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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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The mods point to this thread as being the official feedback thread where if someone posts criticisms of the game it is locked and they are told to post here. Which seems some what awkward as the OP doesn't necessarily care about what people don't like about the game and is under no obligation to entertain such posts on his suggestion thread.


As for Suggestions:




Story: For 3 years we heard about how the story would matter and how BW was bringing Story into the MMO. Where do these choices matter if they even last through the planet you are on its few and far between. The most recognition seems to be an e-mail with some credits in it if you did good and so threats if you did bad. Far more lasting is the dark/light and affection choices and even these can be worked around. Bioware need to make the story have some lasting effects on the game and not just be local instances where characters met before return or don't depending on your choices. Not people thrown of ledges and burnt to a crisp make multiple appearances while prisoners/allies/friends/servants disappear never to be heard from or seen ever again. The world should change based on ones actions not everything stay the same as it makes the story pointless.


Customisation: Match to chest, appearance tab, more orange gear however you want to go about doing it there is far too little choice in the looks of characters in the game. In no way game breaking or problematic but once again something that people like to do in an MMO. We can have everyone looking the same but that detracts from the fun of the game, form making your character special or unique or even personal. And ultimately its community through guilds and friends or connection to your character that keeps you logging in. Sure ganking some noob can be fun but there are plenty of FPS that you can do that in without having to get the good gear or get to level 50 to do it.


More Species: Along the lines of Customisation, this is a big thing in Role play games. It builds the characters Identity and adds to the experience. Some games have done will with just human characters like Age of Conan which is very fitting for the game world. But that isn't what Star Wars was about, rather a world of aliens and fantastic places.

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one fairly critical point is the ability to reverse accidental item purchases.

A simple solution would be a 'grace-period', during which the item in question can be refunded for the original cost, so that you're not just stuck if you pick a wrong item.


On that note, some degree of variation, perhaps visual or just in the tooltips, to distinguish gear belonging to alternate classes and sub-classes.


Improved customer service. Current wait-times and level of service are not acceptable for a game of this scope.


Dual-spec - both for variety and ease of play


ability to have at least 2 different button-layouts, and rapidly switch between them. As a lvl 50 inquisitor I have quite a few abilities, and I swap back and forth between healing and dps'ing, depending whether I'm soloing or in groups.


On that note: Dual specs: Dual specs similar to wow that change button-layout when changing spec, would be a way around this problem. Also, it would allow players to familiarize themselves with more aspects of their class, which is a good thing.


Some sort of proper LFG system:

Spamming in the general and trade channels was old before this game came out, and I would honestly have expected a more elegant solution.


Ease of transportation between areas. The 30 min cd. on the teleport is nothing but annoying.


the roughly 20 hour cd. on the emergency fleet pass renders it all but useless. Somewhat easier transition between the fleet and other areas of the game would be a great improvement on general wait-time.


The Currency-system:


Having only one currency-system may become problematic overtime, as figures become ludicrously high, or outright impossible for the game-system to handle. The simple solution to this issue is to add some layers to the currency, so that individual numbers are lowered.


This is based on the assumption of fairly dramatic price-increases over time, as expansions are launched. A mil or two is okay, but if we start hitting billions or even trillions (which is not entirely impossible, assuming that the game will live for at least a decade) the figures will simply be impractical - not to mention the fact that there may be an upper limit to the digits the GTN can handle - whether there is or isn't, is currently unknown to me.

Edited by Isak_z
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All companion starter gear and rewards should be orange.Companions come with a certain look about them and even the arrive on station package for them emphasizes that. However, since that gear isn't orange, that look rarely lasts because at some point, you have to upgrade.


Give some cushion on the alignment by either making Dark/Light V 9000 or raising the cap above 10000.I assume affection works the same so ditto there. The rigidity--especially considering gear requirements,forces characters to be one-dimensional because any deviation from the path, no matter how fitting, has serious gameplay consequences.Choices should matter but the current system practically eliminates choice and raises questions on why you don't just choose your alignment in the first place.


