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What's Invisible and Kills Mikaboshi?


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This is why modeling should be given the same amount of attention as texturing. I bet if we look, we'll find the checker pattern you can see under Shipyards B.

I don't know, I mean a very simple explanation would be lag. If you watch him in the vid, he's correcting his trajectory almost right up to the point he explodes. A quick 1/3s lag spike or a couple packets dropped there at the right time, would probably be enough time to take him into that slat, maybe even the edge of it, as far as the server was concerned.


EDIT - Looked again, at a bit beyond 8s, he's pointing right at the edge of the slat. By 10s, he's dead. So a little over 1s in lag would probably have done it.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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Alright so Big update on our Invisible thing.


Turns out there is an invisible box at that exact location that we have dubbed "The Nothing".


Here are two videos of me interacting with it.





I must have been hit by the same thing.


I've hit that part of Lost Shipyards B many times. Tomorrow I'll try to map it like of done for the other ones.

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I must have been hit by the same thing.


Hey so Mika and I spent an entire game mapping out what you hit. Turns out there is a HUGE invisible plate at the bottom of B on Lost shipyards.


It's about 7 minutes long but you can see the exact frame of it at the end of the video if you want to skip ahead.

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Wow this explains a lot. I always figured it was lag that killed me.


Can you guys experiment with why CP Ramparts seem to suicide into the sat at certain spots and not others? I know you're not supposed to crash into a flat area. But sometimes even uneven areas result in suicides.

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Hey so Mika and I spent an entire game mapping out what you hit. Turns out there is a HUGE invisible plate at the bottom of B on Lost shipyards.


It's about 7 minutes long but you can see the exact frame of it at the end of the video if you want to skip ahead.


Thanks Drako and Mika. That was eye-opening for sure.

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Wow this explains a lot. I always figured it was lag that killed me.


Can you guys experiment with why CP Ramparts seem to suicide into the sat at certain spots and not others? I know you're not supposed to crash into a flat area. But sometimes even uneven areas result in suicides.


Ya I can definitely work on that, I'm pretty sure it's when you hit a corner. My theory is that it infinitely bounces you back and forth so fast it just counts it as a self destruct.

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