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How to fix sentinel in a nutshell.


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The only usable (talking ranked, which should be priority #1) pvp spec is concentration, unless for a solid ranked group with decent tank/healer, even so the lack of burst can be a really bad problem.


Also is this kind of post reportable? I guess i will try. Annihilation doesn't even have a rotation now, btw, mate, unless you are talking about dummies, cause in most boss fights you don't get to stand still and hit for so long (i think the rotation is 72 secs now? never checked the guides anymore cause its useless), good annihilators only use skill priority and quick thinking, no more rotations.


Reporting a post because it has an opinion that isn't yours? That's funny.


Either way, I used the term rotation in quotes because ya there is no set do this do that rotation. It's all priority and due to the spec complexity and little tweaks in 3.0 and soon to be 4.0, ppl are having a harder time with it because it doesn't offer what it used to. The facts are the spec is not designed to be burst like combat or conc. And if you're running around away from the boss so much so you think Anni is worthless, then you need to re think your execution of mechanics to allow more uptime for you on the boss cuz I have no problems with consistent uptime except for the obvious fights and mechs. But overall I think it comes down to experience.

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Reporting a post because it has an opinion that isn't yours? That's funny.


Either way, I used the term rotation in quotes because ya there is no set do this do that rotation. It's all priority and due to the spec complexity and little tweaks in 3.0 and soon to be 4.0, ppl are having a harder time with it because it doesn't offer what it used to. The facts are the spec is not designed to be burst like combat or conc. And if you're running around away from the boss so much so you think Anni is worthless, then you need to re think your execution of mechanics to allow more uptime for you on the boss cuz I have no problems with consistent uptime except for the obvious fights and mechs. But overall I think it comes down to experience.


To summarize what you said : mara/sent is ok everybody else needs to l2p... seems like you are one of those bioware apologist

btw ppl are not having harder time with it because almost nobody plays the class anymore(pve wise)

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The only usable (talking ranked, which should be priority #1) pvp spec is concentration, unless for a solid ranked group with decent tank/healer, even so the lack of burst can be a really bad problem.


Also is this kind of post reportable? I guess i will try. Annihilation doesn't even have a rotation now, btw, mate, unless you are talking about dummies, cause in most boss fights you don't get to stand still and hit for so long (i think the rotation is 72 secs now? never checked the guides anymore cause its useless), good annihilators only use skill priority and quick thinking, no more rotations.

Uhh Carnage is really good in a hardswap comp for 4s. While Annihilation is pretty underrated, especially in a 4s pressure comp but very few people play it at a high level (Pred is pretty amazing in Group Ranked).


As a whole, Maras are pretty good in Solo Ranked. They have good mitigation CDs that make them hard to kill in pure DPS games and they translate even better to Healer games. Mostly though Predation is amazing and it makes it easy for your team to stay on someone, or let your teammates kite their team.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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Uhh Carnage is really good in a hardswap comp for 4s. While Annihilation is pretty underrated, especially in a 4s pressure comp but very few people play it at a high level (Pred is pretty amazing in Group Ranked).


As a whole, Maras are pretty good in Solo Ranked. They have good mitigation CDs that make them hard to kill in pure DPS games and they translate even better to Healer games. Mostly though Predation is amazing and it makes it easy for your team to stay on someone, or let your teammates kite their team.


The survivability on those specs are minimal, in 4s DPS only you might as well pop your cds in the begginig of the fight and hope that they try to grind you down, cause if you don't, you may lose 60%+ or all of your HP before getting white barred/having time to pop them. Concentration has the highest passive defense, a huge defense boost from slice and cc immunity from exhaustion... also really bursty with good roots (zealous leap) and many 10 meter skills.

Edited by James_Mcturney
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The survivability on those specs are minimal, in 4s DPS only you might as well pop your cds in the begginig of the fight and hope that they try to grind you down, cause if you don't, you may lose 60%+ or all of your HP before getting white barred/having time to pop them. Concentration has the highest passive defense, a huge defense boost from slice and cc immunity from exhaustion... also really bursty with good roots (zealous leap) and many 10 meter skills.

Fury has the least passive defense actually. It gets 10% Defense chance from a proc with at best 60% uptime. Carnage gets 2% base DR, another 6% DR from a proc and an extra 6% M/R Defense which it can keep full uptime on. Annihilation gets immediate 5% DR that it gets just from having dots out, and its self healing gives it the best defense of all Marauder specs (even in Yolos you should take ~10k more damage to kill in Anni compared to Fury or Carnage).


