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Need Help with Fury Marauder - I'm a new player


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I'm pretty new to SWTOR. I have a level 49 Fury Marauder. Right now, I only play PvE. This is the first character that I've leveled that far. My problem is that I keep dying when I should be at a point in the game where I'm doing massive DPS. I need help with my rotations. I know that I probably should have gone the Juggernaut tank route because I've heard it's easier for beginners and you have better survivability. However, It's a little late in the game to do that and I was doing pretty well up until the past couple of levels.


I've read a few Fury Marauder guides but I still have some questions. For instance, here is a rotation that one person suggested.



Force Charge





Raging Burst

Force Crush


Furious Strike


Battering Assault

Raging Burst

Vicious Slash

Force Scream

Furious Strike

Vicious Slash


Is that a good rotation? I know that this is going to be a stupid question, but keep in mind, I'm new to the game. There are only 12 slots on a single quick bar line and that rotation has more than 12 on the list. Do you switch between quick bars during the rotation? I've just started learning how to customize the UI and I wasn't sure if you could switch between quick bars during a fight.


Anyway, I'm really frustrated because I've put a lot of time and effort into this character and I'm so close to finishing the storyline. But, if I keep dying like this, I may just end up scrapping the character and starting over with a new character, either with a juggernaut or another class, altogether. I'd rather not do that, though. So, if someone could help me with the rotations, I would really appreciate it. I'm on the Shadowlands server, in case that matters.

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edit: yes you use multiple bars and bind keys to abilities.


A marauder is a difficult class for a new player.


For PVE i suggest Jugg, Merc or Sniper


For PVP i suggest Jugg, Sin, Sorc or PT


or the rep side equivalents


I have 22 toons over 3 servers mostly harbinger and jedi cov

Edited by Smuglebunny
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Are you a subscriber? if not then you are limited in the amount of action bars you can have up at a time.


Anyway, to unlock more bars in the UI, og to Interface Editor, then you see different UI elements either redded or greened out, just click on the elements you want to change, then a New option comes up for it in the middle of the screen where you can enable, disable, change sizes etc. of the different UI elements.


You can also drag the UI elements to different positions if you so like.


Hope it helps!

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Ok, first and foremost, that Rotation is horrendous. Even more so for someone at your level.


Assuming you have no stacks of Fury start combat this way:



Force Leap

Raging Burst (If single target)/Smash (If aoe)


Force Crush

Force Scream



Beyond this you will work in

Battering Assault as you need the Rage. Furious Strike comes at 57, Dual Saber Throw comes at 51, Vicious Strike you should not really worry about using, you have more than enough attacks to burn Rage with, Assault do not worry about either.

Fury in it's simplest is very rigid in it's rotation. 2 blocks of attacks, either your Force Crush block, or your Berserk block.


Do I claim to be the best Smash Monkey out there? No, but I have leveled both a Jugg and a Sentinel as Smash and it is a perfectly fine leveling spec.


The next question to ask, which was asked before. Are you F2P, Preferred, or Sub? If F2P or Preferred, you will be limited on your quick bars, Subs have full access. The access to more bars comes in the UI Editor in the main game menu.


The last questions to ask, how up to date is your gear? Are you using comparable level armor/implant/earpiece/MH/OH? Are you using just green quality gear, are you using non moddable equipment? I ask these due to being under geared will cause a new player to not know to handle incoming damage vs outgoing damage. Make sure your equipment is up to snuff, not damaged, as well as your companion. As a Mara, look to use Quinn, he may be annoying, but he is a healer. If you are not a fan of him, try either the Ship droid (2V-R8), or if you can afford it, get Treek.


Good luck with this.

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Lets go at this in a simple approach- because your making it more complicated then it has to be for leveling.


First- use healer companion! Quinn


If there are multiple mobs- target the someone in the middle of the pack-

-Force Charge

-Smash (Button should be glowing)

-target any silver difficulty monsters

-Battering Assault


-attack with rage builder skill until you can...

-use any of the Glowing Skills that are currently Glowing!

This should be able to kill a pack of 5 mobs that are equal to or lower level then you! If not, you need to update your companions gear with Cunning stat


Make sure you have your highest level medpack on a hotkey. To do this click (hold down he mouse button) and drag onto an empty hotbar slot. If your health gets lower then 30%- use it! (Make sure to stock up on the best medpacks you can get from the medical droid if you are not a biochemist).


If you think your going to loose the fight:

1) either take as many mobs as you can (use cloak of pain + sabe ward)

2) or you can predation and force camo run past them- either outrun them until they give up and stop chasing or- you can die in a safe spot to revive and kill the remainder.

Edited by DNGDangerous
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Ok, first and foremost, that Rotation is horrendous. Even more so for someone at your level.