Play Rift, adopt just about everything. I played Rift at around the launch and found that while technically excellent, the gameplay felt flat and lacking. The reverse is applies here. The invasion mechanic kept places dynamic and always interesting and the Rift mechanic was good for semi- random open world group content that was still rewarding. PvE Ilum has a perfect base for this as it has a lot of overlap, clearly aligned structures and a stated ongoing contest for the resources.


The Rift default UI, while not quite as customizable as I liked in EQ2, had nifty little features like quest items being clicky in the quest tracker and reactive abilities like Sith Warrior Retaliation here had their own little window and popped up when usable, freeing up hotbar space and presenting an easier to manage amount of skills. What I liked on paper about Rift is too much to list( Chloromancer should be Sith Sorcerer!) but a lot of it is worth a look for anyone looking to compare and improve this game.

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Faster cool down times on class dependent powers. i.e. tank/defensive powers like saber ward.


Allow powers such as force choke or force push to be used on everything.


There's a zone on Taris that the map icons won't show up.


I keep having a problem with the patches. Just about every patch that is made to fix something causes me to start having the issues it was meant to fix. Could something be done about that? i.e. the last patch started making my companions holo-call be in their under garments.


Develope a crosspoint in the story lines for the Sith and Jedi. This way if a Jedi is gaining Darkside points and a Sith in gaining Lightside points they actually start to switch factions, or are at least given the oppertunity to do such via story line.




Make groups have to be alignment based. i.e. a Lightsider and a Darksider cannot team up. Because they would not team up in the SWG.


Stay original. I'm loving the game so far. Especially the story lines. So, hopefully expand on those.

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I couldn't care less about any pvp changes that bioware will implement. I just want threat fixed for juggs. Since every thread created by myself or others gets locked, I guess I have to voice my concerns here.


Yeah, add that on to my list of things....threat for Juggs

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My list so far apologize if there are duplicates. People might not agree with a few of these but these are what i think should be added or fixed.



1. I should be able to use the mount/speeder where ever I like. Which is everywhere. Also task like reverse engineering shouldn't knock me off my speeder.

2. I can hardly notice the difference between the different mount speeds I, II, III

either increase the mount speeds or lower I and II.



1. The player speeds are too slow. Even with sprint on it feels like that should be the lowest speed.



1. Companions returning from crafting missions close other windows, when the reward pops up. (super annoying)

2. Cant have more then two windows open at a time.

3. Cant re-size windows or place them wherever I would like. (Quickslots, Hotbuttons)

4. Ability to re-size map, ability to remove aspects of it like the mission tracker.

5. Map ability to select all. (vendor, taxi, trainer, mail, etc..)

5. Map improvements. Able to place my own markers and text on maps.

6. Add a notepad or data-pad so I can write and save notes.

7. Chat to text log.


Customer service

1. Customers indicate they are ready to close there ticket when there problems are solved. At the moment tickets are closed or locked with a standard unhelpful template response.

2. Ability to reopen tickets.

3. Ability to read tickets properly and respond beyond the template system.



1. Fix them there are many. Add a better template for reporting bugs. I don't really want to have to give you more information on a bug through an email. If you require more information then add the information you require to the template and allow me to update it instead of closing the ticket.



1. PVP is massively imbalanced fix the entry queue's so you cant have 6 sorcerers vs zero sages in PVP. Match the classes better in the queue before the warzone begins, so each side stands a fair chance of winning.

2. More PVP types of warzones.



1. Add some games to casino.

2. Has Sabacc been invented yet?



1. Add more drinks and foods types to the Cantina's



1. Remove the legacy window popup for people that don't want a legacy or haven't chosen a last name. Have to close the window every time I zone or open skills tree.



1. Really a UI improvement, the window needs to re-size so you can actually read more then two words of the LFG comment.



1. Like /target npc /target player /hotkey 1



1. Improved stack splitting. Remove shift + left click change to double click.

2. Cant split a stack while it is in the Galactic Market sale window, which gets there when you are trying to split the stack.