Only thing Fury has is the CC Immunity and Obliterate, which while good doesn't take away from Carnage or Anni. You just need to know how to use the tools at your disposal well.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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Fury has the least passive defense actually. It gets 10% Defense chance from a proc with at best 60% uptime. Carnage gets 2% base DR, another 6% DR from a proc and an extra 6% M/R Defense which it can keep full uptime on. Annihilation gets immediate 5% DR that it gets just from having dots out, and its self healing gives it the best defense of all Marauder specs (even in Yolos you should take ~10k more damage to kill in Anni compared to Fury or Carnage).


Only thing Fury has is the CC Immunity and Obliterate, which while good doesn't take away from Carnage or Anni. You just need to know how to use the tools at your disposal well.


The problem with that 6% Dr from ataru, is that your health will already be at 50% when you use it, cause well, bursting sentienls to death from stealth is freaking easy.

The 10% defense is 10% defense + tech/force resistance, combat doesnt have that (cc immunity on the start is way too good) and 60% uptime? its 6/9 (8.7 for me) secs, so its 0.689% in my best rotation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
class isent broken by far. give watchman the heal back, the spec is fine then. combat, actully is in decent spot atm, has ok defense and burst, if played correct its very good. concentration as well isent in bad spot. from my piont the offense isent the problem, every spec can be number one on leader boards easy. sent is just a class that, when your on bad team, the class can stink. i play alot of watchman in regs and i never have issues when i play sneaky, i belive if they gave the heal a lil boost the spec could be viable in ranked easily. it just has no defense other then def cds. which players always no when they are on cd. bye bye then. just up the dam heal, already. other then that if you are not pulling numbers with combat your bad at it. the spec atm is far better then wm and concen. alot of sents just jump into 5 players expecting god ability with this class, cause it was so strong early in game. once agian, bad teams bring out worst in the class. play lil sneaky and you will have better results. cause alot of imp maras are very aggressive, why? they have better teams all the time. on jc. easy to be aggressive when healed well, or tank is doing job on team. so if your on bad team, play less aggressive, and more sneaky. just give sents back the heal and the class fine as is...
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  • 2 weeks later...
EA ain't Blizzard and this ain't Diablo 3.


Well, nice nerf to force speed on sage, 10+ sec cooldown is much worst than a phase walk imo... specially now that ANIHILATION IS BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. And looking awesome. Also i heard force camouflage is breaking roots baseline? gg Wp lets crush, pvp will be awesome again, pve is looking awesome, story is looking awesome, FPS and graphics looking awesome, S6 rewards looking awesome (didn't get enough for gold green crystal... underestimated it, will get the good one next time xD). So; more subscription time from me Bioware! :p;)

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Hi all, some utilities ideas for Marauder survavibility:


1) A Saber Ward buff: "When you take damage the active cooldown of Saber Ward is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds." it could be help us to have more often our Saber Ward.


2) Make Brazen a baseline for Marauder and replace it by a new Tier 1 utility : "When Cloak of Pain is active, it heals you for 1% of your maximum health every 3 seconds." With that Carnage and Fury spec gains a little self-heal.


2) And a change for Cloak of Annihilation: "Activiting an attack that spends rage reduces the active cooldown of Cloak of Pain by 1 second." The Cloak of Annihilation idea isn't good, i play mostly PvP and i don't use Assault often in order to put one point in this utility. Without Cloak of Pain, Marauder is squishy, with these changes, Cloak of Annihilation could be more fluid and have Cloak of Pain more often. and could be usefull for all spec.


3) For Annihilation, a change for Hungering: "Your bleeding effects heal you for 15% of the damage they deal, and each use of Vicious Slash and Annihilate heals you for 1% of your maximum health". I think it could be a decent self-healing boost particulary when we are in 1 vs 1 situation.

Edited by La_Frite
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Yes, but you forgot to add heal % every X seconds when being hit, like the heroic utility for blade ward.

I agree sentinel need some changes (the defensive skills cooldowns need to be reduced, yes), not exactly how you said but... specially some extra defensive cooldown while stunned like the guardian, free of charge since guardians can use focused defense while cced since a long time ago.

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