decided to buy the minute I heard it was coming out. I don't care one bit about all the details it lacks from the original Battlefronts. Every time I hear of something left out that I would miss, I hear of something great that will replace it.


But I guess we'll find out what EA can do with a full Star Wars license when Fallen Empire comes around.



P.S. To the OP: your selection of old Star Wars games is incomplete without Jedi Outcast! :mad:

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Here's my personal list of what I'd like to see:


New SW RTS like EAW

New Simulators like X-wing vs Tie fighter and the like...

Fat chance. EA has company policy that every new game will use DICE/Battlefield's Frostbite 3 engine. Making a space sim in Frostbite is a stretch. EA is going to limit itself to its technology and what's going to bring enough cash to make shareholders happy.


EA cancelled 3 Command & Conquer titles. (command & conquer is one of the oldest Real Time Strategy series)

CNC Generals 2 was being develeped in frostbite 3. So there's a chance for a star wars RTS, but with EA's lack of success in RTS genre, that's also a fat chance.


EA isn't known to make space sims.


The 10 year licensing deal with EA is the worst thing to happen to Star Wars.

Three strikes against EA

  • James Bond
  • Medal of Honor
  • Command & Conquer

= = =

  • James Bond

EA's first 10 year deal was with the James Bond 007 license. They made the most forgettable James Bond games, you've probably never heard of any EA produced 007 game. The only James Bond game with a popular following was GoldenEye 007 for the Nintendo 64 made by Rareware (not EA). EA prevented a sequel by securing the 10 year anti-competitive deal. That's why Bond games have been terrible for a decade. Activision has the 007 license now.


  • Medal of Honor

In January 2002, EA published a game called Medal of Honor: Allied Assault made by a little known studio 2015. The game was great, it was a hit, it did so well EA wanted to buy the company. Several employees revolted and left the studio, the acquisition didn't go completely through but EA managed to gobble up most of the team. 2015 splintered into 3 factions, employees now working for EA, employees still working for 2015 independently, and employees who backed out entirely and made a new studio, Infinity Ward. Yep... Call of Duty back when it was good, was the product of a botched EA acquisition by people who refused to work for EA. EA has run the Medal of Honor franchise into the ground, and it's dead, Jim.


  • Command & Conquer

A real time strategy game series made by a studio called Westwood. Westwood was bought out by EA, and many employees didn't want to work for them either. Former Westwood employees started a new company called Petroglyph, if you've played Empire At War, you've heard of Petroglyph. CNC under EA has been milked too, though some people actually like the games produced by EA; CNC3 Tiberium Wars, Red Alert 3 and CNC4 Tiberium Twilight. I think the only good thing to come out of EA's management of CNC was this infomercial series with David Hasselhoff, "Conquer this Life." (

) The successes and failures of CNC pretty much documented the fall of RTS as a mainstream genre. Starcraft is the sole king of RTS in most people's eyes. CNC's competitor Warcraft/Starcraft (made by Blizzard Entertainment) has soared in popularity and only went up while EA's games got progressively worse.


Based on EA's history, it's all downhill from here.

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Starcraft is the sole king of RTS in most people's eyes. CNC's competitor Warcraft/Starcraft (made by Blizzard Entertainment) has soared in popularity and only went up while EA's games got progressively worse.


The bottom line of this is that BLizzard pretty much has the absolute monopoly on the RTS genre.


If you want to have success, then copy Blizzard as much as possible ! - Like all of the "Diablo" clones came into being ...


Blizzard dominates even so much that all younger people believe that Action-RPGs = "traditional RPGs".


The - by Blizzard invented - Action-RPG genre is a SUB-GENRE, but it dominates even the mother genre !

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  • Medal of Honor

In January 2002, EA published a game called Medal of Honor: Allied Assault made by a little known studio 2015. The game was great, it was a hit, it did so well EA wanted to buy the company. Several employees revolted and left the studio, the acquisition didn't go completely through but EA managed to gobble up most of the team. 2015 splintered into 3 factions, employees now working for EA, employees still working for 2015 independently, and employees who backed out entirely and made a new studio, Infinity Ward. Yep... Call of Duty back when it was good, was the product of a botched EA acquisition by people who refused to work for EA. EA has run the Medal of Honor franchise into the ground, and it's dead, Jim.


