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4.0 Assassin


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If sins get a similar functioning ability to Operatives in the Dev blog, a 30m teleport OFF the GCD, that would mean with proper Phase Walk placement, we could move 90m in one GCD.


Also, if said ability is off the GCD, it's going to be a DPS gain.


Again, this is SPECULATION.



Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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Personally I feel the direction we are going in with all classes is going to make stuns, cc's and mezzs completely pointless. They keep adding more mobility without any counter to it other than possibly a slow and even that will end up going away with immunity to movement impairing effects that every class is getting. I know nobody likes to be stun locked to death but all this movement enhancing is going to make stuns obsolete.
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Personally I feel the direction we are going in with all classes is going to make stuns, cc's and mezzs completely pointless. They keep adding more mobility without any counter to it other than possibly a slow and even that will end up going away with immunity to movement impairing effects that every class is getting. I know nobody likes to be stun locked to death but all this movement enhancing is going to make stuns obsolete.


All they really needed to do was make the global cleanse have 45 sec CD. It's short enough that it keeps you useful in a fight and long enough it can't really be abused. All the movement is good yet at the same time pointless in a standard PVE light.

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Personally I feel the direction we are going in with all classes is going to make stuns, cc's and mezzs completely pointless. They keep adding more mobility without any counter to it other than possibly a slow and even that will end up going away with immunity to movement impairing effects that every class is getting. I know nobody likes to be stun locked to death but all this movement enhancing is going to make stuns obsolete.



This game has to many stuns anyway, i would rather see stuns and alikes removed or resolve filled faster than have more mobility

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This game has to many stuns anyway, i would rather see stuns and alikes removed or resolve filled faster than have more mobility


Your resolve bar is already filled pretty quickly. Three stuns or mezzes or cc's will fill it completely most of the time. But with the way they are going with 4.0 changes, stuns will be useless as everyone seems to be getting movement buffs. I would rather see dps, heals, and survivability be properly balanced then all these "make all classes more mobile" buffs.

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Your resolve bar is already filled pretty quickly. Three stuns or mezzes or cc's will fill it completely most of the time. But with the way they are going with 4.0 changes, stuns will be useless as everyone seems to be getting movement buffs. I would rather see dps, heals, and survivability be properly balanced then all these "make all classes more mobile" buffs.


A semi decent team will have you down to 25% health with 3 stuns if your stun breaker is on CD.

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In my opinion, I would just like to see more gain to my defensive capabilities as a tank. If there really is going to be so many gains in other classes to negate cc, then we need something to help counter balance this. With us being light armor, our class was built on the ability to keep the enemy stunned as to avoid damage as the way i see it. Now that it will be harder to do so, This class needs a slight change in direction and will need an increase to survivability to adequate the change. While our stuns will not hit quite as much, if we can last longer in a fight we can still have the chance to hold back the opposing team just as well as the other tank classes. I would love to see my wither have a small healing chance again, with harnessed darkness activated. I will agree with what some people have said that when we did have this ability it could be very overpowered, but a smaller healing percentage would suffice to keep us a very good contender in pvp.
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In my opinion, I would just like to see more gain to my defensive capabilities as a tank. If there really is going to be so many gains in other classes to negate cc, then we need something to help counter balance this. With us being light armor, our class was built on the ability to keep the enemy stunned as to avoid damage as the way i see it. Now that it will be harder to do so, This class needs a slight change in direction and will need an increase to survivability to adequate the change. While our stuns will not hit quite as much, if we can last longer in a fight we can still have the chance to hold back the opposing team just as well as the other tank classes. I would love to see my wither have a small healing chance again, with harnessed darkness activated. I will agree with what some people have said that when we did have this ability it could be very overpowered, but a smaller healing percentage would suffice to keep us a very good contender in pvp.


At the end of the day we need something like Guarded by the force and somthing like the JG heal, not as powerful but simmler both would.make things easier, also.depending on how the new crit works we might just benok anyway if they are making crit only as a chance and not a.value that means we will have less over Defense abblity if its the other way around it means less crits but larger hits then we might be in trouble big trouble..... Esp without something more to help us

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I hope Bioware has add some self-heal abilities to the Assassin/Shadow Tank for the 4.0


Long time ago before 2.0 the shadow/assassin could use their tk throw or lightning as it was called then to heal themselves up to full but and i mean but that was when the shadows/assassins were really spiky in the amount of damage they took.

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Long time ago before 2.0 the shadow/assassin could use their tk throw or lightning as it was called then to heal themselves up to full but and i mean but that was when the shadows/assassins were really spiky in the amount of damage they took.



Even now we are spikey, just less so, but they going to have to do something

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All I have to say is I'm glad I have leveled up 8 toon for 12x exp so I can play what will work and not have to play some gimped class, JG will probably be the one I use the most from the look of all the changes so fat Edited by allexj
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