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[ ] permanently and totally shut up the damned ship droid.




Oh please... I want to turn that damn droid into a sentient robotic water closet, with taste receptors!


Ok so I know I said I wasn't gonna above but I gotta make another suggestion.


Appearance slots. Elegant but powerful appearance customization, anything you can normally wear you can whack in an appearance slot and have it overwite your 'proper' gear's look.

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Please make Datacrons account based. ie. any datacron picked up will also benefit any characters made on that server for the same faction.


So the benefits of this is numerous:

1. This will promote the making of alts, as this has always been a goal of bioware it seems to fit in line with what they want.


2. This will promote gathering all datacrons on your main character.


3. This will remove the "bug" dealing with body types as you can simply pick the datacrons up on an alt and get the benefit for all your characters.


4. This will ultimately make getting that +4 aim datacron on your sorc that much more fulfilling.

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Please make Datacrons account based. ie. any datacron picked up will also benefit any characters made on that server for the same faction.


So the benefits of this is numerous:

1. This will promote the making of alts, as this has always been a goal of bioware it seems to fit in line with what they want.


2. This will promote gathering all datacrons on your main character.


3. This will remove the "bug" dealing with body types as you can simply pick the datacrons up on an alt and get the benefit for all your characters.


4. This will ultimately make getting that +4 aim datacron on your sorc that much more fulfilling.


I second this


I do not want to spend another night datacron hunting when I roll an ALT. It is not fun a waste of my time and quite frankly when I did it the first time I almost smashed my computer in half because I kept falling off the damned ledge. Let alone the 45 minute baloon rotation on tatooine >:-|


And no I'm not some leet ninja I realize this, but it still doesn't change the fact this guy's suggestion has merit

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My wishlist of non-game breaking things that I'd still like to see and think would enhance co-operative levelling in the game:


1. Make spectator mode possible to use on ALL class conversations. Currently it doesn't work on class contacts outside of class instances (and sometimes doesn't work in class hangars when events happen.) It would be a lot more of a smooth and enjoyable experience as 'player two' to be able to keep up with all of a friend's plot dialog.



Implement opportunities to make voiced comments in somebody else's class story. This should not change any outcomes or block out conversation options for somebody else's story.

Example: a bounty hunter goes to imperial intelligence as part of a mission. Player two (an imperial agent) gets a choice of line to explain their presence or judge the motives of the people there (possibly with them doing a short reply that does not change the bounty hunter's chat or outcomes.)

Example 2: a smuggler encounters a sith lord. A jedi knight as player two has the choice to warn their ally, make a snarky comment, or state their desire to murder the sith.


I think this would make co-op much more fun (through adding interactivity) by letting player two act like a bioware companion.


Final note: instanced heroic 2-4 content with cutscenes in the middle are awesome. I'd love more of these! :)

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There's several good ideas here and Bioware apparently is reading this thread as a Dev linked another forum post here.



The account datacron idea is amazing. I can't stomach the idea of farming every datacron on 1 toon, let alone every single one I make. This would be a great addition.



The biggest problem I have with this game is the leveling, Yes, it's way better than any other MMO I've played, but it's no where near as compelling as I hoped. It's not that the class stories aren't good, it's that they're so short. They account for maybe 10% of your leveling experience. That leaves the other 90% doing quests you've already completed on your main. There is hardly any difference between the light and dark choices, I have leveled 2 toons to 50, one light and 1 dark, the choices by no means can be counted as a separate story.


Since this game is centered around giving a better questing experience I think these are major flaws. An introduction of more planets to choose from and/or and expansion of the class stories would be a huge lift to the repetitive nature of leveling that sadly even this game falls into.


On another forum post someone suggested starting planets based on races instead of classes. I think this would be a much better idea. Would add variety and allow for a more individualized feel to each character, ie a Chiss BH has a bit of a different story on their home planet than an IA would. This would also allow the current starting planets to be used as the second stage to advance the class stories and perhaps allowing the tweaking of some existing planets level ranges.

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I mean, come on. I think every raider hates to wipe, but when its wiping for progress its okay. Wiping due to bugs just destroys the entire raiding experience. I have no idea if the dev didnt test out Hardmode/Nightmare flashpoints before release, but the overall raiding experience have been horrible. No idea why they already release new content, when their current content got more bugs than a free to play game would have.