Galactic Market - GTN

1. The ability to search for an item by name and not have to choose category and sub category each time before you can search.



1. Available on ships.



1. Quick travel to ship.

2. Land on planet bypassing orbital stations.


Space combat

1. Multiplayer

2. Ability to choose space ships direction in combat (see star trek online)


Group queue or Auto group

1. Like the PVP queue except for group missions and heroics. A queue that will throw together 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS, for the same type missions. Like the ones they have on fleet. (lfg spam fleet)

2. looking for group button on the circle map.

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I loathe the surname feature in its current form. Why it was implemented like this I will never understand, but it was a completely stupid idea. I have no problem with a unique legacy title, that would be just fine with me, but it should not be linked to surnames. It should simply remain a title.

I don't want all of my characters to have the same surname, that's simply absurd. I know that some people do and that's fine, more power to them, but I don't. I don't want my Twi'lek Smuggler to seem like he's somehow related to my Sith Pureblood Inquisitor. That makes no sense to me. I want to be able to give all of my characters a different surname.

What I would much prefer to see is the ability to give all of our characters a different non-unique surname. If the surname isn't unique that lets people choose to give multiple characters the same last name to make them seem "related", and even lets their family and friends use the same surname to create a sort of in-game "family". But we should also be able to give each of our characters a different surname, plain and simple. Surnames should not be linked to legacy in any way, shape or form.


It's too late to add a surname option to the character creator, unless Bioware lets us add a surname to our existing characters, but here's a solution that I wouldn't mind seeing...


1. Add in an NPC "registrar" (for lack of a better name) to the fleet space station for both factions. At this NPC the player would pay around 1000 credits to give one of their characters a surname.

2. This surname would not be unique, and it would serve no other purpose other than role play.

3. The surname would be displayed along with the character's original name. Private messages would work the same was that they do now, they would be sent to the character's unique first name, the surname would not be included in the /whisper command. In effect, the surname would pretty much just be a cosmetic addition.

4. The player could change their character's surname at any time via the registrar NPC, but at an increasing price. Each time the player changes the surname the more expensive it becomes to do so.

5. Every character of the player can have a different, non-unique surname, but each one would have to pay the credit fee at the registrar NPC.

6. The legacy name would only be shown as a title, not a surname. Or if this isn't changed and the legacy name can still be shown as a surname, the surname given by the registrar will not appear. This means that a character can only display a combination of the character name/legacy surname, character name/purchased surname, or character name/purchased surname/legacy title.


So basically, it would look like something like this (if the legacy title was being shown as a title)...

(Title) (Character name) (Purchased surname)

<Legacy title>



For example...

Princess Leia Organa

<Skywalker Legacy>

<Rebel Alliance>

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I have read the posts. Many seem like common sense. Many are recommendations that many other games already have. Then I have come to realize, I purchased a game that is a work in progress. It's like buying a car and being told, the tires, gas tank, seats and dashboard will be installed at a later date. In the mean time, I have come to question what am I paying for? I sense great unfairness.


I also sense that the emphasis of the game is RPG/PVE. This is not what I believe people want. MMO players represent an aging population. No one wants to commit to hours in a specific instance. We want to come in and get out and still have a great time. My first experience with an MMO was over 7 years ago in WOW. The early instances/raids where at set time with a set number of players that went from 6 to midnight 4 days a week. Over time that has all changed. No one want to go back to that.


The emphasis should be a balance between pve and pvp. I don't see that here. I think they missed the point and are really not providing new content or new experiences. At the moment, I do my dailys and I am done. I find myself really waiting for another game.:(

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Instead of bind on pickup, bind items to legacy. EQ2 has a system like it called heirloom where gear and currency tokens could be traded to other characters on the account.Based on personal experience and forums response, it is widely popular with practically no realized downside.Personally, it made alts much more enjoyable and less intimidating because some content didn't have to be repeated.Also, if I ran a group with my tank but really wanted to use my necro and something dropped for the necro, it was usually already worked out with the group that the item could just be passed over to that character.

