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SWTOR Runs Very Poorly, Still not fixed... (with video)


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It's the game engine issue which until now we do not understand why devs choose the alpha version and modified themselves.. I assume is to cut cost since the major cost goes to the voice acting.. I wish they could do something with the engine in 4.0 but i doubt so.
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How would Xalek deal with Bioware/EA? hmmm


He wouldn't, he's fictional. Considering I'm on an old PC now and don't have a problem with how the game is currently running (I was with the UI issue at the launch of SoR though) perhaps your expectations are set too high?


The only time I have real issues is when BioWare haven't bothered doing server maintenance and the latency is spiking all over the place - that's far more jarring than having FPS dip to 30.

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He wouldn't, he's fictional. Considering I'm on an old PC now and don't have a problem with how the game is currently running (I was with the UI issue at the launch of SoR though) perhaps your expectations are set too high?


The only time I have real issues is when BioWare haven't bothered doing server maintenance and the latency is spiking all over the place - that's far more jarring than having FPS dip to 30.


If my expectations are having a £1000 PC play a crappy gfx MMO with 60 fps in PVP then guilty, i expect too much... how is it whenever a console game is released with 30 fps tens of millions of PC gamers are laughing and taking the pss saying console peasants, 60 fps pc master race, yet when a old pc game with crap gfx performs crap and dips to up 30 fps because of 16 people on screen the master race goes away and the fanboys come out to play?


The rational people here all see and know why the game runs bad, because of a alpha broken hero engine modded soo much they broke swimming........ that's just a fact, it's dx9 32 bit and single threaded. It can't run good and this is the sole reason ilum PVP was removed.


I've played SWTOR over 4000 hours since launch and i love the game but it doesn't mean i will be a blind fool and ignore its problems, because that's when those people show EA they can walk all over them and that's why modern gamers have caused day 1 on disc DLC and season passes.


Remember mass effect 3 launch? day 1 dlc, buy the lore for one of the most important parts of the games story -_-


Or star wars battlefront, yea no server browser? really? yes... no server browser on PC, no custom servers, no mods, no clans, just auto search.

Edited by AdamChattaway
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It's the game engine issue which until now we do not understand why devs choose the alpha version and modified themselves.. I assume is to cut cost since the major cost goes to the voice acting.. I wish they could do something with the engine in 4.0 but i doubt so.


As the devs already said before the major cost does NOT go into voice acting, so let's not bring that into it shall we.


What is real is that the engine is far from ideal. I notice it for example doing 16 man ops. There are a few fights where the animations of the boss mechanics drop you down to 2 fps. It is an issue and yes there probably was a cost element involved that I hope they've learned from for future reference but aside from it being impossible for us to clear 16 man HM Underlurker because of lag issues and nothing else (we fly through it easily in 8 man with various teams), it's a sad reality of this game that I do still hope they can find some solutions for.


Well, they made a bad choice with the engine, so all they can do is optimise where they can. And the funny thing is that when I look at the things that are happening with 4.0, I can't help but think that a number of these things that they are changing (like simplified gearing and crafting, meaning fewer schematics) will actually help relieve pressure on this engine.


So we'll see.

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Adam, I hear where you are coming from and I agree. I have never been a fan of the game engine and still to this day I call it crap myself. I have a gtx 970 myself and it always cracks me up how in certain areas in the game it can bring it to its knees. I was in Rishi the other night. You know the area in the city where all the fog is? Well it dropped my fps down into the 20s.


I wouldn't even bother responding to the people who are going to fight with you over this subject. It's clearly obvious they have no clue what they are talking about. I think some of you would be surprised on how old this engine is and the fact that it can bring top of the line graphic cards to their knees. It should tell you a lot on the quality of the engine.

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Why will bioware not fix this? i mean i've played since ALPHA and i'm on like my 3rd PC and it's still the same, i don't know how much longer i will sub but i think after the new expansion i'll quit and be done... I can play ESO on ultra with 90 fps running like butter and even in pvp it's smooth, swotr i get 20-25 FPS in a WZ and it takes all precision and makes playing a healer or ranged class such an annoying experience.


Why is it always the crap company get the best ip's to make games from? i mean this crap would have been better off with an indie company!


Thats not that bad... and its the engine.. its never been updated... you can have 32 gigs of ram and two Graphics cards like yours and it will play the same.. the game only recognizes up to 6 gigs of memory max. u have to use swtor unleashed to utilize your pc if its a really beefed up machine.. it will help your load times a bit but still the engine needs an update for your machine to work the game at its peak

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If my expectations are having a £1000 PC play a crappy gfx MMO with 60 fps in PVP then guilty, i expect too much... how is it whenever a console game is released with 30 fps tens of millions of PC gamers are laughing and taking the pss saying console peasants, 60 fps pc master race, yet when a old pc game with crap gfx performs crap and dips to up 30 fps because of 16 people on screen the master race goes away and the fanboys come out to play?


I'm not a fanboy, but it's pointless beating a dead horse over the issues with the game engine perhaps? I like you have no issues in other games that are far more demanding on the hardware.


No amount of brute force is going to get this game to run smoothly like you expect, it's not optimised enough. Equally said, it's a damn sight easier to code for a single platform with a single spec of hardware than it is to code for the multitude of PC systems with different Hardware (from the very start of the game launch min requirements) as well as a multitude of differing operating systems etc. Not all PCs are equal, unlike consoles. So comparing them is like apples to oranges, pointless.