They are releasing new content already without fixing old content's bugs in hardmode because there are enough people Q.Q'ing about how the current content is not enough


EDIT: that and the fact they are probably under some contractual agreement with shareholders to release a new FP every month or something

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There are many great ideas in this topic. I wish they would sticky this as I know they refer to it often anyways :)).


I especially like your idea for making datacrons account wide for every alt on that server and faction.


And yes this will be the third time it's been mentioned but it's brilliant so :D

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I have a suggestion to make, regarding city planets...


I really hate the fact that when you look down the edge of a tall building on Nar Shadaa, instead of seeing busy streets, vehicles, bazaar stalls and the like, you see this placeholder texture that looks like spaceship armor, with a few antennae slapped on.


It doesn't look one bit like a city, more like a glorified space station.


My suggestion is to actually expand on city planets by replacing these placeholders with actual content... Max level areas aimed at soloers, free-for-all PvP back alleys, heroic raid zones for group players... All open world.


As it stands... City planets are a massive waste of polygons. They really need a revamp, and adding content to those empty areas would be a great start.

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I especially like your idea for making datacrons account wide for every alt on that server and faction.


And yes this will be the third time it's been mentioned but it's brilliant so :D


Thank you sir here's hoping many feel the same way you do perhaps we will see it happen! :))

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Please make Datacrons account based. ie. any datacron picked up will also benefit any characters made on that server for the same faction.


So the benefits of this is numerous:

1. This will promote the making of alts, as this has always been a goal of bioware it seems to fit in line with what they want.


2. This will promote gathering all datacrons on your main character.


3. This will remove the "bug" dealing with body types as you can simply pick the datacrons up on an alt and get the benefit for all your characters.


4. This will ultimately make getting that +4 aim datacron on your sorc that much more fulfilling.


A good suggestion.

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My thread was closed so I am just posting it here as per the mods request.


I gave this game a fair chance. Ive been playing for about a month now (had early access right off the bat). I'm going to outline my experience and my thought process from the day I started playing until the day I unsubbed.


I had played the beta way before the stress tests that were going out. My friend ended up getting a super early invite and shared his account with me. During the beta I was super excited for the game. I just got out of WoW, my friends were all getting bored of the current games we were playing and we needed something to ignite our spark. So I played the beta and fell in love with leveling. I told everyone how amazing the game was, how much better it was than X mmo or Y mmo and why, and I told them this is the game to stay. Highest level I got in the beta was about 35 before the wipe. Soon thereafter, the stress tests went live and I felt as if I shouldn't play it again because I don't want to have to re-level. So I let it go until game release.


When the game was released I was astounded at the improvements from the early beta and now the "polished" release version. I felt like, "Wow, they really did a good job with this beta!" My experience from 1-50 was by far the best leveling experience I have had in any mmorpg to date (that is saying a lot since I have played some 6 or 7 mmos). To be completely honest SWTOR was essentially bugless throughout my leveling. The flashpoints were great and the pvp was ALRIGHT, I mean I understood I was so low leveled what was I to expect? That is where I ran into my first problem.


The idea of having a shared pvp group for every level is a very idealistic idea. You can pvp with your buddies at level 50 and still have fun all together right? Wrong. Talents and abilities (and pvp gear) skew the pvp so hard towards level 50 it was absolutely ridiculous. I completely stopped pvping past level 35 because I consistently got my *** handed to me by level 45-50s. Though the idea SOUNDED good, it turned out to be a horrible idea and just resulted in high level players farming low leveled players for free medals. But I digress, level 50s are getting their own bracket now. On to the next subject.


Since we are on the topic of PVP, lets continue with it. Let us say you pvp all day and you earned enough currency to buy two pieces of gear. So you decide to buy 2 pieces of gear. Well as it turns out, you pvp all day to give yourself the opportunity to MAYBE get a piece of gear. In addition to that, there is nothing that prevents you from getting a piece of gear you already have! I don't understand what developer was sitting behind the drawing board and saying, YES THIS COULD WORK! Everyone who has experience the unlucky crap I experience have first hand seen how game breaking this is. If I pvp for 16 hours straight I want something to show for it. I don't want it to have blown away because the RNG in the game disfavored me.


But Seamaf, you get commendations! If you get enough bad luck, you can just use your centurion comendations to buy gear!