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When grouped with friends it doesn't disband group between every warzone.

Galactic Trade Network needs to be more effectively and efficiently organized

Completed Crew Skills should not pop up during combat

Looking for group feature OVERHAUL

Auto-stacking in your cargo hold

Toggle for companion headdress, so I can hide their assorted ugly helmets



and most importantly....More Space in Space

You know I'd like my space to be you know... spacious.... is that so wrong?


EvE is a a good example, but not asking for an EvE 2.0 or to scrap the current rail shooter as I know some weird people do like it. *yuck*

Edited by Concession
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Please make the companion "returned from mission" window a lower priority than the GTN screen. The GTN isn't the most user-friendly interface in gaming history, so it's pretty annoying to finally set up all your search parameters and the dude in the tin pants shows up with some green goo and the GTN screen disappears and you have to start all over. I've heard this is also an issue while composing mail, although it hasn't happened to me.


If any kind of interaction window or interface is already open, please make the companion items go to the pending window. Thank you.

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I don't know about you guys but this space combat as it stands kinda sucks, and seems like it was just thrown in so that they could say they has space combat at launch. It is also designed for people that pretty much can't fly. I do not like to be shoe horned threw my missions I want to be able to "break off" and fly the darn ship. X-Wing was game of the year (yes 20 years ago) but they should of used the award winning concepts from that game. Why not have it so you can bored capital ships as mini-missions and take them over for extra fleet tokens, and what about space looting, or salvaging? Also what is the point of having a multiplayer game if you can't wing-man with your buddies? like if you look at the movies its all about Red leader, red 5, red 6 ect... I feel like I am playing Star Fox on SNES and this min-game just doesn't fit. I also feel like my ship equipment is somewhat useless. I just wait for fighter to pop in front of my screen and I shot them? this is stupid I want to be able to chase them down with varying degree of difficulties and dogfight them? does this not open new possiblibities for PVP? space dogfights? with the current setup it is so hand held it is disgusting.


Also why can't you trade goods or spice? like buy in one system from one vendor sell in another? try to make profit or dodge pirates or authorities, on a mission run like a real smuggler?


Space combat side of game needs major overhaul upgrade.

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Space combat expansion


- One of the biggest complaints I have heard from the people who like space combat is that it is too easy/boring/repetitive.


Give a load out screen like the PVP ending screen with results of your run (%,# of ships killed, % and/or # of "large ship" items destroyed, total damage, miss/hit ratio, how many missles you didn't use (cash out perhaps at the end of the mission, perhaps a tie in to crew skills/crafting? ), "hardened" targets that are hard/impossible to destroy without upgrades/attention/focus (these in my mind aren't quest numerated items, but "hidden" or "bonus" items)


for example in Nez Peon Sweep the last pass is by a huge ship, you can destroy a lot of it's turrets if you save your missles and are very attentive. That could be a fun bonus objective (give a badge for destroing 50+% of the missle bays, or whatever).


Another example in Cartel Listening Station, there is a target dead center on the bottom of the spire, so far I can't destroy it even if I pump massive missles into it. Could be user error, could be I don't have enough upgrades and it is a "hardened target". AT some point in the level range it should be destroyable with focused attention (perhaps after the rest of the targets on the station are gone?)


I would like a target icon somewhere with a health bar for hardened tarets... there may be one on the target already, but I can't read it. I would like to know if that target is imune, or at half life, or whatever.


I would love if after I raze the entire station, I had one last target that would send the whole thing up in falmes (maybe auto completing the mission?)

Again, shouldn't be easy, shouldn't be doable without basically completing everything and then some, but low hanging fruit with "Rewards" for taking these missions to the next level.