The problem with MoH (pre modern reboot) was that CoD and the (United Offensive expansion) was fresher, many gameplay improvements over MoH and a larger scale MP, and the singleplayer had the three separate story campaigns for US, British and Russian, where Medal of Honour by its very name could only focus on the American involvement in WW2. It didn't help that the three expansions to Allied Assault were blatantly trying to copy CoD's singleplayer in both settings and adding melee and weapons outside of US and German.


For the modern setting reboot Moh and the sequel Warfighter, they continued to copy the basics of what CoD had become, both in SP and MP, instead of trying to do their own thing or to stand out more in a better way.

Looking back on Warfighter's MP side, they did a lot that I liked, but a lot that I still don't.

I was reminded of some of it with the Black Ops3 MP beta, in so far as individual operators/specialists having unique abilities, but was pretty badly balanced for Warfighter.



  • Command & Conquer

A real time strategy game series made by a studio called Westwood. Westwood was bought out by EA, and many employees didn't want to work for them either. Former Westwood employees started a new company called Petroglyph, if you've played Empire At War, you've heard of Petroglyph. CNC under EA has been milked too, though some people actually like the games produced by EA; CNC3 Tiberium Wars, Red Alert 3 and CNC4 Tiberium Twilight. I think the only good thing to come out of EA's management of CNC was this infomercial series with David Hasselhoff, "Conquer this Life." (

) The successes and failures of CNC pretty much documented the fall of RTS as a mainstream genre. Starcraft is the sole king of RTS in most people's eyes. CNC's competitor Warcraft/Starcraft (made by Blizzard Entertainment) has soared in popularity and only went up while EA's games got progressively worse.


Based on EA's history, it's all downhill from here.


Honestly, C&C Generals + Zero Hour was the high point for the C&C games, with C&C4 being the absolute rock bottom worst. Dat story... nightmarishly bad.

Renegade was enjoyable but buggy as hell, and while not an RTS, the MP reminded me a little more of Battlezone 1 & 2, in so far as the combining of FPS and RTS elements. It really needed to be done on a scale more similar to the Battlefield games though. Wouldn't mind seeing something like this again.

Red Alert 3 had some fun zaniness to it, but it was too little too late. Still enjoy the hell out of it now & then though.


In regards to Generals 2, I'm very glad they cancelled it.

The direction they took was not a good choice at all, and they realised it too late when they decided far too late to have a singleplayer campaign after spending so long making a multilpayer only game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the ppl who "hates" Battlefront 3 without haveing tryed and the new cannon, TFA withoput have seen the movie, is the same muppets that went crazy after Disney made the old cannon Legendes?


can you pls give me the qoute where Lucas said that the old cannon were OFFICIAL cannon?


couse last i checked the cannon after the original trilogy were filled with so much contradiction that it was insane

Edited by weyby
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So the ppl who "hates" Battlefront 3 without haveing tryed and the new cannon, TFA withoput have seen the movie, is the same muppets that went crazy after Disney made the old cannon Legendes?


can you pls give me the qoute where Lucas said that the old cannon were OFFICIAL cannon?


couse last i checked the cannon after the original trilogy were filled with so much contradiction that it was insane

Did some contradictions crop up over the course of 25 years of novels, comics and video games? Sure. Were they 'filled' with contradictions? No, and many of the contradictions we did get were explained (whether those explanations were adequate or not is a subjective judgement of course).


And no, George Lucas never considered the EU to be Canon, no one is claiming he did. The change is that for decades the scores of novels, hundreds of comics, and dozens of video games that LucasArts put out / licensed all followed the same continuity - the continuity that is now called Legends. Now, that continuity is not getting any new works - it has been effectively discontinued outside of this one game. That's a pretty big change that resulted from the new direction that Disney took LucasArts (or allowed LucasArts to take itself).

Edited by DarthDymond
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