Assuming you have no stacks of Fury start combat this way:



Force Leap

Raging Burst (If single target)/Smash (If aoe)


Force Crush

Force Scream



Beyond this you will work in

Battering Assault as you need the Rage. Furious Strike comes at 57, Dual Saber Throw comes at 51, Vicious Strike you should not really worry about using, you have more than enough attacks to burn Rage with, Assault do not worry about either.

Fury in it's simplest is very rigid in it's rotation. 2 blocks of attacks, either your Force Crush block, or your Berserk block.


Do I claim to be the best Smash Monkey out there? No, but I have leveled both a Jugg and a Sentinel as Smash and it is a perfectly fine leveling spec.


The next question to ask, which was asked before. Are you F2P, Preferred, or Sub? If F2P or Preferred, you will be limited on your quick bars, Subs have full access. The access to more bars comes in the UI Editor in the main game menu.


The last questions to ask, how up to date is your gear? Are you using comparable level armor/implant/earpiece/MH/OH? Are you using just green quality gear, are you using non moddable equipment? I ask these due to being under geared will cause a new player to not know to handle incoming damage vs outgoing damage. Make sure your equipment is up to snuff, not damaged, as well as your companion. As a Mara, look to use Quinn, he may be annoying, but he is a healer. If you are not a fan of him, try either the Ship droid (2V-R8), or if you can afford it, get Treek.


Good luck with this.


First of all, I'm a subscriber. I'm really glad that you asked about the gear because that brings up another issue that I'm having. Especially when I use minor xp boosts, I tend to level up further than I am in the story. That means, that most of the gear that drops or that is being sold by vendors in that particular area won't upgrade my gear. So, I end up paying an exorbitant amount of credits buying my gear from the GTN. For my Marauder, I've been sticking to Strength, Accuracy, and Alacrity for my gear, with a little bit of Surge and Power. Right now, I'm level 49 and wearing mostly around level 43 gear. I was going to go back to the GTN at level 50 to see what they have.

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I've been sticking to Strength, Accuracy, and Alacrity for my gear, with a little bit of Surge and Power. Right now, I'm level 49 and wearing mostly around level 43 gear. I was going to go back to the GTN at level 50 to see what they have.


Honestly, somethings to think about

1st) for leveling, you dont need any accuracy. You also dont need any alacrity. Reasoning

-You shouldnt miss unless your fighting a platnium monster (things like world bosses or OPs bosses- and these shouldnt not be targets to fight while leveling up. Bioware made sure that stock accuracy is enough for story. (Because a players accuracy is already naturally high, and you get another free boost of 10% with special moves.)

-Alacrity effects dont become noticible until extended time periods, where as questing revolves around a small burst window of maybe 15seconds to a minute tops


Your stat priority (for leveling) should be main stat (which is currently strength), followed by surge or criit.

You should constently upgrade your Hilt every 3-5 levels. (Even if its just Blue quality from modification vendors). Everything else can be upgrade literally every 5-10 levels.


2nd) But- dont forget to upgrade your healer companion (Quinn) with cunning gear. Most people have a hard time with marauder because they slack off on companion gear. This is imporant and should be done at least once at 41+. With a geared healer companion- you can easily breeze through the game and not even use any special rotation. He will stun a mob for you, heal you when your hp is going down, and even die for you when you need to escape a loosing battle.


If you follow these gearing tips, you will be 60 in no time flat.


3rd) Lastly, dont bother with the GTN (when you hit 50) if you havent spent any commendations at the gear venders. They literally have all you need at lvl 50. Look on the map in the supplies section of imperial fleet. You will see a lv50 gear vendor. That gear will buff you into a god for story. After that, the Shadows of Revan story throws so much free gear at you, that you will be cruisin all the way up!


Save your credits! Endgame augmenting is expensive!

Edited by DNGDangerous
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  • 2 weeks later...
I tend to level up further than I am in the story. That means, that most of the gear that drops or that is being sold by vendors in that particular area won't upgrade my gear. So, I end up paying an exorbitant amount of credits buying my gear from the GTN.


You seem to be doing what I do when new to games. You save things you should be using to male your leveling easier. Swtor differs in gearinf from many games. To get the best leveling gear you need to get orange shells that you wear from comms vendors, players quests, drops. These have modification slots that can be upgraded as you level. Mods are most easily bought in the supply area of the fleet. There is a vendor for every 4 levels of mods. You buy these mods using the planetary comms currency.


From your class mission you get 12 comms and from the daily flashpoint quest 20. This is enoufh for you to upgrade regularly. Don't sabe them. Use them. This will give you blue grade gear closer to your actual level and you won't have to spend all your cash on the GTN.