The short answer to this is at the rate you actually earn these commendations as well as the RNG property of the backpack system to begin with, centurion gear is completely obsolete.


Now, when I say this people often say, well what the hell Seamaf, if it was the way you want, people could get fully geared in 3 days! Why would they play after that!?

Short answer to this as well would be why dont they just adjust the rate. Greatly reduce the rate at which you earn points so that gear is spread further apart. What sucks is when you spend 2 days pvping all day and have quite literally nothing to show for it. That makes me want to quit the game.


Phew. What a rant. I don't think I should get into class balance too in depth as everyone really knows what classes are obviously superior. What I will mention is they made certain classes way too weak without gear and way too stupidly strong once they are geared. (Sith Assassin specifically). Reminds me of Warriors in WoW.


The biggest argument against my pvp points for this game is, "The game has only been out for a month. Being an MMO veteran, you should know how bad things are when the first come out!"

I can totally understand this point. It is quite valid. However, the main issue is that this game was in beta for 6 months and has been in development for what, 5 years? With a 300 million dollar budget? Yeah voice acting is expensive but come on Bioware, you are making an MMORPG. Voice acting doesnt make or break the game. If they really spend the bulk of $300 million on the voices then the only thing I can do is refer to http://www.gameplanet.co.nz/pc/games/167905.Star-Wars-The-Old-Republic/news/135862.20101014.Ex-EA-dev-goes-postal-on-SWTOR/.


I wont get into animation delay since this is an obvious defect that has been in the game for 7 months. Bioware was made aware of it 7 months ago and up until now do they actually listen. I wont go into further detail about that.


The final piece I want to discuss is the bugs. I'm not talking about minor bugs. I am talking about entire flash points being bugged and requiring everyone in the group to reset or restart the whole instance because of how horrid the coding is for the actual flash point. A group of friends of mine had to reset a 50 heroic last night 3 times because of it bugging. I dont get it. You had a beta, this isnt the first time people have this bug. You have an ENORMOUS budget, you should have an ENORMOUS debugging team. It makes such little sense. I mean, they can make it so you can emote while mounted, include THAT in patch notes but can't fix flash points? Yes flash points can be more difficult to fix but come on. Who the hell gives a damn about emotes on a mount versus the ability to actually complete a flash point.


Bugs get fixed, true. However, how long do we have to wait for these bugs to get fixed? I almost have to fork over another 15 bucks and I have YET to see anything ACTUALLY IMPORTANT get fixed. I want you to compare the first set of SWTOR patch notes to the first set of rift patch notes.


Swtor: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.0.0a/12162011

Rift: http://forums.riftgame.com/official-rift-news/patch-notes/86184-beta-head-start-patch-notes-2-24-11-a.html


I mean, compare ALL of Swtor patch notes to ONE of Rifts patch notes. This is inexcusable.



All of the above caused me to unsub from this game. I thought for sure this game would be amazing. I convinced myself and many others to buy it and support Bioware because they are a good company that make quality games.


TLDR; What I ended up getting was Mass Effect with the Star Wars story line. This is not a polished MMO.


**Edit: Fixed links**

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It was a post you obviously put effort into, the kind of constructive criticism Bioware needs. I'm loving the game so far, but I can't argue that it has issues.


I wouldn't give up on it completely though. Keep checking in I think, in a few months maybe it'll have what you expect from an MMORPG. And if not, well, GW2 will be coming soon :p


Have fun...

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It was a post you obviously put effort into, the kind of constructive criticism Bioware needs. I'm loving the game so far, but I can't argue that it has issues.


I wouldn't give up on it completely though. Keep checking in I think, in a few months maybe it'll have what you expect from an MMORPG. And if not, well, GW2 will be coming soon :p


Have fun...


A lot of my friends are still playing. I will be checking it every now and then for fixes and what not. But I think my initial $60 should be enough for them to roll out some bug fixes and what not.

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If they want us to posting in a single thread about suggestions and what not, why isn't this stickied at the top with other "important information".


Unless this is just an attempt pacify us and pretend to listen..

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The Rift debugging team would like to have a word with you.


unless it is my computer sadly the links you posted were broken and I could not view them


EDIT: and personally I don't get why they added emotes while in vehicles. That to me is baffling and not something that was ever nor would it have ever been high on my to do list. I don't even use emotes as it is

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I've been enjoying my time in SWTOR....




