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Can't get past 4300 with TK and I'm quite frustrated.


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I know that there are a lot of topics like this one, but I thought that it would've been better to start a new one to post my parse and get advices based on how I play.


The situation is quite easy: I'm around 4200 DPS with Balance (without adrenal) but I can't do more than 4300 with TK (with adrenal), which sounds strange to me since TK should perform way better than Balance.


Before linking the parse, here are my gear and stats:





1x Revanite Force Master's Device

1x Resurrected Stalker's MK-X Package

1x Revanite Stalker's MK-X Package

1x Revanite Relic Of Serendipitous Assault

1x Revanite Relic Of Focused Retribution

5x Advanced Resolve Armoring 38

3x Advanced Resolve Armoring 37

3x Advanced Mettle Mod 38A

2x Advanced Aptitude Mod 38A

3x Advanced Aptitude Mod 38

1x Advanced Aptitude Mod 37

1x Advanced Initiative Enhancement 38

1x Advanced Assault Enhancement 38

2x Advanced Adept Enhancement 38

1x Advanced Adept Enhancement 37

1x Advanced Finesse Enhancement 38

1x Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 38

1x Advanced Resolve Hilt 37

2x Advanced Hawkeye Crystal

4x Advanced Accuracy Augment 36

10x Advanced Resolve Augment 36




Willpower: 4426

Bonus Damage: 1954

Power: 1619

Force Power: 2626

Accuracy: 110.41%

Accuracy Rating: 799

Critical Chance: 25.47%

Critical Rating: 260

Critical Multiplier: 72.05%

Surge Rating: 471

Alacrity: 1.58%

Alacrity Rating: 120


3/6 set pieces



As you can see, gear's still not optimal (very far from it actually), still this doesn't mean that it's ok to make more damage with Balance. Plus, I was around 4500 DPS before the Forcequake nerf and with far worse gear.


4262 parse


To be honest, I had some lag spikes and lag was around 450ms for the whole parse, but the Balance parse was done under the same conditions.


Can you please give me some advices and help on how to deal with this situation? I'm quite sure that I have to do higher numbers, but I can't seem to do better than this (this one's the best parse of the 7 done today, so I'm actually trying.)


Thanks in advance :)

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Sounds like you are doing PVE content and wanting to maximize your dps. I would recommended the purple Anodyne resolve stim as it buffs your two main attributes (Willpower/Endurance) by quite a bit and it lasts over 7 hours and persists through death.


Stim's already on, as well as Anodyne adrenal.

I'm at 4/5 TOS HM so I'm not a "noob", still I struggle to get high numbers and I fail to understand why.

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Stim's already on, as well as Anodyne adrenal.

I'm at 4/5 TOS HM so I'm not a "noob", still I struggle to get high numbers and I fail to understand why.


Gearing wise as you said you are not optimal so that is going to hold you back a bit. Looking at some of your stats here is my personal preference as to what you should do. Reduce accuracy to 750 (give or take) reduce surge a bit between 66-69% and from there its your choice what to put the rest of your points into. You can also minimize your crit to around 20% or a little more and stack power. Though some like to run 350 crit so it depends on preference there. I would also recommend getting the dread forged or dread master 4 piece set bonus as that is BIS for sorc dps at the moment. Looking at your parse i see off the bat that your am is low especially for using force speed. If i was reading the ability usage tab correctly when comparing yous to mine some of your ability activation averages were a bit behind mine.Such as your turbulence activation compared to mine, your average time was 9.9 vs my 9.5, your also delaying your lightning flash too long as well (As am i :p). Moral of the story DO NOT delay your heavy hitters. So first would i would do is focus on getting your apm up with that you will see a dps increase.( button mash :D). and try to be mindful of your cooldowns on your most damaging abilities In the words of the great Keyboardninja IF TB is off cool down put it ON cool down :D.

My parse for reference: http://parsely.io/parser/view/61067/0

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Use old 4 piece Dreadmaster and new 2 piece Revanite set bonus. Reduce Crit to Zero. Press buttons faster. Turbulence MC TG on CD always. Never stop pressing buttons.


Also more alacrity could benefit you.

Edited by FerkWork
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