This could also be sliding scale, nothing till 50%+ but towards the upper end you can have 90% 95% 99% (basically people who really want to become godlike, pimp out their ship, learn the bombing runs, learn when that freighter is on camera of 5 seconds.... i know that "something" good will happen other than personal satisfaction).


So in recap, "bonus" awards for taking out large percentages of different targets (Beyond the basic quest options) This will help with the 2 minutes of lag time in my missions where there isn't anything that I NEED to kill and the xp bonus for killing the little ships is silly.




Currently space combat is on rails, I don't think that is changing any time soon, so working within that fact, I would suggest creating 2 or 3 slightly different runs (Same space, same targets, slightly different route) allowing some variety and variability in the runs.


Taking that a step further, runs could be updated based on player performance. Once I blow away the 25 ships, a 2nd Bonus mission can come up to kill another 50 ships. or whatever.


Give me a reason to care. I like space combat. The more I play the more I want it to be as awesome as it could be :)




Someone mentioned dogfighting pvp not being possible in the "on rails" type space missions.


I think a first step might be creating a run that has a verses aspect where there is a stream of oncomming targets that are both computer AI and users. Basically the opposing playter would be running the mission in reverse. If there was only one player, it would only have one meetup (in theory) but with a run that is PVP focused, a stream of PVP players can be stuck at one end, say spaced out 30 seconds apart or something, or in small groups. The opposing teams I don't think would be able to easily take eachother out, but could take out meaningful amounts of the opposing factions space targets (AI fighters, freighters, bases).


Imagine perhaps cartel listening station as a 4 on 4 on rails, staggered.


Say 1/2 the time you have pvp targets, 1/2 the time you only have UI targets (or whatever).


point... pvp in space missions can be accomidated given the "on rails" setup. (given I have no knowledge of how any of this is actually designed) :p




Doing well in space combat should open up more space combat. If at lvl 18 I love the space combat and just want to do that every day like crazy, I should be able to open up more variety/difficulty/etc.


That might be ideal given that some folks aren't wild about space combat, so leave the daily for the folks who just tolerate it, and for the folks who want to "go all the way" they have a deeper level to go to with the missions (gearing out, customization (looks), mini story lines, whatever.


I would be willing to go research missions, I would be willing to bloody my nose on missions over my level to start learning them.


Admittedly if the mission is physically impossible regardless of having the best gear, I don't need to know about it.





- Multiplayer space missions with free roam (with boundaries similar to Battlefield games where you have to turn around if getting too far away from the campaign or you'll exit the mission for example.)


2 player flying. 1 driver/machine gunner, 1 gunner/bomber.


Even just letting 2 people fly the same mission, both with access to missiles and guns. The point being one person could steer and focus on one type of target, the other could focus on mother ships, or some other type of target. It would require cooperation, but would allow another level of participation in these missions.


could also be coop with each person in their own ship.


Increase the armor of the enemy by 50% and you may have a nice balance of challenge without needing both people to perform at 100%.




Space combat is what it is for now, what low hanging fruit is there to make it more fun, more rewarding, more variable.




Destroyable Asteroids!!! That 3rd tier mission "Salucami Fleet Action", I was scared I was going to hit some of the "scenery" asteroids, and a bit perplexed at my piloting decisions as I barely SCRAPED down the side of some asteroid...


but I still liked it once I got it.


So ya, it would be cool if there was a type of asteroid that could be destroyed. It could allow quicker site access to the next mother ship or target, it could take the pilot down a 2nd route ( on rails V2).


And/Or, salvageable objects in missions (For folks with the skill, or not, whatever) doesn't have to be many targets to hook high end crafters. Would need to be balaced against the folks with the gathering skills if open to all.)

Edited by chrisjamesfox
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Give us a Freelancer type experience with space combat.



SWTOR is completely capable of implementing it because SWTOR has the infrastructure for missions and dialog.


The idea to move freely in the Star Wars universe rather than just point and click travel would be astronomical in replay and immersion.

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