The skill trees and attending powers are awkward overly complicated and don't work as well as they could or should.


There are too many hot button skills to keep track of.

We don't need two full bars of buttons with 10 different types of weak attacks.

What we need is a good set of attacks supplemented by some crowd control, buffs, or debuffs that are quickly understandable and easy to use. The skill trees need to make some sort of progressive sense: they seem a little random now.


The cool down rates and conditional powers prevent a good rotation of attacks. Instead of concentrating on the fight we have to chase buttons... or spam.

You need a good set of basic attacks: 2-3 light and medium powers that come up fairly quickly supplemented by a couple of heavy attacks and some AOE's.


You should avoid randomized conditional powers (i.e. when you hit power A there's a x% chance that power Q will activate). Instead make a conditional power do more damage when the conditions are met and less damage when they are not. I.e. you should be able to use the conditional power at anytime. Not being able to use powers leaves holes in your attack rotation.


You should avoid making positional conditional powers which can not otherwise be used: example-- Scoundrels have scattergun attacks only useable from behind. The scattergun should be usable from any position, it should just do more damage from behind.


Healing is awkward for a number of classes.

The healing can't keep up with the damage and it's all mostly single target... that makes healing a full time job: I know some people like that, but it's not my style. I just wish you could hit a group heal and have it heal 1/2 of everybody's health or better then go back to fighting. Additionally, healing generates too much aggro. The aggro needs to be toned down.


Something needs to be done for the endgame other than Raid, or Flashpoints, or PvP. Maybe something a little more sandboxy.

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unless it is my computer sadly the links you posted were broken and I could not view them


EDIT: and personally I don't get why they added emotes while in vehicles. That to me is baffling and not something that was ever nor would it have ever been high on my to do list. I don't even use emotes as it is


There you go, fixed all links. Sorry about that :p

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Major complaint I have has to do with the Roleplaying aspect and gear. More specifically, While playing my char, Sith War, I made decisions based on what I would maybe to do in RL as a SW. By doing so, some people were killed, some survived and as a result I was pretty neutral and a little light side. Which is fine, that is just for me. What did I get for it? Two empty, EXTREMELY useful, equipment slots, IE relics. I am level 43 and have 2 big fat empty slots. Please give something to us neutrals.
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First, customizable UI, and IMPLIED TARGET!!!!!! Implied targets help healers by being able to A.) Hit what the tank, or dps, that they are healing is hitting, and B.) Target through a mob and heal whoever the mob is hitting. It also helps tanks, and from what I understand, tanking in SWTOR is extremely difficult. Which is fine, but with implied targets, its easy to know if you have aggro on something. If you target it, and it's targetting someone else, youll see who its targeting, if not, you have aggro. As it is, a lot of the time they have to guess who the mobs are targetting.


Second, the story is really cool, and much more immersive than other mmos, but I think it goes a little too far. Sometimes, I just wanna log in and kill a ton of stuff. Not go to a flashpoint and follow the things STORY... Just kill hundreds or thousands of mobs. As it is, I really want to have a Sorcerer in addition to my Assassin, but I'm really bored with the story because I've heard it all before. Even going darkside choices (my Assassin is light side) isn't really very "new." If there were a way to level that doesn't require the story line, this would be awesome. And that doesn't mean I want to pvp and do he class quests. I think it's fine for the story to go to say, 30 even, but past that, I want to be able to roam the galaxy as I see fit. Instead, I'm pigeon-holed into going to X planet and following the story.


I understand the second option would be a monumental undertaking, however, so perhaps in the future, with future xpansions and new planets, or possibly level cap raising, more sandboxy features could be implemented. This would go a long way for those of us who don't care THAT much about the story, which doesn't even feel like your OWN story. It's the story that your class must undergo, rather than one that is shaped as we see fit.

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There you go, fixed all links. Sorry about that :p


Thank you. And since I read the RIFT notes it brings me to an idea that has probably been said before.


Damage should not dismount you. I don't know how many times I have been thwarted from speeding away and forced to fight only because I get dismounted.



Fix the damn companion bug that "despawns" my companion when mounted and subsequently fix the bug that makes my companion not automatically respawn when off of a mount and THIRDLY


Fix the damn notice that I cannot summon my companion when in a fight- based soley on the fact the only reason she is away is because it bugs out and doesn't reappear when I've been blown off my speeder

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