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Prediction/Theory about The Fallen Empire (Spoilers for Sith Warrior and SoR end)


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Alright starting off I just want to make one thing clear: I've never delved into star wars lore or anything outside of this game and the old movies. So I don't know if the Fallen Empire is an actual canon thing or something bioware made up. So if it's an actual thing that everyone already knows about then feel free to go skip this, maybe even tell me I'm just straight up wrong.


Anyways, after finishing the sith warrior story all the way to SoR and discovering that you don't actually kill the emperor and he gets away. I thought back to the trailer about the 2 brothers within the fallen empire.


Now I know that you don't have to be sith or jedi and the fallen empire doesn't have those, but they're clearly more dark side than light side with the fact that for their entire lives the two brothers father pushes them to hate him until they end up either killing him or each other. He even smiled when White attacked him.


Now I know from the Voss storyline that the emperor doesn't have a body. or rather he takes over bodies and implants his mind into them or something, anyways, also in the finale of SoR you find out that the emperor wants to consume all life both jedi and sith. Now obviously even the emperor can't defeat 2 empires/organizations/whatever by himself. But if he had another empire entirely that he grew by putting a copy or something of his mind into someone then he would beable to easily take out all 3 by simply finishing off either a singlur weaken'd group or 2 weaken'd groups.


TL'DR I think the old guy who seems to run the fallen empire is actually the sith emperor.

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I'd argue that Valkorion isn't Vitiate, but controlled by him.


Who knows, maybe Valkorion wasn't a bad guy originally...


I do hope we learn about Valkorion and not just hear some conversation "I'm vitiate now trolololololo"


Yeah, same here. I DONT think Valkorian is ACTUALLY Vitiate at all. I've never known the Emperor, in this game anyhow and from info on wookie, that Vitiate would ever bed down with some chick to have her pop out children. Nuh-uh, just doesn't fit at all. Now, if Valkorian wasa normal human guy, he married, concubine, whatever and had two kids. Sure. Then Vitiate might troll around the Galaxy looking for something to take over. Maybe someone 'new' cause the Imps and Pubs are on to him, but maybe the Zukuul Empire wasn't. So he enters Valkorian, maybe right after the twins are born, checks around with his mind feelers, controlling people and such, since I'm sure he can be in two places at once, sort of. And it goes from there.

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Just thrown it out here but most are thinking that Vitiate is Valkorian. Sort of like he is possessing Valkorian or he is another body for Vitiate and maybe so and I won't mind that at all but what if it was the other way around and this powerful emperor of Zakuul came before Vitiate.


That this is the true body of the emperor and not the sith species one. If Valkorian possessed a ten year old Tenebrae and acted through him. Maybe to infiltrate the sith for whatever plans he has now.

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I think it would be a cool plot twist if we found out that the new body of Vitiate was Arcann at the very end of TFE, and that throughout the whole expansion we are led to believe that Vitiate was actually Valkorion, and Valkorion was lying in an attempt to gain more influence outside of Zakuul, similarly to Darth Baras. The whole time, everyone thinks the sith emperor is the great eternal emperor, until the end, where it is revealed that the one brother was being tipped to the dark side by Vitiate, only for him to finally seize control in the climax. It would make sense, Arcann seems to have flares of the dark side that then vanish, like when he killed his brother, and he has a position of political influence, being the heir to the Zakuul empire. Not to mention, few would suspect him, for he looks like the silent enforcer type.
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