This game is all about adaptive shells and mod upgrades. This is not eady to realize as a new player.

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I'm really sorry to say this, but I think Marauder is barely viable now and with the new expansion its getting worse.


I would consider looking at other classes.


But the class is so fun!


If its just for story cruizin- the class is definatelly viable!


You get 2 lightsabers! How cool is that? Totally worth brah!

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You seem to be doing what I do when new to games. You save things you should be using to male your leveling easier. Swtor differs in gearinf from many games. To get the best leveling gear you need to get orange shells that you wear from comms vendors, players quests, drops. These have modification slots that can be upgraded as you level. Mods are most easily bought in the supply area of the fleet. There is a vendor for every 4 levels of mods. You buy these mods using the planetary comms currency.


From your class mission you get 12 comms and from the daily flashpoint quest 20. This is enoufh for you to upgrade o90regularly. Don't sabe them. Use them. This will give you blue grade gear closer to your actual level and you won't have to spend all your cash on the GTN.


This game is all about adaptive shells and mod upgrades. This is not eady to realize as a new player.


Thank you so much for the advice! Honestly, I've just been selling the mods that I get from drops and quests. Then, every 5-10 levels, I buy all new equipment from GTN, which means I'm burning through credits pretty fast. So, maybe I should just buy adaptive gear and upgrade it as I get new mods and things while leveling? Also, you have to be level 60 to do the dailies, correct? I don't have any level 60 characters, yet. My marauder is level 49, but I've pretty much given up on her. I'm at a point where I have to kill 4 elite enemies (separately, one at a time) and I keep getting killed. I have a level 36 Telekinetic Sage DPS that is also stuck on an elite enemy. I also have a level 40 Gunslinger, a level 26 Lightening Sorcerer, and a level 17 Engineering Sniper. I'm working on leveling the Sorcerer right now. It's sad because I really like the Sith Warrior story line and my Marauder is so close to finishing Chapter 3. Maybe I'll try playing as a Juggernaut.

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Hi, the first character I leveled solo was a Gunslinger, my second was a mara. So I feel your pain.


the first set of dailies is open to a Level 50 player, on Black Hole. The advice in regards to orange gear is solid. Don't just use drops, take the 12 comms you are offered for every class quest and use those to buy your bits and pieces.


You can also take advantage of the Bounty Hunting event (2nd week of every month) and start collecting the contracts to get free Legacy Gear - that gear can be sent between your characters. Once the mainstat is all the same for everyone, all your chars can wear one suit of armor in sequence before a re-equip!


So, what I would suggest is that you would develop your Mara as a bread-winner, then put all your younger chars at the same level and start leveling them sequentially, all of them contributing to upgrading the suit (say you made the suit to be level 25, every character wears it while leveling to 29, then the character with the most comms upgrades it to 29; then all the characters wear it until they all hit level 33... etc).


Also, make sure to equip your companion - or wait till October 27th when you don't have to equip the companion.




So, a couple of things I would suggest is to equip companion; if you use a companion other than a healer, make the companion attack first (look at their attacks, and see which one corresponds to charging the enemy, then press that keybind). Look at your defensive utilities (saber ward, etc) and stuff like choking to minimize the number of enemies that are hitting your character at the same time. Use medpacks, use your heroic ability when the going is tough.


Hope this helps!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Yeah, I've pretty much given up on my Marauder.


Why? we get some pretty kickass buffs in 4.0! 25% Surge (on top of our surge stacking) on every Raging Burst outside the first one? That's awesome. 12s of CC immunity? HELL YES! A free dash attack for evading or engaging? I'll take it! The rest of our utilities are pretty crap outside of the 6s Immunity on Saber Ward, but other than that, we got a pretty decent buff in 4.0 for Fury. And don't even get me started on how OP Annihilation will be in 4.0 (just go look at the datamined stuff)

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Where do you get those 12s from? Are they increasing the 6s immunity granted by Force Exhaustion? Or are you adding the utility that's tied to Saber Ward (which is on a long cooldown)?


Adding both together. It's not like we have any other great Skillful Utilities. I have to pick at minimum 1 throwaway talent to get to Masterful, and for Fury that's typically Ravage Root, for Anni and Carnage it's Range on Crippling Throw.

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Adding both together. It's not like we have any other great Skillful Utilities. I have to pick at minimum 1 throwaway talent to get to Masterful, and for Fury that's typically Ravage Root, for Anni and Carnage it's Range on Crippling Throw.


Hm, I find Ravage Root pretty useful tbh. And the root is helping me with every Ravage, so that's every 18secs ideally. Whereas the very long CD on Saber Ward makes that utility a "once every blue moon" kinda choice.


But I think I'll just test that in 4.0. and see which of the two actually benefits us more :-)

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