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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Player Review: Now That "The Shiny" has Worn Off


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I find the title misleading...what the OP describes was already discussed during beta. Nothing new to mention here, so it's old news....not stuff "after the shiny has worn off".


I like the game fine. Sure it can use some improvements...that's normal. But the OP really just rehashed old stuff.


Let's see what the patch brings tomorrow....a lot of complaints for sure...lol. Game forums are ever the funniest ones.

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Graphics are something that can't be compared with simple pictures.


Single player games and MMO's also cannot be compared, because Skyrim cannot be ran as MMO. Such amount of rendering performed for 100 points of view, registering constant movement and actions in that particular area, just will not work.


Wow has rather simplified, drawn graphics and textures. Some say it's simple, but even the toughest machines are kicked in the groins and have their performance dropped like a rock in crowded, open and large city. Looks do not equal performance.


Graphics and amount of rendering needs to be at level that can satisfy consumer machines, and have potential for large amounts of players involved in heavy activity and action at the same area. That is what MMO must aim for.


Swtor has amazing views and environments. AoC, Wow - you can't compare these. They have their own style. Modern SWTOR has loads of lightning, effects and structural details that are a must. WoW nor AoC have no such things. Go look around Coruscant or even the starting planets of SWTOR. The Skybox and vivid lightning, envinroment and overal graphical style and magnitude cannot be compared. Characters and such are more simpler, for the reason to make it playable and yet have uniquely pleasing looks. Textures are also something that can be worked on, and highres textures and settings are being worked on, that is quite obvious.


Point being, graphics never make the game. They are essential element in complimenting it's features. Give feedback, report bugs and suggest improvements. This game has had both bigger, better and smoother launch than WoW ever had, since people are so keen to compare. AoC was horrible in the first months. There is no program or game that does not have bugs, and SWTOR has fairly few that truly would bother the gaming.


You make valid points, yes. Graphics don't make the game, and my main gripe isn't with the graphics. Their art style is unique and a lot better than WOW, of course. I do like the 2D art distance backgrounds that blend nearly perfectly with the terrain and still have a great artistic style to them, etc. However, again, the flaws at the heart of the matter stem from repetition, combat delay, bad instancing, bad ui, broken menus and AH, unclear end-game purpose, the list just goes on.

Edited by Proto
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The shiny is wearing off fast for me too. They did some nice things with this game...but in many important respects it does feel like this game took a few steps back in the genre.. Other than the star wars flair and a few pals, theres little else making it really compelling to play.
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The graphics are only simplified because your computer is bad, the graphics maxed out look amazing for me.





if you say the graphics look amazin.. man.. you reaaaally need play another games... SWTOR's graphics sucks.


and b4 u say.. I can run everything maxed, recording using fraps with the full size option enabled (since I have a youtube HD channel) and I still get 70-80 fps.

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Keep telling that to everyone that has an idea how to improve the game or have an opition about the game and see how many whos back in the game in the end if all of them did go back.....


The problem is that most of these "ideas to improve the game" can be summed up with "Waaaaaaaaah."



No, WoW is pretty much the # 1 mmo. EVERY mmo now a days rips most of it's design right from WoW. From the UI, to the in game interface, to the arbitrary token systems and dailies.


Was WoW the first MMO? No. But it WAS the first CASUAL mmo, which is what pretty much every MMO since WoW has been.


Go back to your old days of AC, EQ, DAoC and you won't find **** like an ingame map, giant !/?'s ovre quest givers heads, useful tooltips, etc etc. WoW pioneered the MMO scene and anyone who thinks otherwise is completely and totally clueless.


Not to get it twisted, I'm not saying WoW started MMO's or WoW is the grandfather of MMO's. I'm saying that while WoW took from a ******** of MMO's and their other Blizzard games and built upon it, MMO's now a days take WoW and reskin it to their liking with 1 or 2 "defining" features for the game. SW:TOR is different in that it reskinned WoW and added 5 or 6 "defining" features for the game. Which was basically just mash KOTOR, ME and WoW together.


You've never played any of those games you're talking about, have you? WoW didn't pioneer much of anything. It ripped off the ideas of other games, just as much as you're claiming that TOR is ripping off WoW. And continued to do so with every expansion.


TOR isn't a WoW clone, it's an MMO clone. Nobody is copying WoW, they're copying themepark MMO design.

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You mean this :




Looks worse than




You might want to visit an optician, don't want your sight to get any worse.


Also next time if you're going to be biased, at least do it right. You did a good job with comparing tor to WoW which was completely irrelevant to the whole AoC vs tor argument, but you might want to get different screens next time.


I'll happily throw this up against that screenshot. And feel completely justified in doing so.

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You copypasted this from a friend of mine on another forum. He's not happy about it.




I second what Irrose said. The original poster of this review is a regular on those forums and the OP of this thread is not him.


@OP: If you don't like this game, then fine. But don't plagiarize someone else's review as your own.

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