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The writing is on the wall


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While Harbinger is the most populated, from what I've read around most if not all the PvE servers have healthy populations. Harbinger is actually near capacity as I get queue notices when trying to get on at peak times at times. PvP servers are nearly dead, and Junga Ma is an RP-PvP server. From what I've read around RP servers are lighter population anyways, so combine that with it being a PvP server, which just isn't popular in this game already, you probably picked the worst one of the bunch.


I've always played on RP servers from my DAoC days. Of course, back then you wouldn't see stupidly named toons on those servers because they actually enforced some kind of naming convention, which helped keep the leet kiddies away. I guess it doesn't matter much any more. I'll probably stick with Ebon Hawk because I have a bunch of 400+ crafters to equip new toons.


<< Max I saw in fleet last evening (around 6PM EST) was 38, and at least 2 of them were spam bots. Even my old server Ebon Hawk is empty compared to last time >>


around the same time, there were 4 instances of Yavin4 up and running, and many people on Ilum for the Gree Event. So you were just probably looking in the wrong place. <This was on Ebon Hawk>.


That max of 38 was Jung Ma. Maybe I'll start a new toon on Ebon Hawk tonight if I have time to play.


On the plus side, I like the crafting material satchels added to chests. When did that start?

Edited by HarleysRule
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Most servers are light most of the time. Time of writing only Red Eclipse is standard.


Now as long as people are subbing its not a problem but looking at what 4,.0 is bringing in I'm not sure what will get people back into the game once the few hours of story are played through. And while playing it are unlikely to queue for pvp, gsf, fps or ops so the people that want to do these things are going to find it harder and harder to get to play them. Likewise rehashing the content is likely to discourage people from bothering as its gotten old and beating dp or df again will be more of a chore than fun.


So with a game that is best shelved,wait on the story to become worth 15 bucks then play the new story Im not sure that a lot will change to fill the servers come 4.0. Will be a lot of people come October but they will be playing single player, will be an increase as people regear but come November I don't see much that will have changed to keep people playing.

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I must be one of the only folks that see the value in the amount of money i spend on this game vs other endeavors. I have only had to drop my sub twice since i started playing and that was because of medical issues that caused a lengthy hospital stay; couple that with long work hours and my time in game is limited to weekend marathons.


i dont see this game dying. i dont see this game going away. does it have the same sub numbers as WoW? most likely not; but it also doesnt need them to be fun.


things i wish for:

*all armor in game to be adaptive.

*separate graphics between Republic & Empire so that i wont freak out so much when i send a piece over to the other side and it has now changed.

*allow weapons for a class to be used by all members of that class and adjust based off of the AC via %. in the end, it comes down to numbers anyway...and anything cna be adjusted with a few lines of code.

ie: Jedi Guardian DPS being able to use two sabers in place of a single saber/power thingee. OR, something that i always found hard to grasp, Trooper Meds use this massive cannon which would typically limit their ability to CM...yes, i know, RL check in. Allow operatives to use vibro swords in place of their carbines.

* remove any stat from all color crystals and replace that stat with a focusing lens.

*obligatory Hood toggle

*obligatory more Jedi robe style options. I just like my Jedi to look like traditional Jedi.

*keybind that can be saved like the interface editor.

*more items introduced via crafting and ingame and not JUST CM.

*also, by the end of a shipment there is so much available for a pack you tend to get everything that you dont want. as packs are introduced in a shipment, reduce the chances of getting older pack items and increase the amount of new pack items.

*did i mention about having items introduced via ingame and crafting and not the CM.


i have many more, but, to iterate, i dont see any issue with game population; and i dont see any indication that this game is dying. hell, SWG was dying for a decade.


also, writing on walls, unless permission is given, is vandalism.

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also, writing on walls, unless permission is given, is vandalism.
No worries. I have it on good authority that, when 4.0 releases, we will have the option to avoid getting frozen in carbonite by agreeing to five years of "community service" ... scouring the writing off the wall.
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No worries. I have it on good authority that, when 4.0 releases, we will have the option to avoid getting frozen in carbonite by agreeing to five years of "community service" ... scouring the writing off the wall.


oh, well...yea...that sounds like it would be good deal.

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