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Aesthetics: Vengeance/Vigilance or Rage/Focus


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just a random curiosity im wondering about. which spec feels, for want of a better word... "heavier"? like...which is more measured, precise, and power type-ish. you know, like a legit knight, but with a laser sword instead of a metal one?


to compare it to fighting games i might say im looking for low-hit combos with high damage-per-hit.


yes im aware im being utterly silly with this thread here, but when you have a zillion alts anyway, it can be fun to sometimes work on "theme" characters you know? so dont be too mean. i already know its dumb, but im asking anyway.

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just a random curiosity im wondering about. which spec feels, for want of a better word... "heavier"? like...which is more measured, precise, and power type-ish. you know, like a legit knight, but with a laser sword instead of a metal one?


to compare it to fighting games i might say im looking for low-hit combos with high damage-per-hit.


yes im aware im being utterly silly with this thread here, but when you have a zillion alts anyway, it can be fun to sometimes work on "theme" characters you know? so dont be too mean. i already know its dumb, but im asking anyway.


I am really surprised you wouldn't just go on youtube, search the specs, and be able to see first hand how they play. That way you can see which one really fits the play-style you want.


That said, Rage is the burst spec, and you have to "power up" your Raging Burst.

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I'd personally say neither of them fit the speedy type. They are all heavy, disciplined hitters. What differs, however is that Vigilance appears to be more of a blademaster with more maneuvers and constant offensive pressure and, using FG terminology: Resets. I'd also say Focus is the mixup spec. It offers a bit more mobility and smaller, AoE hits but focus more on actual Force Powers like Force Bursts and stuff...


I think they'd all suit your styles. It depends on whether you focus on the lightsaber or use some powers. Speed is a Sentinel's portfolio. Specifically, Combat/Carnage.

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Thanks for humoring me so far guys. This weekend I'll be starting up a Guardian/Juggernaut on Shadowlands, will try Vigilance/Vengeance out since it's the more saber-y spec apparently. Having looked at it, the heavy emphasis on dots bugs me, but im sure it wont be a big deal like it is for Sentinel/Marauder's Watchman/Annihilation spec which I've found to be just frustrating (Combat/Carnage 4 lyfe yo)


I'll let you know how it goes if anyone is interested.

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Thanks for humoring me so far guys. This weekend I'll be starting up a Guardian/Juggernaut on Shadowlands, will try Vigilance/Vengeance out since it's the more saber-y spec apparently. Having looked at it, the heavy emphasis on dots bugs me, but im sure it wont be a big deal like it is for Sentinel/Marauder's Watchman/Annihilation spec which I've found to be just frustrating (Combat/Carnage 4 lyfe yo)


I'll let you know how it goes if anyone is interested.


There seems to be a heavy emphasis on dots, but don't let that fool you. The dots actually hit for almost nothing, Impale can/does crit for over 10k, Ravage does over 10k (total), Scream/Vicious Throw/Vengeful Slam are 6-8k, etc the spec has several hard hitting moves, the dots are just a bonus. Of the two, I'd recommend Vigilance Guardian over Veng Jugg, the abilities kinda just feel better to me, hard to explain. Definitely doesn't play at all similar to Anni/Watchmen IMO, other than there are dots and you spread them with smash/slam.

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Thus far I've been taking it slow, left tython as Jedi Guardian Arturria at around level 15 in vigilance, picked up the cyclone slash utility since it was the only one I found very useful in low-end pve (brought damage close to force sweep but without a cooldown). Some advice on the other skillful tier utilities while levelling would be lovely since every guide I've looked at is built around pve and/or pvp in the eldergame. Anyway I don't have many discipline abilities yet, but I find I really like the animation on plasma brand. Sundering strike seems too twirly to have the effect it does, but mainly its just there to facilitate more plasma brands and ripostes (which really need to go back to being off the gcd). And blade storms I guess. I've taken the single-target 3-focus move out of my bars entirely and rarely miss it, mostly only when riposte isn't active, blade storm, plasma brand, and master strike (I love master strike, but I'm so bad at "clipping" it) are all on cooldown, AND I'm close to capping focus. So basically just the really long fights I'm not supposed to be soloing in the first place. Vigilance is cool like that. Not cool enough though, still got my butt kicked by the Flesh Raider Conquest Droid with T7 in tow. I made him look like R2-D2 :3


On the topic of T7 holy smokes is he ever a glory hog. So many killsteals. Realistically as a dps I should keep him around since he's a tank but screw it, first non-tank companion I get he's going to the slag heap. Bought a Cyan crystal for use until I could afford a white one (several million q.q), only to discover that I can't use it until level 50. Damnation.


Now last thing for now, until I clear out coruscant for an update - 1) should I be using shii-cho or soresu until I get access to shien, and 2) is biochem the right choice of profession? I'd prefer not to waste time on something that won't be useful to me for the entire game.

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