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I have a gtx 970 myself and it always cracks me up how in certain areas in the game it can bring it to its knees.



I wouldn't even bother responding to the people who are going to fight with you over this subject. It's clearly obvious they have no clue what they are talking about.


I think some of you would be surprised on how old this engine is and the fact that it can bring top of the line graphic cards to their knees. It should tell you a lot on the quality of the engine.


Before you criticise other people and their "having no clue" are you 100% sure it's bringing your GPU to it's knees and it's not actually your CPU?


I know the answer but I'll let you ponder on that. :)

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There are some flaws with the game engine and some really strange graphics glitches I get in this game. Is it unplayable no. Heck 30fps was considered the game standard for a long long time in fact I always just aim to get above 30fps in all my games as I can tell vary little difference past 35fps myself. No the graphics glitches I get are usually the xp bar gilling to full when turning my screen. OR strange graphics glitches with my hp bar getting random bars of where there should be none that is just weird. However I have never had a framerate issue.
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30 fps is play imo but the issue is the game cant keep that 30fps at all times, which rather sad.


requiem http://www.playrequiem.com


use the gamebryo which is consider bad, yet this games does 60vs60 battles on high, sure it dont look as good as swtor but quess what swtor on lowest setting which uglier then requiem cant even keep 30fps.... makes wonder how bad swtor engine really is... it sad whats worse is they admit it was and said they not gona fix it either... but there perfectly fine with compounding the issues.


10ghz cpu probably wouldnt be able to bruteforce it way threw this engine. and even if it COULD it not realistic speed.


I mean i really love the fact when i getting 60fps my gpu use 60% usage, when in wz and getting sub 30fps my gpu is running 20% usage. mean while cpu in both situations using same amount of usage. I think big problem with the game is 90% everything is done on cpu and not the gpu.

Edited by Kyuuu
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Aww someone reported my post for being mean apparently so i'll just have to re post it without the 2 super serious mean words...



Quote: Originally Posted by Sindorin View Post

That's all well and good, except the lowest FPS you hit was 28. For about a half second. The other times it was between 35 and 40 Frames Per Second - even during combat. Also, yeah - you can turn off HD and 60FPS rendering on youtube. Your game wasn't lagging at all, and you literally have no concept of what FPS you're even playing at. You're claiming it's as low as twenty at points in your post, while the video contradicts this and shows a mild showing of 35-40. Seriously? Stop acting as if there is something wrong with the game. I have played this game since beta, then open beta and then since EGA. This is the average normal gameplay experience for most players.

If you like ESO so much, go back to it. You're not really going to get traction on your idea that the engine is broken for experiencing the same average FPS the rest of us experience.



Actually i said 20-25 FPS in warzones, if you look i enter combat with 1-4 mobs and get down to the 30's how do you think it is in pvp with 8v8 people using partial effects etc, hell i will make a freaking video of 20 fps in a war zone just for you, or even better you can watch the 2nd video i linked and see it right now, I've played games for many years and i have a 144hz monitor and play many many games at around 100 fps and i play ps4 at 30 fps and i can sure you i know far more than you do about 20 30 60 and 144 fps in games than you do.


Also the fact there is a huge fps drop when entering simple combat with 1-4 mobs should show you something is wrong, on ESO i have etc 60 fps pull 20 mobs and have 60 fps, why is that? same in wow, same in secret world, same in warhammer online before shut down, same in ffxiv, same in GW2, but in SWTOR is huge crippling fps drops.

Edited by AdamChattaway
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I wish my game would run that well. Idk much about fps, but your video showed a pretty good play without any lagging or whatever. There are certain things I can't do in the game because of my 4 year old sub-par laptop like 16 man ops. Warzones can be a bit laggy at times, as is Rishi starting area with all the fog, but I manage. If I were you, to better demonstrate the problems you are having with the game running very poorly, I'd record some 16 man ops or warzones. I watch a few different streamers and they rarely have any lagging issues, but yeah it happens. As far as their FPS, I couldn't say, its all about if the game is playable or not.
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Made multiple performance optimizations across the game. The effects of these improvements will depend on settings, computer specifications, and your location in-game:

Improved anti-aliasing to give better performance on Medium settings and better overall image quality on Very High settings.

Environment rendering has been given a subtle contrast boost.

Character rendering has been adjusted so that characters are more obvious and stand out a bit more against the background.

Improved rendering performance of shadows.

Improved rendering performance of grass and other foliage.

Improved area load times, as well as made general performance and memory improvements.

Made framerate improvements, especially when in a large group of characters.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Made multiple performance optimizations across the game. The effects of these improvements will depend on settings, computer specifications, and your location in-game:

Improved anti-aliasing to give better performance on Medium settings and better overall image quality on Very High settings.

Environment rendering has been given a subtle contrast boost.

Character rendering has been adjusted so that characters are more obvious and stand out a bit more against the background.

Improved rendering performance of shadows.

Improved rendering performance of grass and other foliage.

Improved area load times, as well as made general performance and memory improvements.

Made framerate improvements, especially when in a large group of characters.


And ... nothing has changed at all. Same bad gameplay feeling. Same fps drops. This game really needs serious engine revamp, because actually it's going to nowhere. It took 200.000.000 $ to develop SWTOR and BW decided to use such crap, cheap, terrible engine :)

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